TLW's German Poet Historyscope |
By T.L. Winslow (TLW), the Historyscoper™ |
© Copyright by T.L. Winslow. All Rights Reserved. |
Original Pub. Date: Aug. 30, 2015. Last Update: Nov. 8, 2019. |
Westerners are not only known as history ignoramuses, but double dumbass history ignoramuses when it comes to German poetry and German poetry history. Since I'm the one-and-only Historyscoper (tm), let me quickly bring you up to speed before you dive into my Master Historyscope.
About 1220 German Minnesinger German Minnesinger Wolfram von Eschenbach (b. 1160) dies, leaving Parzival (Parcival) (Parsifal) (Percivale), the earliest finished Grail romance, about a youth of Angevin blood from Sinadon (Scaudone) in Waleis (Wales?) (Sidonensis in Valais, Switzerland?) setting out to achieve knighthood, reaching the Grail castle Munsalvaesche of his mute uncle Anfortas the Fisher King (a good angler, who is unable to procreate or die), son of Frimutel, son of Titurel, tracing back to Laziliez, Mazadan, and Terdelaschoye (Lazarus, Ahura Mazda, and Terre de la Choix or Chosen Land?), who is custodian of the Holy Grail and the Spear of Christ, slaying his enemy and lifting his curse then succeeding to the kingship; the bearer of the Holy Grail is Repanse de Schoye (Reponse de Choix = Chosen Response); contains the story of Lohengrin, Parcival's son, a knight of the Holy Grail who is sent in a boat pulled by swans to rescue a maiden who can never asks his identity; claims that King Arthur descended from an imaginary 5th cent. branch of the French house of Anjou, and that his court of Camelot is located in Nantes in Brittany, W boundary of the old Merovingian kingdom; claims that all the knights who guard the Holy Grail (a stone), the Grail castle, and the Grail Family (tracing back to Joseph of Arimathea) are Knights Templars, based on a visit to Outremer he made to witness them in action; pub. in trans. in 1753 by Johann Jakob Bodmer, and used by Richard Wagner in his 1882 opera "Parsifal"; also leaves the unfinished prequel Der Junge Titurel, about Antfortas' father, who built Grail Castle, complete with a circular chapel; also leaves the unfinished Willehalm, about Merovingian (crypto-Jewish?) prince (St.) Guillaume (William) (Guillem) (the Hook-Nosed) de Gellone (of Aquitaine) (of Orange) (755-814), whom he claims is associated with the Grail Family.
On Dec. 20, 1821 Dusseldorf-born lyric poet-journalist-writer-critic Heinrich Heine (1797-1856) pub. his first vol. of poetry Poems (Gedichte).
This is the world we live in, let's make it a place worth living in, yah, or, Where's your crown? On Mar. 22, 1832 One-Man God Squad Goethe (b. 1749) dies, and due to an excess of educated German males resulting from decades of compulsory school attendance that causes a rush into "free professions", the cream of the poets and novelists of Germany, incl. Paris exiles Heinrich Heine (1797-1856) and Karl Ludwig Borne (Börne) (Borne) (1786-1837), Christian Ludolf Weinbarg (1802-72), Karl Ferdinand Gutzkow (1811-78)>, Heinrich Laube (1806-84), Theodor Mundt (1808-61), Karl Immermann (1796-1840), Karl Georg Buchner (Büchner) (1813-37), Georg Friedrich Rudolph Theodor Herwegh (1817-75), Ferdinand Freiligrath (1810-76), Willibald Alexis (Georg Wilhelm Heinrich Haring) (Häring) (1798-1871), Adolf Glassbrenner (1810-76), and August Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben (Hoffmann von Fallersleben) (1798-1874) form the old-people-shouldn't-drive Young Germany Movement, which attacks the reactionary govt., the Church, and apolitical Romanticism, promoting democracy, socialism, rationalism, separation of church and state, emancipation of the Jews, and increased rights for women; too bad, after the wet dream year of 1848, they turn old in a flash and descend into Schopenhauer-quoting pessimism?