TLW's 1920s Historyscope 1920-1929 C.E.

© Copyright by T.L. Winslow. All Rights Reserved.

Warren Gamaliel Harding of the U.S. (1865-1923) John Calvin Coolidge of the U.S. (1872-1933) Stanley Baldwin of Britain (1867-1947) Shah Reza Pahlavi I of Iran (1878-1944) King Zog I of Albania (1895-1961) Faisal I of Iraq (1885-1933) Chiang Kai-shek of China (1887-1975) Raymond Poincare of France (1860-1934) Benito Mussolini of Italy (1883-1945) 1923 Munich Beer Hall Putsch Josef (Joseph) Stalin of the Soviet Union (1879-1953) Ramsay MacDonald of Britain (1866-1937) Pope Pius XI (1857-1939) Dempsey-Carpentier Fight, 1921 Nicola Sacco (1891-1927) and Bartolomeo Vanzetti (1888-1927) KKK in 1924 Charles Lindbergh (1902-74) 1924 Paris Olympics Werner Karl Heisenberg (1901-76) Sir Alexander Fleming (1881-1955) Will Rogers (1879-1935) Philo Taylor Farnsworth (1906-71) Dempsey v. Tunney, Sept. 23, 1926 Rin Tin Tin (1918-32) Howard Carter (1874-1939) Josephine Baker (1906-75) Ted Healy (1896-1937) and the Three Stooges Harold Lloyd in 'Safety Last!', 1923 Time Mag. Mar. 2, 1923 (first issue) Grauman's Chinese Theater, 1927 Ford Model A - aooga!, 1928 'Wall Street Lays An Egg', Variety, Oct. 30, 1929 Bing Crosby (1903-77) Walt Disney (1901-66) 'Nosferatu', 1922 Buster Keaton (1895-1966) and Natalie Talmadge (1896-1969) Al Jolson (1886-1950) James Joyce (1882-1941) Eugene O'Neill (1888-1953) Babe Ruth (1895-1948) Knute Rockne (1888-1931) George 'Gipper' Gipp (1895-1920) Henri Matisse (1869-1954) 'This Is Not a Pipe' by Rene Magritte (1898-1967), 1928-9

1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929

The Roaring Twenties Decade (1920-1929 C.E.)

The Jazzy Bang, Bang, Bang on the Door, Baby What Nasty Old Trenches Decade? The U.S. Homeland Security Prequel, Red Scare Edition Decade? The Decade of Bad Manners (Frederick Lewis Allen)? The Celebrity Decade (movie stars, Channel swimmers and flyers, writers, flappers, Lindy Hoppers)? The Versailles Treaty is only a 32-year Foching truce, so until the big Stock Market Crash of 1929 it's time to make both kids and whoopie, then solve the Depression with another world war with partied-out WWI vets as the generals?

A decade strangely free of major railroad accidents? The Heroic Decade in Physics as the atom is probed and subatomic particles say howdy? Meanwhile, trendy new names go the other way and bead-up like new mega-atoms: Freudian psychology, French existentialism, logical empiricism, postwar pessimism-relativism-alienation, psychological relativity, stream-of-consciousness technique, anti-utopian literature, a revival of Christianity to go with a rejection of smug belief in science and progress? Social Darwinism blooms with Nazism and Fascism? The Twenties produce the Lost Generation of American expatriate writers, and are where it's at, a cirque de soleil for the mind, a love shack with plenty of jukebox money? The Max Ernst Decade for Surrealist Art?

Country Leader From To
United States of America Thomas Woodrow Wilson (1856-1924) Mar. 4, 1913 Mar. 4, 1921 Thomas Woodrow Wilson of the U.S. (1856-1924)
United Kingdom David Lloyd George (1863-1945) Dec. 7, 1916 Oct. 22, 1922 David Lloyd George of Britain (1863-1945)
United Kingdom George V (1865-1936) May 6, 1910 Jan. 20, 1936 George V of England (1865-1936)
Soviet Union Vladimir Lenin (1870-1924) Nov. 8, 1917 Jan. 21, 1924 Vladimir Lenin of the Soviet Union (1870-1924)
China Xu Shichang (1855-1939) Oct. 10, 1918 June 2, 1922 Xu Shichang of China (1855-1939)
Canada Sir Robert Laird Borden (1854-1937) Oct. 10, 1911 July 10, 1920 Sir Robert Laird Borden of Canada (1854-1937)
France Raymond Poincaré (1860-1934) Feb. 18, 1913 Feb. 18, 1920 Raymond Poincaré (1860-1934)
Germany Friedrich Ebert (1871-1925) Feb. 11, 1919 Feb. 28, 1925 Friedrich Ebert of Germany (1871-1925)
Italy Victor Emmanuel III (1869-1947) July 29, 1900 May 9, 1946 Victor Emmanuel III of Italy (1869-1947)
Spain Alfonso XIII (1886-1941) May 17, 1886 Apr. 14, 1931 Alfonso XIII of Spain (1886-1931)
Japan Emperor Taisho (1879-1926) July 30, 1912 Dec. 25, 1926 Emperor Taisho of Japan (1879-1926)
Mexico Venustiano Carranza (1859-1920) Mar. 11, 1917 May 21, 1920 Venustiano Carranza of Mexico (1859-1920)
Turkey Sultan Mehmed VI (1861-1926) July 3, 1918 Nov. 1, 1922 Sultan Mehmed VI (1861-1926)
Papacy Benedict XV (1854-1922) Sept. 3, 1914 Jan. 22, 1922 Benedict XV (1854-1922)

1920 - The Top News of the World League of Nations Gandhi Gets Jets Bullets Over Broadway Curse of the Bambino Year? A bad year to be a Hungarian or White Russian? The Babe Ruth Era in U.S. Major League baseball begins, while the rest of the world thinks it can be safe from war with a Major League of War Sports, forgetting that the umps have no power? Mahatma Gandhi does the math and tells Indians to resist their British overlords sans violence so that their own moral superiority will end up causing them to want to leave a nation of Christs alone?

Gen. Juan Vicente Gomez of Venezuela (1857-1935) Treaty of Trianon, June 4, 1920 Great Siberian Ice March, 1920 Sir Eric Drummond of Britain (1876-1951) Paul Deschanel of France (1855-1922) Alexandre Millerand of France (1859-1943) Mahatma Gandhi of India (1869-1948) Abd al-Karim of Morocco (1882-1963) Soviet Marshal Mikhail Nikolaevich Tukhachevsky (1893-1937) Josef Pilsudski of Poland (1867-1935) Baron Peter Wrangel (1878-1928) Gottfried Feder of Germany (1883-1941) Hermann Mueller of Germany (1876-1931) Dr. Wolfgang Kapp of Germany (1858-1922) Ritter Gustav von Kahr of Germany (1862-1934) Otto Meissner of Germany (1880-1953) Louis Renault (1843-1918) Edwin Thomas Meredith of the U.S. (1876-1928) David Franklin Houston of the U.S. (1866-1940) Alexander Mitchell Palmer of the U.S. (1872-1936) James Middleton Cox of the U.S. (1870-1957) William Gibbs McAdoo of the U.S. (1863-1941) Sir Percy Cox of Britain (1864-1937) Arthur Meighen of Canada (1874-1960) Sean Treacy of Ireland (1895-1920) Gen. Alvaro Obregon of Mexico (1880-1928) Gen. Adolfo de la Huerta of Mexico (1882-1955) Gen. Plutarco Elias Calles of Mexico (1877-1945) Hungarian Adm. Miklos Horthy de Nagybanya (1868-1957) Count Carlo Sforza of Italy (1873-1952) Constantine I of Greece (1868-1923) Kemal Ataturk of Turkey (1881-1938) Abd el-Krim of Morocco (1882-1963) Karl Hjalmar Branting of Sweden (1860-1925) British Mandate for Palestine Transjordan Abdullah Ibn Hussein of Transjordan (1882-1951) Soviet Gen. Vasily Konstantinovich Blucher (1889-1938) Bainbridge Colby of the U.S. (1869-1950) Tawfiq Nessim Pasha of Egypt (1874-1938) Boghos Nubar Pasha of Armenia (1851-1930) Dr. Alfredo Zayas of Cuba (1861-1934) Tomas Garrigue Masaryk of Czech. (1850-1937) U.S. Maj. Gen. Enoch Herbert Crowder (1859-1932) Arturo Alessandri of Chile (1868-1950) Carlos Herrera y Luna of Guatemala (1856-1930) Chinese Gen. Wu P'ei-fu (1874-1939) U.S. Adm. William Sowden Sims (1858-1936) Burton Jesse Hendrick (1870-1949) Joseph Trumpeldor (1880-1920) Eliot Ness of the U.S. (1903-57) British Lt. Col. Gerard Evelyn Leachman (1880-1920) Sybil Margaret Thomas, 1st Viscountess Rhondda (1857-1941) Sir Herbert Louis Samuel of Britain (1870-1963) Ernst Roehm of Germany (1887-1934) Harith al-Dari (1941-) Otto Braun of Germany (1872-1955) Terence MacSwiney of Ireland (1879-1920) Sir Philip Gibbs (1877-1962) Gertrude Bell (1868-1926) Ze'ev Jabotinsky (1880-1940) Essad Pasha Toptani of Turkey (1863-1920) Avni Rustemi of Albania (1895-1924) The Tavistock Institute Babe Ruth (1895-1948) Harry Frazee (1881-1929) Andrew 'Rube' Foster (1879-1930) 'Gorgeous' George Harold Sisler (1893-1973) Jim Thorpe of the U.S. (1888-1953) George 'Papa Bear' Halas (1895-1983) The Purple Gang Ethelda M. Bleibtrey of the U.S. (1902-78) Charles 'Charlie' Paddock of the U.S. (1900-43) Charles 'Charlie' Paddock of the U.S. (1900-43) Jackson Scholz of the U.S. (1897-1986) Oscar Gomer Swahn of Sweden (1847-1927) Paavo Nurmi of Finland (1897-1973) Duke Kahanamoku of the U.S. (1890-1968) Pua Kealoha of the U.S. (1902-89) Winnipeg Falcons, 1920 Raymond Bernstein Smalldone Family Gaston Chevrolet (1892-1920) C.C. Little (1888-1971) Ethelda M. Bleibtrey of the U.S. (1902-78) Oscar Gomer Swahn of Sweden (1847-1927) Bill Wambsganss (1894-1985) Sherwood Anderson (1876-1941) John Llewellyn Lewis (1880-1969) Sinclair Lewis (1885-1951) Maud Wood Park (1871-1955) Sir George Walter Prothero (1848-1922) Charles Ponzi (1882-1949) Joe Malone (1890-1969) Big Bill Tilden (1893-1953) Floyd Dell (1887-1969) Zona Gale (1874-1938) Cicely Hamilton (1872-1952) James Hilton (1900-54) Vincent Starrett (1886-1974) Owen Moore (1886-1939) Mary Pickford (1892-1979) and Douglas Fairbanks Sr. (1883-1939) 'Way Down East', 1920 Lillian Gish (1893-1993) Olive Thomas (1894-1926) Jack Pickford (1896-1933) Cary Grant (1904-86) Emma Goldman (1869-1940) William King Hale (1874-1962) Marguerite 'Missy' LeHand (1898-1944) Nathan Straus (1848-1931) James Colton (1860-1936) Vsevolod E. Meyerhold (1874-1942) Beniamino Gigli (1890-1957) Paul Whiteman (1890-1967) Paul Whiteman's Band Tommy Dorsey (1905-56) Jimmy Dorsey (1904-57) Joe Venuti (1903-78) Bix Beiderbecke (1903-31) Fred Waring (1900-84) Bidú Sayão (1902-99) Nathaniel Shilkret (1895-1982) Wendell Hall (1896-1969) Andre Kostelanetz (1901-80) Morton Gould (1913-96) Lionel Leo Hampton (1908-2002) Fletcher Henderson (1897-1952) Earl 'Fatha' Hines (1903-83) Claude Driskett Hopkins (1903-84) U.S. Commodore Dudley Wright Knox (1877-1960) Don Redman (1900-64) Hugo Stinnes (1870-1924) Edward Thorndike (1874-1949) Alfred Adler (1870-1937) Leon Bourgeois (1851-1925) Percy Harrison Fawcett (1867-1925) Knut Hamsun (1859-1952) Charles Edouard Guillaume (1861-1938) Milutin Milankovic (1879-1958) Walther Hermann Nernst (1864-1941) Arthur Stanley Eddington (1882-1944) Edward William Bok (1863-1930) William Prout (1785-1850) Herman Rorschach (1884-1922) Rorschach Inkblot Test, 1920 Heinrich von Ficker (1881-1957) Hermann Staudinger (1881-1965) R.H. Tawney (1880-1962) Henri Matisse (1869-1954) Burl Ives (1909-95) Eugene O'Neill (1888-1953) Arthur Cecil Pigou (1877-1959) Nicholas Roerich (1874-1947) British Gen. Sir Frederick Barton Maurice (1871-1951) Helena Roerich (1879-1955) Herman Sörgel (1885-1952) Charles Brackett (1892-1969) G.K. Chesterton (1874-1936) Colette (1873-1954) Zane Grey (1872-1939) H.G. Wells (1866-1946) Robert Emmet Sherwood (1896-1955) Frederick Jackson Turner (1861-1932) Agatha Christie (1890-1976) Agatha Christie (1890-1976) Flapper Girl F. Scott Fitzgerald (1896-1940) Zelda Fitzgerald (1900-48) Ludwig von Mises (1881-1973) William Carlos Williams (1883-1963) Mary Wigman (1886-1973) Konstantin Tsiokovsky (1857-1935) Samuel Alexander (1859-1938) Anzia Yezierska (1885-1970) Alice Ann Bailey (1880-1949) Arna Wendell Bontemps (1902-73) Countee Cullen (1903-46) Jessie Redmon Fauset (1882-1961) Alain Locke (1886-1954) Alice Dunbar Nelson (1875-1935) Alfredo Codona (1893-1937) Mawlana Muhammad Ilyas (1885-1944 Frank Conrad (1874-1941) Ernest Bloch (1880-1959) Michael Arlen (1895-1956) Bryher (1894-1983) Jaroslav Hasek (1883-1923) Avery Hopwood (1882-1928) Hans Fallada (1893-1947) Hanns Johst (1890-1978) Bernhard Kellermann (1879-1951) Hugh John Lofting (1886-1947) Denis Mackail (1892-1971) Herman Cyril McNeile (1888-1937) Lothrop Stoddard (1883-1950) William Boyce Thompson (1869-1930) Sigrid Undset (1882-1949) Roland Hayes (1887-1977) Scofield Thayer (1889-1982) Serge Voronoff (1866-1951) Edith Wharton (1862-1937) Alvin 'Shipwreck' Kelly (1893-1952) Stefan Banach (1892-1945) Gustav Cassel (1866-1945) Heber Doust Curtis (1872-1942) Carl Mannich (1877-1947) Harlow Shapley (1885-1972) Max Wolf (1863-1932) Oscar Hammerstein II (1895-1960) 'Sally', 1920 Edward Kasner (1878-1955) Jan Lukasiewicz (1878-1956) Amala (-1921) and Kamala (-1929) the Wolf Girls Fats Waller (1904-43) Willie the Lion Smith (1893-1973) James Price Johnson (1894-1955) Fernand Crommelynck (1886-1970) August Krogh (1874-1949) Francis Gladheim Pease (1881-1938) Basil Sydney (1894-1968) and Doris Keane (1881-1945) George Saintsbury (1845-1933) Ethel Snowden (1881-1951) Sir Oswald Stoll (1866-1942) Frederick Samuel Duesenberg (1876-1932) Duesenberg Model A,, 1921-6 E.L. Cord (1894-1974) Duesenberg Model J, 1928-37 Durant Logo Jujiro Matsuda (1875-1952) Mazda Cosmo, 1967-95 Mazda Logo Geoffrey de Havilland (1882-1965) De Havilland Dh.60 Moth, 1925 Arthur H. Pitney (1871-1933) and Walter Bowes (1882-1957) Earle Dickson (1892-1961) Band-Aids, 1920 Royal Raymond Rife (1888-1971) John Taliaferro Thompson (1860-1940) Tommy Gun, 1920 Werner Krauss (1884-1959) as Dr. Caligari, 1920 Canadian Group of Seven Artists Diego Rivera (1886-1957) Diego Rivera Example Jose Clemente Orozco (1881-1949) Jose Clemente Orozco Example David Alfaro Siqueiros (1896-1974) David Alfaro Siqueiros Example Lyonel Feininger (1871-1956) Lyonel Feininger Example Le Corbusier (1887-1965) 'Still Life' by Le Corbusier (1887-1965), 1920 'The Gramineous Bicycle' by Max Ernst (1891-1976), 1920-1 'The Mechanic' by Fernand Leger (1881-1955), 1920 'Guitar and Bottles' by Amedee Ozenfant (1886-1966), 1920 'Enigma of Isidore Ducasse' by Man Ray (1890-1976), 1920 Man Ray (1890-1976) Self-Portrait with Death' by Max Pechstein, 1920 Max Pechstein (1880-1955 'The Virgin Saint' by Francis Picabia (1879-1953), 1920 'Tableau Dada' by Francis Picabia (1879-1953), 1920 'Fresh Widow' by Marcel Duchamp (1887-1968), 1920 'War Cripples' by Otto Dix (1891-1969), 1920 'Pieta' by Lovis Corinth, 1920 Vladimir Tatlin (1885-1953) Tatlin's Tower, 1920 Madeleine Vionnet (1876-1975) Lev Theremin (1896-1993) 'Algol', 1920 'The Devils Pass Key', 1920 'Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde', 1920 Victor McLaglen (1886-1959) Edward Sedgwick (1889-1953) British Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, Nov. 11, 1920 Air-Way Sanitizor, 1920 Dornier Delphin I Dornier Merkur Dornier Do J Wal Gummy Bears, 1920 Kotex, 1920 Oh Henry! Bar, 1920 ZERO Bar, 1920 Peter Pan Peanut Butter, 1920 Times Square Theatre, 1920 Apollo Theatre, 1920 +

1920 Chinese Year: Monkey - milky chunky monkey year? Pop.: world: 1,811M, U.S.S.R.: 136M, Japan: 78M, Germany: 60M, Great Britain: 42.5M, New York City: 5.62M, Los Angeles: 576K. The Fourteenth (14th) (1920) U.S. Census reports the total pop. as 105,710,620 in a land area of 2,969,451 (35.6 per sq. mi.) (2nd straight time that U.S. land area goes down from the previous Census); the first year that U.S. urban pop. exceeds rural pop. (farm pop. 30.1%); the number of people engaged in manufacturing exceeds the number engaged in farming for the 1st time; the percentage of the labor force engaged in agriculture falls to 25.2% from 85% in 1800 (27% of Americans); 100K 1st and 2nd gen. Germans from Russia live in N.D., most of any state - wunnerful, wunnerful? Coal production (tons): U.S.: 645M, Britain: 229M, Germany: 107M. Oil production (barrels): U.S.: 443M, Mexico: 163M, Russia: 25M. Licensed motor vehicles: U.S.: 8.89M, Britain: 663K. By this year almost all U.S. municipal water supplies are filtered, causing public health advocates to point to a dramatic decline in typhoid fever as proof that govt. needs to be in the health regulation biz. Divorces in Britain: 3,747 - Mildred will never do it like Paulette and Fifi? The avg. U.S. dairy cow produces 542 lbs. of butterfat this year, compared to over 700 in the year 2000. About this time the Warming in the North begins (ends 1960), which sees the salinity of North Atlantic water passing through the Faroe-Shetland Channel into the Norwegian Sea peak, and the West Greenland banks warm by 2C+, disolocating biogeographical boundaries for plankton, fish, mammals, and birds. In this decade Venezuelan oil production zooms from 1M to 137M barrels a year, while dictator (1908-35) Gen. Juan Vicente Gomez (1857-1935) and his friends grease their pockets. In this decade German Bavarian architect Herman Soergel (Sörgel) (1885-1952) proposes the Atlantropa (Panropa) (Euraftrica) engineering project to build a hydroelectric dam across the Strait of Gibraltar to lower the Mediterranean Sea and open up new lands for German Lebansraum without the need for war; he later adds dams across the Dardanelles and between Sicily and Tunisia. The American Irish become Mister Feelgood? By this decade the Irish have "arrived" in the U.S., and could probably run it if they just weren't !?!? Roman Catholic?; "There are judges by the dozen, incl. a third of the Supreme Court, three Cardinals, Senators, multi-millionaires and captains of industry by the score, like Mr. Henry Ford, the motor king, Mr. Doheny, who dominates the petrol industry, Mr. Thomas F. Ryan, the partner of King Leopold in the Congo diamond mines, Mr. Mellon, the secy. to the Treasury, Mr. Doughtery, the Atty.-Gen., Mr. Smith, the gov. of New York, Mr. Hylan, the mayor of New York, Mr. Tumulty, private secy. to Pres. Wilson, Gen. O'Ryan of the American Army, Dudly Malone, chief official of the port of New York, J.R. Ryan, the head of the Copper Trail, John Mitchel, mayor of New York, Col. Concanon, chmn. of the White Star Line, and J.A. Farrell, Pres. of the U.S. Steel Co." (Terence Sheehy) - we've been ratted out, boys? In this decade the Purple (as in rotting meat) (Sugar House) Gang of mostly Jewish bootleggers, hijackers, and hitmen, incl. Abe Bernstein, Raymond Bernstein, Abe Kaminsky, Abe Axler, and Irving Shapiro dominate Detroit, Mich., making a deal with Al Capone of Chicago to supply Old Log Cabin Canadian whiskey, tipping off Bugs Moran about a truckload of booze headed to Chicago that allows him to stage the 1929 St. Valentine's Day Massace; too bad, after gunning down dirty police officer Vivian Welsh on Feb. 1, 1927, then murdering three members of the their own gang at the Collingwood Manor on Sept. 16, 1931, three high-ranking members are convicted of first-degree murder and sentenced to life, after which the gang self-destructs, becoming the subject of the 1935 film Public Hero No. 1. In this decade the Denver, Colo. crime family, run by Joe "Little Caesar" Roma (-1933) and Pete Carlino and Sam Carlino control bootlegging from Denver S to Pueblo; in 1933 the Smalldone Brothers, incl. Eugene "Checkers" Smalldone (1911-92), Clyde (Gaetano) "Flip Flop" Smalldone (1906-98), and Clarence "Chauncey" Smalldone (1916-2006) assassinate Joe Roma in North Denver and take over, founding Gaetano's Italian Restaurant at W 38th Ave. and Tejon St. in North Denver in 1947 as their HQ and continuing their rise until Chauncey is found guilty of jury tampering in 1953, and Eugene is imprisoned for loan sharking in 1983. In this decade the Fundamentalist-Modernist Controversy arises in the Presbyterian Church in the U.S., caused by the advent of Liberal Christianity (Christian Modernism), starting at Princeton Theological Seminary and spreading to every U.S. denomination, with the modernists winning by the end of the 1930s, causing the fundamentalists to drop out and found their own institutions incl. Zondervan Pub. House, Biola U., Dallas Theological Seminary, and Fuller Theological Seminary; too bad, in the 1970s conservative Protestantism makes a comeback with Presbyterians, Southern Baptists et al. On Jan. 1 Harvard defeats Oregon by 7-6 to win the 1920 Rose Bowl, which is played in Pasadena, Calif., beginning a tradition continuing until 1942; Harvard throws five passes, Oregon two. On Jan. 3 the New York Yankees buy "the Bambino", "the Sultan of Swat", 25-y.-o. pitcher George Herman "Babe" Ruth Jr. (1895-1948) from Boston Red Sox owner Harry Herbert Frazee (1881-1929) for $125K in cash plus a $300K loan so he can finance the Dec. 1919 Broadway play My Lady Friends (in which his girlfriend appears) (which is turned into No, No, Nanette in 1925), launching the 84-year Curse of the Bambino World Series jinx (ends 2004); the Yankees play as tenants of the NL New York Giants at the Polo Grounds, and win 95 games and their first AL pennant this year, with Ruth switching to outfielder (until 1934); the signed 5-page typed "cursed contract" is auctioned for $996K on June 10, 2005; Babe Ruth becomes the 1st ML player to hit 30, then 40, then 50 homers in a season, reaching 54, which beats the total for every AL team (the St. Louis Browns had 50), and seven of the eight NL teams (the Philadelphia Phillies had 64). On Jan. 9 "Human Fly" George Gibson Polley scales the Woolworth Bldg. in New York City, reaching the 30th floor (out of 57) before being arrested. On Jan. 10 the Treaty of Versailles comes into force sans the approval of the U.S., whose support it was framed to require; on Jan. 11 the Euro powers in Versailles recognize the Azerbaijan Dem. Repub. de facto; the League of Nations is founded (until Apr. 20, 1946), holding its first meeting in London on Feb. 11; Sir James Eric Drummond, 7th Earl of Perth (1876-1951) of Britain becomes secy.-gen. #1 (until 1933); the HQ is then moved to Geneva, and The Hague is selected as the seat of the Internat. Court of Justice (World Court); the League of Nations Covenant (effective Jan. 10) incl. Article 16, stating that an act of war against one member will be deemed an act of war against all, with the military forces of the members combined "to protect the covenants of the League"; Article 23 tries to curb the arms, drug, and white slave trades, provide "just treatment" for native peoples, and provide for internat. prevention and cure of disease. On Jan. 12 the front page of the New York Times reads "Believes Rocket Can Reach Moon", and on Jan. 13 an editorial disses the idea; too bad, it is forced to pub. A Correction on July 17, 1969 after Apollo 11 is launched, with the soundbyte: "Further investigation and experimentation have confirmed the findings of Isaac Newton in the 17th cent. and it is now definitely established that a rocket can function in a vacuum as well as in an atmosphere. The Times regrets the error." On Jan. 14 after his army's acts of brutality alienate them, the Czecho-Slovaks hand White Russian Adm. Alexander Kolchak (b. 1874) over to the Bolsheviks after promising him safe passage to the British military mission in Irkutsk; on Jan. 20 the rev. govt. of Irkutsk gives him over to a Bolshevik military committee, which tries and executes him on Feb. 7, along with his PM Viktor Pepelyayev (b. 1885); meanwhile in Jan. British and French ships evacuate Gen. Denikin's routed White Russian forces on the Black Sea; after learning of the execution of their leader Kolchak, his 30K-man White Russian army (plus families and possessions, plus the gold of the tsar) is pursued to frozen Lake Baikal and trapped, causing them to undertake the unfunny Great Siberian Ice March across the lake to Transbaikalia (ends Feb.), with thousands freezing to death and remaining like statues until the spring thaw causes them to disappear in 1-mi.-deep water - fitting end for the white army? On Jan. 16 the Allies demand that the Netherlands extradite German Kaiser Wilhelm II, who fled there in 1918; on Jan. 23 they refuse - he's such a good bridge partner? On Jan. 16 Prohibition begins in the U.S. with the passage of the 18th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, making the manufacture, sale, and transportation (but not consumption or private possession) of alcoholic beverages a federal crime, causing bootlegging to skyrocket; it is not repealed until Dec. 5, 1933 with the ratification of the 21st Amendment to the U.S. Constitution; Canadian breweries use the opportunity to being producing Am.-style Cream ale, which after Prohibition ends becomes popular in both countries; meanwhile in the 1920s brewers try to stay in business by producing near bears, incl. Pablo (Pabst), Famo (Schlitz), Vivo (Miller), Lux-O (Stroh), and Bevo (Anheuser-Busch), producing 300M gal. in 1921 and 88M gal. in 1932. On Jan. 17 at one minute past midnight the Eighteenth (18th) (XVIII) Amendment to the U.S. Constitution goes into effect, and the U.S. officially goes dry. On Jan. 17 after the public blames him for the Treaty of Versailles being too lenient on the Krauts, French PM Georges Clemenceau is defeated in the pres. (sen.) election by Paul Deschanel (1855-1922); on Feb. 18 Deschanel replaces Raymond Poincare as pres. of the Third Repub., and Clemenceau resigns as PM; on Sept. 15 Deschanel resigns from ill health, and on Sept. 23 former minister of war and gen. commissioner of Alsace-Lorraine Alexandre Millerand (1859-1943) (who was expelled from the French Socialist Party in 1903 and moved right) becomes French pres. #12 (until June 11, 1924) as the center-right Bloc Nat. (Millerand, Clemenceau, Poincare, Briand) continues to hold onto power, enjoying continuing splits on the backstabbing left. On Jan. 20 the Albanian Repub. is founded. On Jan. 28 El Tercio de Extranjeros (Sp. "Regiment of Foreigners"), later the Spanish Legion is established by decree of King Alfonso XIII of Spain. On Jan. 28 the last Ottoman parliament convenes in Istanbul, and is dissolved on Feb. 12 by British forces after the declaration of the Nat. Pact (Misak-i Milli); on Apr. 23 the grand nat. assembly of Turkey is established, with Mustafa (Mustapha) Kemal Ataturk (1881-1938) as speaker, who on May 3 becomes PM #1 of Turkey (until Jan. 24, 1921), attempting to institute secular pro-Western reforms despite fundamentalist Muslim opposition, with the motto "For the people, despite the people"; reforms incl. shutting down religious schools, purging Turkish of Arabic vocabulary, and banning the veil and fez. In Jan. Emir Faisal (Faysal) (son of Sharif Husayn of Mecca) returns to Damascus as king of an independent Syria after negotiating the French military occupation of Lebanon (which is declared the state of Greater Lebanon by French Gen. Gouraud) and the coastal regions of Syria; on Mar. 8 the 2nd Gen. Syrian Congress in Damascus declares Syrian independence and chooses Faisal as king, and in Apr. France is awarded the mandate over Syria; too bad, when Faisal's agreement is not accepted by the Syrians, the French invade in July, and defeat the Syrians on July 23 at the Battle of Maysalun Pass 12 mi. W of Damascus, occupying Damascus and forcing him into exile in Britain in Aug.; the French occupy Aleppo in July, with the Syrians holding out in the Alawi region around Latakia and W of Aleppo until the end of 1921; on Sept. 1 France establishes admin. territories in Syria under the mandate, with Greater Lebanon (incl. Mt. Lebanon, the Biqa, and Tripoli-Sidon-Tyre) as an admin. district of Syria (until 1922), with a combined pop. of 2.2M, 85% Muslim and of them 80% Sunni; too bad, only the Lebanese Christians (Beirut, Mt. Lebanon) want to be separate from Syria. In Jan. the transition from a wartime to peacetime economy causes the 1920-1 U.S. Recession (Depression) to begin (ends July 1921), causing the GNP to plunge 24% from $91.5B to $69.6B; the number of unemployed people rises from 2.1M to 4.9M; after it ends the Roaring Twenties begins. On Feb. 2 the Tartu (Dorpat) Peace Treaty between Estonia and the Soviet Union recognizes a free and independent Estonian Repub. in perpetuity with fixed borders; on June 15 Estonia adopts a constitution, with a unicameral assembly in the capital Tallinn (sounds like an inn for tall people?); women have the right to vote but lack other rights. On Feb. 2 Iowa-born Successful Farming publisher (since 1908) (100K circ.) Edwin Thomas Meredith (1876-1928) becomes U.S. agriculture secy. #6 (until Mar. 4, 1921), succeeding David Franklin Houston (1866-1940), who becomes U.S. treasury secy. #48 (until Mar. 3, 1921), increasing rediscount rates to prevent inflation like in Europe, pushing for easier credit for farmers while urging them to produce less; too bad, when farm prices fall, farmers accuse him of wrecking their prosperity; Houston joins Wilson and Congress in resisting pressure from England and France to cancel their war debts, converting short-term to long-term financing instead. On Feb. 10 and Mar. 14 plebiscites approve a N area of Schleswig going to Denmark, officially incorporated on July 9. On Feb. 14 the League of Women Voters is founded in Chicago, Ill. during the last meeting of the Nat. Am. Woman Suffrage Assoc. by Carrie Chapman Catt; its first pres. is Radcliffe-educated Maud Wood Park (1871-1955), pioneer of the "front door lobby". On Feb. 23 the Atlanta Constitution pub. the article $50,000 Raised to Save Suffering Jews. On Feb. 24 the German Romantics' Last Gasp, AKA the Twenty-Five Points of the German Workers' Party, by his mentor Gottfried Feder (1883-1941) are given their first public reading by Adolf Hitler to a crowd of 2K at the Hofbrauhaus in Munich, becoming the first important public meeting held by the future Nazi Party. In Feb. the French Socialist Party votes to leave the Second Internat., and in Dec. holds a convention in Tours, where one-fourth of the members led by Leon Blum refuse to join the Third Internat., secede, and rename themselves the French Communist Party. In Feb. an Allied force of British, French and Italian troops arrives in Upper Silesia, but fails to maintain order since the French are pro-Pole and the Brits and Italians are pro-German. In Feb. FDR's mistress Lucy Mercer marries New York City socialite Winthrop Rutherfurd, and Marguerite "Missy" LeHand (1898-1944) becomes FDR's new private secy.; they start an affair which causes him to leave half of his estate to her in his will, cutting out his children. On Mar. 1 as the Romanians finish their pullout (Feb. 14-Mar. 28), taking as much booty as they could carry, Adm. Miklos Horthy de Nagybanya (1868-1957) becomes regent of landlocked Hungary (until Oct. 15, 1944); the Hungarian–Romanian War of 1919 (begun Nov. 1918) ends, with the Romanians losing 188 officers and 11,478 non-officer casualties and 69 officers and 3,601 non-officers KIA. On Mar. 1 the Battle of Tel Hai (Chai) (Heb. "Hill of Life") in N Palestine between Jewish settlers and Arab bedouins becomes the first battle between future Israel and Syria; eight Jews are killed, incl. two women and six men, incl. Russian-born Joseph Trumpeldor (b. 1880), inspiring Jews in Jerusalem and becoming an inspiration for the creation of Israel; the town of Kiryat Shemona ("Town of Eight") is later named after them; Trumpeldor's last words: "Never mind, it is good to die for our country"; meanwhile the idea of a Muslim Palestinian nation is born; "In January 1920, Palestinian nationalism hardly existed; by December of that critical year, it had been born." (Daniel Pipes) On Mar. 2 Mary Pickford divorces her estranged Irish-born alcoholic actor hubby (since 1911) Owen Moore (1886-1939) and on Mar. 28 marries her longtime beau Douglas Fairbanks Sr. (Douglas Elton Ullman) (1883-1939) (whose love codeword is "by the clock"); too bad, their Euro honeymoon turns into a nightmare when she is mobbed in London by fans who want to touch her curls and trample her, followed by another riot in Paris, where she is locked in a meat cage for protection; her return to Hollywood is marked by crowds meeting them along the way at every railway station, after which the couple becomes known as "Hollywood royalty", with foreign dignitaries at the White House routinely requesting an audience with them at their 4-story 6-bedroom 25-room mock-Tudor Pickfair Mansion at 1143 Summit Dr. in San Ysidro Canyon in Beverly Hills, which Fairbanks purchased for her in 1919, becoming known as "a gathering place only slightly less important than the White House... and much more fun." (Life mag.). On Mar. 7 the Red Army enters Irkutsk. On Mar. 8 Denmark and Cuba join the League of Nations. On Mar. 10 pro-Menshevik anti-Bolshevik former astronomer Karl Hjalmar Branting (1860-1925) (known for the slogan "Hands off Norway, King!", meaning keep them separate) becomes PM #16 of Sweden (until Oct. 27) (also Oct. 13, 1921 to Apr. 19, 1923, and Oct. 18, 1924 to Jan. 24, 1925), becoming the first Social. Dem. Party PM of Sweden. On Mar. 13 after Hermann Mueller (1876-1931) becomes chancellor of Germany, obscure East Prussian civil servant Dr. Wolfgang Kapp (1858-1922), backed by the Freikorps and Gen. Ludendorff proclaims himself chancellor of the German Reich in Berlin in a short-lived monarchist coup; after hearing the news, Ritter Gustav von Kahr (1862-1934) assumes dictatorial powers in Munich the next day after presenting an ultimatum to the Social Dem. govt. of Johannes Hoffman during the night; both dictators are really puppets of the army; the Kapp dictatorship collapses on Mar. 18, and Kapp flees to exile in Sweden - the most famous nonentity in German history? On Mar. 15 a battle between right and left in Dresden, Germany results in a bullet damaging a painting by Rubens in the Zwinger Art Gallery, pissing-off Oskar Kokoschka, who writes an Open Letter to the People of Dresden, with the soundbyte: "Pictures cannot run away from places where human protection fails them, and the Entente might make the argument that we do not appreciate pictures the excuse for raiding our gallery." On Mar. 18 the Freikorps savagely kills a boy for hooting at them as they march along the Unter den Linden in Berlin, then fires into the infuriated crowd. On Mar. 18 Mohandas K. "Mahatma" Gandhi (1869-1948) becomes the leader of the Indian Nat. Congress, and on Mar. 20 he recommends Satyagraha (Non-Cooperation), nonviolent disobedience against the British. On Mar. 18 French war minister Andre Lefevre dedicates the Ornes Memorial NE of Verdun. On Mar. 19 the U.S. Senate by 49-35 rejects the Treaty of Versailles for a 2nd time. On Mar. 27 Social Dem. leader Otto Braun (1872-1955) becomes PM of Prussia (until Apr. 21, 1921, then Nov. 5, 1921-Feb. 18, 1925, then Apr. 6, 1925-July 20, 1932). On Mar. 31 the British Parliament official disestablishes the Anglican Church in Wales, organizing the Welsh Anglican Church under its own archbishop - where are the antidisestablishmentarians now? In Mar. Bolshevik forces under Gen. Mikhail Tukhachevsky defeat anti-Bolshevik forces under Gen. Denikin in S Russia. In Mar. the Easter Crisis (Paskekrisen) in Denmark starts when the king calls for new elections and the govt. balks, causing the king to dismiss it, leading to strikes, forcing the king to yield and appoint a caretraker ministry to propose electoral reforms before new elections. On Apr. 4-7 the 1920 Nabi Musa Riots in Jerusalem see 60K-70K Arabs massed in the city square of Old Jerusalem shouting "Palestine is our land, and Jews are our dogs" ransack the Jewish Quarter, looting homes and shops, wounding 160 Jews until the British move in to stop it, with a total of four Arabs and five Jews killed, and 216 Jews and 23 Arabs wounded; ironically, most of the Jewish victims are anti-Zionist Orthodox Jews. On Apr. 9 Mexican gens. Alvaro Obregon (1880-1928) (former chickpea farmer) and Plutarco Elias Calles (1877-1945) unite against Pres. Carranza, accusing him of attempting to dictate his successor, and winning popular support for their "Revindicating Revolution". Meanwhile an alliance of Sonoran gens. from N Mexico led by Sonoran gov. Felipe Adolfo de la Huerta Marcor (1882-1955), proclaim the Plan de Agua Prieta, signed in a curio shop near the border; on May 8 Gen. Obregon captures Mexico City, causing Carranza to flee to the state of Puebla; on May 21 after Obregon captured cities on the east coast, Carranza is assassinated on Obregon's orders, and Huerta becomes Mexican pres. #38 on June 1-Nov. 30, ending the civil war after 1M die and many thousands flee to the U.S. et al.; on July 27 Pancho Villa surrenders, and is given a retirement estate to put him out to pasture; on Dec. 1 Obregon becomes pres. #39 of Mexico (until Nov. 30, 1924). On Apr. 11 Sultan Mehmed VI dissolves Parliament, causing the Turkish nationalists to establish a provisional govt. in Ankara. On Apr. 17 (until Nov. 19) up-and-coming Nazi Party leader Adolf Hitler (1889-1945), hoping to lead a new Munich putsch in imitation of Dr. Kapp gives speeches at 16 public beer hall meetings in Munich, with attendance ranging from 1.2K to 3.5K (avg. 1.8K). On Apr. 15 after the 1917 Guatemala earthquake weakens the grip of Manuel Estrada Cabrera (pres. since 1898), and he is deposed by the assembly for opposing Central Am. federation, Carlos Herrera y Luna (1856-1930) becomes pres. of Guatemala (until Dec. 10, 1921). On Apr. 20 seven killer tornadoes rock Miss., Ala. and Tenn., killing 220 and causing $3.5M in property damage. On Apr. 23 former French PM Joseph Caillaux is sentenced to three years in priz for dealing with the enemy; he is amnestied in Nov. 1924. On Apr. 19 the Conference of San Remo of the Allied Supreme Council convenes in San Remo, Italy (ends Apr. 26), dealing with the question of German war reparations, attended by British PM David Lloyd George, French PM Alexandre Millerand, Italian PM Francesco Nitti, and Japanese ambassador K. Matsui; on Apr. 25 the San Remo Resolution (Agreement) incorporates the 1917 Balfour Declaration, and Article 22 of the League of Nations Covenant, approving the British Mandate of Palestine, giving the Jews the right to reconstitute their nat. home in Palestine, and conferring on Britain the mandate to bring this into effect in the area covered by modern-day Israel, Jordan, Judea, Samaria, and Gaza; on Apr. 25 it approves the British Mandate of Mesopotamia; on Apr. 26 the council decides to leave the fuming Fiume question to Italy and Yugoslavia; it gives control of oil within French dominions to the Brits, pissing-off the French?; on July 1 the British appoint Zionist Jew Sir Herbert Louis Samuel (1870-1963) as British high commissioner of Palestine #1 (until June 20, 1925), pissing-off the Muslims and Christians; the Arabs now call 1920 the Year of the Catastrophe (Am an-Nakba), since after hearing the bad news they begin uprisings in Syria, Palestine, and Iraq; meanwhile Arab and other Muslim countries get busy expelling 900K Jews between 1920-70, of which 600K end up settling in Israel and 300K in France. On Apr. 19 the U.S. Supreme (White) Court rules 7-2 in Mo. v. Holland that treaties made by the federal govt. are supeme over any concerns about states rights under the 10th Amendment; Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes first mentions the idea of a living constitution. In Apr. the Poles incited by the French open a new campaign against the Russian Bolsheviks, and send reactionary raider Baron Peter (Piotr) Nikolayevich Wrangel (1878-1928) into Russia - right service, right price? Fallujah me once, Fallujah me twice? On May 5 after English Middle East traveler Gertrude Margaret Lowthian Bell (1868-1926) draws a map that Winston Churchill doesn't contest (because he hated Classics at Harrow School?), the League of Nations mandate for the phony patchwork kingdom of Iraq (named after the ancient city of Uruk and/or Arab. "fertile land") is formally accepted by Britain, creating a new country from the former Ottoman provinces (vilayets) of Baghdad (mostly Sunni), Mosul (mostly Kurdish and Assyrian Christian), and Basra (mostly Shiite), with a pop. of 3M, 97% Muslim, 35%-40% (20%?) Sunni, and 60%-65% Shiite; 80% are Arabic speaking and 15% Kurdish speaking; the Shiites constitute 80% of the Arab pop.; 80% are rural, with the largest city being Baghdad with 200K pop.; Baghdad is the center of the Sunni pop. which extends N into Anbar and W into Diyala Provinces; Basra and Kurdistan are later found to contain oil, which the Sunnis latch onto, improverishing the Shiites and creating mucho grievances; Britain grants independence to Iraq in 1932; in June British Lt. Col. Gerard Evelyn Leachman (1880-1920) (known for his dark Semitic looks and camel-riding ability, allowing him to pass as a Bedouin), who fought against the Ottomans in WWI then tries to stop rebel Arab tribesmen by wholesale slaughter is assassinated in Fallujah, Iraq by a son of Sheikh Dari (Dhari), sparking a violent uprising against British rule in N and C Iraq which lasts most of the summer and is finally crushed by RAF warplanes from the nearby base at Habaniyah (50 mi. W of Baghdad); Fallujah remains the capital of anti-British resistance in Iraq; Winston Churchill suggests using chemical weapons "against recalcitrant Arabs as an experiment", with the soundbyte: "I am strongly in favour of using poisoned gas against uncivilised tribes to spread a lively terror"; on Sept. 5 Gertrude Bell utters the soundbyte: "We are now in the middle of a full-blown Jihad, that is to say we have against us the fiercest prejudices of a people in a primeval state of civilization." Harith al-Dari (al-Dhari) (1941-), grandson of big hero Sheikh Dari, who presents his granddaddy's gun to Saddam Hussein in 2000 becomes secy.-gen. of the Assoc. of Sunni Muslim Scholars, formed on Apr. 14, 2003 (four days after the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq), and backs the anti-U.S. insurgency in the 2003 U.S. Iraq War, and on Nov. 16, 2006 he becomes the most wanted man in Iraq after an arrest warrant is issued by the U.S.-backed Iraq govt. On May 7 the New York Times pub. an article announcing a $100K gift from Macy's owner Nathan Straus (1848-1931) to help the 6M suffering Jews in C and E Europe. On May 10 Arturo Fortunato Alessandri Palma (1868-1950) of the Liberal Alliance becomes pres. #18 of Chile (until July 26, 1924), getting into a war with the conservative nat. congress. On May 10 the May Uprising sees Armenian Bolsheviks attempt a cup in Alexandropol (Gyumri), which is brutally suppressed by May 14, with the leaders executed. In early summer Adolf Hitler introduces the Swastika (Sans. "auspicious object") of the Nat. Socialist German Workers' Party, causing English writer Joseph Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936) to remove it from several of his books that used it along with an elephant carrying a lotus blossom; as Hitler puts it: "It was like a blazing torch... In the red we see the social idea of the movement, in the white the national idea, in the swastika the mission to struggle for the victory of Aryan man and at the same time the victory of the idea of creative work, which is eternally anti-Semitic and always will be." On May 16 French toast Joan of Arc (1412-31) is canonized by Pope Benedict XV in Rome. On May 19 unionizing efforts by new UMW pres. John Llewellyn Lewis (1880-1969) on behalf of coal miners in W. Va. leads to the Battle of Matewan, culminating next year in the largest insurrection since the U.S. Civil War. On May 26 a performance at the Salle Gaveau in Paris becomes the climax of the Paris Dada anti-art movement; Andrew Breton comes onstage with a revolver tied to each temple, Paul Eluard is dressed as a ballerina, and others wear tubes or funnels on their heads while spouting out attacks on everything bourgeoise, causing the audience to pelt them with foodstuffs with delight. In May Muhammad Tawfiq Nessim Pasha (1874-1938) becomes PM of Egypt (until 1921, then again in 1922-3). In May the French Gen. Confederation of Labor stages a failed gen. strike. In May a festival of the works of French composer Camille Saint-Saens (1835-1921) is held in Athens, Greece. Hungary is trisected into close to none? On June 4 after Romania seizes Transylvania, it is formally ceded by Hungary in the Treaty of Trianon, signed in the Grand Trianon Palace in Versailles, France by the Hungarian delegation under protest, becoming the last member of the Central Powers to accept terms of defeat, reducing Hungary's size by about two-thirds, from 325K to 93K sq. km, causing it to lose access to the sea; Hungary's pop. is reduced from 20.9M to 7.6M; Czech. receives Slovakia and Ruthenia; Austria receives the Burgenland; Romania doubles its size, gaining sovereignty over most of Bucovina, all of Transylvania, a strip of the Hungarian plain W of the Transylvanian (Crisana-Maramures) uplands, and NE Banat, a total of 52K sq. mi., and occupies 17K-sq.-mi. Bessarabia, its position confirmed by the Allied Powers, though Russia refuses to acknowledge it; the Hungarian army is limited to 35K; the Little Entente of Czech., Yugoslavia and Romania is formed this year and next; on Oct. 1 a new 1920 Austrian Constitution comes into force. On June 8-12 the 1920 Repub. Nat. Convention is held in Chicago, Ill.; after deadlocking between Leonard Wood and Frank O. Lowden, on his solemn affirmation that there was no reason in his past he shouldn't be pres., they select dark horse U.S. Sen. William Gamaliel Harding of Ohio (married to wealthy widow Florence Kling DeWolf, and publisher of the small-town newspaper Marion Star) for pres., and Gov. John Calvin Coolidge of Mass. for vice-pres.; in Feb., after announcing his candidacy, Harding calls for "a return to normalcy", with an "America first" campaign that promotes industrialization and cuts in govt. expenditures, and end to foreign influence, with the soundbyte that the govt. should "strike the shackles from industry", adding "We need vastly more freedom than we do regulation", adopting the campaign slogan "Less government in business", and ridiculing his anti-Prohibition opponent James M. Cox with the slogan "Cox and cocktails", even though he enjoys liquor later in the White House; Harding's father-in-law Amos H. Kling (1833-1913) once pub. a defamatory book about him. On June 9 after being twice reconstructed the Nitti cabinet in Italy falls, and 78-y.-o. veteran Giovanni Giolitti (1842-1928) becomes PM again, forming a new cabinet, with anti-Fascist Count Carlo Sforza (1873-1952) as foreign minister (until 1921). On June 13 Albanian PM in exile (since 1914) Essad Pasha Toptani (b. 1863) is assassinated outside the Hotel Continental in Paris by Albanian nat. assembly member Avni Rustemi (1895-1924), who claims to be the true ruler of Paris, and escapes back to Albania. On June 13 after some parents find it cheaper than a train ticket, the U.S. Post Office Dept. rules that children can't be sent by parcel post. On June 20 the New York Times first uses the term "wetback", meaning a Mexican who swims the Rio Grande River to illegally enter Tex. On June 22 at the urging of PM Alexander the Great, er, Eleutherios Venizelos, the Orthodox Christian Greek army begins an offensive in Ottoman Muslim-held Anatolia (Asia Minor). On June 24 the French nat. assembly adopts a bill drafted by French nationalist Maurice Barres establishing a nat. day in honor of Joan of Arc. On June 28-July 6 the 1920 Dem. Nat. Convention selects Ohio Gov. and newspaper publisher James Middleton Cox (1870-1957) for pres. on the 44th ballot after the favorite, railroad admin. William Gibbs McAdoo (1863-1941) (wartime treasury secy. and Wilson's son-in-law) doesn't quite live up to his billing of "crown prince"; New York gov. Alfred E. Smith is rejected as a candidate for pres.; Franklin Delano Roosevelt of New York (asst. Navy secy.) is chosen for vice-pres.; stricken Pres. Wilson asks that the election be "a great and solemn referendum" on the League of Nations; Cox and Roosevelt dutifully visit him in the White House, while Harding likes to sit on his front porch in Marion, Ohio, pontificating about a "return to normalcy" and "agreement among nations", with a "make no enemies" campaign strategy. In June the U.S. Red Scare peaks, with 10K imprisoned solely for their political beliefs after U.S. atty.-gen. Alexander Mitchell Palmer (1872-1936) announces that a Communist Rev. is planned for the U.S. on May 1; when it fails to materalize, and all those people are seen to be locked up for nothing, his political career stinks as it sinks? In June the Mountainous Repub. of the Northern Caucasus (founded Mar. 1917) is occupied and dissolved by the Red Army, who next Jan. 20 establish the Soviet Mountain Repub. of the Russian SFSR (ends July 7, 1924). In June after the Polish army looking for Lebensraum advances as far as Kiev, the Red Army under Gen. Mikhail Nikolaevich Tukhachevsky (1893-1937) attacks, driving them W almost to Warsaw, causing Poland to appeal to Britain and France for help; Col. Charles de Gaulle (who gave Gen. Mikhail Tukhachevsky French lessons in a German POW camp in 1917) is sent as an advisor. In the summer the first Boy Scout Jamboree is held in Olympia Hall in London, attended by 8K Scouts from 34 countries, after which they are held every four years. The origin of the Ponzi scheme - 50% profit in 45 days? In the summer after receiving $15M in small investments in the past two years from 40K Bostonians, mostly poor people raiding their mattresses, and living like a king with fancy clothes, cigars, and nubile young sexretary Lucy Meli, the phony Internat. Postal Union coupon empire of slick-talking 5'2" Italian immigrant Charles (Carlo) K. Ponzi (1882-1949) begins to crash, and after blue collar investors swarm his Pie Alley office in Boston, he is arrested on Aug. 15; $2M is found to be missing, and Ponzi declared bankrupt still owing 10.5K creditors $4.3M; he is sentenced to five years in federal prison in Plymouth, Mass., and deported to Italy in 1934, where he tries to defraud Mussolini, finally dying in a charity ward in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. On July 7-24 the World Zionist Conference in London, England establishes Keren Hayesod (haYesod) (Heb. "The Foundation Fund") to raise funds for the creation of the Jewish state of Israel; in Jan. 1956 it becomes an official Israeli org. On July 10 Canadian PM #8 (since Oct. 10, 1911) Sir Robert Laird Borden resigns due to ill health, and Conservative Arthur Meighen (1874-1960) becomes PM #9 of Canada (until Dec. 29, 1921), becoming the first born after Confederation, and first from a Manitoba riding (until ?). On July 12 the Suez Canal formally opens after the little landslide problem is fixed after six years. In July Army Hospital No. 21 in Aurora, Colo. is renamed Fitzsimons Army Hospital in honor of Lt. William T. Fitzsimons (-1917) the first U.S. officer killed in WWI (closed 1995). In July English actor Archibald Alexander Leach (Cary Grant) (1904-86) first comes to the U.S. as a member of the Bob Pender vaudeville comedians aboard the HMS Olympic, sister ship of HMS Titanic, meeting newlyweds Douglas Fairbanks Sr. and Mary Pickford, causing him to want a suntan like big Doug; Charlie Chaplin returns to England on the same ship next Aug.; Pender's show plays 426 perf. on Broadway, and Leach stays behind when it returns to England, taking odd jobs; his mother Elsie was committed to a mental institution in the spring of 1914, and he doesn't see her again until 1940, finding out that she didn't recognize him in the movies. On Aug. 1 the Bolsheviks take Brest-Litovsk, and advance on Lemberg. On Aug. 2 after their position becomes untenable Italy agrees to evacuate Albania, with the exception of the island of Saseno. On Aug. 4 British PM David Lloyd George delivers an ultimatum to Russian emissaries in London to pull their troops out of Poland or face war with Britain. On Aug. 6 17K Polish troops under Gen. Josef (Jozef) Klemens Pilsudski (1867-1935) defeat 15K Bolshevik troops at the Battle of Radzymin 12 mi. NE of Warsaw, driving them back to the Bug River; on Aug. 14 the Battle of Ossow near Wolomin sees the Bolsheviks seize the village of Ossow until the Poles drive them back. On Aug. 8 Adolf Hitler changes the name of his party to the National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP); meanwhile the Sturm Abteilung (SA) (Ger. "Storm Battalion") (later Brownshirts) is founded by very gay Ernst Julius Gunther Roehm (Röhm) (b. 1887-1934), bringing street thug tactics with them. On Aug. 8 British labor orgs. appoint an action council to arrange a gen. strike if Britain declares war on the Soviet Union. Your inner beauty will shine through? On Aug. 10 Sultan Mehmed VI signs the Treaty of Sevres (Sèvres) between Turkey and the Allies, reducing the once-proud Ottoman Empire to little more than little ole Turkey itself; Armenian independence is recognized, with the borders to be "settled by the arbitration of Pres. Wilson"; Greece obtains Smyrna, the Dodecanese (except Rhodes), E Thrace, Imbros, and Tenedos; the arrangement pisses-off Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, who persuades the nat. assembly to form a nat. army and take on the Allied occupation forces, starting the Franco-Turkish (Cilicia) War (ends 1923), the Greco-Turkish War (ends Oct. 1922), and the Turkish-Armenian War (Sept. 24-Dec. 23); the Persian-speaking Kurds, distributed in Turkey, Persia, Iraq, Syria, and Armenia are promised an autonomous homeland, but after the Ottoman Empire is overthrown by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk in 1922, Turkey, Persia, and Iraq all renege, and by the end of the cent. they end up as the largest ethnic group in the world (25M) without their own country; the Turks remain in control of the Armenian city of Erzerum, but Armenian leader Boghos Nubar Pasha (1851-1930) (son of Egyptian PM Nubar Pasha) tells the Allies that he will drive them out; meanwhile more Armenians try to set up in the areas conquered by Russia in 1878, with capital at Kars; too bad, after the U.S. turns its back, the Turks invade Armenia from two sides, conquering it in six weeks. On Aug. 12-25 just when they seem assured of victory, the Battle of Warsaw (Miracle at the Vistula) sees the Bolsheviks under gen. Mikhail Nikolaevich Tukhachevski (1893-1937) defeated by the Poles under gen. Joseph (Jozef) Klemens Pilsudski (1867-1935), with 10K Bolsheviks killed, 10K wounded, and 66K taken POW vs. 4.5K Poles KIA, 22K wounded and 10K missing, turning the Polish-Soviet war around and saving Poland from being gobbled up again, and making Pilsudski into the George Washington of Poland. On Aug. 14-Sept. 12 after an 8-year hiatus the VII (7th) Summer Olympic Games are held in Antwerp, Belgium (to honor WWI suffering), with 2,626 athletes from 29 nations participating in 156 events in 22 sports; Germany, Austria, Hungary, Turkey, and Bulgaria are banned; the Olympic Oath is first uttered, the Olympic Flag is first flown, and doves are first released to symbolize peace; the U.S. team revolts against its barracks-style living quarters and threatens to boycott the games; the U.S. wins the most events, with 41 golds, 27 silvers, and 27 bronzes; figure skating and ice hockey debut; Finnish runner Paavo Nurmi (1897-1973) debuts, winning the first of six gold medals (1920, 1924, 1928), and breaking U.S. dominance in track and field with nine medals; Ethelda M. Bleibtrey (1902-78), who was arrested in 1919 for nude bathing for swimming without stockings wins three golds (100m, 300m, 400m relay) in swimming, becoming the first U.S. woman to win Olympic gold, and one of the first women to wear a flapper "bob"; Albert George Hill (1889-1969) of Britain wins golds in the 800m and 1500m, and silver in the 3000m; "the Calif. Cannonball" Charles William "Charlie" Paddock (1900-43) of the U.S. wins the 100m in 8.3 sec.; his teammate "the New York Thunderbolt" Jackson Volney Scholz (1897-1986) makes a mistake and looks at him and comes in 2nd at 8.4; 72-y.-o. Oscar Gomer Swahn (1847-1927) of Sweden becomes the oldest Olympic gold medal winner (team double-shot running deer event) (until ?); the last Olympics to host the tug-of-war event (Britain gold, Netherlands silver, Belgium bronze). figure skating makes its debut; Canada (WInnipeg Falcons) win the gold medal in the debut of Olympic ice hockey, followed by the U.S. and Czech. On Aug. 15 Adolf Hitler gives a speech at the Hofbrauhaus in Munich, with the soundbytes: "Socialism as the final concept of duty, the ethical duty of work, not just for oneself but also for one's fellow man's sake, and above all the principle: Common good before own good, a struggle against all parasitism and especially against easy and unearned income. And we were aware that in this fight we can rely on no one but our own people. We are convinced that socialism in the right sense will only be possible in nations and races that are Aryan, and there in the first place we hope for our own people and are convinced that socialism is inseparable from nationalism"; "Since we are socialists, we must necessarily also be antisemites because we want to fight against the very opposite: materialism and mammonism... How can you not be an antisemite, being a socialist!" On Aug. 18 Tenn. becomes the 36th state to ratify the Nineteenth (19th) Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, giving women the vote; on Aug. 26 it is signed into law (08-26-20). On Aug. 19 an anti-Bolshevik peasant revolt begins in the Tambov province of Russia. On Aug. 19-25 the Second Silesian Uprising begins after a German newspaper prints false reports of the fall of Warsaw to the Red Army, causing celebrations among Germans in Upper Silesia, which pisses-off the Poles; the Allies finally restore order after agreeing to disband the German-run Sipo police and create a new 50% Polish one. On Aug. 24 the Soviets transfer Vilnyus (Vilnius) to the new independent state of Lithuania, which proclaims it as the capital, only to be seized by Polish troops on Sept. 9. On Aug. 31 in Italy a general lockout in the metallurgical factories leads to the occupation of the factories by the workers throughout the country by Sept.; failure to attempt to seize govt. bldgs. prevents a Socialist rev., and the conflict is settled peacefully. On Sept. 7 Belgium and France sign a military convention, and work closely regarding internat. imports. On Sept. 10 "Everybody's Sweetheart" silent film actress Olive Thomas (Oliveretta Elaine Duffy) (b. 1894) ("the most beautiful girl in the world"), wife of boozing womanizing Canadian actor Jack Pickford (1896-1933) (brother of Mary Pickford) dies of mercury poisoning in Neuilly-sur-Seine, France four days after accidentally taking a large dose of his syphilis pills; her last film "Everybody's Sweetheart" is released a week after her death, becoming a box-office smash; later her ghost is regularly seen in the New Amsterdam Theatre in New York City; producer David Selznick adds the middle initial "O" to his name as a tribute; the scandal of her death sets off an entire decade of Hollywood scandals? On Sept. 15-25 the Battle of the Nieman (Niemen) River near Hrodna between Bialystok, Grodno, and Suwalki sees 96K Polish troops under Gen. Josef Pilsudski outflank and defeat 100K Bolsheviks under Gen. Mikhail Tukhachevski, with 40K Russian vs. 7K Polish casualties, causing the Bolsheviks on Oct. 12 to sign an armistice to take effect on Oct. 18. On Sept. 16 the J.P. Morgan Bldg. on Wall St. in New York City is bombed by a wagon bomb, killing 35 and injuring 130; Commies are suspected, but the case is not solved until ?. On Sept. 20 Benito Mussolini gives a speech in Trieste, containing the soundbyte: "Everything is possible, including the impossible and absurd." In Sept. the Communist Internat. holds the Congress of the Peoples of the East in Baku, Ajerbaijan, attended by 1.9K delegates, calling for Muslims to join the struggle against the West and pledging support of rev. anti-colonial movements in the East, with Karl Radek uttering the soundbyte: "We appeal, comrades, to the warlike feelings which once inspired the peoples of the East when these peoples, led by their great conquerors, advanced upon Europe. We know, comrades, that our enemies will say that we are appealing to the memory of Genghis Khan and to the memory of the great conquering Caliphs of Islam... when the capitalists of Europe say that a new wave of barbarism threatens... we answer them: Long live the Red East, which together with the workers of Europe will create a new civilization under the banner of Communism!" In Sept. LeLand's Lincoln luxury car is introduced (the L series). On Oct. 1 Sir Percy Cox (1864-1937) arrives in Iraq as British high commissioner. On Oct. 5-10 the Cleveland Indians (AL) defeat the Brooklyn Dodgers (NL) (AKA Brooklyn Robins after mgr. Wilbert Robinson) 5-2 to win the Seventeenth (17th) World Series; in Game 5 Cleveland Indians 2B William Adolf "Bill "Wamby" Wambsganss (1894-1985) makes the first Unassisted Triple Play in the WS (until ?), putting out Pete Kilduff, Clarence Mitchell, and Otto Miller; he drops off his glove with a repairman and never picks it up, and it is never seen again; the first WS grand slam and homer by a pitcher also go down in the 1920 WS. On Oct. 8 the Riga Treaty ends Poland's invasion of Russia to their territorial advantage, but frees the Bolsheviks to go after the anti-Bolsheviks within their boundaries. On Oct. 14 the Treaty of Dorpat (Tartu) ends the Russo-Finnish War of 1919, reaffirming Finland's independence and giving it a narrow strip of land between Murmansk and E Norway, along with the ice-free Barents Sea port of Pechenga. On Oct. 14 IRA leader Sean Treacy (Tracey) (Tracy) (b. 1895) is KIA on Talbot St. in Dublin in a shootout with the stanking' English, pissing-off the IRA; on Nov. 21 (a.m.) after the British Parliament debates the Govt. of Ireland Act (Act to Provide for the Better Govt. of Ireland), dividing Ireland into two political units with some powers of self-govt. and their own parliaments, and Ulster Protestants accept the idea, but the Sinn Fein in Dublin rejects all British attempts to split Ireland, and continues the guerrilla war, causing the British to create the special auxiliary police called the Black and Tans from unemployed WWI veterans, Bloody Sun. sees the IRA kill 14 British undercover intel agents known as the Cairo Gang in Dublin, causing the Black and Tans to retaliate by killing 12 at a Dublin soccer match; in Dec. the military begins a killing and looting spree, causing £3M in damage; on Dec. 23 the Govt. of Ireland Act is passed, creating eternally-divided Northern Ireland by dividing six Unionist NE counties from the other 26, while entrapping many non-Unionists within its boundaries; two Irish parliaments are created, one (Stormont) for the north and one for the south. On Oct. 19 membership in the Communist Party is ruled grounds for deportation by a New York judge - you've heard the phrase comfort food? On Oct. 25 Greek king (since 1917) Alexander I (b. 1893) dies of septicemia from pet monkey bites, and Queen Olga becomes regent of Greece; on Nov. 14 the Venizelists are overwhelmingly defeated in the elections because of dissatisfaction with the Anatolian offensive, and Venizelos resigns as PM; on Dec. 5 a plebiscite held despite Allied warnings shows a nearly unanimous vote to return king (1913-17) Constantine I (1868-1923), and he returns to Athens (until 1922), resuming the war with Turkey, while Venizelos goes into exile in the U.S. next year (until 1924), and the Allies withdraw support from Greece. On Oct. 25 Sinn Fein leader (lord mayor of Cork since Mar.) Terence James MacSwiney (b. 1879) dies after a 74-day hunger strike in Brixton Prison in Lambeth, England, becoming a martyr and bringing the Irish War of Independence to internat. attention; next Mar. 1 future cardinal Terence Cooke is born in New York City, named after him. On Nov. 1 Nat. League candidate (atty. and poet) Dr. Alfredo Zayas y Alfonso (1861-1934) is elected pres. of Cuba (until 1925) over former pres. (1908-13), Liberal candidate Jose Miguel Gomez, who cries election fraud, causing the U.S. govt. to send Maj. Gen. Enoch Herbert Crowder (1859-1932) to arrange for new elections for 1921. On Nov. 1 Aeromarine West Indies Airways is founded, establishing an air service between Key West, Fla. and Havana, Cuba, becoming the first internat. air passenger-mail service in the U.S. On Nov. 2 radio station KDKA in Pittsburgh, Penn., owned by Westinghouse, and featuring announcer Frank Conrad (1874-1941) becomes the first broadcast radio station, initially carrying the Harding-Cox election returns; by 1923 there are 500+ radio stations in the U.S.; the 1920 U.S. Pres. Election, in which six past and future presidents are involved (Teddy Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Warren G. Harding, Calvin Coolidge, Herbert Hoover, FDR) sees the Repub. Harding-Coolidge ticket after a 4-1 spending advantage with the slogan "return to normalcy" defeat the Dem. Cox-Roosevelt ticket 2-to-1, 16M (60.2%) to 9M popular votes (404 to 127 electoral votes), incl. every state outside the Solid South plus Tenn., incl. the first Repub. Vs in Ariz., N.M., and Okla.; Harding becomes the 2nd person since Garfield in 1880 to move directly from Congress to the White House (you guessed it, it happens again in 1960, and you guessed it again, he becomes a victim of the Zero-Year Pres. Curse); Socialist Party candidate Eugene V. Debs runs for pres. from prison, and receives 915,302 votes, winning respect from non-Socialists because they think the govt. is wrong wrong wrong? On Nov. 10 the former kingdom of Austria, once the dominant power in Europe, but now in chaos and ruin, and stripped of Bohemia and Moravia receives a new democratic 1920 Austrian Constitution, and becomes a parliamentary democracy. On Nov. 11 (2nd anniv. of the Armistice) the British Tomb of the Unknown Soldier (Warrior) in London is dedicated by George V. On Nov. 11 Faysal's brother, Hashemite emir (amir) Sharif Abdullah (Abdallah) Ibn Hussein (1882-1951) arrives in Ma'an, Jordan after the throne of Iraq goes to his brother Faysal rather than him, and Faysal is driven from Syria by the French, letting him take over the remnants of Faysal's Syrian kingdom left by the French and British, consisting of about 250K people, 90% Muslim. On Nov. 12 the Treaty of Rapallo between Italy and Yugoslavia makes Fiume a free state, and Gabriele D'Annunzio's forces leave Fiume on Nov. 11; on Dec. 1 fuming D'Annunzio declares war on Italy and returns, but is forced to evacuate after Italian forces bombard Fiume on Dec. 27; he spends the rest of his life in his villa thumbing through his lit. works? On Nov. 14 the last White Army under Baron Peter Wrangel wrangles its you know what out of the Crimea; on Nov. 16 they are defeated in the final major battle of the Russian Civil War (begun Dec. 31, 1917) by Red Army forces led by gen. Vasily Konstantinovich Blucher (1889-1938), who started out as a pvt. in WWI, and becomes a field marshal in 1935; the Red Army captures Odessa. On Nov. 15 after Haller's Blue Army seizes Pomerania and enters the city in the name of Poland, the Free City of Danzig becomes autonomous under League of Nations protection (until 1939). On Nov. 15 the League of Nations tables a proposal to not increase armaments for two years after France, Poland, Romania, Brazil, Chile, and Uruguay oppose it; France remains the most heavily-armed state in Europe, giving Germany a continuing grievance. In Nov. an estimated 1M people go on official strikes in the U.S. On Dec. 9 the Egyptian commission, led by German-born British statesman Sir Alfred Milner (1854-1925) pub. the Milner Commission Report, recommending independence, with certain reservations to protect British interests, especially control of the Suez Canal - get the polyp out before it turns to cancer? On Dec. 13 the U.S. Supreme (White) Court rules 8-1 in U.S. v. Wheeler that the Privileges and Immunities Clause doesn't give the federal govt. the power to prosecute kidnappers, leaving only the states with the authority to punish the violation of a person's freedom of movement, with Justice Edward Douglass White writing the soundbyte: "In all the States from the beginning down to the adoption of the Articles of Confederation the citizens thereof possessed the fundamental right, inherent in citizens of all free governments, peacefully to dwell within the limits of their respective States, to move at will from place to place therein, and to have free ingress thereto and egress therefrom, with a consequent authority in the States to forbid and punish violations of this fundamental right"; it takes until June 22, 1932 for the U.S. to pass the U.S. Federal Kidnapping Act AKA the Little Lindbergh Law. On Dec. 16 Finland joins the League of Nations. On Dec. 16 (7:05:53 p.m. local time) a 7.8 earthquake in Gansu (Kansu) Province in W China destroys 30K sq. mi. and kills 273.4K. On Dec. 22 a Christmas Radio Concert is transmitted from the Funkerberg in Konigswusterhausen, Germany, becoming the first German radio broadcast. On Dec. 24 tenor Enrico Caruso gives his last performance in La Juive at the Metropolitan Opera House in New York City. Italian Fascists under bean-bald Benito Mussolini (1883-1945) distinguish themselves in active combat with Communists. Otto Meissner (1880-1953) becomes pres. of the German Weimar Repub., and continues on into the Nazi era (until 1945). Bainbridge Colby (1869-1950) succeeds Robert Lansing as U.S. secy. of state (until 1921). Czech pres. (since Nov. 14, 1918) Tomas Garrigue Masaryk (1850-1937) is reelected, and again 1927 and 1934 (until Dec. 14, 1935). Chinese Gen. WuPeifu P'ei-fu (1874-1939) defeats the Anfu Party in N China. Nicaragua, Honduras, and Costa Rica sign a convention. The First Internat. Conference of Communist Women is held in St. Petersburg, chaired by Lenin's French-born comrade Inessa Armand (b. 1874), a firm believer in sexual liberation; too bad, she dies of cholera on Sept. 24. Efforts begin to open up the interior of Liberia, where dense tropical forests avg. 160 in. of rainfall a year. The huge French war losses causes concerns about depop., and a law is enacted prohibiting artificial conception and infanticide (AKA abortion), incl. their advocacy, although women are needed in the labor force now, causing firms in this decade to begin recruiting foreign labor, causing France to pass the U.S. as a destination for emigrants. Iceland continues its break with Denmark by establishing its own supreme court. The League of Nations grants the former German Solomons, incl. Bougainville to Australia as a mandate of New Guinea. Britain abolishes conscription - all wars are ended, right? Unemployment insurance is introduced in Britain and Austria. U.S. Adm. William Sowden Sims (1858-1936) pub. the Sims Report for the U.S. Senate, alleging grave errors in the management of U.S. naval operations during WWI. The Orthodox Church of Yugoslavia is founded, absorbing the former churches of Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro, and Serbia in the single patriarchate of Serbia. Paramahansa Yogananda founds the Self-Realization Fellowship in Los Angeles, Calif. Internat. Telephone and Telegraph Co. is founded, later changing its name to ITT and getting into internat. water control and defense and involving itself in right-wing politics in the U.S., Chile, Nigeria et al.; in 1989 it sells its telcom biz to Alcatel (later Alcatel-Lucent), and changes its name to Cortelco Kellogg (later Cortelco, short for Corinth Telecommunications Corp., based in Corinth, Miss.); Lucent is really a Satanic corp.? German industrialist Hugo Stinnes (1870-1924) begins organizing a colossal trust. The Royal Inst. of Internat. Affairs (later Chatham House), a British think tank is founded in London, funded by a large donation by wealthy businessman Sir John Cecil Power, 1st Baronet (1870-1950). In this decade the Modernism Movement in art and lit. is centered in Paris; "Paris was where the twentieth century was" (Gertrude Stein). In this decade the golden age of (Harlem) Stride Piano in jazz (an evolution of ragtime) begins in New York City (ends 1943), dominated by the "big three" of black pianists Thomas Wright "Fats" Waller (1904-43), William Henry Joseph Bonaparte Bertholoff "Willie the Lion" Smith (1893-1973), and James Price "Jimmy" Johnson (1894-1955). In this decade (1918-29?) the Harlem Renaissance (New Negro Movement) of African-Am. writers in Harlem, Manhattan, N.Y. begins, led by Alain LeRoy Locke (1886-1954) (the Dean) (first African-Am. Rhodes scholar, 1907), James Mercer Langston Hughes (1902-67), Arna Wendell "Arna" Bontemps (1902-73), Countee Cullen (1903-46), Jessie Redmon Fauset (1882-1961), Alice Ruth Moore Dunbar Nelson (1875-1935) et al. In 1928 Countee Cullen marries the daughter of W.E.B. Du Bois. In this decade Western Swing originates in small towns in SW U.S., influenced by Dixieland jazz, featuring the steel guitar. In this decade the Mexican Mural Renaissance begins (ends 1960), led by the "big three muralists" Diego Rivera (1886-1957), Jose Clemente Orozco (1883-1949), and JDavid (Jose de Jesus) Alfaro Siqueiros (1896-1974), producing works of social realism after studying art at the San Carlos Academy in Mexico City (founded 1781). So Mexico began developing its own art sans all that Catholic Disneyland-in-every-church B.S. that used to hypnotize Indios. In fact, many if not most of the intelligentsia not only chucked Catholicism but became godless Communism. Too bad, this only made it easier for the rabidly anti-Commie U.S. Yankee govt. to justify stopping the U.S.-Mexico border up. In this decade the first Crime Scene Investigation (CSI) units begin to operate in Britain to supervise police investigations, spurred by Sherlock Holmes stories incl. "The Boscombe Valley Mystery". In this decade Rancho Mirage, Calif. near Palm Springs, former home of the Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians is first settled, going on to become a fun-in-the-sun location for the wealthy, with 12 golf courses incl. Thunderbird Guest Ranch (opened 1946). In this decade the Reuben Sandwich is invented by Lithuanian-born grocer Reuben Kulakofsky in Omaha, Neb., first gaining fame when Blackstone Hotel owner Charles Schimmel puts it on his lunch menu, and a former hotel employee wins a nat. contest with the recipe; Omaha later proclaims Mar. 14 as Reuben Sandwich Day. The Engineers' Case in Australia gives the Commonwealth Conciliation and Arbitration Court authority to regulate labor conditions for state employees. Swiss-born Am. composer Ernest Bloch (1880-1959) founds the Cleveland Inst. of Music in Ohio. Denver, Colo. U.S. Mint worker Orville Harrington is caught stealing an estimated $80K in 7 in. gold bars by secreting them in his hollow wooden leg; he gets 10 years at Leavenworth, Kan. The Atlanta, Ga. public relations firm Southern Publicity Assoc., owned by Edward Clarke and Mrs. Elizabeth Tyler signs a deal with the Ku Klux Klan to keep $8 of the $10 initiation fee for signing up new members, and soon divides the U.S. into provinces, sending out a sales force of 1.1K "Kleagles"; within 16 mo. they clear $212K in net profit. Lithuanian-born anarchist brain woman Emma Goldman (1869-1940) spends the decade as a Wandering Jew, getting deported from the U.S. late last year, moving to the Soviet Union, becoming an admirer of the Soviet regime for awhile, then waking up and speaking out and getting expelled in 1921, then moving to Britain and marrying Welsh anarchist miner James Colton (1860-1936) in 1925 to become a British subject, then traveling to Spain in 1936 for the Spanish Civil War, and finally ending up in Canada, the U.S. allowing her body to be buried in the U.S. - I want to be one less statistic? The Dem. Party selects its first Senate leader, Ala. Sen. (1915-27) Oscar Wilder Underwood (1862-1929) (until 1923); after Henry Cabot Lodge becomes the unofficial Repub. Senate leader, in 1925, Kan. Sen. (1907-13, 1915-29) Charles Curtis (1860-1936) becomes the first official Repub. Senate leader (until 1929). About this time HIV gains its first toehold in Kanshasa, Congo; the DRC gains independence from Belgium in 1960, it spreads to S Africa; the disease is not reported until 1981; the virus is officially discovered in 1983. After tens of thousands of French colonists emigrate to Morocco, and begin buying agricultural land and modernizing mines and harbors, stirring nationalist resentment, the Second Moroccan (Rif) War (ends 1927) begins between Spain (later France) and the Berbers of the Rif Mts. in N Morocco led by Abd el-Krim (Muhammad Ibn Abd al-Karim al-Khattabi) (1882-1963), who wins the early battles using guerrilla tactics and captured weapons, but is eventually overwhelmed and surrenders in 1926 and is exiled; his guerrilla warfare tactics later influence Mao Tse-tung, Ho Chi Minh, and Che Guevara. In this decade Alvin "Shipwreck" Kelly (1893-1952) of the U.S. becomes famous as a flagpole sitter; in the summer of 1930 he spends seven weeks on top of a flagpole at Atlantic City's Steel Pier. The Royal Northwest Mounted Police and Dominion Police are combined into the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) (Mounties). The U.S. Bureau of Prohibition is established by the Bureau of Internal Revenue; on Apr. 1, 1927 it becomes the independent Bureau of Prohibition within the U.S. Dept. of Treasury; the most famous Prohibition Agent ("prohi") is Eliot Ness (1903-57), who joins in 1927. Rapid transit is extended to Coney Island, making it available to every New Yorker. Oil fields in Osage County, Okla. in NE Okla. begin spectacular production, with members of the Osage Nation receiving lucrative royalties, becoming among the richest people in the U.S.; too bad, this attracts the sharks, causing the U.S. Congress to pass a law in 1921 requiring all Osage tribe members to have a court-appointed guardian until they can prove they are "competent", incl. minors with parents; too bad, many guardians become sharks too, and in 1921-5 the Osage Indian Murders in Osage County see 60+ wealthy Osage Indians murdered, with most never prosecuted, with the prominent exception of Greenville, Tex.-born "King of the Osage Hills" cattleman William King "Bill" Hale (1874-1962) 30+ people for their oil rights, and convicted in 1929 of only one; in 2000 the Osage Nation sues the U.S. Dept. of the Inferior, er, Interior for mismanagement of their assets and non-payment of royalties, and in 2011 the suit is settled for $380M plus promises to improve program mgt. Oxford U. grants its first degrees to women. Birbeck College of London U. in London, England is founded from the London Mechanics' Inst. (founded 1823) to give part-time tuition to working adults. Canadian history journal The Beaver is founded; in 2010 after getting tired of being hit by porno junkies and blocked by spam filters, it changes its name to Canada's History. In this decade writers and artists begin flocking to the French Quarter of New Orleans, La., "the most civilized city in America" (Sherwood Anderson), where liquor flows freely despite Prohibition, jazz and hos party on, and Exchange Alley is a flocking place for male gays, incl. Tennessee Williams. After Arab riots, the Zionist Jewish Haganah (Heb. "the defense") paramilitary org. is founded in Palestine (until 1948), growing to 160K members, plus a 6K-member unit called the Palmach; actually there was an underground Haganah in Palestine since Ottoman times; in 1931 the most radical elements led by Ze'ev Jabotinsky (Vladimir Yevgenyevich Zhabotinsky) (1880-1940) split off and form the Irgun Tsva'i-Leumi (Heb. "Nat. Military Org.") (AKA Etzel), followed in 1940 by the 200-300 member hardcore Lehi (Stern) Gang. The Red Crescent Muslim charit,y modeled after the Internat. Red Cross is founded in Detroit, Mich.; the Indian Red Cross Society is founded in Delhi, India. Keep a stiff hairless upper lip? In this decade Urdu-speaking Mawlana Muhammad Ilyas (1885-1944) founds the Tablighi Jamaat ("proselytizing group") in Delhi, India to combat "distortions" of Islam caused by Hinduism, and it eventually expands into a global army of identically-dressed bearded Muslim missionaries who teach emulation of the weird habits of Prophet Muhammad, such as sleeping on the side and never on the stomach, entering a bathroom leading with the left foot, putting on pants leading with the right foot, eating with index, middle finger, and thumb and never a fork, wearing pants or robes halfway between the knee and ankle, and letting the beard grow while shaving the upper lip; terrorists such as Zacarias Moussaoui and Djamel Beghal eventually come out of it; each Nov. it holds the yearly 3-day Tablighi Jamaat Gathering in Raiwind, Lahore, Pakistan, which becomes #2 to the Hajj in drawing Muslims, drawing an attendance of 1M by the end of the cent. In this decade Boston, Mass. gets so serious about book censorship that the phrase "banned in Boston" enters the Am. language. The East Boston Immigration Station in Mass. opens, becoming the Ellis Island of Boston, processing 23K immigrants by 1954. The annual Hendon Pageant airshow by the RAF is founded at Hendon Aerodrome in Middlesex, London (until 1937). The Knox-King-Pye Board at the U.S. Naval War College, led by retired Capt. (later commodore) Dudley Wright Knox (1877-1960), Ernest J. King, and William S. Pye examines prof. military education, producing a report with recommendations, incl. systematic postgraduate education for officers. The Algonquin School (Canadian Group of Seven) of Canadian landscape painters is founded (until 1933), incl. J.E.H. (James Edward Hervey) MacDonald (1873-1932), Frederick Horsman "Fred" Varley (1881-1969), A.Y. (Alexander Young) Jackson (1882-1974), Arthur Lismer (1885-1969), Lawren Stewart Harris (1885-1970), Frank Johnston (1888-1949), and Franklin Carmichael (1890-1945), emphasizing direct contact with Nature, becoming the first major Canadian art movement; in 1933 it is succeeded by the 28-member Canadian Group of Painters. In this decade French fashion designer Madeleine Vionnet (1876-1975) becomes a hit by throwing away the upholstered look with bustles and petticoats and going Greek, with flowing feminine clothing incl. the chiffon handkerchief dress, cowl neck and halter top, introducing the bias cut, which cuts the cloth (incl. crepe de chine, gabardine and satin) diagonally to the grain so that it clings and moves with the body and creates a sleek body-slimming look; she continues on big into the 1930s, and only WWII shuts her down in 1939. The U. of New Haven (originally New Haven YMCA Junior College) is founded in New Haven, Conn. as a branch of Northeastern U., starting out sharing facilities with Yale U.; in 1926 it is chartered as New Haven College; in 1970 it receives it current name, becoming known for its undergrad engineering program. The Royal British Legion (RBL) is founded by fired gen. Sir Frederick Barton Maurice (1871-1951) for those in the British armed forces. Niels Bohr becomes dir. of the new Inst. of Theoretical Physics in Copenhagen, Denmark. Am. mining magnate William Boyce Thompson (1869-1930) establishes the Boyce Thompson Inst. for Plant Research at Cornell U., with a $10M endowment. The Lucis Trust (originally Lucifer?) is founded in New York City by Manchester, England-born Theosophist Alice Ann Bailey (1880-1949) to pub. spiritualist and esoteric books; in 1932 it founds the World Goodwill Group, which obtains recognition as a non-govt. org. (NGO) by the U.N., causing conspiracy theorists to accuse the latter of Satanic New Age connections; members incl. David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, Paul Volcker, and George Schultz? The Tavistock Inst. of Human Reloations (originally the Tavistock Clinic of mind-control pshrinks) is founded in London, England for the British elite to plot, plot, plot, plot, plot, plot, going on to found the journal Human Relations in 1947; are they behind the Illuminati/New Age Aquarian Conspiracy to destroy Western Christian culture by promoting sex, drugs, and rock & roll, leading to the woke movement?; The Tavistock Mind Control Matrix (video). English-born comedian Bob Hope (b. 1903) becomes a U.S. citizen. Humphrey Bogart becomes mgr. of the touring play "The Ruined Lady" for $50 a week, and out of boredom gets one line to speak, causing him to want to become an actor, becoming known for rumors of well-endowed sexual equipment. After claiming contact by Helena Blavatsky's guru Master Morya, St. Petersburg-born Russian Theosophist Nicholas Roerich (Nikolai Konstantinovich Rerikh) (1874-1947) and his wife Helena Ivanovna Roerich (1879-1955) found the Agni (Sans. "Fire") Yoga shool of occult thinking in Mar., and pub. a series of books. Max Liebermann (1847-1935) is elected pres. of the Prussian Academy of Arts. Visitors to the Dadaist Art exhibition in Cologne are allowed to smash paintings. Future Am. playwright Robert Emmet Sherwood (1896-1955) leaves Vanity Fair (since 1919) to become an ed. with Life mag. (until 1928). Scofield Thayer (1889-1982) refounds the 1840s Transcendentalist mag. The Dial as a lit. mag. (until 1929), which goes on to pub. most important U.S.-Euro poems in the 1920s. Italian tenor Beniamino Gigli (1890-1957) makes his debut on Nov. 26 as Mefistofele at the Metropolitan Opera in New York City (until 1932), going on to become known as the "second Caruso". Ga.-born Roland Hayes (1887-1977) makes his London debut at Aeolian Hall, followed by a tour of Europe, becoming the first African-Am. male concert artist to receive internat. and U.S. acclaim. 18-y.-o. Brazilian soprano Bidu Sayao (Bidú Sayão) (1902-99) makes her debut in Rio de Janeiro, going on to become one of the leading coloratura sopranos in Europe. In this decade with a klutz like Warren Harden or Calvin Coolidge and his wife Grace Anna Goodhue to turn them off to politics and home life, U.S. women incl.New Yorker columnist Lois Long come out of the boring parlors to enjoy cars, airplanes, radios, movies, and clubs, starting the Flapper style with bobbed hair and lipstick, short pants and dresses, driving cars, smoking cigs and having extramarital sex, esp. oral; female fashions in the U.S. and Britain feature straight dresses with no waistline, and skirts above the knees, along with cloche hats - those lipsticked lips holding a lit fag give men a woody and those cloche hats make them think about ringing their bell with a French kiss? White copycats take American jazz white and right in this decade, and the blacks even try to copy them? In this decade Skiffle, jazz played with homemade instruments incl. washboard, jugs, musical saw, kazoos et al. begins to be recorded in Chicago, Ill. Cricklewood Studios is founded in Cricklewood, London, England from a converted airplane factory by Australian-born Sir Oswald Stoll (1866-1942) for his cos. Stoll Pictures (founded Apr. 1918) and Surbiton Studios (founded 1918), becoming the largest film studio in Britain until ?, hiring dir. Maurice Elvey and producing "The Four Feathers" (1921) along with Fu Manchu and Sherlock Holmes film series; it closes in 1938. After WWI keeps him from doing it, British archeologist Lt. Col. Percy Harrison Fawcett (1867-1925) travels to the Mato Grosso region of Brazil in search of the Lost City of Z, and gives up after catching a fever and shooting his pack animal; a 2nd expedition in 1925 with his son Jack and Raleigh Rimell ends in failure after they disappear in the jungle. German dancer-choreographer Mary Wigman (1886-1973) founds Dresden Central School in Germany, taking modern dance to the limits, incl. the Witch Dance, receiving praise from the German govt. until the Nazis come to power and shut her down. The town of Anoka, Minn. holds one of the first Halloween parades, causing it to call itself "Halloween Capital of the World". A naturalist movement in poetry is launched in Korea by Yom Sang-sop (1897-1963) et al. The Beau Nash Picture House cinema in Bath is built, named for the spa town's famous 18th cent. MC Richard "Beau" Nash (1674-1761). In this decade Chinese artist Huang Erhnan paints on silk cloth using his tongue as a brush - popular with women? In this decade the Finnish custom of delivering babies in saunas dies out. In this decade Leaf Confectionary Co. is founded in Chicago, Ill. by Sol S. Leaf, introducing Rainblo Bubble Gum in 1940; in 1947 it merges with Overland Candy Co., Leaf Machinery, and Chicago Biscuit Co. to form Leaf Brands, issuing the first post-WWII color baseball cards in 1948; in 1949 it reintroduces Whoppers Malted Milk Balls, which is sold in 1960 to W.R. Grace and Co., who sells it back in 1976; in 1983 Leaf acquires Jolly Rancher before being acquired by the conglomerate Huhtamaki (Huhtamäki) Oyj of Helsinki, Finland (founded 1920), who merges it with Phoenix Candy and Irving, Tex.-based Donruss trading card div. of Gen. Mills (founded 1954); in 1986 Phoenix Candy is sold to Kouri Capital of Finland, which becomes Phoenix Confections; in 1988 it acquires Payday and ZERO bars from Sara Lee, followed in 1989 by Heath bars; in 1996 it becomes the 4th largest candy manufacturer in the U.S.; in 1996 it is acquired by Hershey Co.; on Feb. 15, 2012 it merges with Cloetta of Sweden, dropping the Leaf name. The weekly Time and Tide mag., founded by Welsh suffragette Sybil Margaret Thomas, 1st Viscountess Rhondda (1857-1941) begins pub. in Britain (until 1977), starting out on the left and gradually moving to the right as she does. French artist Marcel Duchamp begins making abstract movies. After dropping out of law school, New York City-born librettist Oscar Greeley Clendenning Hammerstein II (1895-1960) (grandson of New York City impresario Oscar Hammerstein I) debuts his first musical Always You on Broadway, going on to become a producer and co-write 850 songs in collaboration with Jerome Kern, Vincent Youmans, Rudolf Friml, Richard A. Whiting, Sigmund Romberg, and Richard Rodgers in musicals incl. "Oklahoma!", "Carousel", "South Pacific", "The King and I", and "The Sound of Music". Mazda (named after Persian god Ahura Mazda) (called Matsuda in Japan) (originally Toyo Cork Kogyo Co. Ltd.) is founded in Hiroshima, Japan by Jujiro Matsuda (1875-1962) to produce machine tools; in 1927 it becomes Toyo Kogyo Co.; in 1931 they introduce their first vehicle, the Mazda-Go (Mazdago) 3-wheeled motorcycle-truck (autorickshaw), going on to develop the Wankel rotary engine, producing the Cosmo Sport in 1967-95; in 1984 they officially adopt the Mazda name. The Oh Henry! candy bar, consisting of peanuts, carmel, and fudge coated in chocolate is introduced by the Williamson Candy Co. of Chicago, Ill., allegedly named after Am. writer O. Henry, or a boy who liked to flirt with girls, but really invented last year by Tom Henry of Arkansas City, Kan., who sold-out; in 1994 it is acquired by Nestle. The ZERO (originally Double Zero, as in cool) candy bar, made of caramel, peanut, and almond nougat covered with white chocolate fudge is introduced by Hollywood Candy Co. (Brands) of Hollywood, Minn. (founded 1912), who build a factory in Centralia, Ill.; in 1967 they are acquired to Consolidated Foods Corp. (Sara Lee), followed in 1988 by Leaf Inc., which in 1996 is acquired by Hershey Foods Corp. The De Havilland Aircraft Co. Ltd. is founded in London, England by Sir Geoffrey de Havilland (1882-1965) (cousin of Hollywood actresses Olivia de Havilland and Joan Fontaine), going on to manufacture the 2-seat De Havilland DH.60 Moth biplane (first flight Feb. 22, 1925), which becomes the std. airplane for British recreation, and the De Havilland DH.83 Fox Moth 3-passenger biplane (first flight Jan. 29, 1932). Cole Haan (originally Cole, Rood and Hahn) high-end men's and women's footwear manufacturing co. is founded in Chicago, Ill. by Trafton Cole and Eddie Haan. Johannes "Hans" Riegel Sr. (1893-1945) founds the Haribo Co. in Bonn, Germany to manufacture Gummy Bears, introducing the Dancing Bear (Tanzbar) in 1922, followed by the Gold Bear (Goldbar), expanding sales worldwide. Mosfilm movie studio is founded in Moscow, becoming the first in Russia, growing into the largest in Europe. Sports: On Jan. 31 Maurice Joseph "Phantom Joe" Malone (1890-1969) sets an NHL record of seven goals in a single game (until ?); he ends his 15-season career after the 1924 season with 343 goals, averaging 2 goals per game. In Jan. Prohibition begins in the U.S (until Dec. 1933), causing bowling alleys to dissociate from saloons, turning bowling into a family game and encouraging the growth of women bowlers, with the membership of the Women's Nat. Bowling Assoc. (WNBA) reaching 10K in 1927. On Feb. 14 the Negro Nat. League is formed for African-Am. baseball players by Andrew 'Rube' Foster (1879-1930), reaching 24 teams before closing in 1931. On Mar. 22-Apr. 1 the 1920 Stanley Cup Finals see the Ottawa Senators of the NHl defeat the Seattle Metropolitans of the PCHA 3-2, becoming the last Finals appearance by a West Coast U.S.-based team until 1993; the Ottawa Senators become the first NHL dynasty in 1920-27. On May 31 the 1920 (8th) Indianapolis 500 is won by Swiss-born Gaston Chevrolet (1892-1920) after leader Ralph De Palma's car stalls on lap 187, allowing him to gain the lead, and he runs out of fuel on lap 197 but coasts to the pits and refuels, becoming the first driver in Indy history to win without making a tire change, ending the dominance of Euro-built cars in his Frontenac; too bad, he is killed in an automobile crash in Beverly Hills on Nov. 25. On Sept. 17 the Am. Prof. Football Assoc. is founded at Ralph Hay's Hupmobile dealership in Canton, Ohio, with James Francis "Jim" Thorpe (1888-1953) as pres. #1; in 1922 it is renamed the Nat. Football League (NFL); the 13 initial teams incl. the Akron Pros, Canton Bulldogs, Dayton Triangles, and Decatur Staleys; the 8-3 Akron Pros defeat the 10-1 Decatur Staleys for the league title; player season salaries are $1.9K; after the season ends, Staleys coach George "Papa Bear" Halas (1895-1983) buys the team from A.J. Staley for $5K, moves to Chicago, Ill., and after another season renames them the Chicago Bears because they play on the Chicago Cubs' Wrigley Field, and bears are grown-up cubs; avg. NFL game attendance is 5K. The N.Y. Walker Law is passed by the New York State Legislature to regulate prof. boxing, relegalizing it after the repeal of the Frawley Act in 1917, creating the New York State Athletic Commission, with rules incl. 15 rounds max., no head butting, and a physician required to be in attendance. "Gorgeous" George Harold Sisler (1893-1973) of the St. Louis Browns (later the Baltimore Orioles) ends the season with 257 hits (.407), setting a record that takes Ichiro Suzuki until 2004 to break (262 hits), and in 159 vs. 162 games. Doubleday Field, the site of the original baseball field in Cooperstown, N.Y. is dedicated as a permanent memorial. The Lively (Live) Ball Era in U.S. ML baseball begins after a new "lively" ball is introduced, causing offensive stats to rise dramatically; actually, the ball is the same, but rule changes favor the batter, incl. using new balls at the first sign of wear and eliminating the spitball? Mexican aerialist Alfredo Codona (1893-1937) of the Flying Codonas becomes the first to perfect the triple somersault. Theatrical player William Tatem "Big Bill" Tilden II (1893-1953) begins dominating the Wimbledon tennis singles title (until 1925). The first 1.5 mi. Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe Thoroughbred horserace, most prestigious in Europe is hosted at Longchamp Racecourse in Paris; it becomes the 2nd richest turf horserace after the Japan Cup (founded 1981); "Not so much a race as a monument" (slogan). The sport of Water Skiing is invented on Lake Annecy, Haute Savoie, France. Architecture: On May 8 the first truss of Hangar No. 1 at the Naval Air Engineering Station in Lakehurst, Ocean County, N.J. (for dirigibles) is built, becoming known for the May 6, 1937 Hindenburg diaster. On Sept. 30 the Times Square Theatre at 217 West 42nd St. in Manhattan, N.Y. E of the Lyric Theatre (cap. 1,032) opens, with Florence Reed starring in "The Mirage"; on Nov. 17 the Apollo Theatre at 223 West 42nd St. in Manhattan opens, sharing its facade with the Times Square Theatre, debuting the Ira and George Gershwin musical Strike Up the Band on Jan. 14 (191 perf.), and George White's Scandals before turning into a movie theater until the late 1970s; in 1990 the New 42nd Street org. merges it into the new Ford Center, later called the Lyric Theatre. Hamilton Airport in Milwaukee, Wisc. is founded; on Mar. 17, 1941 it is renamed to Gen. Mitchell Field after USAF Brig. Ben. William "Billy" Mitchell. The 1.3K-ft. Tatlin's Tower (Monument to the Third Internat.) is designed by Russian architect Vladimir Tatlin (1885-1953) to dwarf the Eiffel Tower, consisting of twin spirals within which a cube, a pyramid, and a cylinder rotate at different rates (once a year/month/day); too bad, the cost is too high and it is never built. Nobel Prizes: Peace: Leon Bourgeois (1851-1925) (France); Lit.: Knut Hamsun (1859-1952) (Norway); Physics: Charles Edouard Guillaume (1861-1938) (Switzerland); Chem.: Walther Hermann Nernst (1864-1941) (Germany) [Third Law of Thermodynamics]; Medicine: Schack August Steenberg Krogh (1874-1949) (Denmark) [capillary regulation in skeletal muscle]. Inventions: In this decade the Fruehauf Trailer Co. of Detroit, Mich. (founded 1918) introduces the first refrigerated trailers, using ice and salt. Dornier of Germany develops the single-engine all-metal high-wing monoplane Dornier Delphin I commercial flying boat (first flight 1920), the Dornier Komet (Mercur) flying boat (first flight 1921), and the twin engine Donier Do J (Do 16) Wal (Whale) flying boat (first flight Nov. 6, 1922). Air-Way Sanitizor of Toledo, Ohio begins marketing the first vacuum cleaner with a "filter fiber" disposable bag. Band-Aid brand adhesive bandages are invented by Earle Dickson (1892-1961), a cotton buyer at Johnson & Johnson after his wife cuts her finger and puts crinoline (woven horse hair and linen or cotton thread) on some gauze before sticking it to tape; they are first marketed in 1924 in 3 in. x 18 in. rolls. Frederick Samuel Duesenberg (1876-1932) and August Samuel Duesenberg (1879-1955) introduce the first production straight 8-cylinder engine and hydraulic front brakes on their new Duesenberg Model A (Straight Eight) (1921-6), made in Indianapolis, Ind., which next year becomes the first U.S.-made car to win the Grand Prix at Le Mans, France, beating the entire field by 14 min.; on Oct. 26, 1926 Chicago financier Errett Lobban "E.L." Cord (1894-1974) buys them out, allowing the Duesenberg brothers to stay on, and in 1928-37 they produce the Duesenberg Model J, with supercharger option in 1932, becoming the most luxurious and best-engineered automobile of the time, which is later prized by collectors; Cord takes the co. over completely in 1933, makes the cover of the Apr. 23, 1934 Time mag., and buys the Stinson Aircraft Corp. and Century Airlines before facing bankruptcy and diddling with the stock and being forced by the SEC to sell his shares in 1936, causing production to end in 1937. Russian physicist Leon Theremin (Lev Sergeyevich Termen) (1896-1993) invents the Theremin electronic musical instrument in Oct., later used for outer space effects in movies; Lenin loves it so much he sends him on a world tour to demonstrate Soviet superiority, allowing him to patent it in the U.S. in 1928. The Air-Way Sanitizer Co. in Toledo, Ohio offers the first disposable vacuum cleaner "filter fiber" bag. In this decade the Gibson Cocktail (a martini with a pickled onion instead of olive) is invented by U.S. ambassador Hugh Simons Gibbon (1883-1954) in London to get around Prohibition - maybe not, but it makes a good story? German Jewish chemist Fritz Haber invents Zyklon B (Ger. "Cyclone") cyanide-based insecticide; in 1929 the U.S. begins using it to disinfect freight trains and clothes of Mexican immigrants; its use in German concentration camps brings suspicions of mass murder. Sebastian Hinton of Chicago, Ill. patents the Jungle Gym for children's playgrounds. Kimberly-Clark Co. begins marketing Kotex (cotton + texture) sanitary napkins in a hospital blue box, 12 for 60 cents; they are made of leftover cellucotton (wood fibers) from WWI bandages (invented in 1917); prudishness causes the product to er, swim against the tide until Montgomery Ward begins advertising them in its 1926 catalog, reaching $11M sales in 1927 in 57 countries; it becomes one of the first self-service items in Am. retailing after it is strategically placed on countertops with a special payment box so that the woman doesn't have to ask a clerk for it and touch hands; Tampax appears in 1936; belts are needed until the 1970 introduction of Stayfree by Personal Products Co. and New Freedom Pads by Kimberly-Clark. Peter Pan Peanut Butter is introduced by Swift & Co.'s Derby Foods subsidiary under the name E.K. Pond (until 1928), packaged in a tin can with a turn key and reclosable lid, which is changed to glass jars during WWII, and plastic jars in 1988 (first peanut butter brand to be sold in plastic jars). Am. inventor Arthur H. Pitney (1871-1933) and English-born entrepeneur Walter Bowes (1882-1957) invent the Model M Postage Meter, which the U.S. Postal Service approves on Nov. 16. J.C. Shaw develops a servomechanism for a milling machine using a sensing device. Former Carl Zeiss Co. employee Royal Raymond Rife (1888-1971) of the U.S. invents the first microscope for viewing viruses; unlike electron microscopes, it doesn't kill them; too bad, it later turns out that he is only viewing bacilli; also too bad, he goes on to claim that viruses cause cancer, that the cure is RF energy of the "Mortal Oscillatory Rate", usually 10K-100K, and builds a Beam Ray Machine for his cancer clinic, causing the AMA to get his medical license revoked; the 1980 book The Cancer Cure That Worked by Barry Lynes attempts to rehabilitate him. Retired U.S. Army officer John Taliaferro Thompson (1860-1940), who has been working since WWI to develop a "trench broom" finally patents the .45-cal. Thompson Submachine Gun (Tommy Gun), and since the Great War is over he begins marketing it to law enforcement agencies, meaning that the criminals get all they want; after gangs adopt it, it becomes known as the Chicago Typewriter. A tapeworm pill to control weight is sold in this decade. Science: In this decade Am. geneticist Clarence Cook "C.C." Little (1888-1971) of Harvard U. pioneers the use of lab mice for cancer research, founding the Jackson Laboratory in 1929 to sell them to researchers, and getting them named as the official animal model in the 1973 U.S. Nat. Cancer Inst. Act. In this decade after he got the idea that variations in the Earth's orbit could have a major effect on the climate, and found that solar flux in July at 65 deg. N lat. can vary by as much as 25%, Serbian scientist Milutin Milankovic (Milankovitch) (1879-1958) proposes Milankovitch Cycles to explain long-term climate changes by the position of the Earth vis a vis the Sun, namely that during an ice age there will be more or less ice depending on these orbital cycles, but if the Earth is too warm, they basically won't do anything in terms of growing ice. On Apr. 26 the Shapley-Curtis (Great) Debate rocks the learned halls with an argument over the size of the Universe, with Heber Doust Curtis (1872-1942) curtly claiming that the Sun is at the center of the Milky Way, and Shapley shapily claiming that it's in a nondescript location; too bad, Harlow goes too far and claims that globular clusters and spiral nebulae are also inside the Milky Way; in the 1920s German astronomer Maximilian Franz Joseph Cornelius "Max" Wolf (1863-1932) studies the Milky Way, proving the existence of clouds of dark matter, and showing that spiral and gaseous nebulae have different absoption spectra - like Romulus and Remus suckling on wolf milk? Here's why you should buy a Toyota right now? German top funky mathematician David Hilbert (1862-1943) proposes Hilbert's Program, an attempt to prove that all of mathematics follows from a finite set of axioms, and is consistent; too bad, Kurt Godel blows the program out of the water in 1931 with his Incompleteness Theorem. Polish mathematician Stefan Banach (1892-1945) introduces the concept of Banach Space, founding modern Functional Analysis. Am. mathematician Edward Kasner (1878-1955) coins the word "Google" to mean 1 followed by 100 zeroes (ten duotrigintillion); the name was thought up his 9-y.-o. nephew Milton Sirotta (1911-81). Polish mathematician Jan Lukasiewicz (1878-1956) invents Polish (Lukasiewicz) (Warsaw) (Prefix) Notation, which dispenses with parentheses and places operators before operands to make for unambiguous parsing, becoming popular with computer scientists, who use it with a last-in first-out recursive stack computer memory. Amala (-1921) and Kamala (-1929) the Wolf Girls are found in a wolf den in India by Rev. Joseph Amrito Lal Singh in Godamuri, Midnapore (W of Calcutta), who raises them in his orphanage like wild wolves in a cage, where they walk on all fours and eat raw meat from a bowl on the ground, howling at night - hey man can't you see I'm doing an interview with Geraldo? Carl Ulrich Franz Mannich (1877-1947) and Helene Lowenheim (Löwenheim) of Germany first synthesize Hydrocodone; it is approved by the FDA for sale on Mar. 23, 1943; since it is 6x (VI) as strong as codeine, it is later marketed under the trade name Vicodin. On Apr. 26 the Shapley-Curtis Debate rocks the learned halls with an argument over the size of the Universe, with Heber Doust Curtis (1872-1942) curtly claiming that the Sun is at the center of the Milky Way, and Harlow Shapley (1885-1972) shapily claiming that it's in a nondescript location; too bad, Harlow goes too far and claims that globular clusters and spiral nebulae are also inside the Milky Way; meanwhile in this decade John Broadus Watson (1878-1958) and his asst. Rosalie Rayner perform the Little Albert Experiment, which uses classical conditioning to make a young boy afraid of white rats. Am. psychologist Edward Lee "Ted" Thorndike (1874-1949) pub. the article A Constant Error in Psychological Ratings, describing the Halo Effect, when someone's shine colors your opinion of them. German astronomer Max Wolf (1863-1932) studies the Milky Way, proving the existence of clouds of dark matter, and showing that spiral and gaseous nebulae have different absoption spectra - like Romulus and Remus suckling on wolf milk? In this decade Austrian meteorologist Heinrich von Ficker (1881-1957) stresses the importance of the stratosphere in weather phenomena. Am. astronomer Francis Gladheim Pease (1881-1938) of Mt. Wilson Observatory becomes the first to use an interferometer to measure the diam. of a star, Betelgeuse, the big red magnitude-1 star in Orion, which varies from 180M-260M mi. diam. (0.047 arc-sec.). The Raschig-Hooker Process to produce phenol by chlorination of benzene using hydrogen chloride is developed by German chemist Friedrich August Fritz Raschig (1863-1928) and ? Hooker. English scientist Ernest Rutherford names the proton after scientist William Prout (1785-1850). Zurich-born Swiss psychiatrist Hermann Rorschach (1884-1922), nicknamed "Kleck" (inkblot) for his interest in art invents the Rorschach Inkblot Test, based on a series of 10 inkblot plates. German chemist Hermann Staudinger (1881-1965) discovers polymerization of small molecules into plastics (polymers), and coins the term "macromolecule", going on to pub. 700+ papers in this field by 1950 - macromind? In this decade French-Russian surgeon Serge Voronoff (1866-1951) experiments with induced rejuvenation using xenotransplants between animals and humans, grafting monkey testicle tissue onto the testicles of hopeful men - is his assistant's name Igor? Nonfiction: Alfred Adler (1870-1937), The Practice and Theory of Individual Psychology. Samuel Alexander (1859-1938), Space, Time and Deity; emergent quality and emergent evolution; "Space-Time, the universe in its primordial form, is the stuff out of which all existents are made"; "For Time makes Space distinct and Space makes Time distinct... Space or Time may be regarded as supplying the element of diversity to the element of identity supplied by the other." Hermann Bahr (1863-1934), Burgtheater. Jacques Bainville (1879-1936), Les Consequences Politques de la Paix (Political Consequences of Peace); answer to John Maynard Keynes' views on the Treaty of Versailles; the German trans. is used as evidence that France wants to destroy Germany. Ardern Arthur Hulme Beaman, The Squadroon (autobio.); the legend of the wild deserters who live in No Man's Land, which "was peopled with wild men, British, French, Australian, German deserters, who lived there underground, like ghouls among the mouldering dead, and who came out at nights to plunder and to kill. In the night, an officer told him, mingled with the snarling of carrion dogs, they often heard inhuman cries and rifle shots coming from that awful wilderness as though the bestial denizens were fighting among themselves." Max Beerbohm (1872-1956), Herbert Beerbohm Tree: Some Memories of Him and His Art; And Even Now. Friedrich von Bernhardi, On the War of the Future in the Light of the Lessons of the First World War (Vom Kriege der Zukunft, nach den Erfahrungen des Weltkrieges). Count von Bernstorff (1862-1939), My Three Years in America. Paul Eugen Bleuler, Lehrbuch der Psychiatrie. Edward William Bok (1863-1930), The Americanization of Edward Bok: The Autobiography of a Dutch Boy Fifty Years After (Pulitzer Prize); bestseller by Dutch-born "Ladies' Home Journal" ed. (1889-1919), who coined the term "living room". Jules Bordet (1870-), Traite de l'Immunite dans les Maladies Infectieuses. Bernard Bosanquet (1848-1923), Implication and Linear Inference. Leon Bourgeois (1851-1925), Le Pacte de 1919 et la Societe des Nations; Le Traite de Versailles. Andre Breton (1896-1966) and Philippe Soupault (1897-1990), Les Champs magnetiques (magnétiques); first work of literary Surrealism, using an automatic writing technique; "It was the end of sorrow lies. The rail stations were dead, flowing like bees stung from honeysuckle. The people hung back and watched the ocean, animals flew in and out of focus. The time had come. Yet king dogs never grow old – they stay young and fit, and someday they might come to the beach and have a few drinks, a few laughs, and get on with it. But not now. The time had come; we all knew it. But who would go first?" Capt. D.G. Browne, The Tank in Action (London). Sir E.A. Wallis Budge (1857-1934), An Egyptian Hieroglyphic Dictionary; By Nile and Tigris (autobio.). Jose Capablanca (1888-1942), My Chess Career (autobio.). Gustav Cassel (1866-1945), Memorandum on the World's Monetary Problems; promoted by the League of Nations at the Internat. Finance Conference in Brussels, proposing the idea of Purchasing Power Parity (PPP), making a fan of John Maynard Keynes. G.K. Chesterton (1874-1936), The New Jerusalem; "[Islam] was content with the idea that it had a great truth; as indeed it had a colossal truth. It was so huge a truth that it was hard to see it was a half-truth"; "The highest message of Mahomet is a piece of divine tautology. The very cry that God is God is a repetition of words, like the repetitions of wide sands and rolling skies. The very phrase is like an everlasting echo, that can never cease to say the same sacred word." Lionel Curtis (1872-1955), Dyarchy; influences the 1919 Govt. of India Act. Clarence Day (1874-1935), This Simian World; on the origins of Homo sapiens; makes him an instant celeb. Hans Delbruck (1848-1929), History of Warfare in the Framework of Political History (3rd ed.) (4 vols.). William Edward Dodd (1869-1940), Woodrow Wilson and His Work; highly pro-Wilson and pro-Progressivism. Charles Montagu Doughty (1843-1926), Mansoul; or The Riddle of the World. W.E.B. Du Bois (1868-1963), Darkwater. Sir Arthur Stanley Eddington (1882-1944), Space, Time, and Gravitation: An Outline of the General Relativity Theory; proposes that stellar energy is liberated by nuclear fusion in the formation of helium from hydrogen. Charles L. Edson, The Gentle Art of Columning. T.S. Eliot (1888-1965), The Sacred Wood: Essays on Poetry and Criticism; incl. "Hamlet and His Problems"; "These minds often find in Hamlet a vicarious existence for their own artistic realization. Such a mind had Goethe, who made of Hamlet a Werther; and such had Coleridge, who made of Hamlet a Coleridge; and probably neither of these men in writing about Hamlet remembered that his first business was to study a work of art." Rudolf Christoph Eucken (1846-1926), Socialism: An Analysis. Millicent Fawcett (1847-1929), The Women's Victory and After: Personal Reminiscences. Sidney Bradshaw Fay (1876-1967), New Light on the Origins of the World War, I. Berlin and Vienna, to July 29 (July); pub. in The Am. Historical Review. John Frederick Charles Fuller (1878-1966), , 1914-1918. Camille Flammarion (1842-1925), La Mort et Son Mystere (1920-1). Sir Patrick Geddes (1854-1932), The Life and Works of Sir Jagadis Chandra Bose. Katherine Gerould (1879-1944), Modes and Morals. Sir Philip Gibbs (1877-1962), The Realities of War; English journalist tells the truth about the Great War now that he's free of censorship, dissing Gen. Sir Douglas Haig; warns of the need to avert "another massacre of youth like that five years' sacrifice of boys of which I was a witness"; "The evil in Germany had to be killed. There was no other way, except by helping the Germans to kill it before it mastered them"; "Our men were never dry. They were wet in their trenches and wet in their dugouts. They slept in soaking clothes, with boots full of water, and they drank rain with their tea, and ate mud with their 'bully', and endured it all with the philosophy of 'grin and bear it!' and laughter, as I heard them laughing in those places, between explosive curses." George Peabody Gooch (1873-1968), Germany and the French Revolution. Maxim Gorky (1868-1936), Recollections (autobio.); incl. Recollections of Tolstoy. David George Hogarth (1862-1927), Hittite Seals. Oliver Wendell Holmes. Jr. (1841-1935), Collected Legal Papers. Henry Mayers Hyndman (1842-1921), The Evolution of Revolution. Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961), Psychological Types. Gen. Alexander von Kluck (1846-1935), The March on Paris and the Battle of the Marne, 1914. Vladimir Lenin (1870-1924), "Left-Wing" Communism: An Infantile Disorder; how real Communists have to go with the long-term flow and not just an instant rev. Sir Oliver Joseph Lodge (1852-1940), The Making of Man. Robert Harry Lowie (1883-), Primitive Society. Emil Ludwig (1881-1948), Goethe. Gyorgy Lukacs (1885-1971), The Theory of the Novel. Pierre Loti (1850-1923), La Mort de Notre Chere France en Orient. Jacques Maritain (1882-1972), Art et Scolastique. Joseph McCabe (1867-1955), A Biographical Dictionary of Modern Rationalists. William McDougall (1871-1938), The Group Mind; Physiological Psychology. Andrew Cunningham McLaughlin (1861-1947), Steps in the Development of American Democracy. Ludwig von Mises (1881-1973), Economic Calculation in the Socialist Commonwealth; claims that a socialist govt. can't make the calculations required to operate a complex economy, launching the Economic (Socialist) Calculation Debate between classical liberals and socialists. Charles Bernard Nordhoff (1887-1947) and James Norman Hall (1887-1951), The Lafayette Flying Corps. Thomas Nelson Page (1853-1922), Italy and the World War. Hans Pfitzner (1869-1949), The New Aesthetic of Musical Impotence: A Symptom of Decline? Arthur Cecil Pigou (1877-1959), The Economics of Welfare; claims that economic externalities make markets inefficient, causing market failures that require govt. intervention, proposing the Pigovian (Pigouvian) Tax, which is to be applied to a market activity that is generating negative externalities, e.g., pollution. George Walter Prothero (1848-1922), Peace Handbooks; set of 160 briefing books on different countries for British negotiators at the Paris Peace Conference, commissioned by the British Foreign Office in spring 1917, incl. Anatolia, Arabia, Armenia and Kurdistan, France and the Levant, Mesopotamia, Mohammedan History, Persian Gulf, Syria and Palestine, Serbia, Turkey in Asia, and Turkey in Europe, gaining Prothero a knighthood this year. Ezra Pound (1885-1972), Instigations. John Cowper Powys (1872-1963), The Complex Vision; "What we are, in the first place, assured of is the existence within our own individual body of a real actual living thing composed of a mysterious substance wherein what we call mind and what we call matter are fused and intermingled. This is our real and self-conscious soul, the thing in us which says, 'I am I', of which the physical body is only one expression, and of which all the bodily senses are only one gateway of receptivity." Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch (1863-1944), The Art of Reading. Agnes Repplier (1855-1950), Points of Friction. Herbert William Richmond (1871-1946), The Navy in the War of 1739-48 (2 vols.); written in 1907-14 and held during the Great War, during which the Admiralty ignored his advice and eventually succeeded in getting him relegated to the status of a "paper man" not fit for top command. James Harvey Robinson (1863-1936) and James Henry Breasted (1865-1935), History of Europe: Ancient and Medieval; followed by History of Europe: Our Own Times: The Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries: The Opening of the Twentieth Century and the World War (w/Charles Austin Beard) (1921). Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919), Letters (2 vols.) (posth.); ed. by J.B. Bishop. Hermann Rorschach (1884-1922), Psycho-Signatures (Psychodiagnostik); the Rorschach Inkblot Test, based on 300 mental patients and 100 control subjects. Bertrand Russell (1872-1970), The Practice and Theory of Bolshevism. George Saintsbury (1845-1933), Notes on a Cellar-Book; becomes a big hit among wine drinkers, causing the Saintsbury Club for lit. men and members of the wine trade to be founded. George Santayana (1863-1952), Character and Opinion in the United States. William Henry Schofield (1878-1940), Mythical Bards and the Life of William Wallace; Blind Harry et al. Ted Shawn (1891-), Ruth St. Denis, Pioneer and Prophet. William Sowden Sims (1858-1936) and Burton Jesse Hendrick (1870-1949), The Victory at Sea (London) (Pulitzer Prize). Ethel Snowden (1881-1951), Through Bolshevik Russia coins the term "iron curtain" (used as a safety curtain in theaters) for the border of Communist Russia. Nathan Soderblom (1866-1931), Introduction to the History of Religion. Johannes Stark (1874-1957), Aenderungen der Struktur und des Spectrums Chemischer Atome. Lothrop Stoddard (1883-1950), The Rising Tide of Color Against White World-Supremacy; bestseller pushing Nordic racial theories, predicting the rise of Japan and its war with the U.S., WWII, the overthrow of colonial empires in Africa and Asia, mass immigration of non-whites to white countries, and the rise of extremist Islam; mentioned in F. Scott Fitzgerald's 1925 novel "The Great Gatsby". R.H. Tawney (1880-1962), The Acquisitive Society; blasts capitalism for its amoral selfish individualism, promoting Christian socialism to combat greed and imperialism, becoming hugely influential in Britain and helping lead it to a welfare state; "a socialist bible" (Richard Crossman). H.W.V. Temperley, History of the Peace Conference of Paris (6 vols.) (1920-4). Adm. Alfred von Tirpitz (1849-1930), My Memoirs (2 vols.). Charles Vere Ferrers Townshend (1861-1924), My Campaign in Mesopotamia; tries to whitewash his defeat by the Turks, getting elected to parliament as a Conservative (until 1922); too bad, the truth comes out and he dies in disgrace. Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky (1857-1935), Beyond Planet Earth; "Earth is the cradle of humanity but one cannot live in the cradle forever." Frederick Jackson Turner (1861-1932), The Significance of the Frontier in American History; the Frontier Thesis of the Am. psyche - see the opening theme of "Star Trek"? Graham Wallas (1858-1932), Human Nature in Politics; 3rd ed. H.G. Wells (1866-1946), The Outline of History: The Whole Story of Man (Being a Plain History of Life and Mankind) (3 vols.); bestseller (2M copies) modeled on Denis Diderot's "Encyclopedie"; written in Oct. 1918-Nov. 1919; leans heavily on the Encyclopaedia Britannica; acknowledges help from 100+ experts, but later investigation fails to find any supporting correspondence; "Such a synthesis, such an interpretation of life as a cognate whole has never been attempted single-handed by any other man" (Hector Charlesworth); too bad, it contains strange quirky omissions incl. Adam Smith, the Enlightenment, Romanticism, Feminism, etc.; impacts higher education history teaching after a period where the teachers turn into Luddites and pooh-pooh it because they couldn't write such a broad work themselves, and fear it might put them out of work?; "Mr. H. G. Wells's The Outline of History was received with unmistakable hostility by a number of historical specialists.... They seemed not to realize that, in re-living the entire life of Mankind as a single imaginative experience, Mr. Wells was achieving something which they themselves would hardly have dared to attempt... In fact, the purpose and value of Mr. Wells's book seem to have been better appreciated by the general public than by the professional historians of the day" (Arnold J. Toynbee); in 1927 Canadian feminist historian Florence Amelia Deeks (1864-1959) sues Wells for stealing from her ms. "The Web" which she had submitted to Macmillan Canada and was returned 9 mo. later dog-eared and stained, losing her case despite appealing all the way to George V (due to prejudice against women?); in 2000 Canadian historian A.B. McKillop (1946-) of Carleton U. pub. The Spinster & the Prophet: Florence Deeks, H.G. Wells, and the Mystery of the Purloined Past, bolstering her claims. Alfred North Whitehead (1861-1947), The Concept of Nature. M.W. Williams, Social Scandinavia in the Viking Age. Robert Wilton (1868-1925), and George Gustav Telberg, The Last Days of the Romanovs; claims that the execution of the tsar and his family was a Jewish ritual murder. Stefan Zweig (1881-1942), Romain Rolland, an Appreciation. Music: Sir Arnold Bax (1883-1953), The Truth About Russian Dancers (ballet). Sir Arthur Bliss (1891-1975), Two Studies. Henry Hadley, Cleopatra's Night (opera) (New York Metropolitan Opera). Victor Herbert (1859-1924), My Golden Girl (operetta). Gustav Holst (1874-1934), The Planets Suite (complete) (London). Vincent d'Indy (1851-1931), The Legend of St. Christopher (opera) (Paris). Al Jolson (1886-1950), Swanee; big hit. Emmerich Kalman (1882-1953), Das Hollandweibchen (The Little Dutch Girl) (operetta) (Vienna). Jerome Kern (1885-1945), Victor Herbert (1859-1924), Clifford Grey (1887-1941), Buddy De Sylva (1895-1950), P.G. Wodehouse (1881-1975), Anne Caldwell (1868-1936), and Guy Bolton (1884-1979), Sally (musical) (New Amsterdam Theatre, New York) (Dec. 21) (570 perf.) (Winter Garden Theatre, Camden, London) (1921) (387 perf.); Broadway production is the debut of Evansville, Ind.-born Marilyn Miller (Mary Ellen Reynolds) (1898-1936) as Sally, a dishwasher at the Alley Inn, who poses as a famous foreign ballerina and joins the Ziegfeld Follies, rising to fame, starring in a ballet and getting married; filmed in 1929; features the song Look for the Silver Lining. Erich Wolfgang Korngold (1897-1957), Die Tote Stadt (The Dead City) (Hamburg). Franz Lahar (1870-1948), Die Blaue Mazur (The Blue Mazurka) (Vienna). Leonide Massine (1896-1979), The Rite of Spring (ballet); reworking of Igor Stravinsky's 1913 work; makes a big star of English ballerina Lydia Sokolova (Hilda Munnings) (1896-1974) as the Chosen Maiden in the longest solo in theatrical history. Darius Milhaud (1892-1974), Memories of Brazil (Saudades do Brasil) (1920-1); from his experience in the French embassy in Rio de Janeiro in 1917-18. Maurice Ravel (1875-1937), La Valse. Edgar Saltus (1855-1921), The Imperial Orgy: An Account of the Tsars from the First to the Last. Oscar Straus (1870-1954), The Last Waltz (Berlin). Igor Stravinsky (1882-1971), Pulcinella (ballet); Le Chant du Rossignol (ballet) (Paris). Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872-1958), London Symphony (final version). Movies: U.S. film production begins moving from the East Coast to Hollywood, with an avg. of 800 film releases in the 1920s-30s; in 1925 total capital investment is $2B; by 1929 there are 20 studios in Hollywood. Cecil Hepworth's 5-reel Alf's Button is an internat. hit, causing him to take his co. public; too bad, the stock bombs and he goes bankrupt by 1924. Hans Werckmeister's Algol: Tragedy of Power (Sept. 3) (Universal Film AG), about an alien from the planet Algol with a machine to rule the world stars Emil Jannings and John Gottowt. Robert Wiene's The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (Feb. 26) is a German horror film starring Werner Krauss (1884-1959) as Caligari, co-starring Conrad Veidt as his somnambulist Cesare, who are visited at the carnival in Holstenwall, Germany by Francis (Friedrich Feher), and Alan (Hans Heinrich von Twardowski), whom Caligari correctly prophesies will die by dawn, causing Francis to begin investigating them; Cesare then kidnaps Francis' babe Jane (Lil Dagover), and after Caligari orders him to kill her, he falls in love with her and helps her escape, falling to his death; meanwhile Caligari is discovered to be head of a local insane asylum, obsessed with a medieval Dr. Caligari, after which the twist ending has Caligari revealed to be the insane asylum doctor who is trying to cure the narrator Francis all along - he's got documentation, play ball? A.E. Coleby's The Call of the Night (Oct.) (I.B. Davidson) is the film debut of English-born (not Irish) former heavyweight boxer (who defeated Jack Johnson in an exhibition match) (Protestant not Catholic) Victor Andrew de Bier Everleigh McLaglen (1886-1959) as disowned gambler Alf Truscott, who becomes a you-guessed-it boxer; in 1925 he moves to Hollywood, gaining a rep for playing Irish drunks. Winsor McCay's The Centaurs is a realistic B&W cartoon that makes horses sexy. Erich von Stroheim's The Devil's Pass Key (Passkey) (Aug. 30) (Universal Pictures) (Stroheim's 2nd film) stars Sam De Grasse as Warren Goodright, whose Am. playwright wife Grace (Una Trevelyn) has overspent in Paris and owes dressmaker Renee Malot (Maude George) money, causing him to suggest that she contact U.S. Army Capt. Rex Strong (Clyde Fillmore) for a loan, but he wants sex in return, which she refuses, causing Malot to attempt to blackmail her. Winsor McCay's Dreams of the Rarebit Field - Bug Vaudeville is another realistic B&W cartoon. and Leo White. John S. Robertson's Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (Mar. 20) (Famous Players-Lasky) (Paramount), written by Clara Beranger based on the 1886 novella "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" by Robert Louis Stevenson stars John Barrymore as Dr. Henry Jekyll/Mr. Edward Hyde, Brandon Hurst as Sir George Carewe, Martha Mansfield as his daughter Jekyll's fiancee) Millicent, Nita Naldi as Italian exotic dancer Gina, and Louis Wolheim as the music hall owner; watch film. Alan Crosland's and Laurence Trimble's Everybody's Sweetheart (Oct. 4) stars Olive Thomas as you know what. Alan Crosland's The Flapper (May 10) stars Olive Thomas as 16-y.-o. Genevieve "Ginger" King, who is wooed out of her girls' seminary by distinguished older man William P. Carleton (Richard Channing). Carl Boese's and Paul Wegener's The Golem: How He Came Into the World, about a clay man brought to life by rabbis features vast architectural set designs by Hans Poelzig, and is widely emulated in the later Frankenstein films. Ewald Andre Dupont's Das Grand Hotel Babylon stars Hans Albers. Henry Kolker's Heart of Twenty (June 20) stars newlyweds ZaSu Pitts and Tom Gallery. Clarence Brown and Maurice Tourneur's The Last of the Mohicans (Nov. 21), based on the 1826 James Fenimore Cooper novel stars Wallace Berry as Magua, Barbara Bedford as Cora Munro, James Gordon as Col. Munro, and Albert Roscoe as Uncas. Manolescus Memoiren stars Adele Sandrock. Fred Niblo's The Mark of Zorro (Dec. 5) introduces a gay masked Californian Spanish swordsman with a smashing fashion sense (Douglas Fairbanks Sr.); Mary Pickford plays the virtuous but fiery girl next door. Paul Powell's Pollyanna (Jan. 18), based on the 1913 Eleanor Hodgman Porter novel stars Mary Pickford as young orphan Pollyanna Whittier, who is adopted by bitter cold Aunt Polly Harrington (Katherine Griffith). Chester Withey's Romance (May 30) (United Artists), based on the 1913 Edward Sheldon play stars starring St. Joseph, Mich.-born Doris Keane (1881-1945) as opera singer Madame Cavallini, and her hubby (1918-25), St. Osyth, Essex, England-born Basil Sydney (1894-1968) in his film debut as Bishop Armstrong; he goes on to appear in 50+ films. Herbert Blache's The Saphead (Oct. 18), based on the play "The New Henrietta" by Winchell Smith, based on the novel by Victor Mapes is the film debut of Joseph Frank "Buster" Keaton (1895-1966) as rich playboy Bertie "the Lamb" Van Alstyne. D.W. Griffith's Way Down East (Sept. 3) (United Artists), the big box office draw of the year, based on the play by Lottie Blair Parker stars Lillian Gish (de Guiche) (1893-1993) as innocent New England country girl Anna Moore, who must face life with a child born out of wedlock; she ends up in a blizzard, stranded on an ice floe headed toward a waterfall until saved by farmer's son David Bartlett (Richard Barthelmess), who makes an honest woman of her; does $2M box office on a $700K budget. Art: Constantin Brancusi (1876-1957), Leda (sculpture). Charles Burchfield (1893-1967), February Thaw. Le Corbusier (1887-1965), Still Life - help pick a name? Lovis Corinth (1858-1925), Pieta. Otto Dix (1891-1969), War Cripples; featured in the 1937 Degenerate Art exhibition by the Nazis as "an insult to the German heroes of the Great War". Marcel Duchamp (1887-1968), Fresh Widow. Max Ernst (1891-1976), Le Limacon de Chambre; The Small Fistule That Says Tic Tac; The Fall of an Angel; Un Peu Malade le Cheval Patte Pelu; The Gramineous Bicycle Garnished with Bells the Dappled Fire Damps and the Echinoderms Bending the Spine to Look for Caresses (1920-1) - was it something in the bath? Lyonel Feininger (1871-1956), Church (cubist). Naum Gabo (1890-1977), Kinetic Construction (sculpture). George Grosz (1893-1959), Self-Portrait With Two Women; Berlin 1920s porno?; he's bragging? Fernand Leger (1881-1955), The Tug Boat; The Mechanic (Purist Mona Lisa?). Stanton MacDonald-Wright (1890-1973), Airplane Synchromy in Yellow-Orange. John Marin (1870-1953), Lower Manhattan. Henri Matisse (1869-1954), L'Odalisque. Sir William Nicholson (1872-1949), Sunflowers. Amedee Ozenfant (1886-1966), Guitar and Bottles (Guitare et Bouteilles). Max Pechstein (1881-1955), Self-Portrait with Death. Francis Picabia (1879-1953), The Virgin Saint (La Sainte Vierge); Tableau Dada: Portrait of Cezanne and Rembrandt. Man Ray (1890-1976), Enigma of Isidore Ducasse (New York); "Chance meeting of an umbrella and sewing machine on a dissecting table". John Singer Sargent (1856-1925), Gassed. Stanley Spencer (1891-1959), Christ Carrying the Cross. Plays: Max Beerbohm (1872-1956), Seven Men. Gordon Bottomley (1874-1948), King Lear's Wife and Other Plays. Arnolt Bronnen, Vatermord. Van Wyck Brooks (1886-1963), The Ordeal of Mark Twain. Colette (1873-1954), Cheri; aging demi-mondaine Lea and her young lover Cheri, who is torn between love for her and his rich wife; followed by "La Fin de Cheri" (1926). Fernand Crommelynck (1886-1970), Le Cocu Magnifique; big hit, launching his career. Francois de Curel (1854-1928), L'Ame en Folie. Ronald Firbank (1886-1926), The Princess Zoubaroff; "I am always disappointed with mountains... I should like to shake Switzerland." John Galsworthy (1867-1933), In Chancery; The Skin Game. Michel de Ghelderode (1898-1962), Piet Bouteille (Oude Piet); Le Cavalier Bizarre (The Strange Rider). Susan Glaspell (1882-1948), Bernice. Susan Glaspell (1876-1948) and George Cram Cook (1873-1924), Suppressed Desires. Howard Hanson (1896-1981), The California Forest Play. Gerhart Hauptmann (1862-1946), The White Savior (verse drama); how the Christian Conquistadors suck and Montezuma rocks? Avery Hopwood (1882-1928) and Charlton Andrews, Ladies Night in a Turkish Bath; stars Charlie Ruggles. Franz Kafka (1883-1924), A Country Doctor. Hanns Johst (1890-1978), Der König (The King); a heroic revolutionary is betrayed by reactionaries and the bourgeoisie, taking his own life rather than abandon his principles; makes a fan of Adolf Hitler, who sees the play 17x, meets him in 1923, and tells him that he suspects that his own life will end the same way, later making him poet laureate of the Third Reich. Georg Kaiser (1878-1945), Gas II (3rd in trilogy). George S. Kaufman (1889-1961) and Marc Connelly (1890-1980), Dulcy; makes a star of Lynn Fontanne (1887-1983). Karl Kraus (1874-1936), Die Letzten Tage der Menschheit (The Last Days of Mankind) (tragedy). Federico Garcia Lorca (1898-1936), El Maleficio de la Mariposa. A.A. Milne (1882-1956), The Romantic Age (comedy); The Stepmother; The Red Feathers. Ferenc Molnar (1878-1952), The Swan. George Moore (1852-1933), The Coming of Gabrielle. Eugene O'Neill (1888-1953), Beyond the Horizon (Morosco Theatre, New York) (Feb. 3) (Criterion Theatre, New York) (Feb. 24) (Little Theatre, New York) (Mar. 9) (Pulitzer Prize); dir. by Homer Saint-Gaudens; the first native Am. tragedy?; farm brothers Andrew and Robert, Andrew's girl Ruth, and sea captain Uncle Dick. The Emperor Jones (Playwright's Theatre, New York) (Nov. 1) (204 perf.); his first hit; African-Am. Pullman porter Brutus Jones (Charles Sidney Gilpin) kills another black man in a dice game, and escapes to a small backward island in the West Indies, exploiting the residents' ignorance and superstitions to gain power. David Pinski (1872-1959), The Treasure. Charles Vildrac (1882-1971), Le Paquebot Tenacity. Poetry: Stephen Vincent Benet (1898-1943), Heavens and Earth. Robert Seymour Bridges (1844-1930), October and Other Poems. Alex de Candole (1897-1918), Poems (posth.); incl. When the Last Long Trek is Over. Kahlil Gibran (1911-72), The Forerunner. Robert Ranke Graves (1895-1985), Treasure Box; Country Sentiment. Arthur Guiterman (1871-), Ballads of Old New York. Aldous Huxley (1894-1963), Leda. Vachel Lindsay (1879-1931), The Golden Whales of California. John Masefield (1878-1967), Reynard the Fox; Enslaved and Other Poems. Edgar Lee Masters (1868-1950), Jack Kelso: A Dramatic Poem; Domesday Book; "Take any life you choose and study it;/ It gladdens, troubles, changes many lives./ The life goes out, how many things result?/ Fate drops a stone, and to the utmost shores/ The circles spread." Edna St. Vincent Millay (1892-1950), A Few Figs from Thistles: Poems and Sonnets; becomes controversial for its exploration of feminism and female sexuality; "And if I love you Wednesday,/ Well, what is that to you?/ I do not love you Thursday -/ So much is true./ And why you come complaining/ Is more than I can see./ I loved you Wednesday, - yes - but what/ Is that to me?"; "Cut if you will, with Sleep's dull knife,/ Each day to half its length, my friend, - / The years that Time takes off my life,/ He'll take off from the other end!"; "She wrote the best sonnets of the century." (Richard Wilbur) Walter Herries Pollock (1850-1926), Icarian Flights: Translations of Some of the Odes of Horace. Ezra Pound (1885-1972), Hugh Selwyn Mauberly; a "quintesential autobiography" addressing his failure as a poet who attempted to "wring lillies from the acorn"; "For three years, out of key with his time/ He strove to resuscitate the dead art/ Of poetry"; "Beside this thoroughfare/ The sale of half-hose has/ Long since superseded the cultivation/ Of Pierian roses." "There died a myriad/ And of the best, among them,/ For an old bitch gone in the teeth,/ For a botched civilisation." Edwin Arlington Robinson (1869-1935), Lancelot. Carl Sandburg (1878-1967), Smoke and Steel. Sara Teasdale (1884-1933), Flame and Shadow. Julian Tuwim (1894-1953), Dancing Socrates. Miguel de Unamuno (1864-1936), El Cristo de Velasquez. Louis Untermeyer (1885-1977) (ed.), Modern British Poetry; incl. The Barrel Organ by Alfred Noyes (1880-1958). Charles Vildrac (1882-1971), Chants du Desespere. William Carlos Williams (1883-1963), Kora in Hell, Improvisations; "Incoherent" (Ezra Pound). Novels: Sherwood Anderson (1876-1941), Poor White; inventor Hugh McVey on the banks of the Mississippi River. Michael Arlen (1895-1956), The London Venture (first novel); Armenian dandy lives in London and fills his writing with "Arlenesque" inversions, inflections, and a heightened exotic pitch. Charles Brackett (1892-1969), Counsel of the Ungodly (first novel). Bryher (1894-1983), Development. Robert William Chambers (1865-1933), The Slayer of Souls. Agatha Christie (1890-1976), The Mysterious Affair at Styles (first novel); introduces 5'4" Belgian detective Hercule Poirot, who retired from the Belgian police dept. in 1904, and relies on his "leetle gray cells" to solve crimes; also introduces Chief Inspector Japp and Captain Hastings; first of 80 novels and short story collections incl. 38 Hercule Poirot, 12 Miss Jane Marple, and five Thomas "Tommy" Beresford and Prudence "Tuppence" Cowley books, plus six under the alias Mary Westmacott, and 19 plays; praised by the Pharmaceutical Journal "for dealing with poisons in a knowledgeable way, and not with the nonsense about untraceable substances that so often happens." Padraic Collum (1881-1972), The Boy Apprenticed to an Enchanter. Joseph Conrad (1857-1924), The Rescue; Capt. Lingard must choose between love and duty. F. Wills Crofts, The Cask; one of the first modern detective stories. Grazia Deledda (1871-1936), La Madre. Floyd Dell (1887-1969), Moon-Calf; bildungsroman. Norman Douglas (1868-1953), They Went. Georges Duhamel (1884-1966), Cycle de Salavin (1920-32). Hans Fallada (1893-1947), Young Goedeschal (first novel). F. Scott Fitzgerald (1896-1940), pub. his first novel This Side of Paradise This Side of Paradise (first novel) (Mar. 26); title taken from Rupert Brooke's poem "Tiare Tahiti"; coming of age novel set at Princeton U. about wealthy attractive student Amory Blaine, who "inherited from his mother every trait, except the stray inexpressible few, that made him worth while"; Isabelle is inspired by his college girlfriend Ginevra King; Rosalind is inspired by his girlfriend Zelda Fitzgerald (nee Sayre)(1900-48) (a Southern Belle he met in an Ala. country club), who "does resemble you in more ways than four", using quotes from her diary in the novel, and when the novel is a hit they marry on Apr. 3, becoming New York City celebs; "Amor had decided definitely on Princeton, even though he would be the only boy to enter that year from St. Regis'. Yale had a romance and glamour from the tales of Minneapolis, and St. Regis' men who had been 'tapped for Skull and Bones', but Princeton drew him most, with its atmosphere of bright colors and its alluring reputation as the pleasantest country club in America"; Flappers and Philosophers (short stories); "I had no idea of originating an American flapper when I first began to write. I simply took girls whom I knew very well and, because they interested me as unique human beings, I used them for my heroines." (Metropolitan Mag., Nov. 1923). Renato Fucini (1843-1921), Acqua Passata: Storielle e Aneddoti della Mia Vita; incl. The Colonel. Zona Gale (1874-1938), Miss Lulu Bett; bestseller about a woman who marries her brother-in-law's brother Ninian, then finds he is already married. Romulo Gallegos (1884-1969), Reinaldo Solar; how life sucks under Venezuelan dictator Juan Vicente Gomez. Ludwig Ganghofer (1855-1920), Der Laufende Berg. Jean Giono (1895-), Colline. Jean Giraudoux (1882-1944), L'Adorable Clio; WWI novel. Louis Golding (1895-1958), Forward from Babylon (first novel). Zane Grey (1872-1939), The Man of the Forest; bestseller. J. Rider Haggard (1856-1925), The Ancient Allan; Smith and the Pharaohs. Cicely Hamilton (1872-1952), William, an Englishman (first novel). Jaroslav Hasek (1883-1923), The Adventures of the Good Soldier Schwejk (Schweik) (1920-23); a Czech dog-catcher in the Austrian imperial army. James Hilton (1900-54), Catherine Herself (first novel). Jean de La Hire (1878-1956), The Nyctalope vs. Lucifer; Leo Saint-Clair AKA the Nyctalope, with night vision, hypnotic powers, artificial heart, and super senses vs. Glo von Warteck and his plot to rule mankind with Omega Rays; becomes the basis of U.S. comic books? Mary Johnston (1870-1936), Sweet Rocket. Bernhard Kellermann (1879-1951), The Ninth of November; disses the German Army in WWII, causing the Nazis to later ban and publicly burn it and hound him out of the country in 1933. Sophie Kerr (1880-1965), Painted Meadows. D.H. Lawrence (1885-1930), The Lost Girl. Maurice Leblanc (1864-1941), Le Formidable Evenement; an earthquake creates a new landmass between France and England. Sinclair Lewis (1885-1951), Main Street; #1 bestseller of 1921 (250K copies in first 6 mo.); Will Kennicott marries liberal Carol Milford, who goes to work reforming 1910s Gopher Prairie, Minn., causing them to snub her; "I do not admit that Main Street is as beautiful as it should be! I do not admit that dishwashing is enough to satisfy all women!"; its Pulitzer Prize is revoked in favor of Edith Wharton's "The Age of Innocence", causing Lewis to refuse the Pulitzer in 1926 for "Arrowsmith", after which he becomes the first Am. writer to receive the Nobel Lit. Prize in 1930. William John Locke (1863-1930), The House of Baltazar. Hugh John Lofting (1886-1947), The Story of Doctor Dolittle, Being the History of His Peculiar Life at Home and Astonishing Adventures in Foreign Parts (Lewis Carroll Shelf Award); about Victorian English physician John Dolittle, MD ca. 1820, who lives in Puddleby-on-the-Marsh in the West Country, and keeps a menagerie that scares off his clients until his parrot Polynesia teaches him to talk with the animals and he becomes a veterinarian, going on an adventure to W Africa, meeting up with a 2-headed pushmi-pullyu (gazelle-unicorn cross) which he brings back to England to exhibit for profit; Gub-Gub the Pig, Jip the Dog, Dab-Dab the Duck, Chee-Chee the Monkey, Too-Too the Owl, Whitey the White Mouse; too bad, the PC police later get it censored for his depiction of black Africans, incl. Prince Bump, who wishes he were white so he can marry Sleeping Beauty, causing the doctor to bleach him, his skin giving off the smell of "burning brown paper", after which "The Prince's face had turned as white as snow, and his eyes, which had been mud-colored, were a manly gray!"; followed by 10 sequels (1924-42), plus three more pub. posth. in 1948-52. Emil Ludwig (1881-1948), Meeresstille und Gluckliche Fahrt. Rose Macaulay (1881-1958), Potterism. Denis Mackail (1892-1971), What Next? (first novel). Katherine Mansfield (1888-1923), Bliss (short stories). Edgar Lee Masters (1868-1950), Mitch Miller (first novel). William Babington Maxell (1866-1938), A Remedy Against Sin. William McFee (1881-1966), Captain Macedoine's Daughter; A Six Hour Shift. Herman Cyril McNeile (AKA Sapper) (1888-1937), Bulldog Drummond; crime-solving British Capt. Hugh "Bulldog" Drummond, D.S.O., M.C., veteran of the WWI Loamshire Regiment; "His best friend would not call him good-looking but he possesses that cheerful type of ugliness which inspires immediate confidence"; big hit, causing him to pub. nine sequels. A.A. Milne (1882-1956), Mr. Pym Passes By. Edward Phillips Oppenheim (1866-1946), The Great Impersonation; The Devil's Paw; Aaron Rodd, Diviner (short stories); Ambrose Lavendale, Diplomat (short stories); Hon. Algernon Knox, Detective (short stories). Aldo Palazzeschi (1885-1974), Due Imperi... Mancati. John Cowper Powys (1872-1963), After My Fashion (3rd novel); pub. in 1980. Erich Maria Remarque (1898-1970), The Dream-Den (first novel); about his pre-WWI lit. circle; it is so sentimental that he buys up all unsold copies from the publisher Ullstein. Mary Roberts Rinehart (1876-1958) and Avery Hopwood (1882-1928), The Bat. Romain Rolland (1866-1944), Clerambault (Clérambault): The Story of an Independent Spirit During the War; a father loses his son in WWI and decries militarism; Pierre et Luce; lovers during WWI. Jules Romains (1885-1972), Donogoo-Tonka. Upton Sinclair (1878-1968), 100 Percent, the Story of a Patriot. Henry De Vere Stacpoole (1863-1951), A Man of the Islands. Henry De Vere Stacpoole (1863-1951) and Margaret Stacpoole, Uncle Simon (The Man Who Found Himself). Vincent Starrett (1886-1974), The Adventure of the Unique Hamlet. Sigrid Undset (1882-1949), Kristin Lavransdatter (3 vols.) (1920-1922); a woman in 14th cent. Norway. Paul Valery (1875-1945), Le Cimetiere Marin. Hugh Seymour Walpole (1884-1941), The Captives. Mary Augusta Humphry Ward (1851-1920), Harvest. Edith Wharton (1862-1937), The Age of Innocence (Pulitzer Prize) (first female to win for fiction); Newland Archer falls for Ellen Olenska in 1870s New York society. Grace Miller White (1868-1957) and Frank Tenney Johnson (1874-1939), Storm Country Polly. Anzia Yezierska (1885-1970), Hungry Hearts. Births: Am. prolific super-brain pansophist scientist-novelist-writer (Jewish) (atheist) (Humanist) (claustrophile) (aviophobe) Isaac Asimov (Isaak Ozimov) (d. 1992) (Russ. "ozimiye" = winter grain) on Jan. 2 in Petrovichi, Russia; migrates to the U.S. at age 3; educated at Columbia U. Am. psychologist Paul Everett Meehl (d. 2003) on Jan. 3 in Minneapolis, Minn.; educated at the U. of Minn. Am. CIA dir. (1973-6) (Roman Catholic) ("the Warrior Priest") William Egan Colby (d. 1996) on Jan. 4 in St. Paul, Minn.; educated at Columbia U. Am. civil rights leader (black) (founder of CORE) James L. "Jim" Farmer (d. 1999) on Jan. 12 in Marshall, Tex.; educated at Howard U. Am. CBS newsman George Edward Herman (d. 2005) on Jan. 14; educated at Dartmouth College. Am. Frisbee inventor (1946) Walter Frederick "Fred" Morrison (d. 2010) on Jan. 16 in Richfield, Utah; grows up in Calif. Am. ballerina-choreographer-producer (Jewish) ("the Duse of Dance") Nora Kaye (Koreff) (d. 1987) on Jan. 17 in Brooklyn, N.Y.; Russian immigrant parents; wife (1948-9) of Isaac Stern (1920-2001), and (1959-87) Herbert Ross (1927-2001). Am. "Wilma Deering in Buck Rogers" actress-singer Mary Constance Moore (d. 2005) (b. 1921?) on Jan. 18 in Sioux City, Iowa; grows up in Dallas, Tex. Peruvian U.N. secy.-gen. #5 (1982-91) (first from Latin Am.) Javier Perez de Cuellar (Javier Pérez de Cuéllar) y de la Guerra on Jan. 19 in Lima. Russian climatologist Mikhail Ivanovich Budyko (d. 2001) on Jan. 20 in Gomel, Byelorussia; educated at the Leningrad Polytechnic Inst. Italian "La Dolce Vida" film dir. (Roman Catholic) Federico Fellini (d. 1993) on Jan. 20 in Rimini; husband of (1943-93) Giulietta Masina (1921-94). U.S. Rep. (D-Fla.) (1963-97) Sam Melville Gibbons (d. 2012) on Jan. 20 in Tampa, Fla.; educated at the U. of Fla. Am. writer (Jewish) ("Godfather of Neoconservatism") Irving Kristol (d. 2009) on Jan. 22 in Brooklyn, N.Y.; Ukrainian Jewish immigrant parents; educated at CCNY; starts out as a Trotskyite then drifts right during the Vietnam War. Am. "Lollipop Guild munchkin in green who gives Dorothy Gale the lollipop in The Wizard of Oz", "The Gong Show" 3'4" actor Jerry Maren (Gerard Marenghi) on Jan. 24 in Boston, Mass. Am. dancer-choreographer-dir. Donald Saddler on Jan. 24 in Van Nuys, Calif. Am. "Pepino Garcia in The Real McCoys" actor-bandleader Tony Martinez (d. 2002) on Jan. 27 in San Juan, Puerto Rico. German violinist Helmut Zacharias (d. 2002) on Jan. 27. Am. family therapy psychiatrist Donald deAvila Jackson (d. 1968) on Jan. 28. Japanese "Sazae-san" comic strip manga artist (female) Machiko Hasegawa (d. 1992) on Jan. 30. English painter-designer-writer Patrick Heron (d. 1999) on Jan. 30 in Headingley, Leeds, Yorkshire. Am. "Marty", "Desire Under the Elms", "The Bachelor Party", "That Touch of Mink", "Fitzwilly", "Heidi" dir.-producer Delbert Martin Mann Jr. (d. 2007) on Jan. 30 in Lawrence, Kan.; educated at Vanderbilt U. Am. microbiologist (Jewish) Albert Israel Schatz (d. 2005) on Feb. 2 in Norwich, Conn.; educated at Rutgers U. Am. Heimlich Maneuver surgeon (Jewish) Henry Judah Heimlich (d. 2016) on Feb. 3 in Wilmington, Del.; educated at Cornell U.; 2nd cousin of Anson Williams (1949-). Am. "The Magical Number Seven" cognitive psychologist (Christian Scientist) George Armitage Miller (d. 2012) on Feb. 3 in Charleston, W. Va.; educated at the U. of Ala. Am. social psychologist (Jewish) Morton Deutsch on Feb. 4 in New York City; educated at CCNY, and the U. of Penn. Am. Wang Labs founder An Wang (d. 1990) on Feb. 7 in Shanghai; educated at Harvard U.; emigrates to the U.S. in 1945. English "The Joy of Sex" life extensionist physician Alex Comfort (d. 2000) on Feb. 10; educated at Trinity College, Cambridge U. Egyptian king #10 (1936-52) Farouk (Arab. "discerning truth from falsehood") I (d. 1965) on Feb. 11 in Cairo; son of Fuad I (1868-1936); father of Fuad II (1952-). Mexican bullfighter ("the Mexican Cyclone") Carlos Arruza (Carlos Ruiz Camino) (d. 1966) on Feb. 17 in Mexico City. Am. country musician William Lewis "Billy" Boyd (d. 2001) (Texas Troubadours) on Feb. 17 in Nashville, Tenn. Am. "The Price Is Right", "I've Got a Secret", "To Tell the Truth" radio-TV personality ("Dean of Game Show Hosts") William Lawrence Francis "Bill" Cullen (d. 1990) on Feb. 18 in Pittsburgh, Penn.; known for wearing thick eyeglasses; contracts polio at age 18 mo., causing him to be crippled for life. Am. soldier Edward Donald "Eddie" Slovik (d. 1945) on Feb. 18 in Detroit, Mich.; of Polish descent. Am. nutritionist Jean Mayer (d. 1993) on Feb. 19 in France; educated at the U. of Paris; pres. #10 of Tufts U. (1976-92). Am. Air Force Academy Cadet Chapel architect Walter A. Netsch (d. 2008) on Feb. 23; educated at MIT. Am. activist Dem. Tex. judge William Wayne Justice (d. 2009) on Feb. 25 in Athens, Tex.; educated at the U. of Tex. South Korean Unification Church founder Sun Myung Moon (Mun Seon-myeong) (Mun Yong-myeong) (d. 2012) on Feb. 25 in Jeong-ju (Chongju), North Pyongan. Am. "Felix Unger in The Odd Couple" actor (Jewish) Tony Randall (Arthur Leonard Rosenberg) (d. 2004) on Feb. 26 in Tulsa, Okla. Am. "The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind" psychologist Julian Jaynes (d. 1997) on Feb. 27 in ?; educated at Yale U. Am. New Formalist poet and U.S. poet laureate #15 (1963-4) and #33 (1998-90) (Jewish) Howard Nemerov (d. 1991) on Feb. 29 in New York City; daughter of Russian Jewish immigrant Russek's Fifth Ave. Dept. Store owners David Nemerov and Gertrude Russek Nemerov; brother of Diane Arbus (1923-71); father of Alexander Nemerov (1963-); educated at Harvard U. Canadian 5'9" hockey hall-of-fame player Maxwell Herbert Lloyd "Max" Bentley (d. 1984) on Mar. 1 in Delisle, Sask.; brother of Reg Bentley (1914-80) and Doug Bentley (1916-72). Am. prof. golfer Julius Nicholas Boros (d. 1994) on Mar. 3 in Fairfield, Conn.; Irish Roman Catholic immigrant parents. Canadian "Montgomery Scotty Scott in Star Trek", "Timber Tom in Howdy Doody" actor James Montgomery Doohan (d. 2005) on Mar. 3 in Vancouver, B.C. Am. "Alfie", "You Only Live Twice", "The Spy Who Loved Me" dir.-producer-writer Lewis Gilbert on Mar. 6 in London. Am. "The Year the Yankees Lost the Pennant" novelist John Douglass Wallop III (d. 1985) on Mar. 8 in Washington, D.C.; educated at the U. of Md. Am. country musician (steel guitar) Gerald Lester "Jerry" Byrd (d. 2005) on Mar. 9 in Lima, Ohio. Am. country musician (mandolin) Kenneth C. "Jethro" Burns (d. 1989) (Homer and Jethro) on Mar. 10 in Conasauga, Tenn.; grows up Knoxville, Tenn.; partner of Henry D. Haynes (1920-71). Mexican Roman Catholic priest (pedophile) Father Marcial Maciel Degollado (d. 2008) on Mar. 10 in Cotija, Michoacan. Am. coffee entrepreneur ("the Dutchman who taught America how to drink coffee") Alfred H. Peet (d. 2007) on Mar. 10 in Alkmaar; emigrates to the U.S. in 1955. Dutch-Am. physicist Nicolaas Bloembergen on Mar. 20 in Dordrecht; educated at the U. of Leiden; becomes a U.S. citizen in 1958; 1981 Nobel Physics Prize. Am. "Dennis the Menace" cartoonist Henry King "Hank" Ketcham (d. 2001) on Mar. 14 in Seattle, Wash. French film critic Jacques Doniol-Valcroze (d. 1989) on Mar. 15 in Paris. Am. "The Anderson Tapes" novelist (the Robin Leach of the detective novel?) Lawrence Sanders (d. 1998) on Mar. 15 in Brooklyn, N.Y. Am. physician Edward Donnall "Don" Thomas on Mar. 15; educated at the U. of Tex.; 1990 Nobel Med. Prize. English "Tom Jones" film composer John Mervyn Addison (d. 1998) on Mar. 16 in Chobham, Surrey; educated at the Royal College of Music. German "Until the Final Hour", "Downfall" Adolf Hitler's private secy. (Dec. 1942-Apr. 1945) Traudl Junge (Gertraud Humps) (d. 2002) on Mar. 16 in Munich; daughter of a brewer; "I liked the greatest criminal who ever lived." Australian "Horace Rumpole in Rumpole of the Bailey" actor Reginald "Leo" McKern (d. 2002) on Mar. 16 in Sydney, N.S.W.; loses his left eye at age 15. Bangladesh pres. #1 (1970-5) Mujibur Rahman (d. 1975) on Mar. 17 in Tungipara, Bengal. Am. "Capt. Adam Greer in Mod Squad", "Kras the Klingon in Star Trek" actor Tiger "Tige" Andrews (d. 2007) on Mar. 19 in Brooklyn, N.Y. English Matchbox Toys designer John William "Jack" Odell (d. 2007) on Mar. 19 in North London; kicked out of school at age 13. Am. New Age teacher John Starr Cooke (d. 1976) on Mar. ? in Honolulu, Hawaii. Am. 6'2" "Lt. Ripley Rip Masters in The Adventures of Rin Tin Tin" actor-singer James E. (L.) (Bowen) "Jimmy" Brown (d. 1992) on Mar. 22 in Desdemona, Tex.; educated at Baylor U. Am. "Col. Klink in Hogan's Heroes" actor Werner Klemperer (d. 2000) on Mar. 22 in Cologne; son of Otto Klemperer (1885-1973) and Johanna Geisler; emigrates to the U.S. in 1933. Am. "Artemus Gordon in The Wild Wild West" actor (Jewish) Ross Martin (Martin Rosenblatt) (d. 1981) on Mar. 22 in Grodek, Poland; grows up in New York City. Canadian physicist Gilbert Norman Plaaa (d. 2004) on Mar. 22 in Toronto, Ont.; educated at Harvard U., and Princeton U. Am. "Hal Courtland in The West Point Story" actor-writer-dir. Gene Nelson (Leander Eugene Berg) (d. 1996) on Mar. 24 in Seattle, Wash.; dance partner of Joann Dean Killingsworth (1923-2015). English "Staying On", "Raj Quartet" novelist-poet-playwright (bi?) Paul Mark Scott (d. 1978) on Mar. 25 in Southgate, Middlesex. U.S. adm. (first female) Alene Bertha Duerk (d. 2018) on Mar. 29 in Defiance, Ohio; educated at Case Western Reserve U. Japanese "Adm. Yamamoto in Midway" actor-producer Toshiro Mifune (d. 1997) on Apr. 1 in Tsingtao (Qingdao), Shandong, China. Canadian Bank of Canada gov. (1973-87) Gerald Keith Bouey (d. 2004) on Apr. 2 in Axford, Saskatchewan. Am. "Sgt. Joe Friday in Dragnet" actor-dir.-writer-producer (founder of Mark VII Limited) John Randolph "Jack" Webb (d. 1982) on Apr. 2 in Santa Monica, Calif.; husband (1947-54) of Julie London (1926-2000). Am. "Maybelle Merriwether in Gone With the Wind", "Alice MacKenzie in Lifeboat", "Catherine Harrington in Peyton Place" actress Mary "Bebe" Anderson on Apr. 3 in Birmingham, Ala.; sister of James Anderson (1921-69). Ukrainian-Am. accused war criminal John Demjanjuk (Ivan Mykolaiovych Demianiuk) (d. 2012) on Apr. 3 in Berdychiv, Kiev; emigrates to the U.S. in 1952. Dutch PM #36 (1971-3) Barend Willem Biesheuvel (d. 2001) on Apr. 5 in Haarlemmerliede; educated at Vrije U. English "Airport", "Hotel" novelist Arthur Hailey (d. 2004) on Apr. 5 in Luton, Bedfordshire; not to be confused with Am. writer Alex Haley (1921-1992). Am. banker (Jewish) Arthur Goodhart Altschul (d. 2002) on Apr. 6 in Manhattan, N.Y.; educated at Yale U.; father of Arthur Altschul Jr. (1965-), Emily Altschul (1966-), and Serena Altschul (1970-). Swiss-Am. biochemist Edmond Henri Fischer (d. 2021) on Apr. 6 in Shanghai, China; educated at the U. of Geneva; 1992 Nobel Med. Prize. Indian sitar player (Hindu) (vegetarian) Ravi Shankar (Robindro Shaunkor Chowdhury) (d. 2012) on Apr. 7 in Benares; brother of Uday Shankar (1900-77); father of singer Norah Jones (1979-) and sitar player Anoushka Shankar (1981-) - rock the tabla? Am. "Sgt. Whipple in Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C.", "Deputy Joe Watson in The Andy Griffith Show" actor Buck Young (d. 2000) on Apr. 12; husband (1953-) of Peggy Stewart (1923-); brother-in-law of Patricia O'Rourke and Wayne Morris (1914-59). Italian banker ("God's Banker") Roberto Calvi (d. 1982) on Apr. 13 in Milan. French novelist Edmonde Charles-Roux on Apr. 17 in Neuilly-sur-Seine. Am. "Crazy Googenheim in The Jacky Gleason Show" comedian Frank Fontaine (d. 1978) on Apr. 19 in Cambridge, Mass. U.S. Supreme Court justice #? (1975-2010) John Paul Stevens on Apr. 20 in Chicago, Ill. - heil stevens? Am. "Doc Holliday in Bonanza" actor Christopher "Chris" Dark (Alfred Francis DeLeo) (d. 1971) on Apr. 21 in New York City; friend of fellow amateur astronomer Guy Williams. Italian-German composer-conductor Bruno Maderna (d. 1973) on Apr. 21 in Venice. Am. comedian and TV show host (Jewish) Hal March (Harold Mendelson) (d. 1970) on Apr. 22 in San Francisco, Calif. Italian conductor Guido Cantelli (d. 1956) on Apr. 27 in Novara. Am. historian (Jewish) Gerda Lerner (Gerda Hedwig Kronstein) (d. 2013) on Apr. 30 in Vienna, Austria; educated at the New School for Social Research, and Columbia U. Austrian ecologist Otto Buchsbaum (d. 2001) on May 2 in Vienna; moves to Brazil in 1939; husband of Florence Buchsbaum (Gertrude Rosenberg) (1926-96). Am. jazz pianist-composer (black) John Aaron Lewis (d. 2001) on May 3 in La Grange, Ill.; founder of the Modern Jazz Quartet. Am. microbiologist (1950 discoverer of prednisone and prenisolone) Arthur Nobile (d. 2004) on May 6 in Newark, N.J.; educated at USC, and UCB. Am. "The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit" novelist (alcoholic) Sloan Wilson (d. 2003) on May 8 in Norwalk, Conn.; educated at Harvard U.; father of David Sloan Wilson (1949-). English "Watership Down" novelist Richard George Adams (d. 2016) on May 9 in Newbury, Berkshire; educated at Worcester College, Oxford U. Am. "Briscoe Darling in The Andry Griffith Show", "Uncle Jesse Duke in The Dukes of Hazzard" actor Denver Dell Pyle (d. 1997) on May 11 in Bethune, Colo. French "Lola Montes" blonde sex symbol actress Martine Carol (Marie-Louise Jeanne Nicolle Mourer) (d. 1967) on May 16 in Saint-Mande, Val-de-Marne. Polish pope #263 (1978-2005) John Paul II (Karol Jozef Wojtyla) (d. 2005) on May 18 in Wadowice; archbishop of Cracow (Krakow); first Polish pope, and first non-Italian pope since Adrian VI (1522-3); 2nd longest reign (26 years) after Pius IX (32 years). Irish Provisional IRA founder Joe Cahill (d. 2004) on May 19 in Belfast. Austrian astrophysicist (Jewish) Thomas Gold (d. 2004) on May 22 in Vienna; educated at Trinity College, Cambridge U.; co-founder of the Steady State Theory of the Universe (1948). Am. "Fever" singer-songwriter-actress Peggy Lee (Norma Engstrom) (d. 2002) on May 26 in Jamestown, N.D.; Norwegian-Swedish ancestry; drinks a shot of cognac, screams once, and stomps her foot once before every perf.. Australian-Am. economist (atheist) John Charles (Janos Karoly) Harsanyi (d. 2000) on May 29 in Budapest, Hungary; emigrates to Australia in 1950, and the U.S. in 1961; educated at the U. of Sydney. Ugandan pes. #5 (1979-80) (black) Godfrey Lukongwa Binaisa (d. 2010) on May 30 in Kampala. Am. "Patton", "Papillon", "Planet of the Apes", "The Boys from Brazil" dir. Franklin James Schaffner (d. 1989) on May 30 in Tokyo, Japan; raised in Japan; educated at Columbia U. Irish "The Longest Day" writer-journalist Cornelius Ryan (d. 1974) on June 5 in Dublin. Am. climate scientist Reid Bryson (d. 2008) on June 7. Am. "The Howling Man in The Twilight Zone", "Brian O'Bannion in Auntie Mame" actor Robin Hughes (d. 1989) on June 7 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Am. leftist lit. critic (Jewish) Irving Howe (Horenstein) (d. 1993) on June 11 in Bronx, N.Y.; educated at CCNY. Trinidadian "Tico Tico" jazz singer-pianist (black) Hazel Dorothy Scott (d. 1981) on June 11 in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago; raised in New York City; educated at Juilliard School; first African-Am. with her own TV show (1950); wife (1945-56) of Adam Clayton Powell Jr. (1908-72). Zanzibar pres. #2 (1972-84) (black) Aboud Jumbe Mwinyi (d. 2016) on June 14 in Juba, Sudan. Am. "The Kingfisher" poitt (Quaker) Amy Clampitt (d. 1994) on June 15 in New Providence, Iowa; educated at Grinnell College. British Guardsman Edward Colquhoun Charlton (d. 1945) on June 15 in Rowlands Gill, County Durham. French biologist Francois Jacob (d. 2013) on June 17 in Nancy; 1965 Nobel Med. Prize. French fashion designer Louis Jourdan (Gendre) on June 19 in Marseille. Mozambican FRELIMO pres. (1962-9) (black) Eduardo Chivambo Mondlane (d. 1969) on June 20 in Nwajahani, Mandlakazi; educated at Oberlin College, and Northwestern U. Am. "Midway", "The Beatles", "Ludwig Von Drake", "Boris Badenov" voice actor (Jewish) ("The Man of a Thousand Voices") Paul Frees (Solomon Hersh Frees) (d. 1986) (AKA Buddy Green) on June 22 in Chicago, Ill.; known for his 4-octave range voice. Guyanese "To Sir, With Love" novelist-writer-diplomat (black) Edward Ricardo Braithwaite on June 27 in Georgetown; educated at Cambridge U. Am. "Papa Hemingway" novelist-playwright-biographer Aaron Edward Hotchner on June 28 in St. Louis, Mo.; friend of Ernest Hemingway; co-founder with Paul Newman of Newman's Own Co. Am. producer and SFX creator Raymond Frederick "Ray" Harryhausen on June 29 in Los Angeles, Calif. Am. "Katherine Caldwell in Son of Dracula" actress Louise Albritton (d. 1979) on July 3 in Oklahoma City, Okla.; wife (1946-79) of Charles Collingwood (1917-85). Am. "Queen of Mean" billionaire (Jewish) Leona Mindy Roberts Helmsley (nee Rosenthal) (d. 2007) on July 4 in Marbletown, N.Y.; Polish Jewish immigrant parents; hatmaker father; husband (1972-97) of real estate investor Harry B. Hemsley (1909-97) . Am. Quaker sociologist Elise M. Boulding (nee Biorn-Hansen) (d. 2010) on July 6 in Oslo, Norway; emigrates to the U.S. as an infant; wife of Kenneth Boulding (1910-93); educated at the U. of Mich. Am. Dem. Colo. mayor #39 (1963-8) Thomas Guida "Tom" Currigan (d. 2014) on July 8 in Denver, Colo.; educated at Notre Dame U. Am. "Huntley-Brinkley Report" TV journalist David McClure Brinkley (d. 2003) on July 10 in Wilmington, N.C.; educated at Vanderbilt U.; father of Alan Brinkley (1949-). Am. "The King and I", "The Magnificent Seven" actor (bald) Yuliy Borisovich "Yul" Brynner (Taidje Khan) (d. 1985) on July 11 in Sakhalin Island, Russia; raised by gypsies. Am. "The 12th Planet" writer (Jewish) Zecharia Sitchin (d. 2010) on July 11 in Baku, Azerbaijan; grows up in Palestine. Canadian "The Secret World of Og" writer-novelist Pierre Francis De Marigny Berton (d. 2004) on July 12 in Whitehorse, Yukon. Am. physicist (laser inventor) (atheist) Gordon Gould (d. 2005) on July 17 in New York City; Methodist parents; educated at Yale U. Spanish IOC pres. #7 (1980-2001) Juan Antonio Samanaranch Torello (Torelló), Marquess de Samaranch (d. 2010) on July 17 in Barcelona. Am. "My Dear Secretary" actress Helen Walker (d. 1968) on July 17 in Worcester, Mass.; a serious car accident in 1946 curtails her career. Am. "Robert Maynard in Blackbeard the Pirate", "Joe Doyle in Clash by Night" actor-singer Keith (John Charles) Andes (d. 2005) on July 12 in Ocean City, N.J.; educated at Temple U. and Oxford U. Zimbabwe African Nat. Union (ZANU) founder (1963) (black) (Methodist) Rev. Ndabaningi Sithole (d. 2000) on July 13 in Nyamandhlovu; educated at Andover Newton Theological School. Am. "Chief in Gimme a Break!" actor Adolphus Jean "Dolph" Sweet (d. 1985) on July 18 in New York City; educated at the U. of Ala., and Columbia U. U.S. HEW secy. #9 (1970-3), U.S. defense secy. #11 (1973), U.S. atty.-gen. #69 (1973), and U.S. commerce secy. #24 (1976-7) Elliot Lee Richardson (d. 1999) on July 20 in Boston, Mass.; educated at Harvard U. Am. violinist-conductor (Jewish) Isaac Stern (d. 2001) on July 21 in Kremenetz, Ukraine; emigrates to the U.S. in 1921; husband (1948-9) of Nora Kaye (1920-87). Am. feminist Dem. politician (Jewish) Bella Savitsky Abzug (d. 1998) on July 24 in New York City. Am. Broadway producer (Jewish) Alexander H. Cohen (d. 2000) on July 24 in New York City. English scientist (co-discoverer of DNA) Rosalind Elsie Franklin (d. 1958) on July 25 in London; the one who gets shafted for the Nobel. Am. football hall-of-fame QB (Los Angeles Rams) (1945-52) Robert Stanton "Bob" Waterfield (d. 1983) on July 26 in Elmira, N.Y.; educated at UCLA; husband (1943-68) of Jane Russell (1921-2011). Am. country musician Henry Doyle Haynes (d. 1971) (Homer and Jethro) on July 27 near Knoxville, Tenn.; partner of Kenneth C. "Jethro" Burns (1920-89). British physicist Hans Kronberger (d. 1970) on July 28 in Linz, Austria. English-Am. "Gunsmoke", "McLintock!", "Chisum" TV-film dir. Andrew Victor McLaglen on July 28 in London; son of Victor McLaglen (1886-1959). French Club Med founder Gilbert Trigano (d. 2001) on July 28 in Saint-Maurice. Am. "Bullwinkle the Moose and Mr. Peabody", "George of the Jungle" animated film writer-producer-voice actor William John "Bill" Scott (d. 1985) on Aug. 2 in Philadelphia, Pann. Am. "Adam Dalgliesh" crime novelist P.D. (Phyllis Dorothy) James, Baroness James of Holland Park on Aug. 3 in Oxford. Am. UPI journalist (1943-2000) (Greek Orthodox Christian) ("the Sitting Buddha") Helen Thomas (d. 2013) on Aug. 4 in Winchester, Ky.; Lebanese immigrant parents. Am. "Rocky Top", "Bye Bye Love", "All I Have to Do is Dream" songwriter Diadorius Boudleaux Bryant (d. 1987) on Aug. 7 in Shellman, Ga.; husband of Felice Bryant (Matilda Genevieve Scaduto) (1925-2003). Am. "Woodrow Wilson" historian (Lutheran) Arthur Stanley Link (d. 1998) on Aug. 8 in New Market, Va.; of German descent; Lutheran minister father; educated at the U. of N.C.; father of William A. Link. German "The Willing Flesh" novelist Willi Heinrich (d. 2005) on Aug. 9 in Heidelberg. Am. hall-of-fame basketball player-coach (New York Knicks, 1967-82) (Jewish) William "Red" Holzman (d. 1998) on Aug. 10 in Brooklyn, N.Y.; Russian Jewish immigrant father, Romanian Jewish immigrant mother; educated at the U. of Baltimore, and CCNY. Am. poet-novelist ("the Poet Laureate of Low Life/Skid Row") Henry Charles (Heinrich Karl) Bukowski (d. 1994) on Aug. 16 in Andernach, Germany; emigrates to the U.S. in 1923; his alter ego is Henry Chinaski, known for pursuing alcohol, women, and writing. Am. "Esmeralda in The Hunchback of Notre Dame", "Doris Walker in Miracle on 34th Street", "Mary Kate Danaher in The Quiet Man" actress (Roman Catholic) (redhead) Maureen O'Hara (FitzSimons) (d. 2015) on Aug. 17 in Ranelagh, County Dublin; becomes a U.S. citizen in 1946; sister of Charles B. FitzSimons (1924-2001) (her mgr.), James FitzSimons (1927-92), and Margot FitzSimons; wife (1939-41) of George H. Brown (1913-2001), (1941-53) Will Price (1913-62), and (1968-78) Charles F. Blair Jr. (1909-78). Am. "A Place in the Sun", "The Poseidon Adventure" actress (Jewish) ("the Blonde Bombshell") Shelley Winters (Shirley Schrift) (d. 2000) on Aug. 18 in East St. Louis, Ill.; grows up in Brooklyn, N.Y. Am. actor Lawrence Neville Brand (d. 1992) on Aug. 13 in Griswold, Iowa. Australian radio astronomer Bernard Yarnton Mills (d. 2011) on Aug. 8 in Manley; educated at the U. of Sydney. Am. historian Don Edward Fehrenbacher (d. 1997) on Aug. 21 in Sterling, Ill. Am. "Christopher Robin in Winnie-the-Pooh" celeb Christopher Robin Milne (d. 1996) on Aug. 21 in Chelsea, London; son of A.A. Milne (1882-1956). Am. "Fahrenheit 451", "The Martian Chronicles" sci-fi/fantasy novelist (aviophobe) Raymond Douglas "Ray" Bradbury (d. 2012) on Aug. 22 in Waukegan, Ill.; no college education or driver's license. Am. heart surgeon Denton Arthur Cooley (d. 2016) on Aug. 22 in Houston, Tex.; educated at Johns Hopkins U. Am. Color Field painter Gene Davis (d. 1985) on Aug. 22 in Washington, D.C. Canadian artist Alex Colville on Aug. 24 in Toronto, Ont. Am. "Parker's Mood" jazz "bebop" alto saxophonist-composer (black) Charles Christopher "Charlie" "Bird" "Yardbird" Parker Jr. (d. 1955) on Aug. 29 in Kansas City, Kan. Am. "Nev. Sen. Pat Geary in The Godfather Part II" actor Gervais Duan "G.D." Spradlin (d. 2011) on Aug. 31 in Daylight, Pauls Valley, Okla.; educated at the U. of Okla. Am. New York Times food critic (gay) Craig Claiborne (d. 2000) on Sept. 4 in Sunflower, Miss. Am. "Crusader Rabbit", "Rocky and Bullwinkle" cartoonist Alexander Hume "Alex" Anderson Jr. (d. 2010) on Sept. 5 in Berkeley, Calif.; collaborator of Jay Ward (1920-89). Am. composer Peter Racine Fricker (d. 1990) on Sept. 5 in London; descendent of Racine (1639-99); emigrates to the U.S. in 1970. Am. "Liz Matthews in Another World" actress Irene Dailey on Sept. 12 in New York City; brother of Dan Dailey (1913-78). Am. economist (pioneer in computer modeling) Lawrence Robert Klein on Sept. 14 in Omaha, Neb.; educated at UCB, and MIT; 1980 Nobel Econ. Prize. Dutch Communist resistance fighter ("the girl with the red hair") Jannetje Johanna "Jo" Schaft (d. 1945) (AKA Hannie Schaft) on Sept. 16 in Haarlem; Mennonite mother. Am. "Juror No. 7 in 12 Angry Men" actor (Jewish) Jack Warden (John Warden Lebzelter Jr.) (d. 2006) on Sept. 18 in Newark, N.J.; of Penn. Dutch and Irish ancestry; boxes as a welterweight under the name Johnny Costello. Am. baseball novelist Roger Angell on Sept. 19. Am. "Erica Kane's mother Mona Kane Tyler in All My Children" actress Mary Frances Heflin (d. 1994) on Sept. 20 in Oklahoma City, Okla.; sister of Van Heflin (1910-71). Am. "Rocky & Bullwinkle" animated film producer J. Troplong "Jay" Ward (d. 1989) on Sept. 20 in Berkeley, Calif.; educated at UCB and Harvard U. Am. medical researcher (melatonin discoverer) Aaron Bunsen Lerner (d. 2007) on Sept. 21 in Minneapolis, Minn.; educated at the U. of Minn. Am. hall-of-fame baseball pitcher-mgr. (Cleveland Indians #21, 1941-2, 1946-58) (Kansas City Royals, 1970-2) (Chicago White Sox, 1977-8) (New York Yankees, 1978-9, 1981-2). Robert Granville "Bob" Lemon (d. 2000) on Sept. 22 in San Bernardino, Calif; grows up in Long Beach, Calif. Am. "Andy Hardy" ("how old am I, I'll never tell?") actor Mickey Rooney (Joseph Ninian Yule Jr.) (d. 2014) on Sept. 23 in Brooklyn, N.Y.; Scottish-born vaudeville comedian father Joseph Yule Sr. (1894-1950), Am. mother Nellie W. Yule (nee Carter); first performs at age 15 mo. in a tuxedo; stars as Mickey McGuire in 78 comedies from 1927-36, and later claims that Walt Disney named Mickey Mouse after him; husband of (1942-3) Ava Gardner, (1944-8) Betty Jane Rase (Phillips) (Miss Birmingham, 1944), (1949-52) Martha Vickers, (1952-8) Elaine Devry, (1958-66) Carolyn Mitchell, (1966-7) Margaret "Marge" Lane), (1969-74) Carolyn Hockett, and (1978-2014) Jan Chamberlain; father of Mickey Rooney Jr. (1945-) and Tim Rooney (1947-2006). Israeli Sephardic chief rabbi (1973-83) (Jewish) Ovadia Yosef (Abdullah Youssef) (d. 2013) on Sept. 23 (1918)? in Baghdad, Iraq; emigrates to Jerusalem in 1924. Am. WWII USAF ace ("Ace of Aces" Richard Ira "Dick" "Bing" Bong (d. 1945) on Sept. 24 in Superior, Wisc. English "The Life That I Have" cryptographer-playwright (Jewish) Leo Marks (d. 2001) on Sept. 24 in London; husband (1966-2000) of Elena Gaussen. Am. "Cannon" actor-producer-dir. William Conrad (John William Cann Jr.) (d. 1994) on Sept. 27 in Louisville, Ky. Am. "Song of the Thin Man", "Lady in the Lake" actress Jayne Meadows (Cotter) on Sept. 27 in Wuchang, China; Episcopal missionary parents; sister of Audrey Meadows (1926-96); wife (1954-) of comedian Steve Allen. English biochemist Peter Dennis Mitchell (d. 1992) on Sept. 29 in Mitcham, Surrey; educated at Jesus College, Cambridge. U.S. Sen. (D-Va.) (1966-73) William Belser Spong Jr. (d. 1997) on Sept. 20 in Portsmouth, Va.; educated at the U. of Va. and U. of Edinburgh. Am. "Looking Homeward: A Life of Thomas Wolfe" historian David Herbert Donald (d. 2009) on Oct. 1 in Goodman, Miss.; educated at the U. of Ill.; student of James G. Randall (1881-1953). Am. "Oscar Madison in The Odd Couple" actor (Jewish) Walter John Matthau (Matthow) (d. 2000) on Oct. 1 in New York City; Russian Jewish immigrant parents; husband (1959-) of Carol Matthau (1925-2003); father of Charles Matthau (1962-). Irish-Am. "Dune" novelist Frank Patrick Herbert Jr. (d. 1986) on Oct. 8 in Tacoma, Wash.; educated at the U. of Wash. Am. "A Hero Ain't Nothin' but a Sandwich" playwright-novelist (black) Alice Childress (d. 1994) on Oct. 12 in Charleston, S.C. Am. "Redhead" composer-songwriter (Jewish) Albert Hague (Marcuse) (d. 2001) on Oct. 13 in Berlin, Germany; emigrates to the U.S. in 1939. Am. "The Godfather" novelist Mario Puzo (d. 1999) on Oct. 15 in New York City. Am. "Philip Boynton in Our Miss Brooks" Robert Rockwell (d. 2003) on Oct. 15 in Chicago, Ill. Am. "George Eastman in A Place in the Sun", "Pvt. Robert E. Lee Prew Prewitt in From Here to Eternity", "Noah Ackerman in The Young Lions" moody sensitive actor (bi) Edward Montgomery Clift (d. 1966) on Oct. 17 in Omaha, Neb.; great-grandson of U.S. postmaster gen. Montgomery Blair (1813-83); great-great-grandson of Francis Preston Blair Sr. (1791-1876) and Levi Woodbury (1789-1851). Am. "Aunt Esther in Sanford and Son" actress (black) LaWanda Page (Alberta Peal) (d. 2002) on Oct. 19 in Cleveland, Ohio; grows up in St. Louis, Mo. Venezuelan immunologist (Jewish) Baruj Benacerraf on Oct. 29 in Caracas; African Sephardic Jewish parents; educated at Columbia U. Guyanan pres (1997-9) (Jewish) Janet Rosalie Jagan (nee Rosenberg) on Oct. 20 in Chicago, Ill.; wife (1943-) of Cheddi Jagan (1918-97). Am. psychologist and LSD guru ("Turn on, tune in, drop out") Timothy Francis Leary (d. 1996) on Oct. 20 in Springfield, Mass.; educated at the U. of Ala., Washington State U., and UCB.; one of "several million middle-class, liberal, intellectual robots" until he reads the May 13, 1957 Life mag. article on psychedelic mushrooms by R. Gordon Wasson. Am. "Becky Thatcher in Tom Sawyer", "Little Orphan Actress" child actress Mitzi Green (Elizabeth Keno) (d. 1969) on Oct. 22 in Bronx, N.Y. French Resistance leader Genevieve de Gaulle-Anthonioz (d. 2002) Oct. 25; niece of Charles de Gaulle. Am. actress (hearing-challenged) Nanette Ruby Bernadette Fabray (Fabares) on Oct. 27 in San Diego, Calif. British novelist-jockey Richard Stanley "Dick" Francis on Oct. 31 in Lawrenny, S Wales; father is a jockey. German-Austrlian photographer (Jewish) Helmut Newton (Neustädter) (d. 2004) on Oct. 31 in Berlin, Germany; emgigrates to Australis in 1940; husband (1948-) of June Browne (Brunell) (1923-) AKA Alice Springs. Am. "Point-Counterpoint" conservative newspaper columnist James Jackson "Kilpo" Kilpatrick (d. 2010) on Nov. 1 in Oklahoma City, Okla.; educated at the U. of Mo.; starts out an ardent white supremacist and segregationist, then mellows. Canadian-Am. "Careen in Gone With the Wind", "Ghost of Christmas Past in A Christmas Carol", "Polly Benedict in Andy Hardy" actress Therese Ann Rutherford on Nov. 2 in Vancouver, B.C.; sister of Judith Arlen (1914-68); wife (1953-) of William Dozier (1908-91). Am. economist Douglass Cecil North on Nov. 5 in Cambridge, Mass.; educated at UCB; 1993 Nobel Econ. Prize. Dutch heroine Marion Pritchard (nee Binsbergen) (d. 2016). Am. "Florida Evans in Maude and Good Times" actress (black) Esther Rolle (d. 1998) on Nov. 8 in Pompano Beach, Fla.; educated at Hunter College, and Spelman College. Am. spymaster-journalist Cord Meyer (d. 2001) on Nov. 10; educated at Yale U. (Scroll & Key). British Social Dem. politician Roy Harris Jenkins, Baron Jenkins of Hillhead (d. 2003) on Nov. 11 in Aberyschan, Monmouthshire, Wales; educated at Balliol College, Oxford U. Am. wall-eyed villain actor William Scott "Jack" Elam (d. 2003) on Nov. 13 in Miami, Fla.; loses left eye when a fellow Boy Scout throws a pencil at him at a meeting. Am. Roman Catholic Jesuit priest and Dem. politician Robert Frederick Drinan (d. 2007) on Nov. 15 in Hyde Park, Mass.; first Roman Catholic priest in the U.S. Congress (1970-80). Am. "Martha Strable Van Cleve in Heaven Can Wait", "Lucy Muir in The Ghost and Mrs. Muir" actress Gene Eliza Tierney (d. 1991) on Nov. 19 in Brooklyn, N.Y.; Irish descent father. Am. Pop Art painter Wayne Thiebaud (pr. TEE-bo) on Nov. 20 in Mesa, Ariz; grows up in Long Beach, Calif.; known for painting candies, cakes, etc. Am. "Mike Hammer in Kiss Me Deadly" actor Ralph Meeker (Rathgerber) (d. 1988) on Nov. 21 in Minneapolis, Minn. Am. baseball hall-of-fame player (lefty) ("the Donora Greyhound") (St. Louis Cardinals, 1941-63) Stanley Frank "Stan the Man" Musial (Stanislaw Franciszek Musial) (d. 2013) on Nov. 21 in Donora, Penn.; Polish immigrant parents. Romanian "Todesfuge" poet (Jewish) Paul Celan (Antschel) (d. 1970) on Nov. 23 in Cernauti, Bukovina; becomes a French citizen in 1955. Am. civil rights atty. (black) Percy Sutton on Nov. 24 in San Antonio, Tex. Mexican "Mr. Roarke in Fantasy Island", "Corinthian leather hawker in Chrysler Cordoba ads", "Khan Noonien Singh in Star Trek: TOS" actor (Roman Catholic) Ricardo Gonzalo Pedro Montalban (Montalbán) y Merino (d. 2009) on Nov. 25 in Mexico City; husband (1944-2007) of Georgiana Young (1924-2007). Am. "Lois Lane in The Adventures of Superman" actress Noel Darleen Neill (d. 2016) on Nov. 25 in Minneapolis, Minn. Am. "and his dog Spot" car dealer Calvin Coolidge "Cal" Worthington (d. 2013) on Nov. 27 in Shidler (Bly?), Okla. Am. Adm. Elmo Russell "Bud" Zumwalt Jr. (d. 2000) on Nov. 29 in San Francisco, Calif.; youngest chief of naval ops so far (1970); known for promoting the first African-Am. and female officers to adm. and allowing women to serve on warships and become naval aviators. Am. "Verna Jarrett in White Heat", "Marie Derry in The Best Years of Our Lives" actress-dancer Virginia Mayo (Virginia Clara Jones) (d. 2005) on Nov. 30 in St. Louis, Mo. French populist politician Pierre Poujade (d. 2003) on Dec. 1 in Saint-Cere (Lot). English "Rangi Ram in It Ain't Half Hot Mum" actor Michael Bates (d. 1978) on Dec. 4 in Jhansi, India. Am. "Take Five", "In Your Own Sweet Way", "The Duke" jazz pianist David Warren "Dave" Brubeck (Dave Brubeck Quartet) on Dec. 6 in Concord, Calif.; almost kills himself by diving into the surf in Hawaii in 1951; likes unusual time signatures. Am. physical chemist Michael Kasha on Dec. 6 in Elizabeth, N.J.; Ukranian immigrant parents; educated at UCB. English chemist George Hornidge Porter, Baron Porter of Luddenham (d. 2002) on Dec. 6 in Stainforth (near Thorne), West Riding, Yorkshire; educated at the U. of Leeds; created baron in 1990. Am. "The Huntley-Brinkley Report" TV producer (Jewish) Reuven Frank (d. 2006) on Dec. 7 in Montreal, Quebec; educated at Columbia U. Austrian Nazi fighter ace (258 Vs - first with 250 Vs) Maj. Walter "Nowi" Nowotny (d. 1944) on Dec. 7 in Gmund. English writer radio producer (gay) Beryl Hallam Augustine Tennyson (d. 2005) on Dec. 10 in Chelsea, London; great-grandson of Alfred, Lord Tennyson (1809-92); educated at Eaton, and Oxford U. Am "Airboy" comic book artist Fred Kida (d. 2014) on Dec. 12 in Brooklyn, N.Y.; of Japenese descent; grows up in Manhattan, N.Y. Am. statesman (U.S. secy. of state) George Pratt Shultz on Dec. 13. English "The Eagle of the Ninth" children's novelist Rosemary Sutcliff (d. 1992) on Dec. 14 in East Clandon, Surrey; Am. jazz trumpeter (black) (flugelhorn pioneer) Clark "Mumbles" Terry on Dec. 14 in St. Louis, Mo. Egyptian liberal Muslim scholar Gamal al-Banna on Dec. 15 in Mahmudiya; youngest brother of Hassan al-Banna (1906-49); great-uncle of Tariq Ramadan (1962-). Am. Dem. EEOC commissioner (1961-5) (black) Hobart T. Taylor Jr. (d. 1981) on Dec. 17 in Texarkana, Tex.; educated at Howard U., and U. of Mich. Am. Disneyland developer Cornelius Vanderbilt "C.V." "Woody" Wood (d. 1992) on Dec. 17. Am. "May the Bird of Paradise Fly Up Your Nose" 4'11" country singer James Cecil "Little Jimmy" Dickens (d. 2015) (The Country Boys) on Dec. 19 in Bolt, W. Va.; first to wear rhinestone-studded outfits in performances. Cuban ballerina Alicia Alonso on Dec. 21 in Havana. Am. "Angie in Marty", "Walsh in Chinatown" actor Joseph "Joe" Mantell on Dec. 21 in New York City; first to utter the line "You talkin' to me" to a mirror in "The Twilight Zone" (episode 39). Cuban ballerina-choreographer (blind) Alicia Alonso Martinez on Dec. 21 in Havana; loses her peripheral vision in 1941 to a detached retina; dance partner of Igor Youskevitch (1912-94). Am. songwriter-bandleader (black) Dave Bartholomew on Dec. 24 in Edgard, La. Am. "Felix Leiter in Dr. No", "Steve McGarrett in Hawaii Five-O", "Book 'em, Dano" actor Jack Lord (John Joseph Patrick Ryan) (d. 1998) on Dec. 30 in New York City. Am. actor-singer-songwriter ("the Arizona Cowboy") ("Last of the Silver Screen Cowboys") ("the Voice of the West") Rex Elvie Allen (d. 1999) on Dec. 31 in Willcox, Ariz. Am. historian David Herbert Donald on ? in Goodman, Miss.; educated at the U. of Ill. Am. ecologist Robert Harding Whittaker (d. 1980) on ? in Wichita, Kan.; educated at the U. of Ill. Am. burlesque queen Georgia Sothern (Hazel Eunice Finklestein) (d. 1981) on ? in ?. Am. nudist photographer Ed Lange (d. 1995) on ? in ?. Am. Kitty Litter inventor Edward H. Lowe (d. 1995) on ? in ?. English writer Jasper Godwin Ridley (d. 2004) on ? in ?; educated at Magdalen College, Oxford U., and the Sorbonne. Am. "How to Meditate" psychologist Lawrence LeShan on ? in ?; educated at the U. of Chicago. Deaths: U.S. vice-pres. #22 (1889-93) Levi Parsons Morton (b. 1824) on May 16 at age 96 in RhineBeck (1970-), N.Y; longest-living U.S. vice-pres. - levy a parsimonious price on mortality? French paleographer Leopold Delisle (b. 1826). French empress (1853-71) (wife of Napoleon III) Eugenie de Montijo (b. 1826) on July 11 in Madrid. Am. penologist Zebulon Reed Brockway (b. 1827); his last years in Elmira (1876-1900) are spent running a corrupt prison? Italian philosopher Roberto Ardigo (b. 1828) on Sept. 15 in Mantova. German mathematician Moritz Cantor (b. 1829) on Apr. 10. British Liberal Unionist politician Jesse Collings (b. 1831) on Nov. 20. Am. Methodist Episcopal bishop John Heyl Vincent (b. 1832) on May 9. German psychologist Wilhelm Wundt (b. 1832) on Aug. 31 in Grossbothen (near Leipzig). English astronomer Sir Joseph Norman Lockyer (b. 1836). French physicist Louis Arthur Ducos du Hauron (b. 1837) on Aug. 31 in Agen. Am. "novelist-editor-critic William Dean Howells (b. 1837) on May 11: "The secret of a man who is universally interesting is that he is universally interested"; "We are creatures of the moment; we live from one little space to another, and only one interest at a time fills these"; "I hope the time is coming when not only the artist, but the common, avgerage man... will reject the ideal grasshopper whenever he finds it, in science, in literature, in art." Am. inventor John Wesley Hyatt (b. 1837) on May 10. German composer Max Bruch (b. 1838) on Oct. 2 in Berlin-Friedenau. Canadian judge Sir Adolphe-Basile Routhier (b. 1839) on June 27 in Saint-Irenee-les-Bains, Quebec. English novelist Rhoda Broughton (b. 1840). English painter Briton Riviere (b. 1840). British Adm. Sir Jackie Fisher (b. 1841) on July 10 in Kilverstone, Norfolk. Am. lt. gov. #2 of Okla. (1911-15) J.J. McAlester (b. 1842) on Sept. 21 in McAlester, Okla. Am. voting machine inventor Jacob Hiram Myers (b. 1841) on Apr. 1 in Rochester, N.Y. English painter Sir William B. Richmond (b. 1842). British photographic chemist Sir William Abney (b. 1843). Spanish novelist Benito Perez Galdos (b. 1843) on Jan. 4 in Madir. Jewish publisher Rudolf Mosse (b. 1843) on Sept. 8 in Berlin. English theologian William Sanday (b. 1843) on Sept. 16. German botanist Wilhelm Pfeffer (b. 1845) on Jan. 31. Hungarian painter-politician Pal Szinyei Merse (b. 1845) on Feb. 2 in Jernye. Russian jeweled egg designer Peter Carl Faberge (b. 1846) on Sept. 24 in Lausanne, Switzerland. German-born Am. financier-philantropist Jacob Schiff (b. 1847) on Sept. 25 in New York City. Australian writer Louisa Lawson (b. 1848) on Aug. 12 in Gladesville, N.S.W. Australian PM #1 (1901-3) Sir Edmund Barton (b. 1849) on Jan. 7 in Medlow Bath. Irish stage actor James O'Neill (b. 1849) on Aug. 10 in New London, Conn.; father of Eugene O'Neill. Belgian WWI gen. Gerard Mathieu Leman (b. 1851) on Oct. 17 in Brussels. British novelist Mrs. Humphry (Mary) Ward (b. 1851) on Mar. 26. Syrian scholar Tahir Al-Jazairi (b. 1852) in Damascus. Am. Panama Canal Army surgeon Maj. Gen. William C. Gorgas (b. 1854) on July 3 in London. German novelist Ludwig Ganghofer (b. 1855) on July 24 in Tegernsee; sells 30M copies of his feel-good-about-the-homeland novels. South African novelist Olive Schreiner (b. 1855) on Dec. 11 in Wynberg. Austrian field marshal Svetozar Boroevic (b. 1856) on May 23 in Klagenfurt. Somali Mad Mullah Mohammed Abdullah Hassan (b. 1856) on Dec. 21 in Imi, Ogaden. Am. explorer Robert Edwin Peary (b. 1856) on Feb. 20 in Washington, D.C; buried in Arlington Nat. Cemetery: "The pole at last! The prize of three centuries, my dream and ambition for 23 years, mine at last!" - did Penguin Peary die warm? French stage actress Gabrielle Rejane (b. 1856) on June 14 in Paris. German artist Max Klinger (b. 1857) on July 5. Mexican pres. #17 (1917-20) Venustiano Carranza (b. 1859) on May 21 in Tlaxcalantongo, Puebla; assassinated by forces of Gen. Rodolfo Herrero; last words: "Lawyer, they have already broken one of my legs." Am. composer Reginald De Koven (b. 1859) on Jan. 16. French novelist Paul Adam (b. 1862) on Jan. 2 in Paris. Swedish painter Anders Leonard Zorn (b. 1860) on Aug. 22. Am. poet Louise Imogen Guiney (b. 1861) on Nov. 20. Am. provisional gov. of Cuba #2 (1906-9) Judge Charles Edward Magoon (b. 1861) on Jan. 24 in Washington, D.C. German poet Richard Dehmel (b. 1863) on Nov. 18 in Blankenese (Hamburg). Albanian PM #3 (1914-6) Essad Pasha Toptani (b. 1863) on June 13 in Paris, France (assassinated by Avni Rustemi, who claims to be the true ruler of Albania). British-born Am. Mt. McKinley climber Rev. Hudson Stuck (b. 1863) on Oct. 10 in Fort Yukon, Alaska (pneumonia); assigned the feast day of Apr. 22 along with John Muir by the U.S. Episcopal Church. Am. auto magnate John Francis Dodge (b. 1864) on Jan. 20 in Detroit, Mich. (influenza); interred in the Egyptian-style Dodge Brothers Mausoleum in Woodlawn Cemetery, Detroit, Mich. German philosopher Max Weber (b. 1864) on June 14 in Munich. Colombian astronomer Julio Garavito Armero (b. 1865). Am. violinist Maud Powell (b. 1868) on Jan. 8. Czech novelist Ruzena Svobodova (b. 1868). Am. auto magnate Horace Elgin Dodge Sr. (b. 1868) on Dec. 10 in Detroit, Mich. (influenza); interred in the Egyptian-style Dodge Brothers Mausoleum in Woodlawn Cemetery, Detroit, Mich. Am. "Pollyanna" novelist Eleanor Hodgman Porter (b. 1868) on May 21 in Cambridge, Mass. Am. historian George Louis Beer (b. 1872) on Mar. 15 in New York City; dies after serving as a colonial expert on Pres. Wilson's Am. Commission of Inquiry in WWI, attending the Paris Peace Conference as chief of the colonial div. in 1918-19, becoming a member of the Mandates Commission of the League of Nations, and dir. of the Mandatory Section of the League's Secretariat in 1919; leaves a bequest in his will to establish the George Louis Beer Prize in 1923 for best historical writing about Euro internat. history since 1895 by citizens or permanent residents of the U.S., becoming the Academy Award of book prizes for modern Euro historians; the first winner is Edward Mead Earle (1894-1954) for "Turkey, the Great Powers, and the Bagdad Railway: A Study in Imperialism" (1923). French-born Russian Communist Inessa Armand (b. 1874) on Sept. 24 (cholera). Afghan king (1919) Nasrullah Khan (b. 1874) in Kabul. White Russian Adm. Alexander Kolchak (b. 1874) on Feb. 7 in Kirkutsk (executed by the Bolsheviks). Irish Sinn Fein lord mayor of Cork (1920) Terence MacSwiney (b. 1879) on Oct. 25 in Brixton Prison, Lambeth, England (hunger strike). Iranian religious-political leader Shaikh Mohammad Khiabani (b. 1880) in Tabriz (murdered by Mokhber os-Saltaneh on the orders of the new PM). Am. composer Charles Tomlinson Griffes (b. 1884) on Apr. 8 in New York City (influenza). Italian artist Amedeo Modigliani (b. 1884) on Jan. 24 in Paris (TB); dies broke and addicted to absinthe, clinging to his pregnant nurse-lover Jeanne Hebuterne (Hébuterne) (b. 1898), who is taken in by her parents and commits suicide by leaping from an upstairs window; a large crowd from Paris attends his funeral, and his work later becomes valuable, feeding the myth that artists need to become addicts to receive inspiration. White Russian PM Viktor Pepelyayev (b. 1885) on Feb. 7 in Kirkutsk (executed by the Bolsheviks). Indian number theory mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan (b. 1887) on Apr. 26 in Kumbakonam (TB); leaves four notebooks containing 3K-4K mathematical claims; in 2012 Dec. 22 (his birthday) becomes Nat. Math. Day in India: "An equation for me has no meaning unless it expresses a thought of God." - the good die young? Am. Communist journalist John Reed (d. 1887) on Oct. 20 in Moscow, Russia (typhus); first American buried in Red Square. French-born Am. auto racer-manufacturer Gaston Chevrolet (b. 1892) on Nov. 25 in Los Angeles, Calif. (auto accident at Beverly Hills Speedway). Greek king (1917-20) Alexander I (b. 1893) on Oct. 25 in Athens; dies of sepsis after being bitten by two monkeys. Am. Notre Dame U. football star (#66) (1917-20) George "Gipper" Gipp (b. 1895) on Dec. 14 in South Bend, Ind. (pneumonia); on his deathbed he tells coach Knute Rockne: "Sometime when the boys are up against it and the pressure's really on Notre Dame, tell them to win one for the Gipper"; once ran the 100 yards in 10.2 sec. in full uniform; has a contract to play baseball for the Chicago Cubs. Irish independence leader Sean Treacy (b. 1895) on Oct. 14 in Dublin; killed in a shootout with the stanking' British.

1921 - The President Hardly Big Apple Abominable Snowman Insulin Year? The Last Semi-Sane Toe-Bent Year of the Decade? The Year That Arabs Begin Murdering Jews in Palestine?

Warren Gamaliel Harding of the U.S. (1865-1923) Florence 'Flossie' Mabel Kling De Wolfe Harding of the U.S. (1860-1924) John Calvin Coolidge of the U.S. (1872-1933) James John Davis of the U.S. (1873-1947) Andrew William Mellon of the U.S. (1855-1937) Charles Evans Hughes Sr. (1862-1948) Herbert Hoover of the U.S. (1874-1964) Myron Timothy Herrick of the U.S. (1854-1929) William Howard Taft of the U.S. (1857-1930) Persian Shah Reza Pahlavi I (1878-1944) King Zog I of Albania (1895-1961) Alexander I of Yugoslavia (1888-1934) Michael Collins of Ireland (1890-1922) Eamon de Valera of Ireland (1882-1975) Johann Schober of Austria (1874-1932) Eduard Benes of Czechoslovakia (1884-1948) Eduardo Dato of Spain (1856-1921) Demetrios Gounaris of Greece (1866-1922) Sun Yat-sen of China (1866-1925) Antonio Gramsci of Italy (1891-1937) Adolf Hitler of Germany (1889-45) Karl Joseph Wirth (1879-1956) William Lyon Mackenzie King of Canada (1874-1950) Marshal Julian H.G. Byng of Canada (1862-1935) Baron Roman von Ungern-Sternberg (1886-1921) Mabel Walker Willebrandt of the U.S. (1889-1963) U.S. Gen. Enoch Herbert Crowder (1859-1932) William Stormont Hackett of the U.S. (1868-1926) Daniel O'Connell of the U.S. (1885-1977) Edwin Corning (1883-1934) Dempsey-Carpentier Fight, July 2, 1921 Georges Carpentier (1894-1975) Nicola Sacco (1891-1927) and Bartolomeo Vanzetti (1888-1927) Faisal I of Iraq (1885-1933) Sir Eric Campbell-Geddes of Britain (1875-1937) Sir Alec Guinness (1914-2000) Sir Alec Guinness (1914-2000) Shoghi Effendi (1897-1957) Harry St. John 'Jack' Philby of Britain (1885-1960) Ahmad al-Jaber al-Sabah of Kuwait (1885-1950) Sir Ronald Henry Amherst Storrs of Britain (1881-1955) Mohammad Amin al-Husayni of Palestine (1895-1974) Matthias Erzberger of Germany (1875-1921) Walther Rathenau of Germany (1867-1922) Antonio Machado Santos of Portugal (1875-1921) Ivanhoe Bonomi of Italy (1873-1951) Sir James Craig, 1st Viscount Craigavon (1871-1940) Chinese Gen. Feng Yuxiang (Yu-Hsiang) (1882-1948) Gen. Jose Maria Orellana of Guatemala (1872-1926) Albert Bacon Fall of the U.S. (1861-1944) Benjamin Franklin Stapleton of the U.S. (1869-1950) Harry Ford Sinclair (1876-1956) Mao Tse-tung of China (1893-1976) Ernst Reuter of Germany (1889-1953) Philip Noel-Baker (1889-1982) Fridtjof Nansen (1861-1930) Mary Coffin Ware Dennett (1872-1947) Julia Clifford Lathrop (1858-1932) Roscoe 'Fatty' Arbuckle (1887-1933) Virginia Rappe (1895-1921) Graham McNamee (1888-1942) Yankee Stadium, 1923 William Wrigley Jr. (1861-1932) Vladimir Arsenyev (1872-1930) James Truslow Adams (1878-1949) Elinor Wylie (1885-1928) Jean-Jacques Bernard (1888-1972) Karel Capek (1890-1938) 'R.U.R.', 1921 Axel Lennart Wenner-Gren (1881-1961) Electrolux Model V, 1924 Margaret Gorman (1905-95) Hudson Maxim (1853-1927) Robert Nathan (1894-1985) Louis P. Petersen (1892-1958) José Raúl Capablanca (1888-1942) William J. Burns (1861-1932) Lt. Col. Charles Kenneth Howard-Bury (1881-1963) Yeti Johnny Weissmuller (1904-84) Anna Margaretha 'Molla' Bjurstedt Mallory (1884-1959) Suzanne Lenglen (1899-1938) Jimmy Blouin (1886-1947) Hialeah Race Track, 1921 Sir Gordon Richards (1904-88) Johannes Nicolaus Bronsted (1879-1947) Georg de Hevesy (1885-1966) Elmer Verner McCollum (1879-1967) Col. Edward Mandell House of the U.S. (1858-1938) Elihu Root of the U.S. (1845-1937)) John William Davis of the U.S. (1873-1955) Ernst Kretschmer (1888-1964) Genevieve Behrend Dr. M.O. Bircher-Benner (1867-1939) Thomas Midgley Jr. (1889-1994) Hans Spemann (1869-1941) Frank Nathan Daniel Buchman (1878-1961) Thomas Midgley Jr. (1889-1944) Meghnad Saha (1893-1956) John Maynard Keynes (1883-1946) Alexander Sutherland Neill (1883-1973) Karl Hjalmar Branting of Sweden (1860-1925) Edna Ferber (1885-1968) Christian Louis Lange (1869-1938) Anatole France (1844-1924) A.F. Pollard (1869-1948) Sir John Cecil Power (1870-1950) British Field Marshal Sir Gerald Templer (1898-1979) Albert Einstein (1879-1955) Frederick Soddy (1877-1956) Otto Stern (1888-1969) Walther Gerlach (1889-1979) Frederick Grant Banting (1891-1941) Ernst Cassirer (1874-1945) James Bertram Collip (1892-1965) Charles Herbert Best (1899-1978) Thomas Townsend Brown (1905-85) Carl Grossmann (1863-1922) Alfred Korzybski (1879-1950) Frank Knight (1885-1972) Jacob Viner (1892-1970) Henry Simons (1899-1946) John James Rickard Macleod (1876-1935) Emile Borel (1871-1956) Horatio Willis Dresser (1866-1954) Otto Loewi (1873-1961) Sir Henry Hallett Dale (1875-1968) Philo Taylor Farnsworth (1906-71) Donald Wills Douglas Sr. (1892-1981) D.H. Lawrence (1885-1930) Charles Gilman Norris (1881-1945) Will Rogers (1879-1935) Rafael Sabatini (1875-1950) Cyrus Stevens Avery (1871-1963) Ida Rosenthal (1886-1973) Rudolph Valentino (1895-1926) June Mathis (1889-1972) Betty Blythe (1893-1972) 'Queen of Sheba', 1921 Fyodor Sologub (1863-1927) Ruth Hale (1887-1934) Lucy Stone (1818-93) Fannie Hurst (1889-1968) Neysa McMein (1888-1949) Lilyan Tashman (1896-1934) Marie Stopes (1880-1958) Curzio Malaparte (1898-1957) Elmer Davis (1890-1958) Georgette Heyer (1902-74) Aldous Huxley (1894-1963) Robert Keable (1887-1927) John Dos Passos (1896-1970) Lord Dunsany (1878-1957) Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961) Vladimir Horowitz (1903-89) Nathan Milstein (1903-92) George Moore (1852-1933) Luigi Pirandello (1867-1936) Louis Aragon (1897-1982) Henry Williamson (1895-1977) Faith Baldwin (1893-1978) Eugenie Brazier (1895-1977) Paul Bocuse (1926-) Rudolf Bultmann (1884-1976) Leon Charles Albert Calmette (1863-1933) Hamlin Garland (1860-1940) Jean-Marie Camille Guérin (1872-1961) Harry Houdini (1874-1926) William Aloysius Brady (1863-1950) Pierre Montet (1885-1966) Fernand Point (1897-1955) James Harvey Robinson (1863-1936) Aby Warburg (1866-1929) Nesta Helen Webster (1876-1960) H.G. Wells (1866-1946) Florence Deeks (1864-1959) Lucien Wolf (1857-1930) Fritz Saxl (1890-1948) Yevgeny Zamyatin (1884-1937) Kristian Feyer Andvord (1855-1934) Edgar Dacqué (1878-1945) Friedrich Dessauer (1881-1963) George Arliss (1868-1946) Florence Arliss (1871-1950) Philip Barry (1896-1949) Noble Sissle (1889-1975) and Eubie Blake (1887-1983) 'Anna Christie', 1921 Isham Jones (1894-1956) Ethel Waters (1896-1977) Louis Calhern (1895-1956) 'The Blot', 1921 'Orphans of the Storm', 1921 Cast of 'Shuffle Along', 1921 'Hamlet', 1921 'The Kid', 1921 Jackie Coogan (1914-84) 'Miss Lulu Bett', 1921 Marion Mack (1902-89) Andy Clyde (1892-1967) 'The Sheik', 1921 'Little Lord Fauntleroy', 1921 Monte Blue (1887-1963) Stan Laurel (1890-1965) and Oliver Hardy (1892-1957) Carole Lombard (1908-42) Jason Robards Sr. (1892-1963) 'Tolable David', 1921 Ernest Torrence (1878-1933) Ethel Wales (1878-1952) Henny Porten (1888-1960) 'The Word or Woman-Bird' by Max Ernst (1891-1976), 1921 'Large Bather' by Pablo Picasso (1881-1973), 1921 'Still Life With a Beer Mug' by Fernand Leger (1881-1955), 1921 'Our Father Who Art in Heaven' by Max Pechstein, 1921 Buster Keaton (1895-1966) and Natalie Talmadge (1896-1969) The General, 1926 Barbara La Marr (1896-1926) Ambassador Hotel, 1921 Myron Hunt (1868-1952) Chequers Court, 1921 'The Elephant Celebes' by Max Ernst (1891-1976), 1921 'Rrose Selavy' by Man Ray (1890-1976), 1921 Russ Westover (1886-1966) 'Tillie the Toiler' by Russ Westover, 1921-59 Erich Mendelsohn (1887-1953) Black Swan Records Einstein Tower, 1921 Simon Rodia (1879-1965) Watts Towers, 1921-55 Cathedral of Learning, 1921-37 Charles Zeller Klauder (1872-1938) Cathedral of Learning, 1921-37 Liberty Memorial, Nov. 1, 1921 U.S. Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, Nov. 11, 1921 Mitsubishi 1MF Mitsubishi 2MR Mitsubishi 1MT Mitsubishi B1M Coco Chanel (1883-1971) Chanel No. 5, 1919 Ernest Beaux (1881-1961) Peace Dollar, 1921 Anthony de Francisci (1887-1964) Baby Ruth, 1921 Butterfinger, 1923 Otto Y. Schnering (1891-1953) White Castle Restaurants, 1921 Doumak Marshmallows Land O'Lakes logo Peter Paul Halajian (1864-1927) Mounds and Almond Joy Queen Anne's Cordial Cherries See's Candies, 1921 Wonder Bread, 1921 Longwood Gardens, 1921

1921 Chinese Year: Chicken. The pop. of Ireland, which peaked at 6.25M before the 1846-8 potato famine is down to 4.3M. After the end of WWI causes the heavy industry boom to bust, 50K emigrate from Scotland. Divorces in Germany: 39K (18K in 1913). Gasoline production in U.S.: 472M barrels. Illegitimate births: Germany: 173K, France 65K, Chile 55K, Italy 49K. The 1921 Summer Heatwave in Europe causes the Russian famine of 1921-22, which kills 5M around the Caspian Sea. Between 1921 and 1924 the number of Americans in Paris swells from 6K to 30K - hot child in the city? On Jan. 1 the Calif. Golden Bears defeat the Ohio State Buckeyes by 28-0 to win the 1921 Rose Bowl. On Jan. 2 religious services are first broadcast on radio when KDKA in Pittsburgh, Penn. airs the regular Sunday service of the Calvary Episcopal Church - Henry VIII rolls over in his tomb? On Jan. 3 Italy stops issuing passports to those emigrating to the U.S. On Jan. 4 Congress overrides Pres. Wilson's veto, reactivating the War Finance Corps to aid struggling farmers. On Jan. 5 Richard Wagner's Die Valkyrie ("Die Walkure) opens in Paris, becoming the first German opera performed in Paris since the beginning of WWI. On Jan. 6 the U.S. Navy orders the sale of 125 flying boats to encourage commercial aviation. On Jan. 13 the French Gen. Confederation of Labor is dissolved by court order over its failed May 1920 gen. strike, causing a schism between the Roman Catholic and Communist members; only 10% of French workers are unionized. On Jan. 13-22 the Congress of the Socialist Party in Livorno, Italy ends in a split into moderate and radical Communist wings, the latter led by Antonio Gramsci (1891-1937), pub. of Ordine Nuovo in Turin (Torino); the Italian Communist Party is born. On Jan. 16 Michael Collins (b. 1890) becomes chmn. of the Irish provisional govt.; on May 22 (Sun.) the duly-elected parliament of Northern Ireland is opened by the English king, who gives a conciliatory speech; the southern parliament never assembles, and instead a self-constituted body called the Dail Eireann ("assembly of Ireland") (pr. doll-ERR-an) begins meeting, with Eamon de Valera (1882-1975) as pres. #1 of the Irish Free State (ends Dec. 29, 1937), which is established by the Anglo-Irish Treaty (effective Mar. 31), which requires an oath of allegiance to the crown, which Valera and other repub. leaders won't accept but Collins talks a majority of the Dail Eireann into ratifying, so that on June 28 the Irish Civil War begins between the republicans and the nationalists over the treaty (ends May 24, 1923); on July 8 a truce is agreed to, and signed by Great Britain and the IRA on July 11; Michael Collins signs it, saying he's really signed his death warrant, and is assassinated in an ambush by anti-treaty forces on Aug. 22, 1922; on Dec. 6 Great Britain gives the Irish Free State dominion status under the treaty, while six counties in Northern Ireland remain part of the U.K. On Jan. 24-30 the Paris Conference fixes German reparation payments at 226B gold Reichmarks over 42 years, despite British warnings that they can never pay it; on Mar. 1 German foreign minister Walter Simons (1861-1937) meets with the Brits in London and counteroffers 30B marks, then refuses to accept the Paris Conference terms; in Mar. the French and British seize the Ruhr River ports of Dusseldorf, Duisburg, and Ruhrort, causing the German delegation to quit all talks. On Jan. 21 J.D. Rockefeller pledges $1M for the relief of Europe's destitute; on Jan. 22 U.S. farmers pledge 15M bushels of corn for Europe. On Jan. 21 the Carol A. Deering is stranded on rough seas off Diamond Shoals near Cape Hatteras, and her crew mysteriously disappears, spawning ghost ship legends. On Jan. 28 Albert Einstein startles Berlin by suggesting the possibility of measuring the Universe. On Feb. 2 airmail service opens between New York City and San Francisco; on Feb. 23 an airmail plane sets a record of 33 hours 20 min. On Feb. 12 Winston Churchill of London is appointed colonial secy. On Feb. 19 the U.S. Red Cross reports that approx. 20K children die yearly in auto accidents. On Feb. 21 dissolute Persian shah (since July 16, 1909) Ahmed Shah Qajar (b. 1898) (known for his love of French hos, and for losing and gaining 200 lbs. in two years) is deposed in a bloodless British-backed Persian military coup led by Col. Reza Pahlavi (1878-1944), who rescinds the Anglo-Persian Treaty and signs the Russo-Persian Treaty of Friendship, giving Persial full equal shipping rights in the Caspian Sea;; the Qajar Dynasty (founded 1794) ends; in 1923 the shah is forced into exile ("European Tour) in France with his family, and on Oct. 28 Reza Pahlavi becomes PM of Persia (until Nov. 1, 1925), taking the title of khan; the Persian army is barred from intervening in politics, becoming known as the Silent Beauty. On Feb. 23 ruler (since Feb. 5, 1917) Sheikh Salim (b. 1864) dies, and on Mar. 29 is succeeded as Kuwait ruler #10 by Sheikh Ahmad al-Jaber (al-Jabir) al-Sabah (1885-1950) (until Jan. 29, 1950). On Feb. 27 riots break out between Communists and Fascist Arditi (strike breakers) in Florence, Italy, ultimately becoming a mini-civil war. On Feb. 28 the Soviet-Afghan Treaty of Mutual Recognition gives Afghanistan a counterweight to the threat of British India; on Mar. 1 the Turkish-Afghan Treaty of Friendship is signed, followed on June 22 by the Persian-Afghan Treaty of Friendship; Afghan emir Amanullah paints himself as a pan-Islamic leader, getting laws passed banning child marriage and marriages between close relatives, and setting a cap on wedding and dowry expenses. In Feb. shipping firm Mitsubishi Co. (founded 1870) of Nagoya, Japan invites British Sopwith Camel designer Herbert Smith (1889-1977) to help them establish an aircraft manufacturing div., going on to develop the Mitsubishi 1MF (Navy Type 10 Carrier Fighter) (first flight 1921), the Mitsubishi 2MR (Navy Type 10 Carrier Reconnaissance Aircraft) (C1M) Mitsubishi 1MT (Navy Type 10 Torpedo Bomber) (first flight Aug. 1922), and the Mitsubishi B1M (Navy Type 13 Carrier-Borne Aircraft) torpedo bomber (first flight 1923). On Mar. 1 ex-king (1910-18) Nicholas I (b. 1841) of Montenegro dies, and Montenegro formally becomes a province of Yugoslavia. On Mar. 1-18 the Kronstadt Rebellion by sailors ("the Praetorian Guard of Bolshevism") in the port of Kronstadt near Petrograd on the Gulf of Finland is put down by Russian soldiers. On Mar. 3 the 1921 British Emergency Unemployment Act increases unemployment payments for the 1M unemployed, but funds them out of future unemployment insurance contributions; it works, since on Mar. 28 the Labour Party refuses to affiliate with the Communists. The Teapot Dome President? On Mar. 4 (Fri.) Blooming Grove, Ohio-born Repub. Warren Gamaliel Harding (1865-1923) ("President Hardly") ("Wobbly Warren") becomes the 29th U.S. pres. (until Aug. 2, 1923) in the 39th U.S. Pres. Inauguration in the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C. , becoming the first in which an automobile is used to transport the outgoing pres. and new pres. to/from the Capitol (first pres. to ride in a car at his inauguration, and to drive himself); first U.S. pres. elected with female suffrage; first incumbent U.S. Sen. and first newspaper publisher to become U.S. pres.; John Calvin Coolidge Jr. (1872-1933) becomes the 29th U.S. vice-pres. (until Aug. 2, 1923); Woodrow Wilson leaves the White House for his home on S Street; Harding holds a child welfare ball instead of an inaugural ball; a newspaperman who loves reporters, he restores the biweekly White House meetings scrapped by press-hating Pres. Wilson; First Lady Florence Mabel "Flossie" Kling De Wolfe Harding (1860-1924) (first coed college grad) is the wealthy daughter of the richest man in Marion, Ohio (who politically backs her hubby); Pres. Harding's Inaugural Address contains the soundbyte: "The recorded progress of our republic, materially and spiritually, in itself proves the wisdom of the inherited policy of noninvolvement in Old World affairs. Confident of our ability to work out our own destiny, and jealously guarding our right to do so, we seek no part in directing the destinies of the Old World. We do not mean to be entangled... The America builded on the foundation laid by the inspired fathers, can be a party to no permanent military alliance. It can enter into no political commitments, nor assume any economic obligations which will subject our decisions to any other than our own authority"; Harding appoints Welsh-born Moose Lodge head and former steel mill worker James John "Puddler Jim" Davis (Davies) (1873-1947) as U.S. labor secy. #2 (until Nov. 30, 1930), who goes on to work to restrict immigration, establish the U.S. Border Patrol, and survive three presidents (until 1930); on Mar. 4 millionaire financier Andrew William Mellon (1855-1937) becomes U.S. treasury secy. #49 (until Feb. 12, 1932), lasting for three presidents (Harding, Coolidge, Hoover); on Mar. 5 Charles Evans Hughes Sr. (1862-1948), close loser of the 1916 U.S. Pres. Election becomes U.S. secy. of state #44 (until Mar. 4, 1925), convening the Conference on the Limitation of Armament in Washington, D.C. on Nov. 12 (until Feb. 6, 1922); on Mar. 5 mining engineer Herbert Clark Hoover (1874-1964) becomes U.S. commerce secy. #3 (until Aug. 21, 1928); former U.S. ambassador to France (1912-14) Myron Timothy Herrick (1854-1929) is reappointed (until 1929), just in time to greet Lucky Lindbergh; Harding fights the 1920 recession by cutting federal spending in half, cutting federal taxes by a third, and paying off debt. On Mar. 6 N.Y. passes a movie censorship law, causing William Aloysius Brady (1863-1950), pres. of the Nat. Assoc. of the Motion Picture Industry (1915-22) to go on a U.S. tour to protest movie censorship, causing the industry to turn to self-censorship next year to forestall govt. intervention. On Mar. 8 Spanish PM (since Apr. 28, 1920) Eduardo Dato e Iradier (b. 1856) is assassinated by three Catalan anarchists while leaving Parliament in Madrid, becoming the first Spanish PM assassination since Jose Canalejas in 1912. On Mar. 8 French troops occupy Dusseldorf, Germany. On Mar. 13 after driving the Chinese out of Urga (Ulaan Baatar) in Feb., Mongolia declares independence from China, and gains it on July 11 (National Day), led by German-Estonian "Bloody White Baron" Roman Nikolai Maximilian von Ungern-Sternberg (1886-1921), who declares himself khan of Mongolia, adopting Mongolian dress and trying to pass himself off as Genghis Khan's successor; too bad, after he establishes a protectorate over the Bogd Khan, a Red Army defeats him next July-Aug., causing him to flee W with his troops hoping to set himself up later as king of Tibet, only to be handed over by his own soldiers to the Red Army on Aug. 21 for his dictatorial abuses, and executed in Novosibirsk on Sept. 21 - viva Genghis Khan? On Mar. 15 new elections in Cuba give another V to Dr. Alfredo Zayas (until 1925), but the meddling of U.S. Gen. Enoch Herbert Crowder (1859-1932) causes a resurgence in Cuban nationalism and opposition to U.S. interference; meanwhile the sugar industry is in collapse, causing the island to look for a new source of income. :) On Mar. 16 the 10th Russian Communist Party Congress passes Resolution 12, banning factions within the party - you never know what might happen? On Mar. 16 the Treaty of Moscow between the Bolsheviks and Kemalists of Turkey establishes a new Turkish-Soviet border that makes 1-y.-o. Armenia go poof, splitting its pop. On Mar. 16 the bilateral 1921 Anglo-Soviet Trade Agreement is signed as part of Lenin's capitalist-friendly New Economic Policy, ending the British blockade and opening Russian ports to British ships, with both sides agreeing to stop their hostile agitprop, opening a period of extensive trade. On Mar. 17 Edinburgh-born Scottish paleobotanist Marie Charlotte Carmichael Stopes (1880-1958), author of "Married Love" (1918) opens the Mother's Clinic, Britain's first family planning clinic at 61 Marlborough Rd., Holloway, North London, advocating birth control and trying to soften Anglo-Saxon sex guilt attitudes; too bad, she stinks her name up by getting involved in the eugenics movement - we are trying to let you get lucky, right? On Mar. 17 the honor society Phi Alpha Theta (originally Univ. Historical Society) is founded at the U. of Ark. by Nels Cleven for students and professors of history, growing to 350K members by 2017. On Mar. 18 the Treaty (Peace) of Riga between Poland and Russia is signed, ending their conflict, incorporating large areas of Lithuania, White Russia, and W Ukraine into Poland, making it territorially satisfied for the first time - how is it rigged against the Poles this time? On Mar. 20 a plebiscite in Upper Silesia is a V for Germany over Poland, causing the Third Silesian Uprising on May 2-July 21 between Polish and German insurgents, which is ended by the arrival of British troops and a gen. amnesty, followed by the division of Upper Silesia, with the Poles getting one-third of the territory (3K out of 11K sq. km). On Mar. 21 U.S. commerce secy. Herbert Hoover publicly opposes all trade with poor, starving but Bolshevist Russia. On Mar. 23 U.S. Lt. Arthur G. Hamilton sets a new parachute record, safely jumping 24.4K ft. On Mar. 27 (Sun.) the first Easter sunrise service is held in the in-construction Hollywood Bowl in Los Angeles, Calif. On Mar. 27 the British recognize Sharif Abdullah Ibn Hussein (1882-1951) (brother of King Faysal) as provisional ruler of Transjordan (not subject to the Balfour Declaration), and in Apr. appoint Albert Abramson (1876-) as his British advisor (actually head of the British Secret Service for the British Mandate of Palestine); on Nov. 21 he is replaced by Ceylon-born polyglot Arabophile Harry St. John Bridger "Jack" Philby (1885-1960) (AKA Sheikh Abdullah) (who organized the Arab revolt against the Turks in WWI, and wrote the Iraqi constitution last year), who goes on to back Ibn Saud against Sharif Hussein as "king of the Arabs", and recommend a united Arabian peninsula, while leaking state secrets to Ibn Saud, causing the British govt. to think he "went native" and force his resignation in 1924. On Mar. 31 the Great Coal Strike in Britain begins after proposals for nationalization are rejected and govt. control of the mines ends; Britain declares a state of emergency after railway and transport workers join the strike; too bad, the latter return to work on Apr. 15 ("Black Friday"), and on June 28 the strike is settled with a govt. offer of a subsidy and increased wages, ending officially on July 1. In Mar. Congress provides for the burial of an unidentified U.S. soldier from World War I in a special place of honor. In Mar. in Russia the New Economic Plan (denationalization except for large-scale industry, banking, and foreign trade) is instituted. In Mar. a Communist uprising in C Germany led by Max Holz of Plauen, Saxony is quashed, and Holz is sentenced to life in prison. On Apr. 2 Albert Einstein (1879-1955) lectures on his Theory of Relativity at Columbia U. to mucho publicity; he lectured at City College of New York first. On Apr. 3 lord chief justice (since 1913) Lord Reading succeeds Lord Chelmsford as British viceroy of India (until Apr. 3, 1926), and (did I mention?) is created marquis of Reading, becoming the highest peerage rank reached by a Jew in British history. On Apr. 8 right-wing former PM (1915) Demetrios (Dimitrios) Gounaris (1866-1922), leader of the anti-Venizelos People's Party becomes PM of Greece (until May 16, 1922), continuing the war against Turkey, which ends up getting him canned and killed. On Apr. 10 Dr. Sun Yat-sen (1866-1925) is elected pres. of China (until ?). On Apr. 11 Iowa becomes the first state to impose a cigarette tax (2 cents). On Apr. 12 Pres. Harding's First Message to Congress calls for cuts in corporate taxes, incl. on "excess profits", with personal income taxes to remain as-is, with a top rate of 8% on incomes above $4K a year; on June 10 the U.S. Budget and Accounting Act of 1921 is passed, becoming the first unified federal budget, establishing the Bureau of the Budget, whose dir. reports to the pres., and the Gen. Accounting Office (GAO) to cut wasteful spending, whose dir. is the U.S. comptroller gen.; too bad, Senators want to give bonuses to WWI vets, like 38 states already did, starting a war with Harding. On Apr. 14-15 a U.S. record 75.8 in. of snow falls in a 24-hour period at Silver Lake, Colo. On Apr. 18 Ontario announces prohibition, to take effect within 3 mo. On Apr. 18 Junior Achievement, created to encourage business skills in young people is incorporated in ever-corny Colorado Springs, Colo. On Apr. 19 Ain-born former simple country girl turned chef Eugenie "La Mere" Brazier (1895-1977) opens her first restaurant in onion-loving Lyon, France, rising with help of food critic Curnonsky to become the first woman to earn three Michelin stars in 1933, turning Lyon into the #2 food capital of France after Paris; she also becomes the first French chef of either sex to attain six Michelin stars for her restaurants on Rue Royale and in the Alpine foothills at Col de la Luère; her cooking attracts celebrity clientele incl. Charles de Gaulle, Valéry Giscard d'Estaing, and Marlene Dietrich, who loves her Langouste Belle Aurore, a whole sweet lobster drenched in brandy and cream; her student Paul Bocuse (1926-) goes on to keep Lyon at the top. On Apr. 20 the Allies set up a customs frontier on the Rhine; as the big day for the first reparation payment (May 1) approaches, the Reparation Commission folds and fixes the liability at a lower sum of 132B marks, but adds another 12B for reconstruction of industrial works, and demands that all the gold of the Reichsbank be handed over as insurance. On Apr. 26 the first weather news is aired by radio station WEW in St. Louis, Mo. In Apr. the U.S. Big Red Scare reaches its height. On May 1 Quebec takes control of liquor sales. On May 1-7 the Jaffa Riots (Heb. Me'oraot Tarpa) in the Palestine Mandate starts out as a fight between two groups of Jews that attracts madass Muslim Arabs; "Arab men bearing clubs, knives, swords, and some pistols broke into Jewish buildings and murdered their inhabitants, while women followed to loot. They attacked Jewish pedestrians and destroyed Jewish homes and stores. They beat and killed Jews in their homes, including children, and in some cases split open the victims' skulls"; the Haycraft Commission of Inquiry whitewashes it with the report "Palestine: Disturbances in May 1921", blaming it on the Jews as well as Arabs: "The fundamental cause of the Jaffa riots and the subsequent acts of violence was a feeling among the Arabs of discontent with, and hostility to, the Jews, due to political and economic causes, and connected with Jewish immigration, and with their conception of Zionist policy as derived from Jewish exponents", causing British high commissioner Herbert Samuel Samuel to limit Jewish immigration to the region "only to the extent that it did not burden the economy"; Jews are only 10% of the pop. On May 3 W. Va. imposes the first state sales tax - on cigarettes and cough drops? On May 3 the term Big Apple (a gambling term meaning a desirable prize) is first used in reference to New York City by John J. Fitz Gerald in the New York Morning Telegraph. On May 10 the Allies issue an ultimating giving Germany until May 12 to accept all of their reparation and disarmament demands and to begin trying German war criminals, causing the cabinet of chancellor Konstantine Fehrenbach to resign, and a center-left coalition cabinet to be formed by Catholic Center Party minister of finance Karl Joseph Wirth (1879-1956), who starts a policy of "fulfillment" in an effort to demonstrate that Germany is incapable of paming, going on to begin paying reparations on Aug. 31, causing the mark to begin falling in value; the final payment isn't made until Oct. 3, 2010. On May 15 the first elections in Italy under universal suffrage result in the Liberals and Democrats winning 275 seats, the Socialists 122, Roman Catholics 107, Fascists 22, and Communists 16. On May 16 the U.S. Supreme (White) Court rules unanimously in Dillon v. Gloss that Congress when proposing a constitutional amendment may fix a definite period for ratification, incl. the 7-year period they set for passing the 18th Amendment. On May 19 Congress passes the U.S. Emergency Quota Act, establishing nat. quotas for immigrants entering the U.S. On May 20 a peace treaty is signed by Germany and China. On May 21 Taggart Baking Co. of Indianapolis, Ind. begins marketing Wonder Bread, named by Edward Cline for the red-white-yellow-blue balloons at Indianapolis Speedway; in 1925 it is acquired by Continental Baking Co., who adds "It's Slo Baked" on the logo; in 1927 it expands to Canada, later Mexico; in the 1930s it becomes one of the first white breads shipped pre-sliced; a steel shortage in WWII causes it to be sold unsliced in 1943-5, after which it begins enriching it, helping spur the Quiet Miracle that reduces the incidence of beriberi, pellagra et al.; in the 1950s it sponsors The Howdy Doody Show, with the slogan: "Wonder Bread builds strong bodies 8 ways. Look for the red, yellow and blue balloons printed on the wrapper"; in the 1960s the slogan is "Helps build strong bodies 12 ways"; in 1995 it is acquired by Interstate Bakers Corp. (later Hostess brands), which goes through bankruptcy in 2004-Feb. 2009; on Aug. 28, 2007 after a court judgment it ends production in Southern Calif., causing a consumer reaction that helps it return in Sept. 2009; on July 22, 2013 after it files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, it is acquired by Flowers Foods. On May 27 Pres. Harding signs an emergency tariff measure, and in July the House passes a bill increasing tariffs across the board. On May 30 the Teapot Dome Scandal results after the U.S. Navy transfers the Teapot Dome oil reserves in Wyo. to the U.S. Dept. of the Interior; on Mar. 5 N.M. Sen. (since Mar. 27, 1912) Albert Bacon Fall (1861-1944) becomes U.S. interior secy. #28 (until Mar. 4, 1923), leasing them to two private oil cos. at low rates sans competitive bidding, and is later convicted of accepting bribes from Sinclair Oil tycoon Harry Ford Sinclair (1876-1956), incl. $269K and several prize head of cattle for oil-drilling rights to public lands in Wyo. and Calif., testifying before the U.S. Congress, uttering the immortal Milkshake Analogy: "Sir, if you have a milkshake and my straw reaches across the room, I'll end up drinking your milkshake", which is used in the 2008 film "There Will Be Blood"; Ford ends up serving 6 mo. in prison for jury tampering. On May 31 Lithuanian-Ams. present Pres. Harding with 1M signatures requesting de jure recognition of Lithuania. On May 31 after not seeing each other for two years and exchanging no love letters, after which she sends him a letter in Jan. saying "I am alone now with Mother. If you still care for me just send for me", silent film star Joseph Frank "Buster" Keaton (1895-1966) marries silent film actress Natalie Talmadge (1896-1969), sister of his producer Joseph Schenck's wife Norma Talmadge; too bad, after spending his dough like water for fancy homes and clothes, and giving him two sons James (b. 1922) and Robert (b. 1924) she stops having sex with him, causing him to begin seeking other dames, which she uses as an excuse for bitter divorce in 1932, taking the rest of his fortune along with the sons, and he becomes an alcoholic, selling his lavish $300K 10K sq. ft. Beverly Hills Italian villa The General (built 1926) (used in the 1972 film "The Godfather") in the 1933; "I took a lot of pratfalls to build that dump." On May 31-June 1 the 16-hour Tulsa Race Riot breaks out in "Black Wall Street" (Greenwood neighborhood) of Tulsa, Okla., with a mob of 10K whites aided by police and the Nat. Guard burning down 35 city blocks (1,256 homes), causing $1.8M in property damage, leaving 10K homeless, and killing 200-300 (official totals 23 blacks, 16 whites); some whites drop dynamite from a plane onto the black ghetto?; after white Tulsa businessman ("Father of Route 66") Cyrus Stevens Avery (1871-1963) begins a push to build Route 66 (Nov. 11, 1926), and makes sure it goes through the town, and white country groups such as Bob Wills and the Texas Playboys set up shop, the town becomes a white haven, dubbed "America's most beautiful city" by Time mag. in the 1950s. On June 3 the Great Pueblo Flood of the Arkansas River destroys Pueblo, Colo., killing 100 and causing $30M damage, causing a concrete channel to be built for the river in 1923, followed by the Pueblo Dam in the 1970s. On June 7 Orange Protestant Sir James Craig, 1st Viscount Craigavon (1871-1940) of the Ulster Unionist Party is appointed PM #1 of Northern Ireland by the Lord Lt. of Ireland (until Nov. 24, 1940), going on to utter the soundbyte on Apr. 1934: "The hon. Member must remember that in the South they boasted of a Catholic State. They still boast of Southern Ireland being a Catholic State. All I boast of is that we are a Protestant Parliament and a Protestant State. It would be rather interesting for historians of the future to compare a Catholic State launched in the South with a Protestant State launched in the North and to see which gets on the better and prospers the more. It is most interesting for me at the moment to watch how they are progressing. I am doing my best always to top the bill and to be ahead of the South." On June 12 Pres. Harding urges every young man to attend military training camp - for what, their health, so they won't end up looking like Taft? On June 20-Aug. 5 the Imperial Conference of 1921 is held in London; Australian PM W.M. Hughes utters the soundbyte "We ought not spend one shilling or risk one life to further the ambitious projects of King Constantine" against the Turks. On June 21-July 21 under the direction of asst. chief Brig. Gen. William "Billy Mitchell", U.S. Army Air Service pilots bomb the captured German battleship Ostfriesland to demonstrate the effectiveness of aerial bombing on warships, becoming the first naval vessels sunk by aircraft - the beginnings of Shock and Awe? On June 22 civil war breaks out in China; on June 30-July 1 the Chinese Communist Party is founded by young deer-in-the-headlights librarian Mao Tse-tung (Zedong) (1893-1976) under the leadership of Chen Duxiu and Li Dazhao. On June 24 the League of Nations council gives Finland sovereignty over the Aland Islands, with its own autonomous govt. On June 25 Samuel Gompers (1850-1924) is elected head of the AFL for the 40th and last time (1886-1924). On June 26 the Giolitti cabinet falls over its foreign policy, and on July 4 Ivanhoe Bonomi (1873-1951) becomes PM with a new cabinet (until Feb. 26, 1922). On June 30 Pres. Harding appoints former Repub. pres. #27 (1909-13) William Howard Taft (1857-1930) as U.S. Chief Justice #10 and its 69th justice to fill the vacancy left by Edward Douglass White (1910-21), and he is sworn-in on July 11 (until Feb. 3, 1930), becoming the first person to have held both offices (until ?). On July 2 Pres. Harding signs the joint congressional Knox-Porter Resolution declaring an end to the war with Germany and Austria-Hungary; on June 21 Johann Schober (1874-1932), an Austrian police minister who was made pres. just before the fall of the Hapsburg monarchy in 1918 is chosen to head a coalition govt. supported by the Christian Social and Pan-German parties (until Jan. 26), also acting as foreign minister in Dec. to conclude the Treaty of Lany (Lány) with Czech., which pisses-off the Pan-Germans, who want to unite with Germany, leading to his downfall. On July 4 caretaker Jack Torrance celebrates in the ballroom of the Overlook Hotel in Colo. to the song "Midnight, the Stars and You" - Steven King's 1977 novel "The Shining"? On July 7 moderate Filipp Makharadze (1868-1941) is removed as chmn. of the Georgian Rev. Committee and replaced by Polikarp "Budu" Mdivani (1877-1937), who next year begins the Georgian Affair of 1922 (ends Jan. 1923), a bitter conflict with Stalin contesting his centralizing policy, accusing him of "Great Russian chauvinism", which Stalin counters by calling his party "national deviationists", with both sides trying to win Lenin over; too bad, Mdivani fails to stop the amalgamation of Georgia with Armenia and Azerbaijan into the Transcaucasian Repub., and is removed next Jan. On July 11 after issuing an ultimatum, Adolf Hitler is given dictatorial powers in the fledgling 3-member German Nazi Party (NSDAP), and elected pres. of the party on July 29. On July 8 Land O'Lakes (originally Minn. Cooperative Creameries Assoc. unti 1924) member-owned agricultural coop is founded in Arden Hills (near St. Paul), Minn. by 320 cooperative creameries to distribute butter, cheese, and milk; in 1929 indigenous woman Mia is painted by Arthur C. Hanson of Brown & Bigelow for the logo, holding a box of butter; it grows to 3,963 farmer-owners and 10K employees, distributing products for 300K producers and handling 12B lbs. of milk per year, with yearly sales of $14.9B. On July 14 Italian-born Am. anarchists Nicola Sacco (1891-1927) (clean-shaven) and Bartolomeo Vanzetti (1888-1927) (big moustache) (charged in 1920) are found guilty of the murders of a guard and a paymaster in South Braintree, Mass. during an Apr. 15, 1920 robbery of the slater and Morrill Shoe Co. in Braintree, Mass. in a trial charged with Red Scare politics, protesting their innocence, gaining internat. publicity and global protests; after being convicted of first-degree murder, they are electrocuted at Charlestown State Prison on Aug. 23, 1927, sparking, er, more riots in London, Paris et al.; on Aug. 23, 1977 Mass. Gov. Michael Dukakis proclaims that they had been given an unfair trail, and that "any disgrace should be forever removed from their names." On July 20 the New York Times pub. an article, with the soundbyte: "Russia's 6,000,000 Jews are facing extermination by massacre. As the famine is spreading, the counter-revolutionary movement is gaining and the Soviet's control is waning." On July 22-Aug. 9 in Morocco Gen. Fernandez Silvestre and 20K-23K Spaniards are disastrously defeated by the Riffians under Abd-el-Krim at the Battle (Disaster) of Annual; the Spanish lose 13K casualties vs. 800 Riffians, Silvestre commits suicide, and the Spanish ministry falls; a Spanish parliamentary commission submits a report on the disaster in 1922, recommending the execution of several generals and ministers, and is suppressed - I'll do anything, I'm your puppet? On July 25 Belgium and Luxembourg sign the 50-year Belgian-Luxembourg Economic Union Convention in Brussels, abolishing customs frontiers between them effective next May 1 - a covenant man is a lover? Big date for conspiracy theorists? On July 29 the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is founded in Washington D.C. by Col. Edward Mandell House (1858-1938), chief advisor to Pres. Wilson as the U.S. counterpart of the English Royal Inst. of Internat. Affairs; the first honorary pres. is Repub. politician-atty. Elihu Root (1845-1937), winner of the 1912 Nobel Peace Prize; the first elected pres. is Dem. politician John William Davis (1873-1955), who unsuccessfully runs for U.S. pres. in 1924 against Repub. incumbent Calvin Coolidge; in Sept. 1922 it begin pub. the bi-monthly journal Foreign Affairs, which becomes influential in high places - the result of the Illuminati conspiracy? Canada goes for king and byng? On Aug. 2 British Field Marshal Julian Hedworth George "Bungo" Byng, 1st Viscount Byng of Vimy (1862-1935) becomes gov.-gen. #12 of Canada (until Aug. 5, 1926); on Dec. 29 William Lyon Mackenzie King (1874-1950) becomes PM #10 of Canada (until June 28, 1926) (3rd Canadian PM with Mackenzie in their name). On Aug. 10 39-y.-o. Franklin D. Roosevelt is stricken with polio (infantile paralysis) at his summer home on Campobello Island, New Brunswick, forcing his wife to become his eyes and ears by travelling on his behalf. On Aug. 16 king (since 1903) Peter I of Serbia (b. 1844) dies, and his son Alexander I (1888-1934) becomes king of the Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes (Yugoslavia). On Aug. 16-18 the London Times pub. a series of articles debunking eThe Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion (its mass distribution recently backed by Henry Ford) as a forgery with a traceable history. On Aug. 21 Neuruppin, Germany-born black market butcher ("Jack the Slaughterer") ("the Berlin Butcher") Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Grossmann (1863-1922), who ran a hotdog stand during WWI selling meat containing the juicy parts of his victims is arrested in his apt. in Berlin with a dead young woman in his bed, after which he confesses to 20 murders over 20 years, and police believing the total may have been as high as 100 since 1918; he liked to dismember and eat them to get rid of the evidence; too bad, on July 5, 1922 he hangs himself in his cell without giving a full confession. On Aug. 22 Baltimore, Md.-born William John Burns (1861-1932), 1909 founder of the William J. Burns Internat. Detective Agency, known as "America's Sherlock Holmes" becomes dir. of the Bureau of Investigation (later FBI) of the U.S. Dept. of Justice (until May 10, 1924). On Aug. 23-Sept. 13 the Battle of the Sakarya (Sangarios) between 120K Greeks under Gen. Anastasios Papoulas and 96K Turks under Mustafa Kemal Pasha near the Sakarya River near Ankara stops the Greeks before they reach Ankara, becoming a strategic Turkish V and a Pyrrhic Greek V, with 38K Turkish vs. 22.9K Greek casualties. On Aug. 24 a British ZR-2 dirigible breaks in two on a trip near Hull, England, killing 62. On Aug. 25 the U.S. (which never ratified the Versailles Treaty ending World War I) finally signs a peace treaty with Germany in Berlin, which is ratified by the Reichstag on Sept. 30 and the U.S. Senate on Oct. 19. On Aug. 25-Sept. 2 the Battle of Blair Mountan in Logan County, W. Va. sees 10K armed coal miners attacked by 3K lawmen and strikebreakers (Logan Defenders) to stop unionization by the United Mine Workers (UMW), firing 1M rounds until U.S Army troops intervene and quash the strike, with 50-100 miners killed and 985 miners arrested. On Aug. 26 German finance minister Matthias Erzberger (b. 1875) (who signed the German WWI armistice on Nov. 11, 1918 and was forced from office in Mar.) is assassinated in the Bad Grisebach spa in the Black Forest to get even for stabbing Germany in the back by the anti-Semitic ultra-right-wing death squad Organisation Consul (who take care of traitor Walther Rathenau next year); meanwhile German Jewish industrialist (Freemason) Walther Rathenau (1867-1922) is appointed German minister for reconstruction as the German mark begins a rapid fall and inflation becomes a problem, pushing a permanent solution of an economic-political union of Germany, France, Austria, and Belgium; the mark ultimately drops to 4.2T marks to 1 U.S. dollar. In Aug. exiled Faisal I (1885-1933) returns to Iraq and is crowned king of Iraq with British support. In Aug. after WWI causes govt. expenditures and taxation to skyrocket, PM David Lloyd George appoints a committee headed by Sir Eric Campbell-Geddes (1875-1937), which recommends Geddes' Axe to slash everything. The first O.J. case in Hollyweird? On Sept. 10 Keystone Kops movie star Roscoe "Fatty" Arbuckle (1887-1933) is charged with murder over the Sept. 9 (Labor Day) death of 26-y.-o. alcoholic rising actress Virginia Rappe (b. 1895) (whose smiling face in a sunbonnet appeared on the sheet music cover of "Let Me Call You Sweetheart"), who dies of peritonitis from a burst bladder after going into a bathroom in his suite in San Francisco's St. Francis Hotel during a celebration of his new $3M 5-year Paramount contract; accused of bursting her bladder with his big prick, or with a jagged piece of ice, or a Coke bottle, the big iced-Coke-guzzling prick is acquitted after three trials, and later evidence suggests she was drunk and tried a self-induced abortion, but his career is ruined with all the bad publicity, which sells zillions of papers for Randolph Hearst's San Francisco Examiner, and gets him blacklisted; he later makes a comeback as a film producer under the name William B. Goodrich (Will B. Good), but dies suddenly before pulling himself out of, er, debt; San Francisco chief of police Daniel J. O'Brien, father of actor George O'Brien ordered Arbuckle's arrest. On Sept. 4 Adolf Hitler physically attacks Bayernbund (NSDAP rival) leader Otto Ballerstedt (1887-1934), is arrested and spends 1 mo. in jail. On Sept. 8 after the Fall Frolic last Sept. 25, consisting of 350 men pushing wicker chairs carrying young maidens and headed by Miss Ernestine Cremona wearing a white Peace robe is a hit, Miss America 1921, the first Miss America Pageant is held at the Million Dollar Pier at the Boardwalk in Atlantic City, N.J. in an effort to extend the tourist season beyond the summer, with 100K attending; the winner of the $100 Golden Mermaid crown is 5'1" 30-25-32 108 lb. 16-y.-o. Miss Washington, D.C. Margaret Gorman (Margaret G. Cahill) (1905-95), who also wins the Bathers' Review; the only judge is His Oceanic Majesty King Neptune Maxim Hudson (1853-1927), inventor of smokeless gunpowder, who also officiates the 1922 pageant. On Sept. 13 the White Castle 5-cent hamburger chain opens in Wichita, Kan., founded by cook Walt A. Anderson and insurance salesman Edgar Waldo "Billy" Ingram, with a small bldg. with white porcelain enamel on steel exteriors built to resemble the Chicago Water Tower, stainless steel interior, and employees wearing spotless white uniforms to suggest cleanliness and counter Upton Sinclair's 1906 novel "The Jungle"; next year they expand to El Dorado, Kan., becoming the first fast food restaurant chain. On Sept. 21 after the Great Russian Famine of 1921-23 sees 100K die a week (5M-10M total), resulting in cannibalism, the first U.S. Am. Relief Admin. (ARA) relief ships arrive led by Herbert Hoover arrive in Soviet Russia with the first of $20M in corn and wheat seed; by Aug. 1922 the ARA is feeding 11M a day in 19K kitchens, and seed from the U.S. Midwest is planted in spring 1922 to end the famine, causing Maxim Gorky to write to Hoover in July 1922 in behalf of the Soviet govt. to thank him, although later they claim it was a Capitalist spy trick; Hoover saves more lives than anybody else so far in history? On Sept. 22 Estonia joins the League of Nations. On Sept. 26 Eduard Benes (1884-1948) becomes PM #4 of Czech. (until Oct. 7, 1922). On Sept. 27 Kan.-born Mabel Walker Willebrandt (1889-1963) is appointed U.S. asst. atty.-gen. (until 1929), becoming known as the "First Lady of Law" as she vigorously prosecuted the U.S. Volstead Act. In Sept. the Yakut Revolt (ends June 1923), the last phase of the Russian Civil War begins with 200 White Russians led by Mikhail Yakovlevich Korobeinikov (-1924) centered in the Ayano-Maysky District of E Russia. In Sept. after he and English pacifist Philip John Noel-Baker (1889-1982) evacuate 500K German-Austrian POWs from Russia (even though the Soviet govt. won't recognize the League of Nations, by getting them to dump them on the borders, where he picks them up on German ships captured by the British), Norwegian explorer-diplomat Fridtjof Nansen (1861-1930) invents Nansen Passports, issued by the League of Nations to stateless refugees, allowing them to help 1.5M Russians emigrate from Russia to 52 different countries, winning him the 1922 Nobel Peace Prize. In Sept. U.S. commerce secy. Herbert Hoover asks Pres. Harding to call a Conference on Unemployment to explore govt. intervention in the economy, but Harding refues, saying "There will be depression after inflation, just as surely as the tides ebb and flow." On Oct. 5-13 the New York Giants (NL) defeat the New York Yankees (AL) 5-3 in the Eighteenth (18th) (1921) World Series; on Oct. 5 the WS is broadcast on radio for the 1st time; in the regular season Babe Ruth, "Sultan of Swat", "King of Clout" hits 59 homers, passing Roger Conner (NL). On Oct. 11 a conference between the Dail Eireann and the British govt. is held in London in Whitehall on Downing St. under a truce, with Sir James Craig representing the Sinn Fein and Eamon De Valera representing the Dail Eireann. On Oct. 12 the cruise ship City of Honolulu catches fire en route from Honolulu to Long Beach, Calif., and all are rescued. On Oct. 13 the Daily Colonist in Victoria, B.C., Canada coins the term "cold turkey" in reference to quitting an addiction. On Oct. 18 the Soviets grant the Crimea independence. On Oct. 19 a rev. in Lisbon, Portugal results in the murder of Antonio Machado Santos (b. 1875), founder of the Portuguese Repub. (founded 1910). On Oct. 20 France signs the Ankara (Franklin-Bouillon) Agreement (Accord) (Treaty) with Turkey, giving up all its territorial claims N of Syria. On Oct. 21 the U.S. bans the transportation of foreign liquor through its territory. On Oct. 24 after U.S. Rep. (D-Tex.) (1917-29) Thomas Lindsay Blanton (1872-1957) is impeached for placing obscene material in the Congressional Record, but the motion to expel him fails by eight votes, after which he is unanimously censured for "abuse of leave to print" - causing it to sell-out? On Oct. 26 after attempts to negotiate loans with foreign banks fall through, and the German govt. requests a delay in payment of reparations, the German cabinet resigns, and chancellor Joseph Wirth forms a 2nd cabinet that is supported by all but the right and the Communists. In Oct. New Brunswick bans the importation of liquor. In Oct. the first annual Festival of Contemporary Music is held in Donaueschingen in SW Germany at the confluence of the Brigach and Breg Rivers (the two source tributaries of the Danube River) under the protection of the House of Furstenberg. On Nov. 1 the groundbreaking ceremony for the 217-ft. limestone cylindrical Liberty Memorial in Kansas City, Mo. for soldiers KIA in WWI is attended by French Gens. Armando Diaz and Ferdinand Foch, British Adm. David Beatty, Belgian Gen. Baron Jacques, and U.S. Gen. John J. Pershing; U.S. vice-pres. Calvin "Silent Cal" Coolidge is a speaker; on Nov. 11, 1926 Pres. Calvin Coolidge dedicates it; in 2004 the underground Nat. World War I Museum is designated by the U.S. Congress, opening to the public in Dec. 2006; too bad, in 2012 a movement arises to put a nat. monument on the Nat. Mall in Washington, D.C. On Nov. 1 Margaret Sanger (1879-1966) founds the Am. Birth Control League (ABCL). On Nov. 3 striking milk drivers dump thousands of gallons of milk on New York City streets. On Nov. 4 Japanese PM (since 1918) Takashi Hara (b. 1856) is assassinated in Tokyo by a radical right-wing student believed to be insane. On Nov. 7 Il Duce Benito Mussolini declares himself leader of the 300K-member Nat. Fascist Party in Italy. On Nov. 9 Pres. Harding signs the U.S. Federal Aid Highway (Phipps) Act, calling for the creation of "an adequate and connected system of highways, interstate in character", launching a new era in U.S. highway construction. On Nov. 11 (3rd anniv. of the Armistice) the U.S. Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington Nat. Cemetery is dedicated by Pres. Harding; a marble block tomb is installed in 1932, and develops a large crack. On Nov. 12 reps. of nine nations gather for the start of the Washington Naval Conference of 1921-2; on Dec. 13 the U.S., Britain, Japan, and France sign the Four-Power Treaty, pledging to consult one another if any of their Pacific island possessions is threatened. On Nov. 14 the Cherokee Tribe asks the U.S. Supreme Court to review their claim to 1M acres of land in Texas. On Nov. 18 New York City considers varying work hours to avoid long traffic jams. On Nov. 22 the Treaty of Kabul (Anglo-Afghan Treaty) of 1921 secures full formal independence for Afghanistan; the Third Anglo-Afghan War (begun 1919) ends, and Afghanistan is made safe for Westerners once again. On Nov. 23 Pres. Harding signs the U.S. Willis Campbell Act, better known as the anti-beer bill, sponsored by U.S. Sen. (R-Ohio) Frank B. Willis and U.S. Rep. (R-Kan.) Philip P. Campbell, forbidding doctors to prescribe beer or liquor for medicinal purposes, but really aimed at unregulated patent medicines - must have been voided by the time of Capt. Kirk and Doctor McCoy? On Nov. 23 Pres. Harding signs the U.S. Sheppard-Towner Act (Promotion of the Welfare and Hygiene of Maternity and Infancy Act), sponsored by U.S. Sen. (D-Tex.) Morris Sheppard and U.S. Rep. (R-Iowa) Horace Mann Tower, providing federal funding for maternity and child care, becoming Congress' first social security legislation, and the first major legislation for women after their full enfranchisement - from skid row to 18 and life to go? On Nov. 25 Crown Prince Hirohito (b. 1901) becomes prince regent of Japan after his father retires from mental illness - a mad god? On Nov. 28 Abdul-Baha (b. 1844) dies in Akka, Palestine, and Shoghi Effendi Rabbani (1897-1957) becomes guardian #1 of the Baha'i Faith (until Nov. 4, 1957), presiding over its growth from 100K to 400K members. In Nov. Yugoslavian troops invade Albania; the League of Nations commission forces a withdrawal and reaffirms Albania's 1913 borders. On Dec. 1 the first helium balloon, the dual-engine C-7 non-rigid Navy blimp makes its maiden flight from Hampton Roads, Va. to Washington, D.C. On Dec. 3 Germany and Switzerland sign a treaty which sets up a court of arbitration to deal with disputes. On Dec. 5 Pres. Carlos Herrera of Guatemala is overthrown by a junta led by gen. Jose Maria Orellana (1872-1926), who becomes pres. of the Repub. of Guatemala on Dec. 8 (until Apr. 28, 1926); he rejects the Central Am. federation plan, and goes on to create the new unit of currency known as the quetzal, his image appearing on the back. On Dec. 6 leaders of Britain incl. David Lloyd George and or the Sinn Fein incl. Michael Collins and Arthur Griffith sign the Anglo-Irish Treaty in London, providing for the creation of an Irish Free State within 1 year as a self-governing dominion within the "community of nations known as the British Empire"; Eamon De Valera revolts and begins a civil war with the Irish Free State. On Dec. 6 wealthy New York shipbuilder James Showan is arrested after his palatial yacht is seized off the Calif. coast carrying more than 100 cases of whiskey - smash, slap, slip slide boom? On Dec. 15 Australia adopts a higher tariff to protect post-war industry; meanwhile the Australian Labour Party adopts a program of socialization. On Dec. 22 the U. S. passes the Russian Famine Relief Act, authorizing the expenditure of $20M for the purchase of foodstuffs. On Dec. 23 bucking the Am. Legion and the New York Times Pres. Harding commutes Socialist Eugene Debs' 10-year sentence so he can be home by Xmas, and invites him to the White House; he also frees 23 other political prisoners. On Dec. 28 tfter the 1918 U.S. Pittman Act requires the U.S. Mint to strike millions of silver dollars using the Morgan dollar design, the U.S. Mint begins issuing the art deco Peace Dollar to memorialize the peace following WWI, designed by Anthony (Antonio) de Francisci (1887-1964), becoming the first U.S. coin honoring peace (until 1928, then 1934-5), becoming the last solid .900 fine silver U.S. dollar. On Dec. 29 Sears & Roebuck pres. Julius Rosenwald pledges $20M of his personal fortune to help Sears through hard times. In Dec. the Popular Party in Albania, led by Bektashi (Sufi) Muslim Xhafer Ypi (1880-1940) forms a govt. as PM #10 (until Dec. 26, 1922), with Ahmed Zogu (1895-1961) as minister of internal affairs (until 1922). In Dec. Am. writer Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961), who lived on 1599 Bathurst St. in Toronto, Ont. in 1920, then the north side of Chicago in 1921, where he married his 1st wife Elizabeth Hadley Richardson (1891-1979) on Sept. 21 of this year and lived in the 1300 block of Clark St. followed by 1239 N. Dearborn, leaves for Paris with a letter of introduction from Sherwood Anderson, which leads him to Gertrude Stein and the Montparnasse Quarter of the Lost Generation (coined by her mechanic); he returns to Toronto in 1923. Ex-emperor Charles I of Austria (b. 1887) (Charles IV of Hungary) makes two unsuccessful attempts to retain the Hungarian throne, and goes into exile on the island of Madeira, where he dies of pneumonia in 1922. Elections are held in Fiume, and when the Italians are defeated they destroy the returns and start a civil war, inviting Italian fascists in. Capital punishment is abolished in Sweden. Costa Rican troops invade Panama over a border dispute, and are persuaded to withdraw by U.S. officials. The first Indian Parliament meets in the new parliament house in Delhi. A plebiscite in Upper Silesia results in a 63% vote for incorporation in Germany. The Soviet Union and Turkey establish mutual borders, and the remaining independent Armenian lands fall under Russian control; Armenia's borders are gerrymandered in order to give the Caucasus territories to the Soviet Union, creating the area of Nagorno-Karabakh, a mountainous enclave for Armenians surrounded by Azerbaijan. Liechtenstein gets a new constitution providing for a legislature (Landtag) of 15 members elected by male suffrage; Switzerland begins administering its postal services. Chinese "Christian General" Feng Yuxiang (Yu-Hsiang) (1882-1948), former aide to Gen. Wu P'ei-fu organizes the famous Chinese 11th Div., and quells disorders in Shensi Province, becoming its military gov., followed by Henan (Honan) Province in 1922. British military gov. of Jerusalem (since 1917) Sir Ronald Henry Amherst Storrs (1881-1955) ("the most brilliant Englishman in the Middle East" - T.E. Lawrence) is appointed British civilian gov. of Jerusalem and Judea (until 1926), insisting that all of the bldgs. in Jerusalem be built or faced with white Jerusalem stone - nothing's too good for my Jesus? Attempting to bend over backwards to please the Arabs, Sir Herbert Samuel appoints rabidly anti-Semitic Mohammad Amin al-Husayni (al-Husseini) (1895-1974) as grand mufti of Palestine (until 1948), allowing him to become the most powerful figure in the mandate, working to destroy Zionism, stinking himself up by backing Hitler and asking him in 1941 to oppose the establishment of a Jewish nat. home in Palestine. The Dem. Party defeats the Repub. machine of William Van Rensselaer Erving in Albany, N.Y. with the election of mayor #70 William Stormont Hackett (1868-1926) (until Mar. 4, 1926), with help from wealthy Edwin Corning (1883-1934) (who becomes N.Y. lt. gov. in 1927-8), and Dem. Party chmn. Daniel Patrick "Dan" O'Connell (1885-1977), who runs the Dem. political machine for the next 56 years, starts out running wealthy non-ethnic Protestants incl. Franklin Delano Roosevelt for local and state office as a front for the working class Irish-Am. Roman Catholic members. The German Communist Party is founded, with Ernst Reuter (1889-1953) as gen. secy., but after it votes to affiliate with the Communist Internat. he quits and joins the Social Dem. Party, editing the Social Dem. newspaper Vorwarts (Vorwärts), until it is shut down by the Nazis in 1933. In 1921 the first Communist Party Purge is performed by the Bolsheviks, kicking out 220K members; by 1933 800K are purged; not until 1936 does expulsion from the Party mean arrest, imprisonment, or execution. Belgium institutes an 8-hour workday. Oil is discovered at Signal Hill in Long Beach, Calif., causing the city to ramp up the wells, producing 258M barrels of oil by the end of 1927. The British Legion is founded; in 1971 it becomes the Royal British Legion. The city of Brest-Litovsk changes its name to simple bare Brest. The 1890 U.S. Census is partially damaged in a fire in the basement of the Commerce Bldg.; in 1931 it is almost completely destroyed. The U.S. Children's Bureau is established in the U.S. Dept. of Labor, led by Hull House social worker Julia Clifford Lathrop (1858-1932), who helps pass the U.S. Sheppard-Towner Act. Bank Hapoalim is founded in Tel Aviv by the World Zionist Org. and the Histadrug trade union congress (Gen. Federation of Laborers in the Land of Israel); it goes on to become Israel's largest bank. Muckraking Am. journalist Lincoln Steffens visits Russia, and comments, "I have seen the future and it works." Am. Lutheran minister Frank Nathan Daniel Buchman (1878-1961) founds the Oxford Group in England, with the motto "World-changing through life-changing", then in 1938 founds the Moral Re-Armament religious movement, which proselytizes via "house parties". Marconi opens the first public broadcasting station in Britain at his research center in Writtle. Sunset Blvd. in Hollywood, Calif. begins a major expansion to the W, ending at Sullivan Canyon near Santa Monica, turning the sleepy desert oasis into the U.S. entertainment capital. RCA absorbs Marconi, with David Sarnoff as pres. Lord Lee presents the 16th cent. country estate of Chequers (Court) in Buckinghamshire at the foot of the Chiltern Hills to the British govt., and it becomes the official country residence of the British PM, starting with Lloyd George. A muckraking campaign by the New York World causes the Ku Klux Klan to be investigated by the U.S. Congress; when no charges are brought against them, membership soars; the KKK in Denver, Colo., headed by physician John Galen Locke gets Paintsville, Ky.-born Dem. Denver mayor Benjamin Franklin Stapleton (1869-1950) elected in 1923-31 (#33) and 1935-47 (#35), along with police chief William "Coca-Cola" Candish (Koka-Kola Kandish), and terrorizes Jews, Catholics, blacks, and gays, selling Cyana (Catholics, you are not Americans) cigars, and boycotting Jewish fashion store owner Meyer Neusteter. Wendell Willkie leaves his 2-year job as legal counsel to Firestone Tire and Rubber Co. in Akron, Ohio to go into private practice, and Harvey Firestone tells him: "I like you, young man, but I don't think you will ever amount to a great deal because I understand you are a Democrat, and no Democrat can ever amount to much" - the head dummies always have the junior dummies help them out? The name of the Grand River, originating in Colo., is changed at the state's request to the Colorado River. A British team under lt. col. Charles Kenneth Howard-Bury (1881-1963) launches the 1921 British Mount Everest Reconnaissance Expedition, exploring the N approaches of Mt. Everest and successfully paving the way for the later Everest Expedition; after he returns, his description of tracks of a "large loping grey wolf" get garbled with Sherpa descriptions of a "filthy snowman" ("metch kangmi") by Henry Newman of the Calcutta Statesman, who astounds the world with tales of the Abominable Snowman (Yeti); the whole affair makes Howard-Bury a celeb and gets him elected to Parliament as a Conservative - the original Tricky Dicky Nixon? Stephen F. Austin (SFA) State U. is founded in Nacogdoches, Tex. as a teachers college; classes begin in 1923; sports teams are called the Lumberjacks. Scottish educator Alexander Sutherland "A.S." Neill (1883-1973) founds the Freudian-based humanistic Summerhill School near Dresden, Germany, with the soundbyte: "I see that all outside compulsion is wrong, that inner compulsion is the only value"; he prefers the word "dominie" for teacher; in 1924 he founds the Summerhill School in Leiston, Suffolk, England to try out his views that children should run the shcool and adult staff should only help when asked. Dow Jones & Co. owner (since 1903) Clarence W. Barron (1855-1928) founds Barron's Nat. Financial Weekly (later called Barron's Mag.), priced at 10 cents an issue and reaching 30K circ. by 1926. The Nat. Inst. for Industrial Psychology (NIIP) is founded in London. The Lucy Stone League is founded by Am. feminist writer Ruth Hale (1887-1934) to fight for women to keep their maiden names after marriage, named after Lucy Stone (1818-93), the first woman in the U.S. to do it; the motto is: "My name is the symbol for my identity and must not be lost"; Am. novelist Fannie Hurst (1889-1968) and Am. artist Neysa McMein (1888-1949) are among the first members. The Dadaists put French white supremacist anti-Semitic nationalist writer Maurice Barres (Barrès) (1862-1963) on a mock trial for "an attempt against the surety of the spirit", and sentence him to 20 years of forced labor, after which the Dadaists disband. Edgar Varese founds the Internat. Composers Guild. Mary Pickford founds the Motion Picture Relief Fund for needy actors with funds left over from her war bond work, with Joseph Schenck (1878-1961) as pres. and her as vice-pres.; in 1932 she creates a payroll deduction program for studio workers (0.5%) which allows the fund to build the Motion Picture Country House and Hospital in 1940 (closes in 2009), which later houses Stanley Kramer and DeForest Kelley; in 1971 it becomes the Motion Picture Relief Fund. "9/32s Cherokee" Will Rogers (1879-1935) from Oologah, Okla. begins his career as a homespun humorist, reaching his peak in the mid-1920s. This year 7,319 books are pub. in Britain (14,399 in 1928). Am. expatriate (in Paris) Harold Loeb (1891-1974) (cousin of Peggy Guggenheim) begins pub. the avant-garde lit. mag. Broom (until 1924); Hemingway bases the char. Robert Cohn on him in his 1926 novel "The Sun Also Rises". The Inst. of Historical Research (IHR) in London is established at the U. of London by Isle of Wight-born British historian A.F. (Albert Frederick) Pollard (1869-1948), funded by an anon. £20K donation by wealthy real estate developer Sir John Cecil Power, 1st Baronet (1870-1950); it officially opens on July 8, 1921; in 1996 it begins pub. Reviews in History; in 2002 it launches the Web site British History Online. The Society for Army Historical Research is founded in Britain to foster interest "in the history and traditions of British and Commonwealth armies, and to encourage research in these fields"; presidents incl. Field Marshal Sir Gerald Walter Robert Templer (1898-1979) (1965-79), in whose name the Templer Medal is established in 1982 by the U. of Birmingham Centre for First World War Studies. The Warburg Inst. is founded at the U. of Hamburg in Germany by wealthy Jewish art historian (Renaissance culture freak) Abraham Moritz "Aby" Warburg (1866-1929) and Viennese Jewish art historian Friedrich "Fritz" Saxl (1890-1948) to study the influence of classical antiquity on Euro civilization, moving to London in 1933 and becoming affiliated with the U. of London in 1944. In 1921-4 French Egyptologist Jean Pierre Marie Montet (1885-1966) excavates in Byblos (modern-day Jbail) in Lebanon; in 1929 he begins excavating at Tanis in Lower Egypt Egypt, hitting it big in the 1939-40 season, discovering the intact tombs of Pharaoh Psusennes I, Pharaoh Amenemope, and Pharaoh Shoshenq II, along with the partially-plundered tomb of Takelot I, and the fully-plundered tomb of Osorkon II; on May 20, 1939 removes Shoshenq II's coffin lid in the presence of King Farouk of Egypt, and discovers a hawk-headed silver coffin, gold funerary mask, and a treasure trove of jewel-encrusted bracelets and pectorals. The First Internat. Psychical Congress is held in Copenhagen, Denmark, attended by Hereward Carrington (1880-1958) of the U.S. et al. Le Boeuf sur le Toit (The Ox on the Roof) cabaret bar at 28 Rue Boissy d'Anglas in Paris is founded, named aftter a popular Brazilian song that was turned into a ballet by Darius Milhaud, becoming the center of Parisian cabaret society throughout the 1920s, and the home of the avant-garde Les Six composer group led by Milhaud and Jean Cocteau. The Gayety Theatre in Manchester (founded 1907) (the first British repertory theater) closes due to lack of support. Cecil B. De Mille founds Cecil B. De Mille Productions, and specializes in lavish spectacles and battle scenes. The German intellectual mag. Der Querschnitt (The Cross-Cut) begins pub. (until 1933). In France the Colombe d'Or (Golden Dove) inn N of Nice begins as a restaurant called "A Robinson" under Paul Roux and Baptistine Roux. The Duke of Westminster sells Thomas Gainsborough's "Blue Boy" and Joshua Reynolds' "Portrait of Mrs. Siddons" for a record £200K to U.S. collector Henry Edwards Huntington (1850-1927). Impoverished but brilliant Russian writer Fyodor Sologub (Teternikov) (1863-1927) and his critic wife are finally permitted to leave Russia, but on that very day the wife disappears; her body is later found in the Neva River - change your mind yet? The remodeled Teatro alla Scala opens under Arturo Toscanini. The Samba (Port. "to rub navels") dance craze is brought to Paris by white Brazilian musician Manuel "Duque" Diniz, spreading through Europe; meanwhile he brings the trumpet, trombone, sax, and banjo back to Brazil. The Nat. Symphony Orchestra amalgamates with the New York Philharmonic Society, with former (1919-21) NSO conductor Artur Bodanzky guest-conducting. Ukrainian-born pianist Vladimir Horowitz (1903-89) and Ukrainian-born violinist Nathan Milstein (1903-92) begin performing together throughout the Soviet Union, followed by W Europe in 1925, billing themselves as "children of the revolution". Am. cartoonist Russell Channing "Russ" Westover (1886-1966) creates the comic strip Tillie the Toiler (originally "Rose of the Office"), about a working Flapper girl, which is syndicated by the Hearst newspaper chain and becomes a big hit, carried by 600+ newspapers; in 1927 it is filmed by Hearst's Cosmopolitan Pictures, starring Marion Davies; it runs until 1959. After receiving MIT's first degree in aeronautical engineering in 1914, Brooklyn, N.Y.-born Donald Wills Douglas Sr. (1892-1981) founds the Douglas Aircraft Co. in Santa Monica, Calif., building planes which perform the first circumnavigation of Earth in 1924, going on to pass rival Boeing Co. with its Douglas DC-3 and C-47 and gain 80% of the commercial aircraft market by 1941, only to be passed by Boeing in the jet age; in 1967 it merges with McDonnell Aircraft of St. Louis, Mo. to form McDonnell Douglas, then merges with Boeing in 1997. Listerine brand mouthwash (invented 1865) begins to advertise itself as a cure for "dreaded halitosis", causing revenues to rise from $115K to $8M in the next seven years. Washburn Crosby Co. of Minneapolis, Minn. creates Betty Crocker, named after retired co. exec William Crocker, with a contest held for female employees for the best signature; in 1924 the Betty Crocker Radio Show debuts (until 1948), becoming the first radio cooking show in the U.S.; she gets a face in 1936. Louhans-born French chef Fernand Point (1897-1955) takes over his father's restaurant in Vienne (20 mi. S of Lyon) and renames it La Pyramide after the Plan de l'Aiguille, a truncated Roman pyramid left over from a Roman circus, turning it into France's #1 restaurant, with three Michelin stars, defining modern French cuisine; too bad, after his death it starts losing stars. Ernest Hemingway's first wife Hadley loses a bad containing the ms. of his first novel on a Parisian train; it is not found until ? Gloria Swanson becomes a big movie star, going on to work for dir. Sam Wood and become Hollywood's first clothes horse, spending $50K for gowns, $25K for fur coats, $5K for headdresses, $10K for lingerie, and $6K for perfume yearly while making up to $900K a year at Paramount; she drives a leopard-upholstered Lancia. Black Swan Records is founded in Harlem, N.Y. to release jazz and blues records, proudly advertising itself as owned, operated by, and marketing exclusively to African-Ams. Durant Motors is founded by ex-GM dir. William Crapo "Billy" Durant (1861-1947); in 1922 it acquires Locomobile; in 1931 after the stock market crash doesn't help it any, it goes bankrupt, and Durant dies broke slinging hamburgers and managing a bowling alley. A&W Root Beer founds its first franchise in Sacramento, Calif., becoming the first U.S. co. to sell franchises. The Drackett Co. of Cincinnati, Ohio begins marketing Drano lye-based drain cleaner, God's gift to home plumbers and sadists. Jantzen swimsuit co. introduces its Red Diving Girl logo. Queen Anne Candy Co. is founded in South Side, Chicago, Ill. by Herman Glickman, Henry Martin, and Max Weiss; in 1948 they introduce Queen Anne Cordial Cherries; in 2006 it is acquired by World's Finest Chocolate Co. See's Candies is founded in Los Angeles, Calif. by Charles See and his mother Mary See. Leo "Lindy" Lindeman (-1957) opens fashionable Lindy's Restaurant in New York City at 1626 Broadway (closes 1969). The Baby Ruth candy bar is introduced by the Curtiss Candy Co. (founded 1916) of Chicago, Ill., owned by Otto Y. Schnering (1891-1953), allegedly not named for famous baseball player Babe Ruth but for Pres. Grover Cleveland's daughter Ruth Cleveland (which doesn't stop the shine from making them more sales?); in 1923 Curtiss introduces the Butterfinger crisp crunchy chocolate-carmel-coated peanut butter candy bar; in 1964 Curtiss is acquired by Standard Brands, which in 1990 is acquired by Nestle. Doumak Inc. is founded in Los Angeles, Calif. by Alex Doumak to make marshmallows, starting out with a cast mold process then patenting an extrusion process in 1954, allowing mass production; in 1961 they move to Elk Grove Village, Ill. After the success of their Konabar (chocolate-covered coconuts, nuts, and fruit), Peter Paul Candy Manufacturing Co., of New Haven, Conn., founded in 1919 by six Armenian immigrants led by Peter Paul Halajian (1864-1927) begins marketing the 5-cent dark chocolate-coconut Mounds candy bar, bucking the Great Depression by doubling the size for the same price in 1934, introducing the Dreams bar in 1934, diced almonds and coconut covered with dark chcolate, and splitting the stock 2-for-1 in Feb. 1935 after increasing workers' wages up to 20%; during WWII despite sugar and coconut shortages the Mounds bar becomes a hit with the U.S. military, which purchases 80% of the production (5M bars/month) by 1944; in 1948 they introduce the milk chocolate-coconut Almond Joy candy bar, which is packaged in blue to compliment the red-packaged Mounds, becoming the first candy manufacturer to use full-color TV commercials, which feature the Peter Paul Pixies singing that Mounds and Almond Joys are "Indescribably Delicious" after Leon Weiss of Gary, Ind. coins it in 1955 for a contest, winning $10; in July 1972 Peter Paul acquires New York Cone Co., maker of York Peppermint Patties; in 1972 they introduce the 15-cent Peanut Butter with No Jelly Bar, which is discontinued in 1979 after several name and price changes; in 1978 they are acquired for $58M by Cadbury Schweppes, whose U.S. chocolate business is purchased in 1988 for $300M by Hershey Co.; in the 1970s the advertising jingle is: "Something you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't/ Almond Joy's got nuts/ Mounds don't", composed by Leon Carr. See's Candies is founded by Canadian immigrant Charles Alexander See II (1884-1949), his wife Florence MacLean Wilson See (1885-1956), and his widowed mother Mary Wiseman See (1854-1939) in Los Angeles, Calif.; in 1936 they expand to San Francisco, Calif.; on May 1, 1941 they open their first white "all porcelain" store in Bakersfield, Calif.; in 1972 they are acquired by Berkshire Hathaway. Sports: On Mar. 21-Apr. 4 the 1921 Stanley Cup Finals see the Ottawa Senators of the NHL defeat the Vancouver Millionaires of the PCHA 3-2, becoming their 2nd straight. On Apr. 29 Jimmy Blouin (1886-1947) defeats Jimmy Smith in 30 games in Milwaukee, Wisc. after 30 games in Chicago, Ill., claiming the world bowling title (until 1926). On May 30 the 1921 (9th) Indianapolis 500 is won by 1-eyed Thomas "Tommy" Milton (1893-1962) in a straight-eight Frontenac built by Louis Chevrolet after Ralph De Palma leads for 109 laps and breaks a connecting road, drops out on lap 112, then retires after leading a record 612 laps in the Indy 500 (until 1987). On June 11 The Belmont Stakes is run counterclockwise for the 1st time in its 53 years, breaking with the English custom; Grey Lag (1918-42) (jockey Earle Sande) wins. On July 2 the Jack Dempsey-Georges Carpentier Fight, boxing's first $1M gate is billed as the fight of the cent., becoming the first broadcast live on radio; French boxer ("the Orchid Man") Georges Carpentier (1894-1975) is badly beaten then KOd in min. 2 of round 4; the first fight sanctioned by the new World Boxing Assoc. (WBA), which was set up to compete with the New York State Athletic Commission. On Aug. 5 the first radio broadcast of a baseball game takes place in Pittsburgh, Penn.; J. Andrew White becomes the first pro radio announcer. On Oct. 2 the first Petersen Classic Bowling Tournament AKA The Pete, founded by bowling promoter Louis P. Petersen (1892-1958) is held at Archer-35th Recreation Center in Chicago, Ill.; 64 bowlers in two squads of 32 compete in 8 games for a $1,600 purse, with a $28 entry fee, becoming the richest bowling tournament so far; it is such a big hit that in 1922 he holds one tournament in the spring and another in the fall, attracting 600 bowlers by 1926, 10K in 1958, and 36K in 1981, with the event stretching from Oct. to July; in 1958 Petersen dies, and his son-in-law Mark Philip Collor (1915-2002) takes over; in 1987 first prize earns $55K; in 1994 it moves to Hoffman Lines in Hoffman Estates, Ill.; in 1998 AMF takes over the tournament. Graham McNamee (1888-1942) makes the first radio broadcast of a baseball game from the New York Polo Grounds, which the New York Giants tell the Yankees to leave as soon as possible, causing them to build Yankee Stadium ("the House That Ruth Built") less than 1 mi. away in 284 days with a unique triple-deck grandstand and 58K seats (finished 1923). After the Big Four League collapses on allegations of paying amateurs, the prof. West Canada Hockey League (WCHL) is founded by the Edmonton Eskimos, Calgary Tigers, Regina Capitals, and Saskatoon (later Moose Jaw) Sheiks, playing 6-man hockey without a rover; the league winner plays the winner of the Pacific Coast Hockey Assoc., and the winner of that plays against the NHL winner for the Stanley Cup; in 1925 it becomes the Western Hockey League before it is disbanded in 1926. In 1921 basket ball is officially spelled basketball. Chewing gum magnate William Wrigley Jr. (1861-1932) buys the Chicago Cubs NL baseball team, changing the home park to Wrigley Field, bringing the team to his home of Catalina Island in Calif. (26 mi. across the sea?) for spring training (until 1956). Johnny Weissmuller (1904-84) wins his first U.S. nat. swimming title, eventually setting records in every freestyle distance from 100 yards to 880 yards as well as the 150-yard backstroke; he retires from amateur competition in 1929, and his 51 sec. mark for the 100 yards is unbeaten for 17 years. British jockey Sir Gordon Richards (1904-88) rides his first winner; in 1954 he retires with 4,870 races won out of 21,834. Hialeah Park Race Track in Hialeah in S Fla. opens; after being damaged by hurricanes in 1926 and 1930, it reopens on Jan. 14, 1932, complete with the first Australian Totalisator in the U.S. for automated parimutuel betting; it becomes famous for its flocks of flamingos. Anna Margarethe "Molla" Bjurstedt Mallory (1884-1959) of the U.S. outruns French tennis champ Suzanne Lenglen (1899-1938) at the U.S. Open, beating her 6-2 in the first set, after which she resigns, huffing, puffing, coughing, and weeping, and claiming sickness, causing a row in the French Tennis Federation and the resignation of vice-pres. Albert de Joannis after it exonerates her. The Federazione Italiana Pallacanestro (Italian Basketball Federation) is founded; in 1932 it joins FIBA. The old game of table tennis (ping-pong) is revived. Emanuel Lasker loses his world chess title (since 1894) to Cuban chess player ("the Human Chess Machine") Jose Raul (José Raúl) Capablanca y Granperra (Graupera) (1888-1942), a chess prodigy known for his speed of play and endgame skill, who becomes world chess champ #3 (until 1927). Architecture: On Jan. 1 the Ambassador Hotel at 3400 Wiltshire Blvd. in Los Angeles, Calif. opens, designed by Pasadena architect Myron Hunt (1868-1952), becoming a favorite spot for Hollywood celebs, Academy Award ceremonies, and U.S. presidents from Hoover to Nixon, who all groove on the Cocoanut Grove Nightclub, going on to become the hotel where RFK is killed on June 6, 1968. German Jewish Expressionist architect Erich Mendelsohn (1887-1953) designs the Einstein Tower observatory near Potsdam, featuring relativistic flowing Expressionist-style lines (begun 1919), then flees Germany for England in 1933, after which the Nazis seize his property. Italian immigrant Sabato "Simon" "Sam" Rodia (1879-1965) begins building the Watts Towers (Nuestra Pueblo) in Watts, Los Angeles, Ca., finishing in 1954; after he relocates to Martinez, Calif. and dies on July 17, 1965, it emerges unscathed from the Aug. 11-16, 1965 Watts Riots and ends up as a state historical park. King George V Dock in London (begun 1912) opens, insuring London's position as the #1 port system in the world. The cool 42-story 2K-room Ind. limestone Cathedral of Learning in C Pittsburgh, Penn. is commissioned by Philly-born Gothic architect Charles Zeller Klauder (1872-1938), commenced in 1926, and opened in 1931, becoming the main classroom bldg. of the U. of Pittsburgh, and the first educational skyscraper; it is dedicated in June 1937. 1,077-acre Longwood Gardens in Kennett Square, Penn., which began as a 402-acre farm purchased in 1700 by Quaker farmer George Peirce, then a 15-acre arboretum built by his great-grandsons Samuel and Joshua Peirce, then purchased on July 20, 1906 by philanthropist Pierre S. du Pont opens to the public, consisting of 20 indoor horticultural display gardens inside a 4.5 acre group of heated greenhouses containing 4.6K different types of plants and trees, and the Main Fountain Garden (1931) incl. the Round Fountain and the Italian Water Garden, built in 1925-7, modelled on Villa Gamberaia near Florence, Italy; since 2012 it attracts 1M+ visitors/year. Nobel Prizes: Peace: Karl Hjalmar Branting (1860-1925) (Sweden) and Christian Louis Lange (1869-1938) (Norway); Lit.: Anatole France (1844-1924) (France); Physics: Albert Einstein (1879-1955) (Germany) [photoelectric effect]; Chem.: Frederick Soddy (1877-1956) (England) [isotopes]; Med.: no award; Einstein has by this time become a fossil in his field, clinging to the notion that "God doesn't roll dice with the Universe" and letting the fast-moving field of Quantum Physics pass him by? Inventions: On May 5 (5-5) French fashion designer Gabrielle Bonheur "Coco" Chanel (1883-1971) starts selling Chanel No. 5, combining the scent of flowers (like respectable women wear) with animal musk and jasmine (worn by hos), discovered by accident by an asst. of Russian-French perfume chemist Ernest Beaux (1881-1961), who claims it reminds him of a fragrance he smelled inside the Arctic Circle, "where the rivers and lakes release a note of incredible freshness"; in 1923 Coco develops a tan on a yachting trip, starting a fad; too bad, she is a Nazi sympathizer who with her Nazi officer lover Hans Gunther von Dincklage tries to recruit Nazi agents, and is sent on a mission by SS Gen. Walter Schellenberg to pressure Winston Churchill to end hostilities with Germany, while trying to steal the perfume distribution co. from the Jewish Wertheimer brothers. Beaver, Utah-born Rigby H.S. student Philo Taylor Farnsworth (1906-71) conceives the basic features of the electronic television (TV) system for his science teacher Justin Tolman, who encourages him to pursue it, launching his career - tell all the world to join into the Love Train? Robert Fergusson invents Rust-Oleum for protecting paint after noticing that raw fish oil protects rusty metal from corrosion. On Aug. 16 William M. Folberth and his brother Fred of Cleveland, Ohio patent the automatic windshield wiper, using the vacuum from the engine manifold, which causes it to vary in speed with the engine, pissing-off drivers and leading to the electrical wiper in the 1930s. Hungarian-born Am. escape artist Harry Houdini (1874-1926) invents a fast-releasing diving suit for his escape acts. Am. dentist Joseph Lascaux invents a Cotton Candy machine, which becomes a big hit. Danish-born Am. blacksmith Vilhelm "Bill" Petersen of DeWitt, Neb. patents vice-grip locking pliers. Belarus-born Jewish-Am. dressmaker Ida Rosenthal (nee Kaganovich) (1886-1973) opens the Maiden Form Dress Shop in New York City, inventing the brassiere, followed by maternity bras, and standardizing cup sizes; their sexy newspaper ads showing dames in underwear feature the slogan "I dreamed... in a Maidenform Bra" - the feminine codpiece? Swedish designer Axel Lennart Wenner-Gren (1881-1961) designs the Electrolux Model V tank vacuum cleaner that lies on two removable thin metal runners and has a pistol grip on one end to push or pull it over the carpet, convincing his employer, the Swedish Electrolux lighting co. to buy his patent and pay him royalties in company stock; in 1924 Swedish-born businessman Gustaf Sahlin introduces it in the U.S., becoming an overnight success, raising the bar for competitors, after which they introduce the Model XI in 1927, the Model XII in 1930, the Model XXX in 1937, and many more thereafter; Wenner-Gren ends up owning the company by the early 1930s, becoming one of the wealthiest people in the world. Science: Dutch Elm Disease is first identified in Holland, spreading to North Am. in 1930 and England in 1970. Canadian physiologists Frederick Grant Banting (1891-1941), James Bertram Collip (1892-1965), and Charles Herbert Best (1899-1978), working under the direction of Scottish physiologist and diabetes researcher John James Rickard Macleod (1876-1935) discover and isolate Insulin, and share the 1923 Nobel Med. Prize, except for Best, who is snubbed, pissing-off Banting, who shares half of his prize money with him - macleodly banting the best part of the dough? French mathematician Felix Edouard Justin Emile (Félix Édouard Justin Émile) Borel (1871-1956) begins pub. a series of papers on Game Theory, becoming the first to define games of strategy. Danish chemist Johannes Nicolaus Bronsted (1879-1947) and Hungarian chemist Georg Charles de Hevesy (1885-1966) develop a method for separating isotopes. Am. physicist Thomas Townsend Brown (1905-85) discovers the Biefeld-Brown Effect while experimenting with a Coolidge X-ray tube, finding that a tube with assymetrical electrodes exerts a force when connected to a high-voltage source, later claiming that it might be used by ETs to create anti-gravity machines. The BCG (Bacillus Calmette-Guerin) Vaccine for TB, developed by French bacteriologist Leon Charles Albert Calmette (1863-1933) and French immunologist Jean-Marie Camille Guerin (Guérin) (1872-1961), with help from Norwegian physician Kristian Feyer Andvord (1855-1934), in development since 1906 is perfected and tested on newborns in the Paris Charite; too bad, in 1930 a bad batch causes 72 children in Lubeck, Germany to contract TB, freaking out Calmette, who dies the next year, after which production techniques are tightened. Edgar Dacque (Dacqué) (1878-1945) of the U. of Munich pioneers phylogentically-oriented paleontology, becoming especially interested in the origin of human bipedalism, but eventually goes off the deep end into mythology and gets a bad rep? - Wacque Dacque? Friedrich Dessauer (1881-1963) of Germany develops medium-voltage X-ray therapy, and in the 1930s flees to Turkey, giving them his knowledge. ? Dressel, ? Kothe, and ? Rohel of guess where discover Germanin, useful in treating sleeping sickness. German pharmacologist Otto Loewi (1873-1961) discovers the chemical transmission of nerve impulses, later tracing it to acetylcholine after a dream on Easter Sat. night 1923, making him the "Father of Neuroscience"; English neuroscientist Sir Henry Hallett Dale (1875-1968) independently discovers it, winning them the 1936 Nobel Med. Prize. Thomas Midgley Jr. (1889-1944) of Charles F. Kettering's Delco Co. discovers that Tetraethyl Leaded Gasoline prevents engine knock - while poisoning the environment? Am. industrial chemist Irving Langmuir (1881-1957) pub. theories of atomic structure and absorption. Thomas Hunt Morgan (1866-1945) of Columbia U. postulates the chromosome theory of heredity, winning the 1933 Nobel Med. Prize. Ernst Rutherford and James Chadwick disintegrate all the known elements except carbon, oxygen, lithium, and beryllium in an attempt to split the atom. Indian astrophysicist Meghnad Saha (1893-1956) pub. the Saha Thermal Ionization Equation, and applies it to stellar spectra. German embryologist Hans Spemann (1869-1941) postulates an organizer principle responsible for the formative interaction between neighboring embryonic regions, causing embryologists to start searching for the inductive chemical molecule. German physicists Otto Stern (1888-1969) and Walther Gerlach (1889-1979) conduct the Stern-Gerlach Experiment, splitting a beam of atomic silver in two instead of merely broadening it like classical physics predicts by passing it through a nonhomogeneous magnetic field, proving space quantization and opening physics up to unimaginable possibilities such as bar code scanners, CDs, and the decoding of the human genome; it had something to do with a bad cigar? Rhodesian Man is found at Broken Hill in N Rhodesia. Nonfiction: Lyman Abbott (1835-1922), What Christianity Means to Me. James Truslow Adams (1878-1949), The Founding of New England (Pulitzer Prize); vol. 1 of 3 of "A History of American Life", incl. Revolutionary New England, 1691-1776 (1923), and New England in the Republic, 1776-1850 (1926). Alexander Alekhine (1892-1946), Chess in Soviet Russia. Roy Chapman Andrews (1884-1960), Across Mongolian Plains: A Naturalist's Account of China's Great Northwest. Vladimir Arsenyev (1872-1930), Through the Ukraine (autobio.). Harry Elmer Barnes (1889-1968), The Social History of the Western World: An Outline Syllabus. Charles Baudouin, Suggestion and Autosuggestion; the Emile Coue (Coué) Method; "Every day, in every way, I'm getting better and better" (Tous les jours a tous points de vue je vais de mieux en mieux). Charles Austin Beard (1874-1948) and Mary Ritter Beard (1876-1958), History of the United States (2 vols.). Genevieve Behrend, Your Invisible Power; student of Judge Thomas Troward (1847-1916); incl. "How I Attracted to Myself 20,000 Dollars". Edwyn Bevan (1870-1943), Hellenism and Christianity. Eugen von Bohm-Bawerk (1851-1914), Further Essays on Capital and Interest (posth.). M.O. Bircher-Benner (1867-1939), The Fundaments of Our Nutrition; a Swiss physician recommends raw foods? Herbert Eugene Bolton (1870-1953), The Spanish Borderlands. Isaiah Bowman (1878-1950), The New World: Problems in Political Geography. Robert Briffault (1874-1948), Psyche's Lamp: A Re-evaluaton of Psychological Principles as a Foundation of All Thought. A.A. Brill (1874-1948), Psychoanalysis: Its Theories and Practical Application. Rudolf Bultmann (1884-1976), History of the Synoptic Tradition; Christians in an age of science don't need history, only the bare fact of Christ crucified? Luther Burbank (1849-1926), How Plants Are Trained to Work for Man (8 vols). James Bryce (1838-1922), Modern Democracies. Jose Capablanca (1888-1942), Chess Fundamentals. Ernst Cassirer (1874-1945), Einstein's Theory of Relativity; English trans. 1923. Sir Sidney Colvin (1845-1927), Memories and Notes. Elmer Davis (1890-1958), History of the New York Times, 1851-1921. Carl Van Doren (1885-1950), The American Novel. Norman Douglas (1868-1952), Alone; his travels in Italy. Horatio Willis Dresser (1866-1954), The Quimby Manuscripts. Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego; "Libido is an expression taken from the theory of the emotions", claiming that all neuroses are caused by emotion, and are unpleasurable, hence the cure is to analyze, work through, and uproot all emotions "like the draining of the Zuyder Zee", with the psychoanalyst helping make the unconscious conscious by providing the patient with cognitive insight, subduing the drive of the irrational Id to emerge. Leo Frobenius (1873-1938), Paideuma; Atlantis: Volksmarchen und Volksdichtung Afrikas (6 vols.); incl. "Gassire's Lute"; examples of native civilization in Africa, contradicting the white supremacist view of primitiveness. Eduard Fueter Sr. (1876-1928), World History, 1815-1920 (Weltgeschichte der Letzten Hundert Jahre, 1815-1920) (Zurich); English tr. by Sidney Bradshaw Fay pub. in 1922; the European colonization of the world as seen from an allegedly impartial neutral Swiss POV; "No event of the past century has exercised so powerful an influence upon the future of mankind, and not least on the European states themselves, as this Europeanization of the world." Hamlin Garland (1860-1940), A Daughter of the Middle Border (Pulitzer Prize). Emory Holloway (1885-1977), The Uncollected Poetry and Prose of Walt Whitman (2 vols.). Col. Edward Mandell House (1858-1938) and Charles Seymour (eds.), What Really Happened in Paris; by U.S. delegates and advisors. Martin Elmer Johnson (1884-1937) and Osa Helen Johnson (1894-1953), Cannibal Land. John Maynard Keynes (1883-1946), A Treatise on Probability; proposes that probabilities are truth values intermediate between simple truth and falsity, and pioneers the decision weight approach and the interval approach. Frank Knight (1885-1972), Risk, Uncertainty and Profit; claims that most business decisions involve an unmeasurable step into the unknown, which becomes known as Knightian Uncertainty, which is distinguished from economic risk, which is governed by known probability distributions, founding the strongly pro-Keynesian Old Chicago School of Economics along with Jacob Viner (1892-1970) and Henry Calvert Simons (1899-1946), with students incl. James M. Buchanan, Milton Friedman, and George Stigler, who go anti-Keynesian and libertarian, becoming known as the New School in the 1950s. Kurt Koffka (1886-1941), Die Grundlagen der Psychischen Entwicklung. Alfred Korzybski (1879-1950), Manhood of Humanity; humans as the time-binding class of life. Ernst Kretschmer (1888-1964), Physique and Character. D.H. Lawrence (1885-1930), Sea and Sardinia; Psychoanalysis and the Unconscious. J.M.E. McTaggart, The Nature of Existence; English neo-Hegelianism? Maurice Maeterlinck (1862-1949), The Grand Secret. Gilbert Murray (1866-1957), The Problem of Foreign Policy. Charles Bernard Nordhoff (1887-1947) and James Norman Hall (1887-1951), Faery Lands of the South Pacific; written after moving there, liking it so much they stay permanently, Nordhoff marrying Tahitian woman Pepe Teara, and Hall marrying part-Polynesian woman Sara "Lala" Winchester. De Lacy O'Leary (1872-1957), Arabic Thought and Its Place in History. Sir William Orpen (1878-1931), An Onlooker in France, 1917-1919. Sir William Osler (1849-1919), The Evolution of Modern Medicine (posth.). William Lyon Phelps (1865-1943), Essays on Modern Dramatists (1921-2). Kenneth Roberts (1885-1957), Europe's Morning After; by a staff correspondent (1919-37) for the Saturday Evening Post. James Harvey Robinson (1863-1936), The Mind in the Making: The Relation of Intelligence to Social Reform; bestseller; intro. by H.G. Wells; rev. ed. in 1923; argues for freedom of thought on the ground that history has proved that it is essential to progress; "If some magical transformation could be produced in men's ways of looking at themselves and their fellows, no inconsiderable part of the evils which now afflict society would vanish away or remedy themselves automatically." (opening line) Hermann Rorschach (1884-1922), Psychodiagnostic. Bertrand Russell (1872-1970), The Analysis of Mind. Max Scheler (1874-1928), On the Eternal in Man. Carl Schmitt (1888-1985), On Dictatorship (Die Diktatur); "If the constitution of a state is democratic, then every exceptional negation of democratic principles, every exercise of state power independent of the approval of the majority, can be called dictatorship." Albert Schweitzer (1875-1965), On the Edge of the Primeval Forest. Nathan Soderblom (1866-1931), När Stunderna Växla. Georges Sorel (1847-1922), De l'Utilite du Pragmatisme. E.L. Stern-Rubarth, Propaganda as a Political Weapon - signed copy to Hitler? John Lawson Stoddard (1850-1931), Rebuilding a Lost Faith; his conversion to Roman Catholicism from agnosticism, becoming a hit with you know who. Lytton Strachey (1880-1932), Queen Victoria; his 2nd effort at debunking biography, backfiring and turning into a love-fest? A. Tardieu, The Truth About the Treaty; the French POV. Lorado Taft (1860-1936), Modern Tendencies in Sculpture. Edward L. Thorndike (1874-1949), The Teacher's Word Book; to help them with reading instruction; 2nd ed. 1932; 3rd ed. 1944. Ferdinand Tonnies (1855-1936), Marx: Leben und Lehre. Thorstein Veblen (1857-1929), The Engineers and the Price System. Arthur Edward Waite (1857-1942), A New Encyclopedia of Freemasonry. Arthur Waley, The No Plays of Japan. Graham Wallas (1858-1932), Our Social Heritage. Jakob Wassermann (1873-1934), Mein Weg als Deutscher und Jude (My Life as a German and a Jew) (autobio.). Raymond Melbourne Weaver (1888-1948), Herman Melville: Mariner and Mystic; the first full bio., which resurrects overlooked genius Melville and launches the Melville Revival. Nesta Helen Webster (1876-1960), World Revolution: The Plot Against Civilisation; links Communism with Jews, Freemasonry, the Illuminati et al., causing a sensation. Joseph Weissenberg (1855-1941), Health Apostle (Berlin). Walter Weyl (1873-1919), Tired Radicals, and Other Papers (posth.). Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951), Logico-Philosophicus. Lucien Wolf (1857-1930), The Myth of the Jewish Menace in World Affairs: The Truth About the Forged Protocols of the Elders of Zion; disses the theory that Communism is Jewish, Ashkenazi Jewish, etc. Ed Wynn (1886-1966), The Perfect Fool. Music: Eugene d'Albert (1864-1932), Scirocco (opera). Irving Berlin (1888-1989), The Music Box Revues (New York). Eubie Blake (1887-1983) and Noble Sissle (1889-1975), Shuffle Along (Daly's 63rd St. Theatre, New York) (May 23) (484 perf.) (until July 15, 1922); dir. by Walter Brooks; the first major Broadway production in over a decade written, produced, and performed entirely by African-Ams., and the first black love story, with blacks not restricted to balcony seats; makes stars of Josephine Baker, Adelaide Hall (as Jazz Jasmine), Florence Mills (as Ruth Little), Fredi Washington, Roger Matthews (as Harry Walton), and Paul Robeson, causing "curtain time traffic jams" on 63rd St; about corrupt politicians Sam and Steve, who run for mayor in Jimtown and agree to appoint the loser as chief of police, until virtuous Harry Walton wins the next election and runs them out of town; makes the observation that the lighter an African-Am. woman's skin is, the more desirable she is; features I'm Just Wild About Harry (adopted by Harry Truman for his pres. campaign theme), Love Will Find a Way. (In) Honeysuckle Time, Shuffle Along Overture, If You Haven't Been Vamped by a Brownskin, You Haven't Been Vamped at All, I'm Simply Full of Jazz, and Bandana Days; after leaving New York City it becomes the first black musical to play in white theaters across the U.S., while opening up Broadway to black actors, although only plots portraying blacks as half-civilized become acceptable. Sir Arthur Bliss (1891-1975), Melee Fantistique; rev. 1937, 1965. Fanny Brice (1891-1951), My Man (Nov. 15). Henri Busser (1872-1973), Colomba (opera). Victor Herbert (1859-1924), Orange Blossoms (operetta). Paul Hindemith (1895-1963), Murder, Hope of Women (Morder, Hoffnung der Frauen) (one-act opera) (Stuttgart); Das Nusch-Nuschi (one-act opera) (Stuttgart). Arthur Honegger (1892-1955), King David (Le Roi David) (oratorio). Leos Janacek (1854-1928), Katya Kabynova (opera) (Brno). George Jessel (1898-1981), The Toastmaster. Isham Jones (1894-1956), Wabash Blues (#1 in the U.S.); first in a string of hits by a bandleader in Chicago, Ill. Emmerich Kalman (1882-1953), Die Bajadere (The Yankee Princess) (operetta). William James Kirkpatrick (1838-1921), Away in a Manger. Eduard Kunnecke, Der Vetter aus Dingsda (The Cousin from Nowhere) (Berlin). Joseph Marx (1882-1964), Eine Herbstsymphonie (Autumn Symphony). Hans Pfitzner (1869-1949), Von Deutscher Seele, Op. 28 (Romantic cantata). Sergei Prokofiev (1891-1953), The Love for Three Oranges (opera) (Chicago). Sigmund Romberg (1887-1951), In Blossom Time (New York); based on the Viennese operetta "Das Dreimaderlhaus", about Franz Schubert. Charles-Camille Saint-Saens (1835-1921), Clarinet Sonata in E flat major, Op. 167; just like Mozart in 1791, he writes something for a clarinet in his last year of life? Robert Elisabeth Stolz (1880-1975), Der Tanz ins Gluck (The Dance into Happiness) (operetta). Igor Stravinsky (1882-1971), Symphony for Wind Instruments (London). Ethel Waters (1896-1977), Down Home Blues (#5 in the U.S.); There'll Be Some Changes Made (#5 in the U.S.). Movies: Lois Weber's and Phillips Smalley's The Blot (Sept. 4) (Lois Weber Productions) stars Philip Hubbard as starving Prof. Andrew Theodore Griggs, Margaret McWade as his wife, Claire Windsor as his daughter Amelia, and Louis Calhern as his pupil Phil West, who calls his inadequate salary a "blot on the present day civilization". Malcolm St. Clair's Bright Eyes stars ZaSu Pitts and Tom Gallery. Dimitri Buchowetzki's and Carl Froelich's The Brothers Karamazov (July 20) stars Emil Jannings as Dimitri, Werner Krauss as Serjakov, and Bernhard Goetzke as Ivan. Dimitri Buchowetzki's Danton (May 4), based on the play "Danton's Death" by Georg Buchner stars Emil Jannings, Werner Krauss, and Conrad Veidt. Henry Kolker's Disraeli (Aug. 21), based on the play by Louis N. Parker stars English actor George Arliss (George Augustus Andrews) (1868-1946) as Benjamin Disraeli, and his wife Florence Arliss (1871-1950) as his wife Lady Beaconsfield; remade as a talkie in 1929. George Fitzmaurice's Experience (Oct. 23) (Famous Players-Lasky), based on the 1914 play by George V. Hobart stars Richard Barthelmess and Nita Naldi as Youth and Temptation, and is the film debut of openly lesbian Jewish Ziegfeld Follies performer Lilyan Tashman (1896-1934) (as Pleasure), who in 1925 marries openly gay actor Edmund Downlow, er, Lowe; her husky contralto voice allows her to survive into the talkie era, making 66 films. Cecil B. De Mille's Forbidden Fruit. Rex Ingram's The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (Mar. 6), based on the Vicente Blasco-Ibanez novel about a South Am. playboy who becomes a hero in France during WWI stars Alice Terry, becoming the big break for gaucho pants-wearing tango-dancing Latin lover Rudolph Valentino (Rodolfo Alfonzo Raffaelo Pierre Filibert Guglielmi d'Antonguolla di Valentina) (1895-1926) (as Julio Desnoyers) after screenwriter June Mathis (1889-1927) insists on playing with, er, on him playing the lead (a platonic affair, with him calling her "Little Mother"?); the film is the #1 hit of 1921, grossing $4.5M, establishing Valentino as Hollyweird's first male sex symbol, with his lithe body, dark features, and killer gaze, and making Mathis the most powerful woman in Hollywood; Valentino continues with George Melford's The Sheik (Oct. 20), based on the novel by Edith Maude Hull, playing Arab chieftain Sheik Ahmed, who abducts English Lady Diana (Agnes Ayres) only to reveal his true identity as a British aristocrat; does $1.5M box office on a $200K budget. Robert Z. Leonard's The Gilded Lily (Mar. 6) (Famous Players-Lasky) stars Mae Murray as Broadway cabaret star Lillian Drake, who gives it all up for Creighton Howard (Lowell Sherman); the film debut of Hillsdale, Mich.-born stage actor Jason Nelson Robards Sr. (1892-1963) as Frank Thompson. Svend Gade's and Heinz Schall's Hamlet, based on "The Mystery of Hamlet" by Edward P. Vining, based on the Shakespeare play with Hamlet becoming a female disguised as a male stars Danish actress Asta Nielsen. Leopold Jessner's and Paul Lerti's Hintertreppe (Backstairs), about a crippled mailman in love with a maid stars blond Aryan-looking actress Henny Porten (1888-1960); too bad, when she refuses to divorce her Jewish husband the Nazis blacklist her. Charlie Chaplin's The Kid (Jan. 21), written by Chaplin is his dir. debut, starring John Leslie "Jackie" Coogan (1914-84) as John the Kid, combining comedy with pathos in a winning combo; does $2.5M box office on a $250K budget, becoming the #2 grossing film of 1921; after his parents squander his earnings, Coogan gets Calif. to pass the Calif. Child Actor's (Coogan) Act in 1939. Richard Oswald's Lady Hamilton (Oct. 21), based on the Heinrich Vollrath Schumacher novels stars Liane Haid as Lady Hamilton, Conrad Veidt as Lord Nelson, Werner Krauss as Lord William Hamilton, Reinhold Schunzel as Ferdinand IV of Naples, and Adele Sandrock in a minor role. Alfred E. Grace's Little Lord Fauntleroy (Sept. 15), based on the 1886 book by Frances Hodgson Burnett stars Mary Pickford as sissy-dressing Cedric Errol and his mother Widow Errol; Claude Gillingwater plays softhearted meanie the Earl of Dorincourt. Jess Robbins' The Lucky Dog (Dec. 1) is the screen debut of the comedy team of Laurel and Hardy, consisting of thin ever-whimpering English-born Stan Laurel (Arthur Stanley Jefferson) (1890-1965) and fat ever-pompous Atlanta, Ga.-born Oliver "Ollie" "Babe" (Norvell) Hardy (1892-1957); in this first film they act separately. William C. de Mille's Midsummer Madness (Jan. 23) (Famous Players-Lasky) stars Jack Holt, Conrad Nagel, Lois Wilson, and Lila Lee, and is the film debut of Passaic, N.J.-born Ethel Wales (1878-1952), wife of Mary Pickford's business mgr. Wellington E. Wales (1886-1954), who goes on to appear in 130+ films over 30 years. William C. de Mille's Miss Lulu Bett (Nov. 1) (Famous Players-Lasky), based on the 1920 novel and play by Zona Gale stars Lois Wilson as Lulu Bett, Ethel Wales as Grandma Bett, and Theodore Roberts, Helen Ferguson, Mabel Van Buren, Mae Giraci, and Clarence Burton as Dwight, Diana, Ina, Monona, and Ninian Deacon. Theodore Reed's The Nut (Mar. 6) (Douglas Fairbanks Pictures) stars Douglas Fairbanks as Charlie Jackson, and Marguerite De La Motte as Estrell Wynn, and is the film debut of Barbara La Marr (Reatha Dale Watson) (1896-1926) ("the Girl Who Is Too Beautiful") as Claudine Dupree; she goes on to appear in 30+ films and write seven screenplays; too bad, she gets addicted to cocaine and heroin, is dropped by MGM, picked up by First Nat. Pictures, then makes three films before dying of TB and nephritis on Jan. 30, 1926. Albert Austin's On a Summer Day (Feb. 6) (Mack Sennett) is a comedy starring Kalla Pasha and Harriet Hammond, and is the film debut of Mammoth, Utah-born Marion Mack (Joey Marion McCreery) (1902-89) as Farmerette (using her real name); also the film debut of Scottish-born Andrew Allan "Andy" Clyde (1892-1967), who continues on into the TV age as Cully Wilson in "Lassie" and George MacMichael in "The Real McCoys". D.W. Griffith's Orphans of the Storm (Dec. 29), based on the novels by Adolphe d'Ennery and Eugene Cormon about two orphan sisters in the French Rev. stars Lillian Gish and Dorothy Gish, and is the breakthrough role for 6'3" Indianapolis, Ind.-born Monte Blue (Gerard Montgomery Bluefeather) (1887-1963) (half-French, half-Cherokee/Osage father) (who debuted as an extra in "The Birth of a Nation" in 1915) as Danton. John McDermott's Patsy (Feb. 1), based on the play by Er Lawshe stars ZaSu Pitts as Potsy, John MacFarlane as Pops, and Tom Gallery as Bob Brooks. Allan Dwan's A Perfect Crime (Mar. 5) (Allan Dwan Productions), based on a story by Carl Clausen stars Monte Blue, Jacqueline Logan, and Stanton Heck, and is the screen debut of Carole Lombard (Jane Alice Peters) (1908-42), born into a wealthy family in Ft. Wayne, Ind., who was discovered by Dwan while playing baseball at Virgil Junior H.S.; too bad, after Fox Film Corp. signs her in Oct. 1924 at age 16, they drop her after an auto accident leaves a scar on her face, causing her to switch to Pathe in Sept. 1927-Mar. 1929, moving to Fox and Parmount by 1930, marrying William Powell in 1931-3, followed by Clark Gable in 1939, after which she is killed on Jan. 16, 1942 in an airplane crash on Mt. Potosi, Nev. while returning from a WWII war bond tour. Victor Sjostrom's The Phantom Carriage (Swedish "Korkarlen" = The Wagoner) (Jan. 1) (AB Svensk Filmindustri), based on the 1912 Selma Lagerlof novel "Thy Soul Shall Bear Witness!" about the legend that the last person to die eachyear has to drive Death's carriage and collect the souls of everybody who dies the following year stars Sjostrom as David Holm, Hilda Borgstrom as Anna Holm, Tore Svennberg as Georges, Astrid Holm as Edit, and Concordia Selander as Edit's mother, featuring special effects and advanced narrative structure with flashbacks within flashbacks, later influencing Ingmar Bergman. Buster Keaton's The Playhouse stars Keaton playing every member of a stage co., the audience, and a chimp. J. Gordon Edwards' The Queen of Sheba (Apr. 10) makes a star out of actress Betty Blythe (1893-1972), who supplements her acting talent with skimpy costumes showing her bare breasts; Fritz Leiber plays King Solomon; 1920s petting parties for teenies all now want "Shebas"; nobody knows that the real Sheba was black? Dimitri Buchowetzki's Sappho (Sept. 9) is released in 1923 by Samuel Goldwyn as "Mad Love", starring Pola Negri. King' Vidor's The Sky Pilot (Apr. 17), based on the 1921 novel by Ralph Connor and set in Swan Creek, Canada stars John Bowers as the Sky Pilot (a parson), Colleen Moore as Gwen, and David Butler as Ashley Ranch foreman Bill Hendricks, who kicks him out of town for trying to start a church then hires him as a cowboy, after which he wins their acceptance as a parson. Henry King's Tol'able David (Dec. 31) (Inspiration Pictures), written by Edmund Goulding based on the story by Joseph Hergesheimer stars Richard Barthelmess "tol'able" (not yet a man) David Kinemon, who takes his brother's place as mailman for a W. Va. mountain community and suffers the mean Hatburn brothers; Gladys Hulette plays his babe Esther Hatburn, Walter P. Lewis plays Iscah Haburn, Ralph Yearsley plays Saul "Little Buzzard" Hatburn, and Forrest Robinson plays Grandpa Hatburn; the film debut of Scottish-born Ernest Torrence (Torrance-Thomson) (1878-1933) as Luke Hatburn; refilmed as a talkie in 1930. Lois Weber's What's Worth While? (Feb. 27) (Famous Players-Lasky) stars Claire Windsor as Phoebe Jay Morrison, Arthur Stuart Hull as Mr. Morrison, and Mona Lisa as Sophia, becoming the film debut of Brooklyn, N.Y.-born "Cobra" stage idol Louis Calhern (Carl Henry Vogt) (1895-1956), who leaves film in 1923, then returns in 1931 after they go talkie, continuing on the stage at the same time. Art: Georges Braque (1882-1963), Still Life with Guitar. Carlo Carra (1881-1966), Stone-pine at the Sea (futurist). Cyrus Edwin Dallin (1861-1944), Massasoit (sculpture). Arthur Garfield Dove (1880-1946), Thunderstorm. Marcel Duchamp (1887-1968), Belle Haleine - Eau de Voilette (photo); Why Not Sneeze, Rrose Selavy (Sélavy)? ("ready-made sculpture", consisting of an oral thermometer, sugar-cube-sized marble cups inside a birdcage, etc.). Max Ernst (1891-1976), Approaching Puberty or the Pleiads; The Elephant Celebes; Seascape; The Word or Woman-Bird; Birds, Fish-Snake and Scarecrow; Young Chimera. Vassily Kandinsky (1866-1944), Red Spot II. Paul Klee (1879-1940), View of Room With the Dark Door; Dream City; The Fish. Oskar Kokoschka (1886-1980), Music (expressionist). Fernand Leger (1881-1955), Woman With a Cat; Three Women; Still Life With a Beer Mug. Wyndham Lewis (1882-1957), Tyros and Portraits; satires of the "new epoch" after WWI. Frans Masereel, Passion of a Man (woodcuts). Piet Mondrian (1872-1944), Composition. Sir Alfred J. Munnings (1878-1959), Portrait of Edward, Prince of Wales, Astride His Mare Forest Witch. Piet Mondriaan (1872-1944), Tableau I. Max Pechstein (1881-1955), Our Father Who Art in Heaven (woodcut). Pablo Picasso (1881-1973), The Three Musicians; Large Bather. Man Ray (1890-1976), Rrose Selavy (Sélavy); a pun on "Eros, c'est la vie", i.e., "eros, that's life" and "Arroser la vie", i.e., "make a toast to life", really photos of Marcel Duchamp dressed in drag. Kurt Schwitters (1887-1948), Merz Picture 321 (Cherry Picture). Florine Stettheimer, Spring Sale at Bendell's. Plays: William Archer (1856-1924), The Green Goddess (Booth Theatre, New York). Philip Barry (1896-1949), A Punch for Judy (first play). Jean-Jacques Bernard (1888-1972), Le Feu qui Reprend Mal (The Sulky Fire). Gordon Bottomley (1874-1948), Gruach and Britain's Daughter. Karel Capek (1890-1938), R.U.R. (Rossum's Universal Robots) (Jan. 25) (Prague); introduces the word "robot", from Russian "robotatch", meaning to work, coined by his brother Josef Capek (1887-1945) - somehow robots and Commies get fouled up conceptually in time? Karel Capek (1890-1938) and Josef Capek (1887-1945), The Life of the Insects. Owen Davis Sr. (1874-1956), The Detour. Grazia Deledda (1871-1936), Il Segreto dell' Uomo Solitario (The Secret). Lion Feuchtwanger (1884-1958), Der Hollandische Kaufman. Susan Glaspell (1882-1948), The Verge (New York). Gerhart Hauptmann (1862-1946), Indipohdi; how Christianity sucks and Buddhism rocks? Herman Heijermans (1864-1924), De Dageraad. Avery Hopwood (1882-1928), The Demi-Virgin; stars Hazel Dawn. Avery Hopwood (1882-1928) and Wilson Collison, Getting Gertie's Garter; stars Hazel Dawn. Sidney Coe Howard (1891-1939), Swords (debut). W. Somerset Maugham (1874-1965), The Circle. Edna St. Vincent Millay (1892-1950), Two Slatterns and a King (1-act play). A.A. Milne (1882-1956), The Sunny Side; The Great Broxopp: Four Chapters in Her Life (Mar.) (New York) (comedy); The Truth about the Blayds (Globe Theatre, London); The Dover Road (New York). Eugene O'Neill (1888-1953), Anna Christie (Vanderbilt Theatre, New York) (Nov. 2) (Pulitzer Prize); original title "Chris Christopherson"; a Swedish ho in 1910 Provincetown tries to turn her life around aboard coal barge Simeon Winthrop captained by her old father Chris C. Christopherson; filmed in 1923 starring Blanche Sweet, and in 1930 starring Greta Garbo (her first talkie, with the ad slogan "Garbo Talks!"). Luigi Pirandello (1867-1936), Six Characters in Search of an Author (Sei Personaggi in Cerca d'Autore) (Teatro Valle, Rome); inspired by Pinocchio; panned until the 3rd ed. in 1925, making him the #1 Italian dramatist until WWII? Victorien Sardou (1831-1908), Diplomacy. Jean Sarment, Le Pecheur d'Ombres. Carl Sternheim (1878-1942), Manon Lescaut. Michael Strange (Blanche Oelrichs) (1890-1950), Clair de Lune (Moonlight); stars her hubby John Barrymore and his sister Ethel Barrymore; a flop. William Butler Yeats (1865-1939), Plays for Dancers. Poetry: Richard Aldington (1892-1962), Hymen (Hilda Doolittle); Medallions in Clay. Lord Dunsany (1878-1957), If. William Faulkner (1897-1962), Vision in Spring. Louis Golding (1895-1958), Prophet and Fool. Robert Ranke Graves (1895-1985), The Pier-Glass. Max Jacob (1874-1944), Le laboratoire central. James Weldon Johnson (1871-1938), The Book of American Negro Poetry. Aline Murray Kilmer (1888-1941), Vigils. Vachel Lindsay (1879-1931), In Praise of Johnny Appleseed. John Masefield (1878-1967), King Cole. Edgar Lee Masters (1868-1950), The Open Sea. Edna St. Vincent Millay (1892-1950), Second April (sonnets); incl. "Spring", "Ode to Silence", "The Beanstalk"; The Lamp and the Bell (sonnets); composed for a Vassar College commencement. Marianne Moore (1887-1972), Poems. James Oppenheim (1882-1932), The Mystic Warrior. Ezra Pound (1885-1972), Poems 1918-1921. Edwin Arlington Robinson (1869-1935), Avon's Harvest; Collected Poems (1922 Pulitzer Prize in Poetry, the first not paid for by the Poetry Society); incl. Ben Trovato, Mr. Flood's Party, Haunted House. Bert Leston Taylor (1866-1921), A Penny Whistle: Together With the Babette Ballads (posth.). William Carlos Williams (1883-1963), Sour Grapes. Elinor Wylie (1885-1928), Nets to Catch the Wind (debut). William Butler Yeats (1865-1939), Michael Robartes and the Dancer. Novels: Sherwood Anderson (1876-1941), The Triumph of the Egg (short story). Louis Aragon (1897-1982), Anicet ou le Panorama (first novel). Michael Arlen (1895-1956), The Romantic Lady (short stories). Faith Baldwin (1893-1978), Mavis of Green Hill; launches her bestselling U.S. romance novel career. Stephen Vincent Benet (1898-1943), The Beginning of Wisdom (first novel). Johan Bojer (1872-1959), Der Sidste Viking. James Branch Cabell (1879-1958), Figures of Earth; swineherd Manual, of divine birth, rises to become a legendary ruler in a medieval world. Ralph Connor (1860-1937), The Sky Pilot. Marie Corelli (1855-1924), The Secret Power. Mircea Eliade (1907-86), How I Found the Philosopher's Stone (first work); The Silkworm's Enemy. Edna Ferber (1885-1968), The Girls. John Galsworthy (1867-1933), A Family Man. Jean Giraudoux (1882-1944), Suzanne et le Pacifique. J. Rider Haggard (1856-1925), She and Allan. Georgette Heyer (1902-74), The Black Moth (first novel). Hugo von Hofmannsthal (1874-1929), Der Schwierige (The Difficult One). Fannie Hurst (1889-1968), Stardust: The Story of an American Girl. Aldous Huxley (1894-1963), Chrome Yellow (first novel). Mary Johnston (1870-1936), Silver Cross. Sheila Kaye-Smith (1887-1956), Joanna Godden. Robert Keable (1887-1927), Simon Called Peter; semi-autobio. novel written in 12 days by a unhappily-married missionary in Bechuanaland; sells 300K copies with its plot about sex outside marriage being a sacrament. D.H. Lawrence (1885-1930), Women in Love; the Brangwen sisters; artist Gudrun hooks up with industrialist Gerald Crich, while teacher Ursula hooks up with intellectual Rupert Birkin (Lawrence?), who end up in the Swiss Alps and get into male-male eroticism. Wiliam John Locke (1863-1930), The Apostle. Pierre Loti (1850-1923) and Samuel Viaud, Supremes Visions d'Orient. Rose Macaulay (1881-1958), Dangerous Ages. Denis Mackail (1892-1971), Romance to the Rescue. Curzio Malaparte (1898-1957), La Rivolta dei Santi; corrupt Rome is the real enemy? Gabriel Marcel (1889-1973), La Coeur des Autres. Walter de la Mare (1873-1956), Memoirs of a Midget. W. Somerset Maugham (1874-1965), The Trembling of a Leaf (short stories); incl. Miss Thompson, about a a missionary who tries to reform a ho, dramatized in 1923 as "Rain". Andre Maurois (1885-1967), The Discourses of Doctor O'Grady. Nellie McClung (1873-1951), Purple Springs. George Moore (1852-1933), Heloise and Abelard; his masterpiece? Robert Nathan (1894-1985), Autumn. Charles Gilman Norris (1881-1945), Brass: A Novel of Marriage. Joseph Opatoshu (1886-1954), In Polish Woods (trilogy); English trans. 1938; the decline of Hasidism. Edward Phillips Oppenheim (1866-1946), The Profiteers; Jacob's Ladder; Nobody's Man. John Dos Passos (1896-1970), Three Soldiers; the impact of war on civilization and art; Dan Fuselli, Chrisfield, John Andrews. Marcel Proust (1871-1922), Le Cote (Coté) des Guermantes (The Guermantes Way); Sodome et Gomorrhe (Sodom and Gomorrah) (Cities of the Plain); vols. 3-4 of 7. Rafael Sabatini (1875-1950), Scaramouche; a young lawyer during the French Rev. who becomes an actor playing you know who while playing both sides; filmed in 1923 starring Ramon Novarro; "He was born with the gift of laughter and a sense that the world was mad" (first line). Nelly Sachs (1891-1970), Legenden und Erzahlungen (Erzählungen) (debut). Georges Simeon (1903-89), Au Pont des Arches (first novel); pub. under alias "G. Sim". Henry De Vere Stacpoole (1863-1951), Satan: A Story of the Sea King's Country. Gene Stratton-Porter (1863-1924), Her Father's Daughter. Frank Swinnerton (1884-1982), Coquette. Junichiro Tanizaki (1886-1965), The Thief. Booth Tarkington (1869-1946), Alice Adams (Pulitzer Prize). Hugh Seymour Walpole (1884-1941), The Thirteen Travellers. Alec Waugh (1898-1981), Pleasure. Henry Williamson (1895-1977), The Beautiful Years; #1 in the 4-vol. Willie Maddison series "The Flax of Dreams" (1921-8). Virginia Woolf (1882-1941), Monday or Tuesday (short stories). Harold Bell Wright (1872-1944), Helen of the Old House. Elinor Wylie (1885-1928), Jennifer Lorn: A Sedate Extravaganza. Yevgeny Zamyatin (1884-1937), We; the diary of D-503 of the no-privacy glass-city One State and his babe I-330, who hooks him up with the resistance group Mephi; forerunner of George Orwell's "Animal Farm" and "1984". Births: French sculptor Cesar (César) Baldaccini (d. 1998) on Jan. 1 in Marseille; likes to work in scrap metal and to be called Cesar (César). Am. "Sleeper House" architect Charles Utter Deaton (d. 1996) on Jan. 1 in Clayton, N.M. Iranian Shiite Grand Ayatollah Hossein Vahid Khorasani on Jan. 1 in Nishapur; father-in-law of Ayatollah Sadeq Larijani (1960-). Am. Dem. politician Maury Maverick Jr. (d. 2003) on Jan. 3; son of Maury Maverick Sr. (1895-1954); grandson of Sam Maverick (1803-70). Am. "Marshal Dan Troop in Lawman" actor John Lawrence Russell (d. 1991) on Jan. 3 in Los Angeles, Calif.; educated at the U. of Calif. Luxembourger grand duke (1964-2000) Jean Beanoit Guillaume Robert Antoine Louis Marie Adolphe Marc d'Aviano on Jan. 5; son of grand duchess Charlotte (1896-1985) and prince Felix of Bourbon-Parma (1893-1970); father of grand duke Henri (955-). Swiss dramatist Friedrich Durrenmatt (Dürrenmatt) (d. 1990) on Jan. 5 in Konolfingen (near Berne). Am. pollster Louis Harris on Jan. 6 in New Haven, Conn. Am. golfer Emmett Cary Middlecoff (d. 1998) on Jan. 6 in Halls, Tenn. Am. "The Rake's Progress" poet-librettist (Jewish) (gay) Chester Simon Kallman (d. 1975) on Jan. 7 in Brooklyn, N.Y.; educated at Brooklyn College and the U. of Mich.; lover (1939-73) of W.H. Auden (1907-73). Am. auto racer Rodger Ward (d. 2004) on Jan. 10 in Beloit, Kan. French chef (in the U.S.) Pierre Franey (d. 1996) on Jan. 13 in Saint Vinnemer, Yonne. Am. oceanographer ("Father of Space Oceanography") Robert Everett "Bob" Stevenson (d. 2001) on Jan. 15 in Fullerton, Calif.; educated at USC; father of Robert K. Stevenson. English military historian John Alfred Terraine (d. 2003) on Jan. 15 in London; educated at Keble College, Oxford U. English "Capt. Peacock in Are You Being Served?" actor Frank Thornton (Ball) on Jan. 15 in Dulwich, London. Am. fashion photographer Francesco Scavullo (d. 2004) on Jan. 16 in Staten Island, N.Y. Am. physicist Yoichiro Nambu on Jan. 18 in Tokyo; emigrates to the U.S. in 1952; 2008 Nobel Physics Prize. Am. evangelist Harold Egbert Camping (d. 2013) on Jan. 19 in Boulder, Colo. Am. "Strangers on a Train", "The Talented Mr. Ripley" novelist (lesbian) (alcoholic) Patricia Highsmith (Mary Patricia Plangman) (d. 1995) on Jan. 19 in Ft. Worth, Tex.; educated at Barnard College; friend of July Holliday; moves to Europe in 1963. Am. "Living Love" writer Ken Keyes Jr. (d. 1995) on Jan. 19 in Atlanta, Ga.; educated at Duke U., and U. of Miami; contracts polio in Feb. 1946. English "Alph" sci-fi novelist Charles Eric Maine (real name David McIlwain) (d. 1981) on Jan. 21 in Liverpool. Lithuanian-Am. archeologist Marija Gimbutas (Marija Birute Alseikate) (d. 1994) on Jan. 23 in Vilnius; educated at the U. of Vilnius; emigrates to the U.S. in 1949. Am. physicist ("the Father of the Neutron Bomb") (Jewish) Samuel Theodore Cohen (d. 2010) on Jan. 25 in Brooklyn, N.Y.; Austrian Jewish immigrant parents; educated at UCLA, and UCB. Am. "Lorene in From Here to Eternity", "Second Miss Ellie in Dallas" actress Donna Reed (Donna Belle Mullenger) (d. 1986) on Jan. 27 in Denison, Iowa. Am. "Jeremiah Collins in Dark Shadows", "Don Corey in Checkmate" actor Anthony (Ottavio Gabriel) George (d. 2005) on Jan. 29 in Endicott, N.Y.; Italian immigrant parents. Am. "Sands of Iwo Jima", "She Wore a Yellow Ribbon" 6'1" actor John G. Agar (d. 2002) on Jan. 31 in Chicago, Ill.; husband (1945-50) of Shirley Temple (1928-2014). Am. "Hello, Dolly!" actress-singer Carol Elaine Channing on Jan. 31 in Seattle, Wash.: "Laughter is much more important than applause. Applause is almost a duty. Laughter is a reward." Am. "The Feminine Mystique" feminist writer (Jewish) Betty Friedan (Betty Naomi Goldstein) (d. 2006) on Feb. 4 in Peoria, Ill.; educated at Smith College. Am. fuzzy logic mathematician (Jewish) Lofti Asker Zadeh on Feb. 4 in Baku, Azerbaijan; emigrates to the U.S. in 1944; educated at MIT and Columbia U. Am. "Neither black Nor White" historian (feminist) Carl Neumann Degler (d. 2014) on Feb. 6 in Newark, N.J.; educated at Upsala College, and Columbia U.; one of two male founding members of the Nat. Org. for Women (NOW). Am. "Chuck Anderson in The Bowery Boys", "Pee Wee in The East Side Kids" actor David Gorcey (d. 1984) on Feb. 6 in Washington Heights, Manhattan, N.Y.; brother of Leo Gorcey (1917-69). Am. country singer Wilma Lee Cooper (Leary) on Feb. 7 in Valley Head, W. Va.; wife (1939-) of Stoney Cooper (1918-77). Am. actress ("the Sweater Girl") Lana (Julia Jean Frances Mildred) Turner on Feb. 8 in Wallace, Idaho; Tenn. miner father, mother is 16-y.-o. Ala. girl; wife (1942-4) of Stephen Crane (1916-85); mother of Cheryl Crane (1943-). Am. U.S. treasury secy. #69 (1993-4) and U.S. Sen. (D-Tex.) (1971-93) Lloyd Millard Bentsen Jr. (d. 2006) on Feb. 11 in Mission, Tex.; son of "Big Lloyd" Bentsen Sr., owner of the Arrowhead Ranch (sold in 1997 for $6M); educated at UTA. Am. TV entertainer Hugh Malcolm Downs on Feb. 14 in Akron, Ohio; no relation to CBS Radio broadcaster Bill Downs (1914-78). Am. "The Belle of New York", "White Christmas", "Call Me Madam" actress-dancer Vera-Ellen (Vera Ellen Westmeier Rohe) (d. 1981) on Feb. 16 in Norwood, Ohio; of German descent; known as "the smallest waist in Hollywood". Chinese PM (1976-80) Hua Guofeng (Hua Kuo-feng) (Su Zhu) (d. 2008) on Feb. 16 in Jiaocheng, Shanxi; changes his real name Su Zhu to Hua Guofeng, short for "Zhonghua kangri jiuguo xianfengdui" (Chinese resistance against Japanese nation-saving vanguard). Am. biochemist (fundamentalist creationist Baptist) Duane Tolbert Gish (d. 2013) on Feb. 17 in White city, Kan.; educated at UCLA, and UCB. Irish Northern Ireland PM #6 (last) (1971-2) Arthur Brian Deane Faulkner, Baron Faulkner of Downpatrick (d. 1977) on Feb. 18 in Helen's Bay; educated at Queen's U. Belfast; created baron in 1977. South African Conservative Party leader-founder Rev. ("Dr. No.") Andries Petrus Treurnicht (d. 1993) on Feb. 19 in Piketberg, Cape Province. Am. test pilot Joseph Albert "Joe" Walker (d. 1966) on Feb. 20 in Washington, Penn.; not to be confused with playwright Joseph A. Walker (1935-). Am. "A Theory of Justice" philosopher John Borden (Bordley) Rawls (d. 2002) on Feb. 21 in Baltimore, Md.; educated at Princeton U. Am. Whitcomb Area Rule aeronautical engineer Richard Travis Whitcomb (d. 2009) on Feb. 21 in Evanston, Ill.; educated at Worcester Polytechnic Inst. Am. lit. critic Wayne Clayson Booth (d. 2005) on Feb. 22 in American Fork, Utah; educated at Brigham Young U., and U. of Chicago. Italian "Gelsomina in La Strada" actress Giulia Anna "Giulietta" Masina (d. 1994) on Feb. 22 in San Giorgio di Piano, Bologna; wife of (1943-93) Federico Fellini (1920-93). Swedish "Martin Beck in Man on the Roof" actor Carl-Gustaf Lindstedt (d. 1992) on Feb. 24 in Stockholm. Am. "Det. Sgt. Phil Fish in Barney Miller", "Sal Tessio in The Godfather" actor (Jewish) Abraham Charles "Abe" Vigoda (d. 2016) on Feb. 24 in Brooklyn, N.Y.; Russian Jewish immigrant parents. Am. "The Perils of Pauline", "Annie Get Your Gun" actress-singer Betty Hutton (Elizabeth June Thornburg) (d. 2007) on Feb. 26 in Battle Creek, Mich. Am. "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest", "Amadeus" record-film producer (Jewish) Saul Zaentz on Feb. 28 in Passaic, N.J. Am. New York archbishop (1968-) and cardinal (1969-) Terence James Cooke (d. 1983) on Mar. 1 in New York City; Irish immigrant parents; named after Cork Sinn Fein mayor-martyr Terence MacSwiney (1879-1920). Am. conductor (Jewish) Julius Rudel on Mar. 6 in Vienna, Austria; emigrates to the U.S. in 1938; educated at Mannes College of Music. Am. 5'6" "The Band Wagon" actress-dancer Cyd Charisse (Tula Ellice Finklea) (d. 2008) on Mar. 8 in Amarillo, Tex.; contracts polio in childhood. Am. "Skipper Jonas Grumby in Gilligan's Island" actor Alan Hale Jr. (Alan Hale MacKahan) (d. 1990) on Mar. 8 in Los Angeles, Calif.; son of Alan Hale Sr. (1892-1950) and Gretchen Hartman (1897-1979). Am. "Dr. Alex Stone in The Donna Reed Show", "Clinton Judd in Judd for the Defense" actor Carl Lawrence Betz (d. 1978) on Mar. 9 in Pittsburgh, Penn.; educated at Carnegie Tech. Argentine tango composer ("El Gran Astor") Astor Pantaleon Piazzolla (d. 1992) on Mar. 11 in Mar del Plata. Am. "Oklahoma!", "Carousel" actor-singer Albert Gordon MacRae (d. 1986) on Mar. 12 in East Orange, N.J.; husband (1941-67) of Sheila MacRae (1921-2014). Am. Chick-fil-A founder (Southern Baptist-turned-woke) Samuel Truett Cathy (d. 2014) on Mar. 14 in Eatonton, Ga. Am. architecture critic Ada Louise Huxtable on Mar. 14 in New York City. Am. dir.-writer Joseph W. Sarno on Mar. 15 in Brooklyn, N.Y.; cousin of Joe Santos (1931-). Am. jazz bassist Yervant Harry "the Bear" Babasin Jr. (d. 1988) on Mar. 19 in Dallas, Tex.; Armenian father; educasted at North Tex. State U. Welsh 6'4" prop comedian Thomas Frederick "Tommy" Cooper (d. 1984) on Mar. 19 in Caerphilly, Glamorgan. Am. baritone (black) Robert Keith McFerrin Sr. (d. 2006) on Mar. 19 in Marianna, Ark.; father of Bobby McFerrin (1950-). Israeli ambassador (Jewish) Yaacov (Yaakov) Herzog (d. 1972) on Mar. 21 in Dublin, Ireland; son of Rabbi Yitzhak HaLevi Herzog; brother of Chaim Herzog; emigrates to Palestine in 1937. Am. "Zerelda Zee James in Jesse James" actress Nancy Kelly (d. 1995) on Mar. 21 in Lowell, Mass.; sister of Jack Kelly (1927-92); works in 23 films in 1927-9. Am. "Things of This World", "Mayflies" poet Richard Purdy Wilbur on Mar. 21 in New York City; grows up in North Caldwell, N.J.; educated at Amherst College, and Harvard U. Am. Vail Mountain ski resort co-founder George Peck Caulkins Jr. (d. 2005) on Mar. 25 in Grosse Point, Mich. French actress (Jewish) Simone Signoret (Simone Henriette Charlotte Kaminker) (d. 1985) on Mar. 25 in Wiesbaden, Germany. French economist Georges Anderla (d. 2005) on Mar. 27 in Prague, Czech. Am. "The Lone Ranger" radio-TV announcer Frederick William "Fred" Foy (d. 2010) on Mar. 21 in Detroit, Mich. Am. Boing 747 aircraft designer Joseph F. "Joe" Sutter (d. 2016) on Mar. 21 in Seattle, Wash.; of Slovenian descent; educated at the U. of Wash. Soviet world chess champ #7 (1957-8) Vasily Vasilyevich Smyslov (d. 2010) on Mar. 24 in Moscow. Canadian "Studio One" dir.-producer-writer Fletcher Markle (d. 1991) on Mar. 27 in Winnipeg, Man.; husband (1950-62) of Mercedes McCambridge (1916-2004). Am. tap dancer (black) Harold Lloyd Nicholas (d. 2000) on Mar. 27 in Winston-Salem, N.C; brother of Fayard Nicholas (1914-2006); husband (1942-51) of Dorothy Dandridge (1924-66). Am. abstract expressionist painter Norman Bluhm (d. 1999) on Mar. 28 in Chicago, Ill.; student of Mies van der Rohe. English "Lt. Gen. Frederick Boy Browning in A Bridge Too Far" actor-novelist (gay) Dirk Bogarde (Derek Jules Gaspard Ulric Niven van den Bogaerde) (d. 1999) on Mar. 28 in West Hampstead, London. Am. "It's Never Too Late" playwright Sumner Arthur Long (d. 1993) on Mar. 31 in Mass. Am. lightweight boxer (black) Beau Jack (Sidney Walker) (d. 2000) on Apr. 1 in Augusta, Ga. Am. Equitable Bldg., Ford World HQ, Union Carbide Bldg. architect Natalie Griffin de Blois (d. 2013) on Apr. 2 in Paterson, N.J.; educated at Columbia I. Am. "Sally McKee in The High and the Mighty" actress Jan Sterling (Adriance) (d. 2004) on Apr. 3 in New York City; wife of (1950-9) Paul Douglas (1907-59); skips a ride on the Hindenburg to buy some lingerie and take a steamship back to the U.S. Am. "Lucas McCain in The Rifleman", "Burn Sanderson in Old Yeller" 6'5" actor (Roman Catholic) Kevin Joseph Aloysius "Chuck" Connors (d. 1992) on Apr. 10 in Brooklyn, N.Y.; Irish immigrant parents from Placentia Bay, Newfoundland, Canada; educated at Seton Hall U.; first baseman in 66 games of the 1951 season with the Chicago Cubs; also plays for the NBA Boston Celtics in 1946, becoming the first prof. basketball player to break a backboard; drafted by the NFL Chicago Bears, but never plays; picks the nickname Chuck in college from baseball, "Chuck it to me baby" - does that make him like that salsa from New York? Am. "The Purple People Eater", "Pete Nolan in Rawhide", "Frank Miller in High Noon" actor-singer Shelby F. "Sheb" Wooley (d. 2003) (AKA Ben Colder) on Apr. 10 in Erick, Okla. Am. Marilyn Monroe's 1st hubby James Edward "Jim" Dougherty (d. 2005) on Apr. 12 in Tex. Am. economist Thomas Crombie Schelling on Apr. 14 in Oakland, Calif.; educated at UCB and Harvard U.; 2005 Nobel Econ. Prize. Soviet cosmonaut Georgi Timofeyevich Beregovoi (d. 1995) on Apr. 15 in Fedorovka, Ukraine. English "Nero in Quo Vadis", "Lentulus Batiatus in Spartacus" actor-playwright Sir Peter Alexander (Baron von) Ustinov (d. 2004) on Apr. 16 in London; son of Jona "Klop" Ustinov and Nadezhda Leontievna "Nadia" Benois; of Ethiopian, French, German, Russian, Swiss, Italian, and Jewish descent; educated at Westminster School; knighted in 1990; has a half-Ethiopian grandmother "whose Christian name was Magdalena... born in a tent during the Battle of Magdala, which opposed Ethiopian forces to British ones under Lord Napier; my grandmother's youngest sister was still, until recently, a lady-in-waiting at the court of Haile Selassie." Am. "Della Street on Perry Mason" actress Barbara Hale on Apr. 18 in DeKalb, Ill. Am. jockey Anna Lee Aldred (nee Mills) (d. 2006) on Apr. 19 in Montrose. Colo.; first woman in the U.S. to receive a jockey license (1939). Am. "Betty Smith in The Smith Family" actress Janet Blair (Martha Janet Lafferty) (d. 2007) on Feb. 19 in Altoona, Blair County, Penn. Am. baseball pitcher (lefty) Warren Edward Spahn on Apr. 23 in Buffalo, N.Y. Finnish composer Laci Boldemann (d. 1969) on Apr. 24 in Helsinki. Dutch artist Karel Appel (d. 2006) on Apr. 25 in Amsterdam. Am. jazz clarinetist-composer (white) James Peter "Jimmy" Giuffre (d. 2008) on Apr. 26 in Dallas, Tex.; Italian immigrant father; educated at North Tex. State Teachers College. English Anglican global evangelism leader John Robert Walmsley Stott (d. 2011) on Apr. 27 in London; educated at Rugby School, and Trinity College and Ridley Hall, Cambridge U. Am. "Evans-Novak Political Report" conservative journalist Rowland Evans Jr. (d. 2001) on Apr. 28 in Whitemarsh Township, Penn.; educated at Yale U.; collaborator of Robert D. Novak (1931-2009). Am. historian (Jewish) John Morton Blum (d. 2011) on Apr. 29 in New York City; educated at Phillips Academy, and Harvard U. Portuguese PM #103 (1974-5) Gen. Vasco dos Santos Goncalves (d. 2005) on May 3 in Lisbon. Am. welter-middleweight boxing champ (1951, 1955, 1957-8) (black) Sugar Ray Robinson (Walker Smith Jr.) (d. 1989) on May 3 in Ailey, Ga.; wins world title 2x in 1951. Canadian engineer (Jewish) Josef Kates (Josef Katz) (d. 2018) on May 5 in Vienna, Austria; emigrates to England in 1939, and Canada in 1941. Am. 6'4" baseball player (LF) (Detroit Tigers) (1941-9) Richard Cummings "Dick" Wakefield (d. 1985) on May 6 in Chicago, Ill. English "A Social History of the Media" historian Asa Briggs, Baron Briggs on May 7 in Keighley, West Riding of Yorkshire; educated at Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge U., and U. of London; created baron in 1976. Am. peace activist (Jesuit) Daniel Berrigan on May 9 in Virginia, Minn.; brother of Philip Berrigan (1923-2002). Am. "Near Changes" poet Mona Jane Van Duyn (d. 2004) on May 9 in Waterloo, Iowa; grows up in Eldora, Iowa; educated at the State U. of Iowa; friend of James Merrill (1926-95). Italian biologist-oceanographer Marta Vannucci on May 10 in Florence; educated at the U. of Padua, and U. of Florence. Am. 4'10" "Ida Morgenstern in Rhoda" actress-comedian Nancy Walker (Ann Myrtle Swoyer) (d. 1992) on May 10 in Philadelphia, Penn. Am. Mr. Coffee co-inventor Edmund Angel Abel Jr. (d. 2014) on May 12 in Cleveland, Ohio. Am. "How Much Is That Doggie in the Window", "Honeycomb", "People" composer-lyricist-songwriter (Jewish) Bob Merrill (Henry Robert Merrill Levan) (d. 1998) (AKA Paul Stryker) on May 17 in Atlantic City, N.J.; grows up in Philly. Am. "Auntie Mame" novelist (bi) Patrick Dennis (Edward Everett Tanner III) (d. 1976) on May 18 in Evanston, Ill.; starts out as a bestselling author in the 1950s; ends up as a butler for McDonald's founder Ray Kroc. German perf. artist Joseph Beuys (d. 1986) on May 21 in Krefeld; grows up in Kleve. Canadian "Never Cry Wolf" conservationist writer Farley McGill Mowat on May 12 in Belleville, Ont. Am. "Red River", "Rio Bravo" actor Harry Carey Jr. (Henry G. Carey) on May 16 in Saugus, Calif.; son of Harry Carey Sr. (1878-1947) and Olive Carey (1896-1988); appears with his mother in "The Searchers" (1956); friend of John Ford (1894-1973). English children's writer Peggy Cripps Appiah (d. 2006) on May 21 in Lechlade, Gloucestershire; daughter of Sir Richard Stafford Cripps (1889-1952); wife (1953-) of Ghanaian politician Joseph Emmanuel Appiah (1918-90); mother of Kwame Anthony Appiah (1954-). Soviet nuclear physicist and human rights activist Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov (d. 1989) on May 21 in Moscow; inventor of the Tokamak. Am. "Raindrops Keep Fallin' on My Head", "Do You Know the Way to San Jose", "Walk on By", "What the World Needs Now Is Love" hall-of-fame lyricist-songwriter (Jewish) Harold Lane "Hal" David (d. 2012) on May 25 in New York City; grows up in Brooklyn, N.Y.; son of Austrian Jewish immigrants; collaborator of Burt Bacharach (1928-). Am. newspaper pub. James Cline Quayle (d. 2000) on May 25 in Joliet, Ill.; educated at DePauw U.; father of James Danforth Quayle (1947-). Am. physicist (Jewish) (atheist) (humanist) Hans Jakob "Jack" Steinberger on May 25 in Bad Kissingen, Germany; emigrates to the U.S. in 1934; educated at the U. of Chicago; father of Ned Steinberger (1948-); 1988 Nobel Physics Prize. Am. historian (Jewish) Walter Ze'ev Laqueur on May 26 in Breslaw, Germany (Wroclaw, Poland); emigrates to Palestine in 1938. Am. "Red Light Bandit" rapist-kidnapper-robber Caryl Whittier Chessman (d. 1960) on May 27 in St. Joseph, Mich. Am. "Sheriff J.W. Pepper in James Bond", "Southern Carr in Cool Hand Luke" actor George Clifton James on May 29 in New York City. Italian actress Alida Valli (Alida Maria Laura) (Freiin Altenburger von Marckenstein-Frauenberg) (d. 2006) on May 31 in Pola (modern-day Croatia); of Austrian, Slovenian, and Italian descent. Am. "NBC's Voice of God" announcer Howard Reig (pr. REEG) on May 31 in New York City; replaced on Dec. 17, 2007 by the voice of Michael Douglas. Am. 6'4" Harlem Globetrotters basketball player (black) (original clown prince) Reece "Goose" Tatum (d. 1967) on May 31 in El Dorado, Ark.; inventor of the hook shot (skyhook). German film producer Alexander Salkind (d. 1997) on June 21 in Danzig; son of Michael Salkind; father of Ilya Salkind (1947-). Am. "The Blue Max" novelist-artist Jack D. Hunter (d. 2009) on June 4 in Hamilton, Ohio; educated at Penn State U. Russian ballerina Nina Vyroubova (d. 2007) on June 4 in Gurzuf; moves to France at an early age. British RAF pilot Cyril Joe Barton (d. 1944) on June 5 in Elveden, Suffolk. Am. expressionaist artist LeRoy Neiman (Leroy Leslie Runquist) (d. 2012) on June 8 in St. Paul, Minn. Canadian 5'9" "Jessica Montford in Dallas", "Winifred Stanley in Here Comes the Groom" actress-dancer ("the Dynamite Girl") Alexis (Gladys) Smith (d. 1993) on June 8 in Penticton, B.C.; wife (1944-93) of Craig Stevens (1918-2000). Indonesian pres. #2 (1967-98) (Muslim) gen. Suharto (Soeharto) (d. 2008) on June 8 near Yogyakarta; ethnic Javanese parents. Am. respirator inventor Forrest Morton Bird (d. 2015) on June 9 in Stoughton, Mass.; educated at Northrop U. Am. New York diva Brenda Diana Duff Frazier (d. 1982) on June 9; daughter of Boston Brahmin Frank Duff Frazier and Brenda Germaine Henshaw Williams-Taylor (daughter of Bank of Montreal pres. Sir Frederick Williams-Taylor); inventor of the white face look; popularizes strapless gowns; wife (1941-) of John "Shipwreck" Kelly. English duke and Greek-Danish prince Philip (Philippos) Mountbatten, Duke of Edinburgh, Earl of Merioneth, and Baron Greenwich (d. 2021) on June 10 [Gemini] in Villa Mon Repos, Corfu, Greece; only son of Prince Andrew of Greece and Denmark (1882-1944) and Princess Alice of Battenberg (1885-1969); member of the Danish-German House of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glucksburg; great-great-grandson of Queen Victoria; husband (1947-2021) of Queen Elizabeth II (1926-2022), who is a great-great-granddaughter of Queen Victoria, making them 3rd cousins, as well as 2nd cousins once-removed through Christian IX of Denmark. Am. "The Tragedy of American Diplomacy" Cold War revisionist historian ("favorite historian of the Middle American New Left") William Appleman "Bill" Williams (d. 1990) on June 12 near Atlantic, Iowa; educated at the U. of Wisc.; disciple of Fred Harvey Harrington, Merle Curti, and Hoard K. Beale; teacher of Walter LaFeber (1933-). Am. "Misty" 5'2" jazz pianist-composer (black) Erroll Louis Garner (d. 1977) on June 15 in Pittsburgh, Penn.; likes to sit on telephone books while performing. British "Ill Met by Moonlight: The Abduction of General Kreipe" writer Capt. Ivan William Stanley "Billy" Moss (d. 1965) on June 15 in Yokohama, Japan. German Nazi soldier hero Fritz Christen (d. 1995) on June 21 in Wredenhagen. Am. "Billie Dawn in Born Yesterday", "Gladys Glover in It Should Happen to You" actress (Jewish) Judy Holliday (Judith Tuvim) (d. 1965) on June 21 in New York City: Russian Jewish immigrant parents; 172 IQ. Am. "Judy Flaquer in The Paradine Case" actress Joan Margaret Tetzel (d. 1977) on June 21 in New York City; wife (1949-) of Oscar Homolka (1898-1978). Am. bandleader Nelson Smock Riddle Jr. (d. 1985) on June 21 in Oradell, N.J. Am. "The Outlaw", "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes" 5'7" 38D-24-36 actress Ernestine Jane Geraldine Russell on June 21 in Bemidji, Minn.; wife (1943-68) of Bob Waterfield (1920-83). Am. New York Shakespeare Festival, "Hair", "A Chorus Line" impresario (Jewish) Joseph Papp (Yosl Papirofsky) (d. 1991) on June 22 in Brooklyn, N.Y.; Russian immigrant parents. U.S. Rep. (R-Ill.) (1961-83) Paul Findley on June 23. Canadian ballet dir. (Jewish) Celia Franca (Franks) (d. 2007) on June 25 in London, England. Canadian country singer ("King of the Yodelers") Stanley Beresford "Donn" Reynolds (d. 1997) on June 26 in Winnipeg, Man. French Resistance agent-martyr Violette Reine Elizabeth Bushell Szabo (d. 1945) on June 26 in Paris; English father, French mother. British actress Muriel Lilian Pavlow on June 27 in Leigh, Kent; Russian father, French mother; wife (1947-86) of Derek Farr (1912-86). Indian PM #9 (1991-6) Pamulaparti Venkata Narasimha Rao (d. 2004) on June 28 in Vangara; educated at the U. of Pune. French "San-Antonio" crime novelist Frederic Charles Antoine Dard (d. 2000) on June 29 in Bourgoin-Jallieu. German Bertelsmann publisher Reinhard Mohn (d. 2009) on June 29 in Gutersloh, Westphalia; starts out a Nazi, then goes liberal. French-Am. economist Gerard (Gérard) Debreu (d. 2004) on July 4 in Calais; becomes U.S. citizen in 1975. Am. "A Raisin in the Sun", "The Owl and the Pussycat", "Purlie", "Shenandoah" theatrical producer (Jewish) Philip Rose (d. 2011) on July 4 in Manhattan, N.Y.; Russian Jewish immigrant parents; husband (1946-) of Doris Belack (1926-2011). Am. "The Prince and the Pauper" actors Robert Joseph "Bob" Mauch (d. 2007) and William J. "Billy" Mauch (d. 2006) on July 6 in Peoria, Ill. U.S. Repub. First Lady (1981-9) and "Nurse Lt. Helen Blair in Hellcats of the Navy" actress Nancy Davis Reagan (Anne Frances Robbins) (d. 2016) on July 6 [Cancer] in Manhattan, N.Y. (same birthday as Pres. George W. Bush, Merv Griffin, Ned Beatty, and Sylvester Stallone); wife (1952-2004) of Pres. Ronald Reagan (1911-2004). Am. heavyweight boxing champ (1949-51) (black) Ezzard Mack Charles (d. 1975) on July 7 in Lawrenceville, Ga. Am. boxer ("The Raging Bull") ("The Bronx Bull") Giacobbe "Jake" LaMotta on July 10 in New York City; 83 wins (30 KOs), 19 losses, 4 draws. Am. Special Olympics co-founder Eunice Mary Kennedy Shriver (d. 2009) on July 10 in Brookline, Mass.; 5th of 9 children of Joseph P. Kennedy Sr. (1888-1969) and Rose Kennedy (1890-1995); educated at Stanford U.; wife (1953-) of R. Sargent Shriver (1915-); mother of Maria Shriver (1955-). Am. "Robert E. Lee Bob Ewell in To Kill a Mockingbird" actor James Anderson (d. 1969) (AKA Kyle James) on July 13 in Wetumpka, Ala.; brother of Mary "Bebe" Anderson (1920-). English chemist Sir Geoffrey Wilkinson (d. 1996) on July 14 in Springside (near Todmorden), Yorkshire; educated at Imperial College London. Am. "The Urban Frontier" historian Richard Clement Wade (d. 2008) on July 14 in Des Moines, Iowa; grows up in Winnetaka, Ill.; educated at the U. of Rochester, and Harvard U. Am. "Lizzie Borden", "The Sweet Bye and Bye" composer Jack Beeson on July 15 in Muncie, Ind. Am. biochemist Robert Bruce Merrifield (d. 2006) on July 15 in Ft. Worth, Tex.; educated at UCLA. Scottish virologist (Jewish) Alick Isaacs (d. 1967) on July 17 in Glasgow; Jewish Lithuanian immigrant paternal grandparents; educated at the U. of Glasgow. French mountain climber Louis Lachenal (d. 1955) on July 17 in Annecy, Haute-Savole. Israeli heroine (Jewish) Hannah Szenes (Hannah Senesh) (Chana Senesh) (d. 1944) on July 17 in Hungary; emigrates to Israel in 1939. Am. Cognitive Therapy psychiatrist Aaron Temkin Beck on July 18 in Providence, R.H.; educated at Brown U. Am. astronaut and Dem. U.S. Sen. (D-Ohio) (1974-99) (Freemason) (redhead) John Herschel Glenn Jr. (d. 2016) on July 18 in Cambridge, Ohio; educated at Muskingum College; 3rd American in space, and first to orbit the Earth (1962). Am. "The Light in the Piazza" novelist Elizabeth Spencer on July 19 in Carrollton, Miss.; educated at Vanderbilt U. Am. radioimmunoassay medical physicist Rosalyn Sussman Yalow (d. 2011) on July 19 in New York City; educated at Hunter College and Columbia U.; 1977 Nobel Med. Prize. Am. jazz pianist-composer (black) Billy Taylor on July 21 in Greenville, N.C. Australian electrical engineer Ronald Newbold Bracewell (d. 2007) on July 22 in Sydney, N.S.W., Australia; educated at Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge U. Am. "Larry 'Bud' Melman in Late Night with David Letterman" actor Calvert DeForest (d. 2007) on July 23 in Brooklyn, N.Y.; first face seen on the debut of The Letterman Show on Feb. 1, 1982. Am. composer (Jewish) Jerome Rosen on July 23 in Boston, Mass.; educated at UCB. Am. "A Christmas Story" radio-TV personality-writer-actor Jean Parker "Shep" Shepherd (d. 1999) on July 26 in Chicago, Ill.; not to be confused with singer Jean Shepard (1933-). Am. bowler Fred Joseph Riccilli (d. 2015) on July 30. Am. tennis player Jack Albert Kramer on Aug. 1 in Las Vegas, Nev. Am. "The Pajama Game", "Damn Yankees" Broadway composer Richard Adler on Aug. 3 in New York City; collaborator of Jerry Ross (1926-55). Am. jazz guitarist (white) Michell Herbert "Herb" Ellis (d. 2010) (Oscar Peterson Trio) on Aug. 4 in Farmersville, Tex.; raised in Dallas, Tex. Canadian hockey hall-of-fame player (Montreal Canadiens #9, 1942-60) Joseph Henri Maurice "Rocket" Richard (d. 2000) on Aug. 4 in Montreal, Quebec; first NHL player to score 50 goals in a season and 500 goals in a career. Am. composer-conductor Karel Husa on Aug. 7 in Prague, Czech.; emigrates to the U.S. in 1954. Am. "Our Miss Brooks", "I Love Lucy", "Bewitched" "Muscle Beach Party" dir.-producer-writer (inventor of the sitcom?) William Milton Asher (d. 2012) on Aug. 8 in New York City; son of Ephraim M. Asher (1887-1937) (Jewish) and Lillian Bonner (Roman Catholic); husband (1963-73) of Elizabeth Montgomery (1933-95). Am. "In the Jailhouse Now" country singer Webb Michael Pierce (d. 1991) on Aug. 8 in West Monroe, La. Am. actress-swimmer Esther Jane Williams (d. 2013) on Aug. 8 in Inglewood, Calif. Am. "Farewell to Manzanar" actor Yuki Shimoda (d. 1981) on Aug. 10 in Sacramento, Calif.; Japanese immigrant parents; educated at Sacramental Junior College. Am. "Roots" novelist (black) (Freemason) Alexander Murray Palmer "Alex" Haley (d. 1992) on Aug. 11 in Ithaca, N.Y.; not to be confused with Arthur Hailey (1920-2004). English Manchester Baby mathematician Tom Kilburn (d. 2001) on Aug. 11 in Dewsbury Yorkshire; educated at Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge U. Am. 5'2" "General Hospital" TV producer Gloria Monty (d. 2006) on Aug. 12; educated at NYU and Columbia U. English historian Sir Geoffrey Rudolph Elton (Gottfried Rudolf Ehrenberg) (d. 1994) on Aug. 17 in Tubingen, Germany. Am. jazz drummer Don Lamond (d. 2003) on Aug. 18 in Oklahoma City, Okla. Am. "Star Trek" writer-producer (Freemason) Eugene Wesley "Gene" Roddenberry (d. 1991) on Aug. 19 in El Paso, Tex. Am. "Lost in a Harem" actress Marvel Marilyn Maxwell (d. 1972) on Aug. 3 in Clarinda, Iowa; has a longtime affair with Bob Hope, causing her to become known as Mrs. Bob Hope; has another longtime affair with Frank Sinatra. Am. Arrow's Impossibility Theorem economist Kenneth Joseph Arrow on Aug. 23 in New York City; educated at CCNY, and Columbia U.; 1972 Nobel Econ. Prize. Canadian "Let's Make a Deal" TV personality (Jewish) Maurice "Monty Hall" Halparin (d. 2017) on Aug. 25 in Winnipeg, Man.; educated at the U. of Manitoba - Monty Hall isn't from Montreal? Irish "The Lonely Passion of Judith Hearne" novelist (Roman Catholic turned atheist) Brian Moore (d. 1999) (pr. BREE-an) on Aug. 25 in Belfast, Northern Ireland; emigrates to Canada in 1947, then the U.S. Am. Watergate journalist (exec ed. of the Washington Post in 1968-91) Benjamin Crowninshield Bradlee (d. 2014) on Aug. 26 in Boston, Mass.; educated at Harvard U. Am. actor-dir. (Jewish) Leo Z. Penn (d. 1998) on Aug. 27 in Lawrence, Mass.; Russian-Lithuanian Jewish parents; father's surname is Pinon (Spanish); husband of Eileen Ryan (1928-); father of Michael Penn (1958-), Sean Penn (1960-) and Chris Penn (1965-2006). Am. "Miss Jane Hathaway in The Beverly Hillbillies" actress Nancy Jane Kulp (d. 1991) on Aug. 28 in Harrisburg, Penn.; educated at Fla. State U., and U. of Miami. Am. hall-of-fame stock car racer (black) (first African-Am. driver in NASCAR, and first to win a race in the Grand Nat. Series) Wendell Oliver Scott (d. 1990) on Aug. 29 in Danville, Va. Welsh "Culture and Society", "The Long Revolution" leftist writer-novelist-critic Raymond Henry Williams (d. 1988) on Aug. 31 in Llanfihangel Crucorney (near Abergavenny), Wales; educated at Trinity College, Cambridge U. Am. Repub. Okla. gov #18 (1963-7) and #23 (1987-91) and U.S. Sen. (1969-81) Henry Louis Bellmon (d. 2009) on Sept. 3 in Tonkawa, Okla.; educated at Oklahoma State U. Am. photographer Ruth Orkin (d. 1985) on Sept. 3 in Boston, Mass.; educated at Los Angeles City College. Am. Motion Picture Assoc. of Am. pres. Jack Joseph Valenti (d. 2007) on Sept. 5 in Houston, Tex. Am. barcode co-inventor Norman Joseph Woodland on Sept. 6 in Atlantic, City, N.J.; educated at Drexel U. Am. pianist Arthur Ferrante (d. 2009) on Sept. 7 in New York City; collaborator of Louis Teicher (1924-2008). Welsh "If I Ruled the World", "This Is My Song" tenor Sir Harry Donald Secombe (d. 2001) on Sept. 8 in St. Thomas, Swansea; knighted in 1981. Am. TV journalist Frank McGee (d. 1974) on Sept. 12 in Monroe, La. Am. civil rights atty. and federal judge (1966-) (black) Constance Baker Motley (d. 2005) on Sept. 14 in New York City; first African-Am. female federal judge. Am. Delta bluesman and harmonica player (black) James Edward "Snooky" Pryor (d. 2006) on Sept. 15 in Lambert, Miss. Brazilian "Pedagogy of the Oppressed" educator (Marxist) Paulo Reglus Neves Freire (d. 1997) on Sept. 19 in Recife. Polish "Solaris" sci-fi novelist (atheist) Stanislaw Lem (d. 2006) on Sept. 21 in Lwow. Am. R&B singer (black) Billy Ward (d. 2002) (Billy Ward and the Dominoes) on Sept. 19 in Savannah, Ga. Swedish Stockholm Syndrome criminologist Nils Bejerot (d. 1988) on Sept. 21 in Norrtalje, Stockholm. Am. "ABC's Wide World of Sports: TV sportscaster (1961-98) Jim McKay (James Kenneth McManus) on Sept. 24 in Philadelphia, Penn.; voice of the "the thrill of victory, the agony of defeat"; father of Sean McManus (1955-). English "Alice Kdramden in The Jackie Gleason Show" actress (Christian Scientist) Sheila Margaret MacRae (Sheila Margaret Stephens) (d. 2014) on Sept. 24 in London; emigrates to the U.S. in 1939; wife (1941-67) of Gordon MacRae (1921-86); mother of Heather MacRae (1946-) and Meredith MacRae (1944-2000). Am. film-TV writer-producer (Jewish) Milton Subotsky (d. 1991) on Sept. 27 in New York City; Jewish immigrant parents; husband of Fiona Subotsky. Scottish "From Here to Eternity", "Anna Leonowens in The King and I" actress Deborah Kerr (Deborah Jan Kerr-Trimmer) (d. 2007) on Sept. 30 in Helensburgh; "Kerr rhymes with star" (Hollywood ad). Am. actor James Allen Whitmore Jr. (d. 2009) on Oct. 1 in White Plains, N.Y.; educated at Yale U. (Skull & Bones). Am. lobbyist Anne Wexler (d. 2009) on Oct. 3 in Detroit, Mich. Am. "the right stuff" test pilot and X-15 rocket plane aircraft designer Albert Scott Crossfield (d. 2006) on Oct. 9 in Berkeley, Calif.; feducated at the U. of Wash.; first pilot to reach Mach 2.0 (1953). English archbishop of Canterbury (1980-91) Robert Alexander Kennedy Runcie, Baron Runcie of Cuddesdon (d. 2000) on Oct. 2 in Great Crosby (near Liverpool); educated at Brasenose College, Oxford U. Am. Gumbey clay animator Arthur "Art" Clokey (Arthur Charles Farrington) (d. 2010) on Oct. 12 in Detroit, Mich.; educated at Pomona College, Miami U., and USC. French "Garcon" actor-singer Yves Montand (Ivo Livi) (d. 1991) on Oct. 13 in Monsummano Terme (near Florence), Italy; grows up in Marseille; husband (1951-85) of Simone Signoret; basis of the Looney Tunes char. Pepe Le Pew. Am. actor Tom Poston (d. 2007) on Oct. 17 in Columbus, Ohio. U.S. Sen. (R-N.C.) (1973-2003) ("Senator No") Jesse Alexander Helms Jr. (d. 2008) on Oct. 18 in Monroe, N.C. Am. Campus Crusade for Christ founder William R. "Bill" Bright (d. 2003) on Oct. 19 in Coweta, Okla.; educated at Northeastern State U. ; husband (1948-) of Vonette Bright. Am. "Joe Shannon in Shannon" actor George Nader (d. 2002) on Oct. 19 in Pasadena, Calif.; educated at Occidental College. English composer Sir Malcolm Henry Arnold (d. 2006) on Oct. 21 in Northampton; educated at Royal College of Music; knighted in 1993. Am. 6'5" basketball player ("first of the high-scoring forwards") Joseph Franklin "Jumping Joe" Fulks (d. 1976) on Oct. 26 in Birmingham, Ky.; educated at Murray State U. Cuban "The Thomas Crown Affair" jazz-classical trumpeter-composer-arranger Arturo "Chico" O'Farrill (d. 2001) (Afro-Latin Jazz Orchestra) on Oct. 28 in Havana; Irish father, German molther; pioneer of Afro-Cuban "Cubop" jazz; father of Arturo O'Farrill (1960-). Am. political cartoonist William Henry "Bill" Mauldin (d. 2003) on Oct. 29 in Mountain Park, N.M. Am. "Death Wish" actor Charles Bronson (Charles Dennis Buchinsky) (d. 2003) on Nov. 3 in Ehrenfield, Penn.; Tatar immigrant father Walter Bunchinski, Lithuanian-Am.mother; husband (1968-90) of Jill Ireland (1936-90). Am. "From Here to Eternity", "The Thin Red Line" novelist James Ramon Jones (d. 1977) on Nov. 6 in Robinson, Ill.; father of Kaylie Jones (1960-). Am. golfer Jack Fleck on Nov. 7 in Bettendorf, Iowa. Canadian "Rebel Daughter" women's rights activist-writer-journalist Doris Hilda Anderson (d. 2007) on Nov. 10 in Medicine Hat, Alberta. Am. "Uncle Bill Davis in Family Affair", "The Parent Trap" actor (Roman Catholic) Robert Alba "Brian" Keith (d. 1997) on Nov. 14 in Bayonne, N.J.; son of Robert Keith (1896-1968) and Helena Shipman; begins acting at age 2. Swiss pianist Geza Anda (d. 1976) on Nov. 19 in Hungary; emigrates to Switzerland in 1943; first to record all of Mozarto's piano concertos (1961-9). Am. baseball hall-of-fame catcher (black) (Brooklyn Dodgers, 1948-57) Roy "Campy" Campanella (d. 1993) on Nov. 19 in Homestead, Penn.; Sicilian-descent father, African-Am. mother; paralyzed in an auto accident in Jan. 1958. Am. Baptist pastor Peter Sturges Ruckman (d. 2016) on Nov. 19 in Wilmington, Del.; grows up in Topeka, Kan.; founder of Ruckmanism, which claims that the King James Version of the Bible provides "advanced revelation" and is more trustworthy than the ancient texts. Am. "On the Trail of the Assassins" New Orleans district atty. (1961-73) Earling Carothers "Jim" Garrison (d. 1992) on Nov. 20 in Denison, Iowa; educated at Tulane U. Am. liberal Repub. New York City mayor #103 (1966-73) (Episcopalian) John Vliet Lindsay (d. 2000) on Nov. 24 in New York City; educated at Yale U. (Scroll & Key). Am. "no respect" comedian Rodney Dangerfield (d. 2004) on Nov. 22 in Babylon, Long Island, N.Y. Am. liberal Repub. politician John Vliet Lindsay (d. 2000) on Nov. 24 on New York City; educated at Yale U. (Scroll & Key). Czech. leader (originator of Perestroika) Alexander Dubcek (d. 1992) on Nov. 27 in Uhroved. U.S. asst. atty. gen. (1960-7) John Michael Doar on Dec. 3 in Minneapolis, Minn.; educated at Princeton U., and UCB. Canadian "Edna in Every Sunday", "Penelope Penny Craig in Three Smart Girls" actress-singer (1930s child star) ("Winnipeg's Golden Girl") Deanna (Edna Mae) Durbin (d. 2013) on Dec. 4 in Winnipeg. Am. football hall-of-fame QB (Cleveland Browns) Otto Everett Graham Jr. (d. 2003) on Dec. 6 in Waukegan, Ill. Am. mathematician-economist David Gale (d. 2008) on Dec. 13 in New York City; educated at Princeton U. Am. disc jockey Albert James "Alan" "Moondog" Freed (d. 1965) on Dec. 15 in Windberg, Penn. Am. 6'5" "The Sunny Side of the Mountain", "Lonesome 7-7203" country music singer Harold Franklin "Hawkshaw" Hawkins (d. 1963) on Dec. 22 in Huntington, W. Va.; nicknamed after the comic strip "Hawkshaw the Detective"; husband of Jean Shepard. Am. "Ryan in The Valachi Papers", "Lt. Ed Ryker in The Rookies" actor-dir. Gerald Stuart O'Loughlin on Dec. 23 in New York City. Am. comedian-entertainer (Jewish) Steve Allen (d. 2000) on Dec. 26 in New York City; son of vaudeville comedian Belle Montrose ("funniest woman in vaudeville" - Milton Berle). Am. "Willie and the Hand Jive", "Double Crossing Blues" R&B bandleader (white) ("Godfather of Rhythm and Blues") Johnny Otis (Yannis or Ioannis Alexandres Veliotes) (d. 2012) on Dec. 28 in Vallejo, Calif.; brother of Nicholas Alexander Veliotes (1928-); father of Shuggie Otis (1953-); decides to live as a black. Swedish-Am. "Dark City, "King of Kings", "Creepshow" actress Elsa Viveca Torstensdotter Lindfors (d. 1995) on Dec. 29 in Uppsala. Lebanese statesman Rashid Abdul Hamid Karami (d. 1987) on Dec. 30 in Mariatta (near Tripoli); educated at Cairo U. Italian-Am. 5'7" singer-actor (alcoholic) ("most famous tenor in the world") Mario Lanza (Alfred Arnold Cocozza) (d. 1959) in Philadelphia, Penn. Am. TV exec John H. Mitchell (d. 1988) on ? in New York City; educated at the U. of Mich. Am. physicist Arthur Leonard Schawlow (d. 1999); brother-in-law of Theodore maiman (1927-2007). Am. Mind Dynamics founder Alexander Everett (d. 2005) in England; emigrates to the U.S. in 1962. Am. artist Bonnie Woolsey (Benschneider) (d. 2006) on ? in Waterloo, Iowa. Canadian "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" voice actress Billie Mae Richards (nee Dinsmore) (d. 2010) on ? in Toronto, Ont. Romanian prince Michael on ? in ?. Nigerian mathematician Chike Obi on ? in ?. Deaths: British Halsbury's Laws statesman Hardinge Stanley Giffard, 1st earl of Halsbury (b. 1823) on Dec. 11 - an old giffard? Am. female mainstream Protestant minister #1 Antoinette Brown Blackwell (b. 1825) on Nov. 5 in Elizabeth, N.J. Am. historian James Phinney Baxter (b. 1831) on May 8 in Portland, Maine. Am. cardinal James Gibbons (b. 1834) on Mar. 24 in Baltimore, Md. French PM #69 (1902-5) Emile Combes (b. 1835) on May 25 in Pons. Austrian painter Franz von Defregger (b. 1835) on Jan. 2 in Munich. French composer Charles-Camille Saint-Saens (b. 1835) on Dec. 16. Am. poet-novelist Harriet Prescott Spofford (b. 1835). Am. naturalist John Burroughs (b. 1837) on Mar. 29 near Kingsville, Ohio; dies on a train. English poet Henry Austin Dobson (b. 1840) on Sept. 2. Scottish pneumatic rubber tire king John Boyd Dunlop (b. 1840). German geologist Paul Gussfeldt (b. 1840) on Jan. 18. Austrian economist Carl Menger (b. 1840) on Feb. 26. English Theosophist wriiter Alfred Percy Sinnett (b. 1840) on June 26; leaves Autobiography of Alfred Percy Sinnett. English actress-mgr. Marie Effie Wilton, Lady Bancroft (b. 1840). Montenegran king (1910-18) Nicholas I (b. 1841) on Mar. 1 in Cap d'Antibes, France. British Adm. Charles Cooper Penrose-Fitzgerald (b. 1841) on Aug. 11 in Folkestone, Kent. English Socialist reformer Henry Mayers Hyndman (b. 1842). Am. psychologist George Trumbull Ladd (b. 1842) on Aug. 8 in New Haven, Conn. Russian geographer-anarchist Prince Petr Alekseyevich Kropotkin (b. 1842) near Moscow. English artist Sir William Blake Richmond (b. 1842) on Feb. 11. Italian poet Renato Fucini (b. 1843) on Feb. 25 in Empoli. Swedish soprano Christine Nilsson (b. 1843) on Nov. 20 in Vaxjo. Am. Bible scholar Cyrus Ingerson Scofield (b. 1843) on July 24 in Douglaston, Long Island, N.Y. Iranian Baha'i leader (1892-1921) Abdul-Baha (b. 1844) on Nov. 28 in Akka, Palestine. French novelist Anatole France (b. 1844) on Oct. 12 in Tours; 1921 Nobel Lit. Prize. English actor-mgr. Sir John Hare (b. 1844) on Dec. 28. Serbian king Peter I (b. 1844) on Aug. 16. French physicist Gabriel Lippmann (b. 1845) on July 13 in the Atlantic Ocean on SS France en route from Canada; 1908 Nobel Physics Prize. Bavarian king (last) (1913-18) Ludwig III (b. 1845) on Oct. 18 in Sarvar, Hungary. U.S. chief justice #9 (1910-21) Edward Douglass White (b. 1845). Am. Boston Globe journalist-politician Gen. Charles H. Taylor (b. 1846) on June 22 in Boston, Mass. Am. Ouija Board inventor Elijah Jefferson Bond (b. 1847) on Apr. 14 in Baltimore, Md. German diplomat Prince Philip of Eulenburg-Hertefeld (b. 1847) on Sept. 17 in Liebenberg. English historian William Warde Fowler (b. 1847) on June 15. German sculptor Adolf von Hildebrand (b. 1847) on Jan. 18. Russian aerodynamic mathematician Nikolai Zhukovsky (b. 1847) on Mar. 17 in Moscow. Am. newspaper ed. John B. Bogart (b. 1848) on Nov. 16 in New York City: "When a dog bites a man, that is not news, because it happens so often. But if a man bites a dog, that is news." German king (1891-1918) William II of Wurttemberg (b. 1848) on Oct. 2 in Bebenhausen. Scottish statesman A.H. Bruce, 6th Baron Balfour of Burleigh (b. 1849) on July 6. Canadian-born Am. minister Rev. Donald George Fletcher (b. 1849) on Jan. 2 in San Leandro, Calif. Am. painter (camouflage inventor) Abbott Handerson Thayer (b. 1849) on May 29 in Dublin, N.Y. German gen. Hans Hartwig von Beseler (b. 1850) on Dec. 20 in Potsdam. U.S. Dem. House Speaker (1911-9) Champ Clark (b. 1850) on Mar. 2 in Washington, D.C. Hungarian scholar Ignac Goldhizer (b. 1850) on Nov. 13 Bulgarian poet Ivan Vazov (b. 1850) on Sept. 22 in Sofia. Spanish novelist Emilia Pardo Bazan (b. 1851). German-born Am. Berlitz Language Schools founder Maximilian Berlitz (b. 1852) on Apr. 6 in New York City. Canadian-born Am. lawman and sports writer living legend Bat Masterson (b. 1853) on Oct. 25 in New York City (heart attack); dies at his desk at the Morning Telegraph; his funeral service is attended by 500; pallbearers incl. Damon Runyon; bured in Woodlawn Cemetery in Bronx, N.Y. U.S. atty.-gen. (1906-9) Charles Joseph Bonaparte (b. 1856) on June 28 in Baltimore, Md.; cause of death is listed as "St. Vitus Dance". English financier-philanthropist Sir Ernest Cassel (b. 1852) on Sept. 21 in London; converts to a Roman Catholic before death, leaving an estate worth £6M. Am. archeologist John Punnett Peters (b. 1852). Am. politician Philander Chase Knox (b. 1853) on Oct. 12 in Washington, D.C. Russian novelist V.G. Korolenko (b. 1853). German Petri Dish inventor Julius Richard Petri (b. 1853) on Dec. 20 in Zeitz. English celeb Lady Randolph Churchill (b. 1854) on June 9 in London; dies after slipping on a staircase in new high-heeles shoes, breaking an ankle and having it amputated after gangrene sets in; mother of Sir Winston Churchill (1874-1965). German composer Engelbert Humperdinck (b. 1854) on Sept. 27. British Adm. Louis Alexander Mountbatten, 1st marquess of Milford Haven (b. 1854) on Sept. 11 in London. English film pioneer William Friese-Greene (b. 1855) on May 5 in London. Serbian Gen. Zivojin Misic (b. 1855) on Jan. 20 in Belgrade. Am. writer Edgar Saltus (b. 1855) on July 31 in New York City; "Style is a synonym for Saltus": "Skepticism is history's bedfellow." Croatian-born petroleum engineer Anthony Francis Lucas (b. 1855) on Sept. 2 in Washington, D.C. Am. bacteriologist William Thompson Sedgwick (b. 1855) on Jan. 25 in Boston, Mass. Am. scholar-educator Barrett Wendell (b. 1855). Spanish PM (1913-15, 1917, 1920-1) Eduardo Dato (b. 1856) on Mar. 8 in Madrid (assassinated). Japanese liberal PM Takashi Hara (b. 1856) on Nov. 4 in Tokyo (assassinated). German chancellor (1909-17) Theobold von Bethmann-Hollweg (b. 1856) on Jan. 1 (pneumonia). Cuban pres. (1909-13) Jose Miguel Gomez (b. 1858) on June 13 in New York City. French archeologist Joseph Reinach (b. 1856). French Gen. Louis de Maud'huy (b. 1857) on July 16 in Paris. Belgian painter Fernand Khnopff (b. 1858) on Nov. 12 in Brussels. Argentine politician Luis Maria Drago (b. 1859). English mountaineer Oscar Eckenstein (b. 1859). Am. man of letters J.G. Huneker (b. 1860). U.S. Sen. (R-Penn.) "Boss" Boies Penrose (b. 1860) on Dec. 31 in Washington, D.C. Belgian-born British composer Ivan Caryll (b. 1861) on Nov. 29 in New York City (hemorrhage). Am. engineer-inventor Peter Cooper Hewitt (b. 1861) on Aug. 25. Am. ethnographer James Mooney (b. 1861) on Dec. 22 in Washington, D.C. (heart disease). British Quartermaster-Gen. Sir John S. Cowans (b. 1862). German physiologist Max Verworn (b. 1863) on Nov. 23. Austrian journalist Alfred Hermann Fried (b. 1864) on May 5 in Vienna; 1911 Nobel Peace Prize. Canadian-born Am. Dem. politician Franklin Knight Lane (b. 1864) on May 18 in Rochester, Minn. Am. theatrical mgr. Alf Hayman (b. 1865). English tenor Gervase Elwes (b. 1866) on Jan. 12 in Boston, Mass. (accidental death at the railway platform). Am. humorist poet Bert Leston Taylor (b. 1866) on Mar. 19 in Chicago, Ill. (pneumonia). Scottish Arctic explorer William Speirs Bruce (b. 1867) on Oct. 28 in Edinburgh. German writer Ludwig Thoma (b. 1867) on Aug. 28 in Rotach am Deganse. Am. atty. Prescott Farnsworth Hall (b. 1868) on May 28 in Brookline, Mass. Am. astronomer Henrietta Swan Leavitt (b. 1868) on Dec. 12 in Cambridge, Mass. (cancer); passed over for a Nobel Prize because of her gender? French composer Deodat de Severac (b. 1872) on Mar. 24 in Ceret, Pyrenees-Orientales. Italian tenor Enrico Caruso (b. 1873) on Aug. 2 in Naples; kept on public display in a glass coffin for five years. British WWI nurse Annie Brewer (b. 1874) in Newport (kidney disease). Am. Monel (nickel-copper alloy) metal manufacturer Ambrose Monell (b. 1874) on May 2 in Beacon, N.Y.; dies in a sanitarium. Turkish minister Talaat Pasha (b. 1874) on Mar. 15 in Charlottenburg, Germany (assassinated by Armenians paid by the Brits for organizing against them). German politician Matthias Erzberger (b. 1875) on Aug. 26 in Bad Griesbach (assassinated). English singer George Formby Sr. (b. 1875) on Feb. 8 in Stockton Heath, Cheshire. Russian poet Alexander Alexandrovich Blok (b. 1880) on Aug. 7 (famine?). Am. silent film dir. George Loane Tucker (b. 1880) on June 20 in Los Angeles, Calif. German "Bloody White Baron" gen. Roman Nikolai Maximilian von Ungern-Sternberg (b. 1886) on Sept. 15 in Novosibirsk, Siberia (executed). Australian aviation pioneer Harry Hawker (b. 1889) on July 12 in Hendon Aerodrome, North London, England (hemorrage resulting in aircraft crash). British Peter Pan model Michael Llewelyn Davies (b. 1900) on May 19 in Sandford-on-Thames (drowns with gay bud Rupert Buxton) (suicide?)

1922 - The Tut Tut Year? The year in which movie stars and literati begin to burn bright and every dog has his day, even old Egyptian mummies? The U.S. economy starts roaring until fall 1929?

Raymond Poincare of France (1860-1934) Pope Pius XI (1857-1939) Luigi Facta of Italy (1861-1930) Alessandro Pavolini of Italy (1903-45) Andrew Bonar Law of Britain (1858-1923) George II of Greece (1890-1947) Greek Col. Nikolaos Plastiras (1883-1953) Greek Col. Stylianos Gonatas (1876-1966) Alexandros Zaimis of Greece (1855-1936) Wilhelm Cuno of Germany (1876-1933) Ismet Inonu of Turkey (1884-1973) Ottoman Sultan Abdul Mejid II (1868-1944) White Russian Gen. Anatoly Pepelyayev (1891-1938) Ignaz Seipel of Austria (1876-1932) Josef (Joseph) Stalin of the Soviet Union (1879-1953) Lazar Kaganovich of the Soviet Union (1893-1991) Marcelo Torcuato de Alvear of Argentina (1868-1942) Felipe Carrillo Puerto of Mexico (1874-1924) Joseph Warren Fordney of the U.S. (1853-1932) Porter James McCumber (1858-1933) Thomas James Walsh of the U.S. (1859-1933) Burton Kendall Wheeler of the U.S. (1882-1975) Alexander George Sutherland of the U.S. (1862-1942) Pierce Butler of the U.S. (1866-1939) Count Richard Nikolaus Coudenhove-Kalergi (1894-1972) Crown Prince Otto von Hapsburg (1912-) Panayotis Tsaldaris of Greece (1868-1936) Janis Cakste of Latvia (1859-1927) Michele Bianchi of Italy (1883-1930) Italo Balbo of Italy (1866-1944) Emilio De Bono of Italy (1896-1940) Dino Grandi of Italy (1895-1988) Sir John C.W. Reith (1889-1971) John Jacob Astor, 1st Baron Astor of Hever (1886-1971) Lady Sybil Rhondda of Britain (1857-1941) Rin Tin Tin (1918-32) Rebecca Ann Felton (1835-1930) Emma Jaeger (1888-1964) Bertolt Brecht (1898-1956) Aleister Crowley (1875-1947) E.R. Eddison (1882-1945) T.S. Eliot (1888-1965) David Garnett (1892-1981) James Joyce (1882-1941) Nita Naldi (1897-1961) Adli Yakan Pasha of Egypt (1864-1933) Ahmad Lutfi al-Sayyid of Egypt (1872-1963) Fuad I of Egypt (1868-1936) Mikao Usui (1865-1926) Mary Katherine Campbell (1905-90) Douglas Fairbanks Sr. (1883-1939) Hannes Schneider (1890-1955) William Desmond Taylor (1872-1922) Mary Miles Minter (1902-84) Charlotte Shelby (1877-1957) Lord Rothermere (1868-1940) Samuel Eliot Morison (1887-1976) Fritz Busch (1890-1951) Ernst Heinkel (1888-1958) Wilhelm Furtwangler (1886-1954) Guglielmo Ferrero (1871-1942) Rollin Kirby (1875-1952) Richmal Crompton (1890-1969) Karen Horney (1885-1952) Herbert Thomas Kalmus (1881-1963) Natalie Kalmus (1882-1965) Luis Carlos Prestes (1898-1990 Bronislaw Malinowski (1884-1942) Natalie Kalmus (1878-1965) Mark Van Doren (1894-1972) Aimee Semple McPherson (1890-1944) 'Cops', 1922 John Barrymore (1882-1942) William Haines (1900-73) Clive Bell (1881-1964) Ugo Betti (1892-1953) Emily Post (1872-1960) Rube Marshall (1890-1958) Fritz Pollard (1894-1986) Joyce Wethered (1901-97) William Allen White (1868-1944) Jess Sweetser (1902-89) Gene Sarazen (1902-99) Patrick Maynard Stuart Blackett (1897-1974) Fridtjof Nansen (1861-1930) Jacinto Benavente y Martinez (1866-1954) Niels Bohr (1885-1962) Francis William Aston (1877-1945) Edgar Rice Burroughs (1875-1950) Archibald Vivian Hill (1886-1977) Otto Fritz Meyerhof (1884-1951) John Galsworthy (1867-1933) Herbert McLean Evans (1882-1971) Dewitt Wallace (1889-1981) and Lila Wallace (1889-1984) Notre Dame Four Horsemen Barbara Cartland (1901-2000) Dirk Coster (1889-1950) Wyatt Earp (1848-1929) George de Hevesy (1885-1966) John Harwood (1895-1963) Rogers Hornsby (1896-1963) Nat Fleischer (1887-1972) Francois Mauriac (1885-1970) Guy Newall (1885-1937) Elliot Harold Paul (1891-1958) Rainer Maria Rilke (1875-1926) Arthur M. Schlesinger Sr. (1888-1965) Victor Marlborough Silvester (1900-78) T.S. Stribling (1881-1965) Genevieve Taggard (1894-1948) Harry Warren (1893-1981) 'Abies Irish Rose', 1922 Margery Williams (1881-1944) 'The Velveteen Rabbit', 1922 Sergei Winogradsky (1856-1953) Stefan Zweig (1881-1942) Max Adler (1873-1937) Rafael Alducin (1889-1924) Francois Coty (1874-1934) Paul Éluard (1895-1952) Harry Emerson Fosdick (1878-1960) Jaroslav Heyrovsky (1890-1967) Jacques Ibert (1890-1962) Roger Martin du Gard (1881-1958) Hans Friedrich Karl Günther (1891-1968) U.S. Capt. Dale Mabry (1891-1922) Henri Désiré Landru (1869-1922) Kenelm Lee Guinness (1887-1937) Burton Jesse Hendrick (1870-1949) Jimmy Murphy (1894-1924) George Jacob Mecherle (1877-1951) Samuel Irving Newhouse Sr. (1895-1979) Howard Carter (1874-1939) George Edward Stanhope Molyneux Herbert, 5th Earl Carnarvon (1866-1923) King Tuthankhamen (Tut) William Weber Coblentz (1873-1962) Sir William Lyons (1901-85) William Walmsley (1892-1961) SS Cars Logo Jaguar Logo Jaguar SS100, 1936-40 Jaguar XK120, 1949 Jaguar E-Type, 1961 C.E.P. Brooks (1888-1957) Vannevar Bush (1890-1974) Emile Berliner (1851-1929) Joseph-Armand Bombardier (1907-64) Bombardier Snowmobile Anton Flettner (1885-1961) Anton Flettner's Rotor Ship Baden-Baden Leo Fall (1873-1925) Marshall J. Gauvin (1881-1978) Alfred Lunt (1892-1977) and Lynn Fontanne (1887-1983) Ted Healy (1896-1937) and the Three Stooges Ben Travers (1886-1980) Emanuel List (1888-1967) Jane Chester as Columbia's Proud Lady Sir Arthur Bliss (1891-1975) 'The Prisoner of Zenda', 1922 Lewis Stone (1879-1953) Alice Terry (1899-1987) Rex Ingram (1892-1950) 'Robin Hood', 1922 Cameo Records Bessie Love (1898-1986) Trixie Smith (1895-1943) Kenneth Harlan (1895-1967) Marie Prevost (1898-1937) Sol Lesser (1890-1980) Elisabeth Rethberg (1894-1976) 'Seventh Heaven', 1922 Wampas Baby Stars, 1922-34 'Blood and Sand', 1922 'The Headless Horseman', 1922 'Nosferatu', 1922 'Othello', 1922 Our Gang', 1922-44 'Shadows', 1922 'Smilin' Through', 1922 'When Knighthood Was in Flower', 1922 John Barrymore (1882-1941) Louise Dresser (1878-1965) Alfred Hitchcock (1899-1980) Angelus Temple, 1922 Henry Bacon (1866-1924) Daniel Chester French (1850-1931) Jules Guérin (1866-1946) Lincoln Memorial, 1922 Lincoln Memorial, 1922 Earl Carroll Theatre, 1922 'Oedipus Rex' by Max Ernst (1891-1976), 1922 'At the Rendezvous of Friends' by Max Ernst (1891-1976), 1922 'Morning Glories' by Tsuguhara Foujita, 1922 Mark Gertler (1891-1939) 'Queen of Sheba' by Mark Gertler (1891-1939), 1922 Austin Seven, 1922-39) Mah Jong Set, 1922 Hollywood Bowl, 1922 Eskimo Pie, 1921 Christian Kent Nelson (1893-1992) Russell Stover (1888-1954) Russell Stover Candies, 1925 Good Humor Truck, 1920 Eureka Model 9 Vacuum Cleaner, 1922 Newbery Medal Harold Ross Harris (1895-1988) Andrei Tupolev (1888-1972) Ant-20 Maxim Gorky USS Langley (CV-1) Knickerbocker Theatre, 1917 Knickerbocker Theatre, Jan. 28, 1922 Lorado Taft (1860-1936) 'Fountain of Time', by Lorado Taft (1860-1936), 1910-22

1922 Chinese Year: Dog. The U.S. govt. this year has revenues of $4.919B and expenditures of $4.068B, and cuts federal spending from $6.3B in 1920 to $3.2B, while cutting federal taxes from $6.6B in 1920 to $4B; federal taxes reach a low point in 1924 as the federal debt, which had been $24.2B in 1920 continues to decline until 1930; U.S. GNP: $74.1B; unemployed in the U.S.: 2.8M (6.7%); unemployment reaches a low of 1.8% in 1926 at the peak of the Roaring Twenties, and is only lower in 1944; "The seven years from the autumn of 1922 to the autumn of 1929 were arguably the brightest period in the economic history of the United States. Virtually all the measures of economic well-being suggested that the economy had reached new heights in terms of prosperity and the achievement of improvements in human welfare. Real gross national product increased every year, consumer prices were stable (as measured by the consumer price index), real wages rose as a consequence of productivity advance, stock prices tripled. Automobile production in 1929 was almost precisely double the level of 1922. It was in the twenties that Americans bought their first car, their first radio, made their first long-distance telephone call, took their first out-of-state vacation. This was the decade when America entered 'the age of mass consumption.'" (Veder and Gallaway). British textile exports (yards): cotton: 4.313B, linens: 77M, silk: 5M; British trade union membership: 5.6M. Marriages in the U.S.: 1.126M; divorces: 148K (13%). Japanese pop. growth becomes a public concern as emigration doesn't ease it, causing a turn to foreign trade to provide employment. After pogroms in Europe and the opening of the Suez Canal attract them, the Jewish pop. of Egypt is 75K-80K; by 2004 it is less than 100. On Jan. 1 Flemish (the English-like W Germanic Dutch dialect of N Belgium) is put on a par with French as an official language in Belgium. On Jan. 2 Calif. and Washington and Jeferson College play to a scoreless tie in the 1922 Rose Bowl - anyone breathing the perfumed airs of the Rose Bowl could have problems? On Jan. 4 U.S. Senate Resolution No. 127 directs the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to investigate the home furnishings industry; on Oct. 6, 1924 Vol. 3 is pub., covering vacuum cleaners, with Ch. 2 reporting that four cos. account for over half the industry's dollar volume, and that the rate of return on investment in the vacuum cleaner industry is 44.1%, "very much higher than the average rates of return... on house furnishings, domestic appliances" due to it being "a comparatively new device, the market for which is far from fully exploited and was protected by patents with limited competition." On Jan. 8 a Polish-controlled plebiscite boycotted by Lithuanians is used as an excuse by Poland to annex the Lithuanian capital city of Vilnius, causing the Lithuanian govt. to sever diplomatic relations with Poland (until 1938); in Nov. the Vatican recognizes Lithuania, with a stipulation by Cardinal Pietro Gasparri that Lithuania "have friendly relations with Poland", pissing it off and causing it to refuse virtually all episcopal appointments. On Jan. 14 after the Fatty Arbuckle scandal, U.S. postmaster gen. #46 (since ?, 1921) William Harrison "Will" Hays (1879-1954) (known for working with other Repubs. to wreck the League of Nations) resigns to become pres. of the new Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of Am., formed by the "Big Three" studios MGM, First National, and Famous Players-Lasky, taking office on Mar. 6 with a $100K/year salary, helping the film industry's six major Hollywood studios police themselves to forestall govt. censorship, but with no formal code. On Jan. 17 Ion I.C. Bratianu becomes PM of Romania again (until Mar. 29, 1926), and this time rules as a virtual dictator, nationalizing the mines and forests, and instituting universal suffrage - which is all token anyway? On Jan. 21 conservative atty. Raymond Poincare (1860-1934), who unsuccessfully defended sci-fi writer Jules Verne in a libel suit in the 1890s over a mad scientist novel becomes PM of France (until 1913), forming a new cabinet with an agenda of forcing reparation payments from Germany to pay for restoring devastated regions; Alexander Millerand remains pres. On Jan. 22 Pope (since 1914) Benedict XV (b. 1854) dies, and after a 5-day conclave (longest of the 20th cent.) on Feb. 6 Cardinal (since 1921, a total of only 8 mo.) Ambrogio Damiano Achille Ratti is elected Pope (#259) Pius XI (1857-1939), going on to strongly condemn Communism, and forbid the growing movement of devotion to Mary as a priest(ess) - too pagan even for them? On Jan. 23 after two years of talks with Britain, the Egyptian Wafdist (nationalist) leaders proclaim a policy of passive resistance to British rule; on Feb. 28 Britain relents and grants Egypt its independence, but retains authority over its foreign policy and defense, the Suez Canal and the Sudan, along with the Capitulations (special courts for foreigners), ending the 1919 Egyptian Rev.; on Mar. 15 sultan (since Oct. 9, 1917) Fuad (Fouad) I (1868-1936) is demoted from sultan to king of Egypt (until Apr. 28, 1936); since it is a unilateral declaration with four hated reservations, the Egyptians accept it grumblingly while waiting for their chance, the pot bubbling ever harder until the 1952 rev., while 32 different govts. are formed, with a stable pool of cabinet members dominated by the landholding class and the Wafdist Party; the only opposition party at first is the Liberal Constitutional Party, led by Adli Yakan (Yegen) Pasha (1864-1933), based on the writings of Ahmad Lutfi al-Sayyid (1872-1963) and Muhammad Husayn Haykal (1888-1956); an Egyptian Communist Party is formed, but it never attracts much support; the success of the nonviolent Egyptian rev. inspires Gandhi - where did all the good times go? Speaking of good times? On Jan. 24 after inventing the idea and in 1919 and launching sales last year, Danish-born Onawa, Iowa chemist Christian Kent Nelson (1893-1999) receives a patent for "I-Scream Bars", with a special chocolate shell that hardens in the cold and retains the ice cream inside, going into business with Alton, Kan.-born chocolate manufacturer Russell William Stover (1888-1954), who trademarks the name Eskimo Pie, a chocolate-dipped ice cream bar, which becomes a big hit until copycats nearly put them out of business in 1924, after which Stover and his wife Clara sell-out for $25K and move to Denver, Colo. in 1925, marketing chocolates under the name Russell Stover Candies (originally Mrs. Stover's Bungalow Candies), selling-out to box maker Louis Ward in 1969, who sells it to Lindt of Switzerland on July 14, 2014; meanwhile Nelson sells-out to U.S. Foil Co. (later Reynolds Metal Co.), rejoining in 1935 and inventing new manufacturing and shipping methods until his retirement in 1992, when Eskimo Pie Corp. is acquired by Nestle, followed in 2000 by CoolBrands Internat. of Markham, Ont., Canada; meanwhile in Jan. 1922 after hearing about the Eskimo Pie and sending 12 ice cream trucks out in 1920 selling his own version door-to-door under the name Good Humor Ice Cream Suckers, Harry B. Burt (1875-1926) of Youngstown, Ohio applies for a patent for the Good Humor Bar chocolate-coated ice cream on a stick, receiving it in Oct. 1923, and operating trucks until the 1970s; meanwhile in 1925 he files a patent violation lawsuit against Popsicle Corp., which is settled out of court. In Jan. Marxist Felipe Carrillo Puerto (1874-1924), AKA "Red Dragon with Jade Eyes" and "Apostle of the Indians" of the Southeast Socialist Party (PSS) becomes gov. of Yucatan, Mexico (until 1924), instituting agrarian reform and land redistribution, and having an affair with U.S. journalist Alma Reed (1889-1966) On Jan. 27-28 the Knickerbocker Blizzard (Storm) in the upper South and mid-Alantic U.S. dumps 20+ in. of snow and causes the flat-roofed Knickerbocker Theatre movie house in Washington, D.C. (founded 1917) to collapse on Jan. 28 (9:00 p.m.), killing 98 incl. ex-Congressman Andrew Jackson Barchfield and injuring 133, becoming the biggest snowstorm in Washington, D.C. since the Washington-Jefferson Storm of Jan. 1772; Congress is adjourned during the storm; architect Reginald Geare commits suicide in 1927, followed in 1937 by owner Harry Crandall. until they bump him off - maybe you think you have a going problem? On Feb. 1 after insisting on honoring the Treaty of Versailles, Jewish industrialist Walther Rathenau (b. 1867), known for opposing Zionism and Socialism in favor of assimilation of Jews into German society is named German foreign minister, then on June 24 is assassinated by three Protocols of the Elders of Zion-thumping German ultra-nationalists (Erwin Kern, Hermann Fischer, Ernst Werner Techow), causing the fledgling Nazi Party to point to him as proof of the Jewish Communist conspiracy and declare his assassins nat. heroes on June 24, 1933; Albert Einstein comments that the assassination caused him to be "greatly disturbed"; on Nov. 22 after Joseph Wirth resigns, Wilhelm Cuno (1876-1933) becomes German chancellor (until Aug. 12, 1923), going on to run the printing presses to pay German debts, leading to hyperinflation, which peaks next summer; Friedrich Ebert Sr. is reelected pres. of Germany. On Feb. 1 Irish-born Hollywood movie dir. (head of Paramount subsidiary Famous Players-Lasky and dir. of the Screen Directors' Guild) William Desmond Taylor (William Cunningham Deane-Tanner) (b. 1872) (who vanished from his home in New York City on Oct. 23, 1908, leaving a wife and daughter, moving to Hollywood and changing his name) is murdered in his bungalow apt. on Alvarado St. in the Westlake district of Los Angeles, Calif., with his body discovered the next morning by his black servant Henry Peavey, laying on his back on the floor of his study, with his large lucky diamond ring still on his finger and two .38 bullets in his heart, causing him to run down the street crying "Dey've kilt Massa!"; he is later found out to have been carrying on simultaneous affairs with Mabel Normand (who rushed to the bungalow to search for love letters before the police got there, along with Famous Players-Lasky gen. mgr. Charles Eyton, and Paramount boss Adolph Zukor?), Mary Miles Minter (Juliet Reilly) (1902-84) and her manipulative actress mother Charlotte Shelby (1877-1957), and to have a cache of porno and locked closet full of women's underwear tagged with initials and dates, incl. one embroidered MMM, causing Minter's rep as a virgin to tank and her career to skid; it is also found out that he visited queer dens that served drugs, and that Normand spent $2K a mo. for cocaine, forcing her to retire; the case is never solved, but the lurid revelations of hanky-panky, drugs, and bisexuality spur the growing movement to clean up Hollywood, ending in the 1930 Code of Decency; gossip pins the murder on Shelby, ruining Minter's career, causing her to retire in 1923, after which she and her mother go to fat. On Feb. 5 a railroad train in ?, Japan is buried by an avalanche, killing 110. On Feb. 6 the Russian Cheka is changed to the GPU (State Political Directorate, a section of the NKVD, with "Iron" Felix Dzerzhinsky still in total control; dissolved on Nov. 15, 1923 - pass the potato chips? On Feb. 8 Pres. Harding has a radio installed in the White House. On Feb. 9 the Bonomi cabinet resigns, and on Feb. 26 Luigi Facta (1861-1930) becomes Italian PM #39 with a new cabinet, but de facta is he doesn't last the year as he fails to deal with Mussolini, getting fired and reappointed in July, then deciding to declare martial law, only to have the king refuse to sign it and sack him on Oct. 31 because the Fascists are advancing on Rome and taking over the provinces - is that a facta? The final shrine to White is Right in America? On Feb. 12 (Pres. Abraham Lincoln's birthday) the $3M Lincoln Memorial in West Potomac Park in Washington, D.C. is dedicated, designed by Watseka, Ill.-born architect Henry Bacon (1866-1924), with the seated statue of Lincoln designed in 1920 by Exeter, N.H.-born sculptor Daniel Chester French (1850-1931), and carved by the Piccirilli Brothers, with interior murals painted by St. Louis, Mo.-born Jules Vallee Guerin (Jules Vallée Guérin) (1866-1946); poet Edwin Markham reads his poem Lincoln, the Man of the People, containing the soundbyte: "Into the shape she breathed a flame to light/ That tender, tragic, ever-changing face./ Here was a man to hold against the world,/ A man to match the mountains and the sea"; chief justice William H. Taft dedicates it again on May 30; the bldg. is of marble, granite, and limestone (all white), and there are 36 Doric pillars representing the 36 states in the Union in 1865; the white marble statue of Lincoln is designed by Daniel Chester French, and behind it are the words "In this temple, as in the hearts of the people for whom he saved the Union, the memory of Abraham Lincoln is enshrined forever"; the S wall decorations depict the Emancipation of the Black Race, with subordinate groups representing Civilization and Progress; the N wall represents Reunion and Progress in the Arts and Sciences; other walls contain the Gettysburg Speech and Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address; the 2,029 ft. x 167 ft. Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool is designed by Henry Bacon. On Feb. 12 Jewish-Am. sportswriter Nathaniel Stanley "Nat" Fleischer (1887-1972) begins pub. the mag. The Ring, covering the boxing world. On Feb. 18 Pres. Harding signs the U.S. Capper-Volstead Act, exempting farmers' cooperatives from antitrust legislation. On Feb. 21 the U.S. dirigible Roma crashes and burns in Norfolk, Va., killing Capt. Dale Mabry (b. 1891) and 33 others, becoming the worst U.S. aviation accident so far. On Feb. 25 "French Bluebeard" Henri Desire (Henri Désiré) Landru (b. 1869) is guillotined after being convicted of placing lonely hearts ads seeking lonely widows, then luring them to his villa and murdering them to get their money, then burning their bodies in his oven to get rid of the evidence; too bad, he has so many aliases that he keeps ledgers, which condemn him. On Feb. 27 the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously upholds the 19th Amendment to the Constitution, and women's votes are safe. On Mar. 3 a Fascist coup overthrows the govt. in Fiume, and on Mar. 17 it is occupied by Italian troops, straining relations with Yugoslavia. The dirtier the laundry, the longer it takes to launder? The Earp legend is a long time in coming? On Mar. 12 the Los Angeles Times pub. the story Lurid Trails Left By Older-Day Bandits, claiming that the "Earp Gang" started the Oct. 26, 1881 O.K. Corral Gunfight "when four cowboys refused to recognize the right of the Earp gang to rule the town", and "the Earps ordered the cowboys out of town and they were preparing to leave when they were waylaid and a gun battle followed", causing Wyatt Berry Stapp Earp (1848-1929) and his wife Josie Marcus to go nonlinear and write to silent film cowboy actor William S. Hart to vindicate them with a film, which he tries but fails to make; meanwhile Earp gets his secy. John H. Flood Jr. to write his bio., but the style is so stilted that every publisher rejects it, then in 1928 he hires San Diego, Calif. writer Stuart N. Lake, who writes Wyatt Earp, Frontier Marshal, which is pub. in 1931, two years after Earp's death; Josie then pub. I Married Wyatt Earp; Earp's own self-glorifying version of the O.K. Corral gunfight, Wyatt Earp by Wyatt S. Earp is not pub. until 1981 - by then it's too late, Star Trek took it over? On Mar. 18 Gandhi is sentenced to six years on civil disobedience pip-pip sedition charges; he is released after two years. On Mar. 23 the Yakut rebels take the main town of Yakutsk from the Red Army with their six machine guns, and proclaim a people's govt., causing the Soviets on Apr. 27 to declare the Yakut SSR instead and send an army down to take it back, ousting the White rebels from Yakutsk in the summer, causing them to retreat to the E Russian ports of Okhotsk and Ayan and call on the people's govt. of Vladivostok for aid. On Mar. 31 the Dallas Historical Society is founded in Dallas, Tex.; in 1938 it assumes mgt. of the Hall of State at Fair Park. On Apr. 10 the Genoa Conference opens between 24 creditor and debtor nations from WWI; it ends on May 19 without resolution after the Apr. 16 announcement of the Treaty of Rapallo between the "outcast powers" Germany and the Soviet Union, which mutually cancels war debts and gives Germany most-favored nation status; in this decade the Germans and Soviets are great pals, and the Germans secretly manufacture munitions and train troops in the Soviet Union in violation of the Treaty of Versailles. On Apr. 18-22 the U.S. House Committee on Foreign Affairs holds hearings on a resolution expressing satisfaction with the Balfour Declaration, with France, Italy, Serbia, Greece, Netherlands, Siam, China, and Japan sending letters expressing support; on June 30 a joint resolution of both houses of the U.S. Congress endorses a mandate for Palestine, and confirms the right of Jews to settle anywhere between the Mediterranean Sea and Jordan River. On Apr. 26 a 6.8 earthquake hits Tokyo, Japan. In Apr. the Union Treaty formally joins Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus into the Union of Soviet Socialist Repubs. (Soviet Union) (ends Dec. 8, 1991); on Dec. 20 the Transcaucasian Soviet Federated Socialist Repub. (Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan) is accepted into the Soviet Union; Germany formally recognizes the Soviet Union; Armenia becomes a Soviet success story as its pop. increases by 50% by 1939 and its industrial production goes from 20% to 75% of the country's total in 50 years; Soviet means "a transmission belt from the party to the masses" (Joseph Stalin). On May 10 the first Dia de la Madre (Mother's Day) is celebrated in Mexico after lobbying by newspaper publisher Rafael Alducin (1878-1924). On May 11 100-watt 857 kHz BBC 2LO becomes the 2nd radio station to begin regular broadcasts in Britain. On May 13 the Hitler Youth (Hitler-Jugend) are formed by the Nazi Party. On May 16 the govt. of Demetrius Gounaris narrowly survives a vote of confidence over the deepening military crisis, causing Gounaris to resign and accept a demotion to justice minister, while engineer-politician Petros Protopapadakis (1854-1922) becomes patsy, er, PM (until Sept. 26). On May 21 Buffalo, N.Y.-born liberal Presbyterian preacher Harry Emerson Fosdick (1878-1960) delivers the sermon Shall the Fundamentalists Win?, defending the unpopular modernist position, regarding the Bible as a record of the unfolding of God's will not the literal Word of God, taking an evolutionary view of Christian history itself, calling for an open-minded, intellectual, and tolerant “Christian fellowship”; the sermon gets him fired from his post at New York's First Presbyterian Church, after which Riverside Church is built for him by John D. Rockefeller. On May 26 Am. stage actor Alfred Lunt (1892-1977) and English stage actress Lynn Fontanne (1887-1983) marry and begin acting opposite each other, becoming the leading acting couple in the U.S. through the 1950s, when they are replaced by Hollywood actors Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward - six n's vs. 3 n's and 3 o's? In May the Fascists drive out the Communist city govt. of Bologna, and attempt to follow suit all over Italy. In May Joseph Stalin (1879-1953) becomes gen. secy. of the CPSU (Soviet Communist Party), promoting his buddy Lazar Kaganovich (1893-1991) to head the Orgburo (org. dept.) of the secretariat so that he can promote his supporters to key positions in the bureaucracy; in 1925-8 Kaganovich becomes first secy. of the Ukrainian Communist Party, working to bloodily suppress kulaks (rich peasants), after which he is transferred back to Moscow to become secy. of the central committee until 1939, overseeing the development of the underground Moscow Metro while mentoring young Nikita Khrushchev. On June 7 State Farm Insurance is founded in Bloomington, Ill. by retired farmer George Jacob Mecherle (1877-1951) (pr. ma-herl) to sell automobile insurance to farmers sans coverage for city driving, expanding to all types of insurance, with 67K employees, 17K agents, and 77M policies incl. 40M automobiles by 2009; in 1971 Barry Manilow writes the jingle "Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there." On June 30 a joint resolution of both houses of the U.S. Congress endorses a mandate for Palestine, and confirms the right of Jews to settle anywhere between the Mediterranean Sea and Jordan River. In June seeing their chance, the Kurdish Revolt in N Iraq begins (ends July 1924), led by Sheik Mahmud al-Barzinji, who declares himself king of the independent state of Kurdistan. On July 1 the Great Railroad Strike of 1922 (Railway Shopmen's Strike) by 400K workers in seven of 16 railroad labor orgs. begins, collapsing in Aug. after 11 are killed, becoming the largest railway strike in the U.S. since the 1894 Pullman strike, and biggest strike of any kind since the 1919 steel strike; on July 27 "Sage of Emporia" William Allen White (1868-1944) pub the editorial "To an Anxious Friend" in the Emporia Gazette, airing his gripes about being arrested for protesting the way the state of Kan. treated the strikers. On July 2 (11:30 p.m.) the Winslow Junction Train Derailment in N.J. sees Train 33 of the Philadelphia & Reading Railway's Atlantic City Railroad derail near Winslow Tower killing seven and injuring 89. On July 16 French Pres. Millerand dedicates the Monument to Cpl. Andre Peugeot (-1914) at Jonchery-sur-Vesle, the first soldier KIA in WWI; after the Germans destroy it in July 1940, it is rebuilt in 1959. On July 24 after both houses of the U.S. Congress approve it on June 30, the League of Nations enacts the British Mandate for Palestine as a first step towards implementation of the Balfour Declaration, calling for the establishment of a Jewish nat. home incl. the right to increase Jewish settlement in all of the historical territory of Israel, incl. Judea, Samaria, and Jerusalem; in Aug. the 5th Arab Congress in Nablus rejects the mandate, and Arab riots and pressure lead to the Churchill White Paper, which postpones the provisions of the mandate in Eastern Palestine (E of the Jordan River), giving it to the Arab Hashemi family and effectively denying Jews access to three-fourths of Palestine for the purpose of settlement in the new state of Transjordan, with Sharif Abdullah Ibn Hussein granted autonomy by Britain within the Palestinian mandate; Winston's Hiccup (Churchill's Sneeze), a narrow of strip of Transjordan extending into Iraq is attributed to Winston Churchill drawing the boundary after a big meal; later Article 80 of the U.N. Charter stipulates that the U.N. shall recognize all decisions made by the League of Nations council. In July the Tenente Rebellion in Brazil by middle class officers and poor enlisted men against the Brazilian agarian oligarchies, led by Communist revolutionary Luis Carlos Prestes (1898-1990) is crushed after the 25K km "Long March" through the Brazilian interior shows they have the numbers. On Aug. 3-4 the Fascists seize control of the Milan city govt. On Aug. 14 Arthur Harmsworth, 1st Viscount Northcliffe (b. 1865) dies, and John Jacob Astor, 1st Baron Astor of Hever (1886-1971) purchases the London Times, becoming chmn. (until 1959), going on to sponsor Edmund Hillary's Mount Everest expedition. On Aug. 18 the Turks begin a counteroffensive against the Greeks, and take Smyrna on Aug. 27-Sept. 9, followed by Edirne (Adrianople), causing the Greeks to evacuate Anatolia (Turkey) in a hurry, becoming known as the Asia Minor Catastrophe; the People's Party govt. of Demetrios Gounaris is on its last legs; meanwhile on Nov. 1 the grand assembly abolishes the sultanate, with the intention of introducing Ataboy's pro-Western modernization reforms, which the ignorant Muslim pop. mixes-up, thinking they're returning to the days of the first caliphs?; sultan (since 1918) Mehmed VI (b. 1861) flees to Malta, and on Nov. 19 is succeeded by Abdul Mejid (Abdulmecid) II (1868-1944), who is demoted from sultan #37 to caliph (until Mar. 3, 1924). On Aug. 30 750 White Russian volunteers under gen. Anatoly Nikolaevich Pepelyayev (1891-1938) (brother of Viktor Pepelyayev) sail from Vladivostok to help the Yakut rebels, landing in Ayan on Sept. 2 and marching to Yakutsk, going on to occupy Nelkan, only to learn that the Red Army has captured Vladivostok, effectively ending the Russian Civil War (begun Dec. 31, 1917), turning them into doomed suckers. On Sept. 5 after being nominated by Pres. Harding, English-born U.S. Rep. (R-Utah) (1901-3) and U.S. Sen. (1905-17) Alexander George Sutherland (1862-1942) becomes U.S. Supreme Court justice #70 (until Jan. 17, 1938); on Dec. 21 Dakota County, Minn.-born Dem. Pierce Butler (1866-1939) (son of Irish Roman Catholic immigrants) becomes U.S. Supreme Court justice #71 (until Nov. 16 1939) (firt from Minn.) to fill the vacancies left by John H. Clarke (1916-22), William D. Day (1903-22), and Mahlon Pitney (1912-22), leaving the court at eight members until next year, and going on to become two of the Four Horsemen who strike down FDR's New Deal legislation. On Sept. 7 the Miss America 1922 contest is held at the Million Dollar Pier in Atlantic City, N.J., with the Bathing Review of 57 beauty pageant contestants joined by the mayor and his entire police force in bathing atire; Miss Columbus, Ohio Mary Katherine Campbell (1905-90) edges out last year's winner Margaret Gorman; judges incl. Norman Rockwell, James Montgomery Flagg, and Howard Chandler Christy, who start out with a body part points system then switch to overall beauty; the last time that the Inter-City champ (Campbell) must compete against prof. (Dorothy Knapp) and amateur (Gladys Grenemeyer) winners. On Sept. 13 the highest temp. ever recorded on Earth (136.4 F) (58.0 C) is recorded in 'Aziziya (El Azizia) (Al-Azizyah), Libya (until ?) - get used to it? ON Sept. 9 Turkish forces regain control of Smyrna (Izmir); on Sept. 13-22 the Great Fire of Smyrna (Izmir) kills 10K-100, destroying the Greek and Armenian quarters but not touching the Muslim and Jewish quarters; the fire was started by Turkish soldiers setting fire to Greek and Armenian homes and businesses, although they claim that the Greeks and Armenians fired their own bldgs. to tarnish the Turks' rep; 50K-400K Greek and Armenian refugees seek refuge in the waterfront for up to two weeks, while Turkish troops commit atrocities on them and deport 25K-100K to the interior. On Sept. 19 Pres. Harding vetoes a WWI vets' bonus bill, despite the House passing it by 333-70 and the Senate by 35-17, saying that it is unfair to add to the burdens of 110M taxpayers. On Sept. 26 a pro-Venizelos military coup in Greece led by Col. Nikolaos Plastiras (1883-1953) and Col. Stylianos Gonatas (1876-1966) takes power and sets up a token civilian govt., with Alexandros Zaimis (1855-1936) as PM, who demands the abdication of Constantine I; he abdicates on Sept. 27 and dies next Jan. 11 in exile in Palermo, Italy; meanwhile his son George II (1890-1947) becomes king of Greece (1922-3, 1935-47) as a military puppet; on Nov. 13 after Zaimis resigns, Constantine's ministers and military cmdrs. are tried for treason over the Asia Minor Catrastophe, and after the Trial of the Six, Demetrios Gounaris, Petros Protopapadakis, Nikolaos Stratos, and three others are convicted on shot at Goudi on Nov. 15 despite a telegram from Venizelos in Paris; on Dec. 4 the ex-king's brother Prince Andrew is banished from Greece for life, settling in London; Panayotis (Panagis) (Panagiotis) Tsaldaris (1868-1936) becomes the new leader of the wounded People's Party, which takes until 1932 to recover. In Sept. the Repub.-backed U.S. Fordney-McCumber Tariff Act, sponsored by U.S. Rep. (R-Mich.) Joseph Warren Fordney (1853-1932) and U.S. Sen. (R-N.D.) Porter James McCumber (1858-1933) raises avg. rates on imports to 38.5% in a record-breaking attempt to encumber and deny the ford with the rest of the world and achieve U.S. economic and political isolation after WWI; too bad, other countries retaliate with high tariffs, hurting U.S. agriculture and helping to bring on the Great Depression. In Sept. the unsolved double-murder of Rev. Edwin Wheeler Hall and Mrs. James Mills in a lover's lane in N.J. is called the Crime of the Cent. - for starters maybe? On Oct. 4-8 the 93-61 New York Giants (NL) defeat the 94-60 New York Yankees (AL) 4-0-1 in the Nineteenth (19th) (1922) World Series (the format is changed back to best-of-7); Rogers Hornsby (1896-1963) of St. Louis becomes player #3 to win baseball's triple crown (#2 is Heinie Zimmerman in 1912); this season Babe Ruth swats only 35 homers, losing to Ken Williams, who has 44; Ruth leads in homers for every other season from 1914-34 except for 1925 (Stan Musial with 33), and ties in 1918 (11, Tilly Walker of Philadelphia) and 1931 (46, Lou Gehrig). On Oct. 10 the Anglo-Iraq Treaty (ratified in 1924) gives Britain management of Iraq's foreign affairs and defense, along with advisors in the govt., while giving a Iraq a constitution that makes Iraqis pay for their British bosses; in an attempt to end border disputes Sir Percy Cox, British high commissioner in Iraq draws new borders between Iraq, Kuwait, and Arabia. Once Italy goes black it'll never go back? On Oct. 16 Mussolini forms a quadrumvirate to rule Italy, consisting of Michele Bianchi (1883-1930), Italo Balbo (1896-1940), Gen. Emilio De Bono (1866-1944), and Robert De Niro lookalike Dino Grandi (1895-1988), who becomes Italian foreign affairs minister in Sept. 12, 1929-July 20, 1932. On Oct. 18 the British Broadcasting Co. (BBC) is licensed as a monopoly, and begins domestic radio service on Nov. 14, with Sir John Charles Walsham Reith (1889-1971) as gen. mgr.; initiating broadcasts from London Station 2LO on Nov. 4; next Jan. 8 it broadcasts the British Nat. Opera Co.'s production of The Magic Flute from Covent Garden; next June 6 Edgar Wallace reports on the Epsom Derby, becoming the first British radio sports journalist; on Apr. 23, 1924 George V makes his first broadcast on the BBC from Wembly Stadium, opening the British Empire Exhibition. On Oct. 20 Chicago, Ill.-born Army Air Service Lt. Harold Ross Harris (1895-1988) bails out of a crippled test plane at McCook Field in Dayton, Ohio, becoming the first member of the Caterpillar Club for those who have been saved by a parachute; Harris goes on to make the first flight by a U.S.pilot over the Alps from Italy to Franc4, invent crop-dusting, test the world's first pressurized aicrraft, rise to brig. gen. in the USAF, and become vice-pres. of Pan Am. On Oct. 22 the secret Tupolev Co. (originally Tupolev Design Bureau OKB-156) is founded in Fili, Moscow, Russia by Hugo Junkers to get around the Versailles Treaty, concentrating on R&D into all-metal aircraft; in 1925 he turns it over to Russian aerospace engineer Andrei Nikolayevich Tupolev (1888-1972), going oon to manufacture the ANT-4 twin-engine bomber (1925), the ANT-6 4-engine bomber (1932), and the 8-engine Tupolev ANT-20 Maxim Gorky (first flight May 19, 1934), which becomes the largest airplane of the 1930s and is used for propaganda. On Oct. 22-29 after Mussolini hears that PM Luigi Facta gave Gabriele d'Annunzio the go-ahead to organize a large anti-Fascist demonstration on Nov. 22, the March on Rome sees ? of 700K Fascist Party members march on Rome; on Oct. 24 before 60K at the Fascist Congress in Naples, Benito Mussolini (1883-1945) calls for the resignation of Luigi Facta and formation of a Fascist cabinet; after Facta refuses, on Oct. 28 Mussolini's Blackshirts (known for bludgeoning enemies then force-feeding them castor oil to humiliate them) march on Rome to make him an offer he can't refuse; on Oct. 29 Mussolini is summoned from Milan, and on Mar. 30 is appointed PM #40 of Italy by King Victor Emmanuel III, being sworn-in on Oct. 31 (until July 25, 1943) and forming a cabinet of Fascists and Nationalists; on Nov. 25 the king and parliament grant him dictatorial powers until Dec. 31, 1923, and he assumes the title of Julius, er, Il Duce, appointing prefects and subprefects for a new govt. modeled on the kaput ancient Roman Empire, while still mouthing support for the constitution; chamber of deputies pres. Vittorio Orlando supports the Fascist govt. (until 1925); Alessandro Pavolini (1903-45) becomes Fascist Party secy. On Oct. 23 after gen. elections in Britain give Conservatives 344 seats, Labour 138, and Liberals 117, Kingston, New Brunswick, Canada-born Conservative leader Andrew Bonar Law (1858-1923), known for working for tariff reform and against Irish Home Rule, becomes the first province-born British PM (until May 20, 1923), and first to be born outside the British Isles (until ?), going on to negotiate its war debt with the U.S.; too bad, he contracts terminal throat cancer. On Oct. 27 (birthday of Pres. Theodore Roosevelt) the first annual celebration of Navy Day is organized by the Navy League of the U.S.; in 1775 it changes the date to Oct. 13 to concide with the birthday of the Continental Navy; meanwhile in 1949 the U.S. Navy changes the date to Armed Forces Day on the 3rd Sat. in May. In Oct. Am.-born Anglophile T.S. Eliot (1888-1965) founds the quarterly lit. journal The Criterion (until Jan. 1939), and becomes a British subject in 1927, writing pessimistic poems until 1927, when he gets religion and hope? On Nov. 2 the Associated Press (AP) pub. a Report on Global Warming, with the soundbyte: "The Arctic Ocean is warming up, icebergs are growing scarcer, and in some places the seals are finding the water too hot. Reports from fishermen, seal hunters, and explorers all point to a radical change in climate conditions and hitherto unheard-of temperatures in the Arctic zone. Exploration expeditions report that scarcely any ice has been met as far north as 81 degrees 29 minutes. Within a few years it is predicted that due to the ice melt the sea will rise and make most coastal cities uninhabitable." On Nov. 4 Kensington, London-born English Egyptologist Howard Carter (1874-1939) announces his discovery, along with financial backer George Edward Stanhope Molyneux Herbert, 5th Earl Carnarvon (1866-1923) of KV62, the Valley of the Kings tomb of 18-y.-o. king Tut (Tutankhamun) (d. -1323) underneath workmen's huts from the Ramesside Period, becoming the first Egyptian tomb discovered unopened in modern times, containing more than 5K objects, incl. his lifelike Gold Death Mask of King Tutankhamun on his mummy, found inside nine outer cases and a 300-lb. gold inner case; on Nov. 26 Carter makes a "tiny breach in the top left hand corner", allowing them to peer by candlelight at the "wonderful things" of glimmering gold and ebony. On Nov. 7 the 1922 U.S. Congressional Election reduces the Repub. majority in the House by 77 seats (225 vs. 207 for the Dems.), making it hard for Pres. Hardly to govern. On Nov. 14 Janis Cakste (1859-1927) becomes pres. #1 of Latvia (until Mar. 14, 1927). On Nov. 21 the Conference of Lausanne of 1922-3 (ends 1923) in Switzerland convenes to parley with Kemal Ataturk, who sends his chief of staff Ismet Pasa (hero of a double V over the Greeks in Inonu) as new foreign minister with instructions to take a hard stand on Turkish sovereignty, promoting him to Lt. Gen., after which he changes him name to Mustafa Ismet Inonu (Inönü) (1884-1973) in 1934. On Nov. 21 Rebecca Ann Felton (1835-1930) becomes the first woman to sit in the U.S. Senate, serving 24 hours after the gov. of Ga. appoints her to fill the vacancy left by her hubby Thomas E. Watson - the original Granny Clampett? In Nov. Gen. Josef Pilsudski resigns as pres. of Poland. On Dec. 10 elections in Australia gives the Nationalist Party 27 seats, the Labour Party 29, and the anti-Nationalist Country Party 14 and a balance of power. On Dec. 13 Houston East & West Texas Railway passenger train No. 28 en route for Shreveport, La. sideswipes a light engine in Humble, Tex., killing 22 and injuring 11 after high-pressure steam enters the first three passenger coaches. On Dec. 18 (10:30 a.m.) a Federal Reserve truck parked at a loading dock of the Denver Mint near the State Capitol in Denver, Colo. (W. Colfax Ave. and Delaware St.) is robbed of $200K in $5 bills by five men in a black Buick touring car carrying shotguns, killing guard Charles Linton; on Jan. 14 their car is found in a garage nearby on Gilpin St. in Denver's Capitol Hill, complete with the frozen body of 36-y.-o. Nicholas "Chaw Jimmie" Trainor, who was shot in the jaw by mint guards; on Feb. 17 $80K of the loot is recovered near Minneapolis, Minn., but the case is never solved, although in 1934 police claim that five men and two women were conspirators, but do not release names, claiming they are all dead or in prison already; the case is officially closed on Dec. 1, 1934. On Dec. 19 24-y.-o. Mrs. Theresa Vaughn admits to a police court in Sheffield, England that she has married 62 men in the past five years without obtaining any divorces - the polyandry loophole? On Dec. 30 Vladimir I. Lenin proclaims the establishment of the atheist Union of Soviet Socialist Repubs. (U.S.S.R.) (Soviet Union); the Cathedral of Our Lady of Kazan near Nevsky Prospekt in Leningrad becomes known as the Museum of Atheism; a small enclave of White Russians still hold "Pepelyayevshchina" in E Russia - the Atheistic New Jerusalem with its own Christ and Holy Sepulchre, and a few remaining doubting Thomases, whom the regime can't wait to nail? Ignaz Seipel (1876-1932) becomes federal chancellor of Austria's First Repub. (until 1924), going on to promote cooperation between the Heimwehr and wealthy industrialists - and these are my employees? Hipolito Irigoyen retires as required by the Argentine constitution, and Marcelo Torcuato de Alvear (1868-1942) becomes pres. of Argentina (until 1928). Germany secedes Upper Silesia to Poland. Gen. elections in Australia give Labour 29 seats, Nationalists 27, and the Country Party 14. The Irish Free State is officially proclaimed. Afghanistan establishes its first nat. budget. Russian troops led by Gen. Vasili Blucher take Vladivostok, terminus of the Trans-Siberian railway from Japanese occupation troops. The Teapot Dome scandal over the leasing of naval oil reserves is investigated by the U.S. Senate under the leadership of Thomas James Walsh (1859-1933) (D-Mont.) and Burton Kendall Wheeler (1882-1975) (D-Mont.). The Federal Narcotics Control Board is established by Pres. Harding, which is consolidated with the Drug Enforcement Assoc. on June 14, 1930. Unemployed Glasgow workers stage a hunger march to London. Niger is made a French colony after numerous rebellions are quashed and order restored. The League of Nations gives final approval to the French mandate for Syria. The British Empire Settlement Act promises British govt. assistance in promoting emigration to Australia, becoming the first large-scale state-assisted migration program by the British govt., with 400K receiving £6M in subsidies. After her daughter Margaret was denied in 1919, Welsh suffragette Sybil Margaret Thomas, 1st Viscountess Rhondda (1857-1941) is permitted to take a seat in the British House of Lords, then summarily refused before her fanny can hit the cushion; it takes until 1958 for Lady Stella Reading to do it. The Trust (ends 1925) is created by Cheka head Felix Dzerzhinsky et al. as a fake anti-Bolshevik govt. in order to lure real anti-Bolsheviks into supporting it so they can neutralize them; it proves extremely successful, bringing in $3M a year and thwarting the efforts of real anti-Bolsheviks. Italian anti-Fascist historian Guglielmo Ferrero (1871-1942) is cracked down on by the govt. and forbidden to leave Italy until 1930, when he becomes a prof. at the U. of Geneva and continues dissing them, causing the govt. to seize all his writings in Italian. The U.S. Supreme Court rules that Japanese are not eligible for naturalization because they are not "free white persons" under the 1790 naturalization law, and not "persons of African descent" under the 1870 law. East Africa adopts a decimal currency system. Ra'anana, Israel on the S Sharon Plain is founded. The Aniakchak Volcano on the coast of Alaska is discovered - couldn't sit down for a week? The world's first concentration camp is set up by the Soviets in the Solovki Islands in the White Sea. Count Richard Nikolas Coudenhove-Kalergi (1894-1972) of Austria-Hungary, whose mother is Japanese and whose father speaks 16 languages founds the Pan-European Union (PEU), later backed by Crown Prince Otto von Hapsburg (1912-) as "the only way to prevent a world hegemony by Russia"; next year it pub. the Pan-Europa Manifesto; in 1925 Kalergi pub. the Kalergi Plan (AKA Coudenhove-Kalergi Conspiracy) in his book "Praktischer Idealismus" (Practical Idealism), predicting the disappearance of the pure European white race and replacement by a Eurasian-Negroid race similar to the ancient Egyptians; it becomes a favorite of the far-right. Germany achieves up to 3 hours flight with gliders; the first Experimental Gliding Congress is held in Vauville (near Cherbourg) in France. Southern Rhodesia votes down a proposal to become the 5th province of the Union of South Africa in favor of self-autonomy, and next Sept. 12 it is annexed by the U.K., adopting a constitution on Oct. 1 (until Apr. 1980). The Austin Seven microcar begins production in Britain (until 1939), monopolizing the British market and becoming the British Model T, with 290K units sold. The Benedictines of Solesmes, revivers of authentic Gregorian chants return to their abbey after 21 years of exile on the (enchanted?) Isle of Wight. Lenin decides that cinema is the most important of all the arts for the future education of good Soviets. Willia Cather's babe Isabelle McClung moves to Europe with her hubby, ending their 17-year love relationship; Cather says, "In 1922 or thereabouts the world broke in half, and I belong with the former half", and refuses to change with the times in her writing? Despite grossing $10.5M in the previous two years, the Ku Klux Klan is almost bankrupt through mismanagement. Florence Harding becomes the first First Lady with a fortune teller in the White House. The Internat. Brotherhood of Magicians is founded; members promise not to tell how their tricks work - like how they use fake legs and a trap door for the sawing the lady in half trick? A 42.90 gram silver decadrachm piece, made in 470 B.C.E. to celebrate the Greek victory over the Persians is found in Sparta, becoming the most valuable non-U.S. coin among coin collectors ($272,240 in 1974). C.B.C., later known as Columbia Pictures is founded; their Gem of the Ocean Logo features 16-y.-o. Jane Chester as the Proud Lady, holding a torch aloft in her right hand; retired in 1976. Ford buys the Lincoln Motor Co. for $8M. U.S. agriculture secy. (1920-1) Edwin Thomas Meredith (1876-1928), pub. of "Successful Farming" since 1914 (circ. 600K) founds Better Homes and Gardens mag. The information explosion shows signs of arrival with the debut of Reader's Digest of condensed books and mags. ("articles of lasting interest"), founded by Dewitt Wallace (1889-1981) and Lila Bell Wallace (nee Acheson) (1889-1984) in Greenwich Village, N.Y.; in 1955 it begins carrying ads. Gas gauges are now featured on car instrument panels, and backup lights on a few models. Mercedes-Daimler cars become #1 in auto racing. Essex Motor Co. is founded by Roy Dikeman Chapman of Hudson Motor Car Co., producing the first affordable mass-produced enclosed automobile, and causing the U.S. auto industry to move away from open touring cars to coaches. U.S.-style cocktails become popular in Europe after English novelist Alec Waugh (1898-1981) (brother of novelist Evelyn Waugh) serves rum swizzles to shocked friends who came for tea, inventing the Cocktail Party. Am. vaudeville performer Ted Healy (1896-1937) (real name Clarence Ernst Nash) hires old friend Moe Howard (Horwitz) (1897-1975) for his act as a stooge (a shill pretending to be an audience member who comes onstage, with Healy as the straight man), and next year hires Moe's older brother Shemp Howard (Horwitz) (1895-1955), then Larry Fine (Louis Feinberg) (1902-75) in 1925, and Moe's younger brother Jerome "Curly" Howard (Horwitz) (1903-52) in 1932, forming the act later known as the Three Stooges (all Jewish, nyuk nyuk). New York City cartoonist Rollin Kirby (1875-1972) wins a Pulitzer Prize for his 1921 editorial cartoon On the Road to Moscow, becoming the first cartoon to win; he does it again in 1925 and 1929. The U.S. Honeybee Act prohibits the importation of adult honeybees into the U.S. The League of Nations bans white-lead interior paint; the U.S. declines to join the ban. Manufactured cigarettes surpass plug tobacco to become the highest grossing tobacco product in the U.S. When the spotlight's on, I gotta be on? Lord Northcliffe (b. 1865) dies, and his brother Harold Sidney Harmsworth, 1st Viscount Rothermere (1868-1940) inherits the London Daily Mail; Boston, Mass.-born historian Samuel Eliot Morison (1887-1976) (distant relative of T.S. Eliot) becomes the first to hold the position of Harmsworth Visiting Prof. of Am. History at Queen's College, Oxford U. for visiting Am. historians, established by Lord Rothermere in memory of his sons Vyvyan and Vere, who were KIA in WWI; in 1925 Morison returns to Harvard U., becoming the last prof. to arrive on campus on horseback. Maxim Gorky moves to Sorrento, Italy for his health until 1928, and on his return to the Soviet Union is received with official honors. The U.S. military goes band-crazy, and founds the U.S. Army Band ("Pershing's Own") this year, followed by the U.S. Navy Band and U.S. Coast Guard Band in 1925, and the U.S. Air Force Band in 1941. New York City-born Jewish-Am. failed atty. Samuel Irving Newhouse Sr. (Solomon Isadore Neuhaus) (1895-1979) founds Advance Pubs., starting with the Staten Island Advance newspaper, going on to build an empire of newspapers with monopolies incl. Long Island Daily Press (1932), Syracuse Herald and Journal (1939), Portland Oregonian (1950), The Birmingham News (1955), The Huntsville Times (1955), the St. Louis Globe-Democrat (1955), Conde Nast Pubs. (1959), Times-Picayune (1962), Cleveland Plain Dealer (1967), and Booth Newspapers (1976); he also builds an empire of mags. incl. Parade, Allure, Architectural Digest, Bon Apetit, Gentlemen's Quarterly, Glamour, Gourmet, The New Yorker, Mademoiselle, Vanity Fair, and Vogue; his son Samuel Irving "S.I." Newhouse Jr. (1927-2017) becomes chmn.-CEO, with a net worth of $9.5B, and his other son Donald Edward Newhouse (1929-) becomes pres., with a net worth of $10.5B; by Oct. 2014 it is the 44th largest privately held co. in the U.S., holding 31% of Discovery cable channel, and 13% of Charter Communications. The word "oops" first appears in a cartoon in the Washington Post. The elegant Classic Style takes over women's fashions in the U.S. Joseph P. Babcock of Standard Oil Co. begins importing Mah Jong (Jongg) (Chin. "cluttering birds") sets from Shanghai to the U.S., starting a worldwide craze by 1924, with a flurry of books on it pub., calling it Pung-Chow, Mah Chang, Mahjunk, Ma Cheuk, the Game of Sparrow (the Bird of 100 Intelligences) et al. Columbia U. man Carl Van Doren leaves The Nation and becomes literary ed. of Century Mag. (founded 1881) (until 1925); his younger brother and fellow Colombia U. man Mark Van Doren (1894-1972) becomes lit. editor of The Nation in 1924-8 - how adorable - that makes me sweat? The Detroit Inst. of Arts in Mich. acquires its own version of Rodin's The Thinker, sitting it at the entrance. The city of Sacramento, Calif. passes an ordinance requiring "all male citizens over the age of consent to grow whiskers and thus make the town look like it used to" in 1849; enthusiastic men found a Whiskerino Club, and the longest pair is 17 ft. long. The Internat. Union for Cultural Cooperation is founded in Vienna. The Internat. Society for Contemporary Music (ISCM) is founded in Salzburg, Austria following the "Young Viennese" composers' concert. The first John Newbery Medal is awarded by the Assoc. for Library Service to Children, a div. of the Am. Library Assoc. for "the most distinguished contribution to American literature for children" to Hendrik Willem van Loon for The Story of Mankind. Les Nouvelles Litteraires, Artistique et Scientifiques mag. is founded in Paris. The State Inst. for Racial Biology is founded in Uppsala, Sweden, headed by Herman Lundborg, becoming the first govt.-sponsored racial biology research institute, with the goal of using eugenics and racial hygiene to fight criminality and psychiatric problems incl. alcoholism, going on to pub. the h.s. textbook "Swedish Racial Studies"; in 1936 after going too anti-Semitic, Lundborg is replaced by Gunnar Dahlberg; in 1959 it is integrated into Uppsala U. Corsican-born French perfume magnate Francois Coty (Joseph Marie Francois Spoturno) (1874-1934) (relative of Napoleon Bonaparte) purchases the daily Parisian newspaper Le Figaro (founded Jan. 15, 1826). Japanese Buddhist Mikao Usui (1865-1926) founds Reiki, a spiritual practice based on fasting and meditation on Mt. Kurama in Japan, signing up mainly students from the military. The Izaak Walton League of Am. in Chicago, Ill. is founded to preserve fishing streams. Internat. PEN (Poets, Essayists, and Novelists) Club, an internat. club for writers is founded on Oct. 5 in London by Mrs. Catherine Amy Dawson Scott (1865-1934), with "Forsyte Saga" novelist John Galsworthy (1867-1933) as pres. #1, going on to fight for writers' rights, becoming the first human rights org. and first internat. lit. org.; in 2010 it becomes PEN Internat. The Wampas Baby Stars promotional campaign is founded by the Western Assoc. of Motion Picture Advertisers (until 1934, except 1930 and 1933), honoring 13 hot new starlets at the Wampas Frolic each year (15 in 1932); 150 stars are eventually honored, some who get hot and most not, incl. Bessie Love (1898-1986) (1922), Jacqueline Medura Logan (1904-83) (1922), Evelyn Brent (1899-1975) (1923), Jobyna Ralston (1899-1967) (1923), Clara Bow (1905-65) (1924), Janet Gaynor (1906-84) (1926), June Collyer (1906-68) (1928), Jean Arthur (1900-91) (1929), Loretta Young (1913-2000) (1929), Joan Blondell (1906-79) (1931), Eleanor Holm (1913-2004) (1932), Gloria Stuart (1910-2010) (1932), Marian Shockley (1911-81) (1932), Ginger Rogers (1911-95) (1932), and Judith Arlen (Laurette Rutherford) (1914-68) (1934). Cameo Records is founded in Manattan, N.Y. in Feb. to produce 50-cent jazz dance records (until 1930). New Orleans, La.-born Louis "Satchmo" Armstrong (1901-71) launches his career with Joe "King" Oliver's Creole Jazz Band in New Orleans. Fritz Busch (1890-1951) becomes dir. of the State Opera in Dresden, Germany. Marc Chagall leaves grim cold Russia for gay warm sunny Paris - no brainer? T.E. Lawrence of Arabia resigns from the Middle East div. of the British Colonial Office (1921-2) and enlists as a private with the RAF under the name Ross to escape publicity hounds. Charlie Chaplin (Chaplain?) (known in Hollywood for being well-endowed) auditions for a role as Jesus Christ, with the soundbyte: "I want to play the role of Jesus. I'm a logical choice. I look the part. I'm a Jew. And I'm a comedian... And I'm an atheist, so I'd be able to look at the character objectively." Am. actor John Barrymore (John Sidney "Jack" Blyth) (1882-1942), "the Great Profile" achieves stardom playing Hamlet in New York City this year and in England in 1925 before leaving the stage to return to Hollywood in 1926. The Webb Schools (originally Webb School of Calif.) boarding schools for grades 9-12 are founded in Claremont, Calif. by Thompson Webb (1887-1975), with the motto "Principes, non homines" (Leaders, not ordinary men); the Vivian Webb School for girls is founded in 1981. Beaconsfield Film Studios is founded in Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire by producer George Clark (1888-1946) and actor-dir. Guy Newhall (1885-1937), selling-out to British Lion Film Corp. in 1929, going on to produce Britain's first talkie, and found a film-TV production school in 1971 that results in the animated chars. Wallace and Gromit. Wilhelm Furtwangler (1886-1954) conducts the Gewandhaus Concerts in Leipzig. Cigar-chomping German Jewish film dir. Ernst Lubitsch (1894-1947) leaves Berlin for Hollywood after Mary Pickford hires him, then gets a 3-year 6-film contract with Warner Bros. The Newbery Medal for children's lit., named for British children's lit. pub. John Newbery (1713-67) begins to be awarded by the Am. Library Assoc.; the first goes to Hendrik Willem Van Loon (1882-1944) for The Story of Mankind. Russian abstract art founder Vassily Kandinsky becomes a prof. at the Bauhaus in Weimar, Germany (until 1933). Archibald Leach (Cary Grant) gets a job as a stiltwalker at Coney Island in N.Y. Austrian Jewish bass Emanuel List (1888-1967) makes his opera debut at the Volksoper in Vienna as Mephistopheles in Charles Gounod's "Faust"; in 1933 after doing the entire Wagnerian Ring Cycle in Bayreuth, he flees Germany for the U.S. German soprano Elisabeth Rethberg (1894-1976) makes her debut with the Metropolitan Opera as Verdi's Aida, going on to remain with them for 20 seasons, becoming a favorite of conductor Arturo Toscanini and the #1 opera soprano, with Rosa Ponselle as #2. Constantin S. Stanislavsky goes on a European tour with the Moscow Arts Theater (1922-4). David Warfield begins touring the U.S. as Shylock in Shakespeare's "Merchant of Venice" (until 1924) - Dustin who? Russian Symbolist theatrical dir. Vsevolod Emilevich Meyerhold (1874-1942) opens the Meyerhold Theater in Moscow, staging avant-garde shows and tutoring filmmaker Sergei Eisenstein; too bad, he disses Stalin's Socialist realism, and his theater is closed in Jan. 1938, and on June 20, 1939 he is arrested, tortured, and executed as a spy. Raytheon ("Gr. "light from the gods") Co. (originally the Am. Appliance Co.) is founded in Cambridge, Mass. by engineers Vannevar Bush (1890-1974) and Laurence K. Marshall, and scientist Charles G. Smith to produce refrigerators, switching to electronics, manufacturing a rectifier tube for radios that allows them to plug into the house current and eliminate batteries; in WWII it manufactures magnetron tubes; in 1945 it invents the microwave oven, manufacturing the Radarange microwave oven in 1947; in 1945 it acquires the Submarine Signal Co. (founded 1901) and goes into defense work. The Checker Taxicab begins to be manufactured in Kalamazoo, Mich. (until 1982). Am. shoe manufacturer John Ward Melville (1877-1977) creates the Thom McAn shoe line, named after Scottish golfer Thomas McCann, opening 650 stores by 1939 and becoming known for quality leather at affordable prices. Candymaker Hans Riegel Sr. of Bonn, Germany founds Haribo (Hans Reigel, Bonn) on Dec. 13 to manufacture Gummi Bears. Wheaties brand breakfast cereal is invented accidentally on a hot stove by a clinician working for the Washburn Crosby Co. (later Gen. Mills) in Minn., and 1924 after being perfected by head miller George Cormack, they are introduced as Washburn's Gold Medal Whole Wheat Flakes, with the final name selected via an employee contest won by export mgr. Jane Bausman; in 1927 they advertise in the minor league baseball Nicollette Park in Minneapolis, Minn., beginning their association with sports, after adman Knox Reeves of Minneapolis coins the slogan "The Breakfast of Champions", which peaks in the 1930s and 1940s, with 46 of 51 players of the 1939 ML All-Star Game endorsing it, and sponsoring the first ML baseball game ever televised on Aug. 29, 1939 on NBC-TV; the first Athlete on a Wheaties box is Lou Gehrig in 1934; Ronald Reagan launches his Hollywood career as the most popular Wheaties announcer of the year 1937. Heinkel Flugzeugwerke is founded in Warnemunde, Mecklenburg-Worpommern, Germany by Ernst Heinkel (1888-1958), going on to produce bomber aircraft for the Luftwaffe in WWII and pioneer liquid-fueled rockets and turbojet-powered aircraft. Jaguar Cars (originally the Swallow Sidecar Co.) is founded in Whitley, Coventry, England by "Mr. Jaguar" Sir William Lyons (1901-85) and William Walmsley (1892-1961) to make motorcycle sidecars, founding SS Cars Ltd. in 1935, and first using the Jaguar name in 1935, going on to produce a series of ultra-cool sports cars incl. the Jaguar SS100 (1936-40), Jaguar XK120 (1948-54), Jaguar XK 140 (1954-7), Jaguar XK150 (1957-61), and Jaguar E-Type (XK-E) (1961-75); in 1945 after WWII causes their initials SS to become un-PC, they change their name to Jaguar Cars Ltd.; in 1966 they are acquired by British Motor Corp., and in 1968 merge with Leyland Motor Corp., which is nationalized in 1975-84, then in 1990 are acquired by Ford. Grupo Modelo brewery is founded in Mexico City, Mexico, introducing Modelo Especial in 1925, which becomes the #2 imported beer in the U.S., known for cute stubby bottles, and Corona Extra brand beer in 1925, becoming the best-selling beer in Mexico, and the #1 imported beer in the U.S., known for clear glass long neck bottles into which consumer stick lime or lemon slices; the logo is red poppies; the co. goes on to capture 63% of the Mexican beer market; in ? Anheuser-Busch InBev acquires 50% ownership. Sports: On Feb. 25 the first invitational World Classic Bowling Tournament is held in Chicago, Ill., with 24 bowlers bowling 115 games on four specially-built lanes in the Chicago Coliseum, with the winner having to defaet the 2nd-4th place finishers in separate 60-game matches; the winner is Jimmy Blouin, winning $1,200 prize money; Blouin goes on to defeat Phil Wolf on Sept. 22, Mort Lindsey on Nov. 11, and Jimmy Smith on Dec. 19, becoming the official World Match Game champion, defending his title aganist Joe Falcaro on Oct. 23, 1923, and against Joe Scribner on Jan. 31, 1925. On Mar. 17-28 the 1922 Stanley Cup Finals in Arena Gardens in Toronto see the Toronto St. Patricks of the NHL defeat the Vancouver Millionaires of the PCHA 3-2; Vancouver center Jack Adams is the star, scoring 6 goals. On Apr. 29-May 5 the 1922 WNBA Nat. Tournament sees Emma Jaeger (1888-1964) of Toledo, Ohio win the singles competition with a score of 603, becoming the first over 600 to win; she goes on to threepeat in 1921-3, and win the WBNA all-events title in 1918, 1921, 1928, and 1929. On May 18 Irish driver Kenelm Edward Lee Guinness (1887-1937) (member of the Guinness brewing family) sets a new land speed record of 136.05 mph in his Sunbeam 350HP with V12 Manitou engine, becoming the last to be set on a racetrack rather than a beach or salt flat. On May 30 the 1922 (10th) Indianapolis 500 is won by James Anthony "Jimmy" Murphy (1894-1924), who becomes the first to win from the pole position; Ralph De Palma comes in 4th. On Aug. 25 after jumping to a 25-6 lead in the 4th inning, and seeing the Phillies close the score and load the bases in the 9th inning, after which CF Bevo LeBourveau is struck out by relief pitcher Tiny Osborne, the Cubs defeat the Phillies by 26-23 before 7K fans at Cubs Park, becoming the highest scoring ML baseball game of the 20th cent. (until ?). On Nov. 11 the Commonwealth Five all-black basketball team, founded by boxing promoters Ed McMahon and Jess McMahon makes its debut at the Commonwealth Sporting Club and Casino at 135th St. and Madison Ave. in Harlem, N.Y., defeating the all-white Monarch Elks Five by 25-13, becoming the first all-black pro basketball team, going on win the Colored Basketball World Championship in 1924. The U.S. Congress grants anti-trust action immunity to ML baseball. Joyce Wethered (Lady Heathcote-Amory) (1901-97) of England wins the first of four golf championships; Jesse W. "Jess" Sweetser (1902-89) defeats Bobby Jones and Chick Evans to win the U.S. Golf Assoc. amateur title, and Gene Sarazen (1902-99) wins the U.S. Open along with the PGA Championship, going on to win a career Grand Slam; in 1926 Sweetser becomes the first U.S.-born player to win the British amateur golf title. George V of Britain opens a new 15K-seat concrete tennis stadium at Wimbledon; Bill Tilden and W.M. Johnston win the singles, and Tilden and V. Richards lose the doubles but win the Davis Cup in tennis; Suzanne Lenglen avenges the previous year's loss to Molla Mallory with a 26-min. 6-2, 6-0 win at Wimbledon; in the summer they play for the last time, and Lenglen wins 6-0, 6-0. The NFL begins requiring players to sign contracts instead of oral agreements sealed with a handshake. The Notre Dame Fighting Irish football team backfield from 1922 to the Rose Bowl game of 1925 gains legendary status as the Four Horsemen, incl. QB Harry Augustus Stuhldreher (1901-65), HB Don "Midnight" Miller (1902-79), HB James Harold "Jim" Crowley (1902-86), and FB Elmer Francis Layden (1903-73). Bobby "Rube" Marshall (1890-1958) (end) of the Rock Island Independents and Frederick Douglass "Fritz" Pollard (1894-1986) (halfback) of the Akron Pros break the color barrier to become the first black players in pro football, joining the NFL. Honkbal Hoofdklasse becomes the first prof. baseball league in the Netherlands. The ABC separates bowling alley owners and employees in separate membership classes; in 1929 it adds financial backers and instructors; the rule is dropped in 1948. Austrian skiing champ Hannes Schneider (1890-1955) opens a ski school in St. Anton am Arlberg. Victor Marlborough Silvester (1900-78) of Britain becomes the world ballroom dancing champ, going on to conduct the Ballroom Orchestra, which sells 75M records from the 1930s-1980s. The Chosun Racing Club in South Korea is founded to sponsor horse races; nexst year it adopts the parimutuel betting system; in 1933 the Chosun Horse Racing Authority is established to regulate the sport nationally, being renamed in 1945 to the Korea Racing Authority. Architecture: On July 11 the Hollywood Bowl (cap. 17,376) at 2301 N Highland Ave. S of the Hollywood Hills behind the famous Hollywood sign opens, with seating on wooden benches on the hillsides of Bolton Canyon, becoming the summer home of the Los Angeles Philharmonic; the debut performance is conducted by Alfred Hertz; in 1927 Frank Lloyd Wright builds a pyramidal shell to improve the acoustics, replacing it with a fiberglass shell in 1928. Canadian-born Pentecostal preacher Sister Aimee Elizabeth Simple McPherson (nee Kennedy) (1899-1944) builds the spaceship-like Angelus Temple in Echo Park, Los Angeles, Calif. (cap. 5.3K) (dedicated Jan. 1, 1923) - making California the home of the UFO cult way back in 1922? The Earl Carroll Theatre at 753 Seventh Ave. & West 50th Street in Manhattan, N.Y. opens, reopening on a more lavish scale in Aug. 1931, billed as "the largest legitimate theater in the world" before going bankrupt in 1932 and purchased by Florenz Ziegfeld, who renames it the Casino Theatre, successfully reviving "Show Boat" before going bankrupt in 1933, after which it is acquired by Billy Rose, who turns it into a nightclub; in 1939, and in 1940 it becomes a Woolworth's store; a second Earl Carroll Theatre at 6230 Sunset Blvd. in Hollywood, Calif. opens on Dec. 26, 1938, featuring "the most beautiful girls in the world", with a 20-ft.-high neon portrait of Beryl Wallace; in 1948 after Carroll and Wallace are killed in the crash of Airlines Flight 624, it is sold, and operates until the 1950s. London County Council Hall in London, England is built. Nobel Prizes: Peace: Fridtjof Nansen (1861-1930) (Norway) [Nansen Passports]; Lit.: Jacinto Benavente y Martinez (1866-1954) (Spain); Physics: Niels Henrik David Bohr (1885-1962) (Denmark) [quantum physics]; Chem.: Francis William Aston (1877-1945) (England) [mass spectrograph and isotopes]. Inventions: On Mar. 20 converted coal carrier USS Langley (CV-1) (originally commissioned Apr. 7, 1913 as USS Jupiter and renamed for Samuel Pierpont Langley) becomes the first aircraft carrier; on Oct. 17 Lt. Virgil C. Griffin takes off in his Vought VE-7 from it, launching the aircraft carrier era. On July 16 German-born Jewish-Am. gramophone inventor Emile Berliner (1851-1929) and his son Henry Adler Berliner (1895-1970) demonstrate a working helicopter to the U.S. Army, consisting of a Nieuport 23 fighter aircraft fuselage with two horizontal rotors mounted on a truss, becoming the first working helicopter; in 1923 he adds triple wings as a backup; too bad, it never reaches an elevation higher than 15 ft. The first Snowmobile is built by Joseph-Armand Bombardier (1907-64) of Canada, who goes on to patent it in 1937, calling it the B-7, featuring a sprocket caterpillar half-track in the back and skis in front, followed by the 12-passenger B-12 in 1942. German inventors Josef Engl (1893-1942), Joseph Massolle (1889-1957) and Hans Vogt (1890-1979) develop the Tri-Ergon (Gr. "work of three") sound film system using photoelectric cells, but can't perfect it, and sell it to Fox Movie Corp., who hire Theodore Willard Case (1888-1944) to perfect it, creating the Fox Movietone Sound-on-Film System in 1927. Anton Flettner (1885-1961) of Germany invents the cool-looking look-ma-no-sails Flettner Rotorship, based on the Magnus Spin Drift Effect, which causes a rotating object to move through the water in a constant direction perpendicular to the airflow; in 1924 constructs the 3-masted 960-ton roto schooner Buckau, which works fine but wears out before it can pay for itself, causing the rotor ship idea to fizzle (until ?); in 1926 Anton Flettner's Magnus effect rotor ship Baden-Baden sails from Hamburg to New York City, causing a sensation. 18-y.-o. George Frost of Lane High School in Chicago, Ill. invents the car radio by fitting one to the door of a Ford Model T. John Harwood (1895-1963) of England invents a self-winding wristwatch (patented 1924) - masturbation jokes here? Chelsea, Mass.-born engineer Herbert Thomas Kalmus (1881-1963) develops Technicolor, the first commercially successful color process for motion pictures; he names it in tribute to his alma mater MIT; ex-wife Natalie Kalmus (1878-1965) appears as "color coordinator" on virtually every Technicolor film from 1934-49, becoming unpopular on sets for trying to make them make colors more bland while being unable to fire her. Fla. citrus grower Charles Murcott Smith develops the easily-peeled "big red" Murcott Honey Orange (really a tangerine). Stephen Poplawski invents the Blender (Liquidiser), putting a spinning blade at the bottom of a container to make soda fountain drinks. Am. sculptor Grace Storey Putnam invents the Bye-Lo Baby, becoming a popular doll. English aviator Maj. J.C. Savage invents Skywriting after watching WWI airplanes leaving smoke trails. RCA buys the 1918 patent for the Superheterodyne Radio from Edwin Howard Armstrong, creating a monopoly for the rest of the decade as it only requires one dial and everybody ditches the multi-dial regenerative models for it. Eureka ignores the 1926 expiration date of the original Hoover patents to introduce the $45 Eureka Model 9 upright vacuum cleaner, which is half the price of a Hoover and 6 lbs. lighter (11 lbs.) with the same motor horsepower, along with a front-mounted bag that won't hit furniture and spew dust unlike the rear-mounted bag on competitors' models, offering a 10-day free trial, becoming their best-selling model of all time, doing for vacuum cleaners what Henry Ford's Model T did for automobiles, selling 1M units in three years, vs. 713K for Hoover, and 2M units by 1927, reaching a one-third share, allowing them to expand into electric ranges and other appliances. Science: English physicist Patrick Maynard Stuart Blackett (1897-1974) experiments with element transmutation, winning the 1948 Nobel Physics Prize. Alexis Carrel (1873-1944) of France discovers white corpuscles. Am. physicist William Weber Coblentz (1873-1962) measures the relative thermal intensities of stellar images. The rare (#47) metallic element Hafnium (Lat. "Copenhagen") (#72), naturally occuring in most zirconium minerals (5% strength) is discovered in Copenhagen by Dutch physicist Dirk Coster (1889-1950) and Hungarian chemist George Charles de (Georg Karl von) Hevesy (1885-1966) based on Niels Bohr's prediction that it should resemble zirconium in structure, causing them to look in guess what kind of ores. Vitamin E (antisterility factor X) (alpha-tocopherol) is discovered by Am. embyrologist Herbert McLean Evans (1882-1971) and his asst. Katherine S. Bishop of the U. of Calif.; named by E.V. Shute in 1924. Czech chemist Jaroslav Heyrovsky (1890-1967) of Charles U. in Prague invents Polarography during investigations of the electrode potential of aluminum, pioneering the electroanalytic method and the field of Electrochemistry, winning him the 1959 Nobel Chem. Prize. Vitamin D is discovered in cod liver oil by Am. biochemist Elmer Verner McCollum (1879-1967). Am. zoologist T.H. Morgan experiments with the heredity mechanisms of fruit flies - I'm already on the pullout couch but we can make room? French philosopher Edouard Le Roy introduces the term "noosphere" for the future evolutionary state of the biosphere. Emil Werner and James Bell first describe the biguanide Metformin (Glucophage), found in French lilac (goat's rue); in 1929 its sugar-lowering action is discovered in rabbits; in 1958 it is introduced in Britain by Aaron subsidiary Rona; it is approved in Canada in 1972, and the U.S. FDA in 1994, with Bristol-Myers Squibb introducing it in the U.S. on Mar. 3, 1995, going on to become the world's most widely prescribed antidiabetic medication. Russian microbiologist Sergei Winogradsky (1856-1953) is appointed to the Pasteur Inst. in Brie-Comte-Robert, France, where he discovers and documents the biological process of nitrification and the cycle of life. Nonfiction: Max Adler (1873-1937), Die Staatsauffassung des Marxismus; criticizes Ludwig von Mises' 1919 work "Nation, State and Economy" as exmplifying "der neueren und eifervollsten des Neoliberalismus", coining the term "neoliberalism" for believers in free market economics who cling to laissez-faire but adopt marginalism in their analysis, challenging the Marxist labor-theory dogma. Alice Ann Bailey (1880-1949), Initiation, Human and Solar; first in a series channeling the Ageless Wisdom of Tibetan ascended master D.K. (Djwal Khul), who first contacted her in 1919; she becomes known for the teaching that St. Germain (AKA Master Rakoczi or Master R.) (the resurrected Sir Francis Bacon) will be chmn. of the Executive Council of Christ, who will return and stay and bring world peace for the entire 2,150-year period of the Age of Aquarius; too bad, she claims that Christ will return in an airplane on global TV - I think Neil Armstrong beat him to it? R.S. Baker, Woodrow Wilson and World Settlement (3 vols.). Clive Bell (1881-1964), Art. Hilaire Belloc (1870-1953), The Jews; "The anti-Semitic movement is essentially a reaction against the abnormal growth in Jewish power, and the new strength of anti-Semitism is largely due to the Jews themselves." Diedrich Bischoff, The Religion of the Freemasons. Max Born (1882-1970), Einstein's Theory of Relativity. Paul Bourget (1852-1935), Nouvelles Pages de Critique et de Doctrine. Abraham Arden Brill (1874-1948), Fundamental Conceptions of Psychoanalysis. C.E.P. Brooks (1888-1957), The Evolution of Climate; followed in 1926 by Climate Through the Ages; attributes the onset of the ice ages to geographical changes incl. evolving continental shapes, denying any role for astronomical forces except for solar activity variations, which he relegates to fluctuations of 100K years or less, rejecting CO2 as a cause of climate change; it contains the humorous soundbyte: "There are at least nine and twenty ways of constructing a theory of climate change, and there is probably some truth in quite a number of them." William Cabell Bruce (1860-1946), John Randolph of Roanoke, 1773-1883: A Biography Based Largely on New Material (2 vols.). Rudolf Carnap (1891-1970), The Space; logical positivism. G.K. Chesterton (1874-1936), Eugenics and Other Evils; What I Saw In America; "America is the only nation in the world that is founded on a creed. That creed is set forth with dogmatic and even theological lucidity in the Declaration of Independence; perhaps the only piece of practical politics that is also theoretical politics and also great literature. It enunciates that all men are equal in their claim to justice, that governments exist to give them that justice, and that their authority is for that reason just. It certainly does condemn anarchism, and it does also by inference condemn atheism, since it clearly names the Creator as the ultimate authority from whom these equal rights are derived. Nobody expects a modern political system to proceed logically in the application of such dogmas, and in the matter of God and Government it is naturally God whose claim is taken more lightly. The point is that there is a creed, if not about divine, at least about human things." Arthur Holly Compton (1892-1962), Secondary Radiations Produced by X-Rays. James John Davis (1873-1947), The Iron Puddler (autobio.). Richard Dehmel (1863-1920), Mein Leben (autobio.) (posth.). Tyler Dennett (1883-1949), Americans in Eastern Asia. Chauncey M. Depew (1834-1928), My Memories of Eighty Years (autobio.). John Dewey (1859-1952), Human Nature and Conduct: An Introduction to Social Psychology. Alfred Einstein (ed.), Riemann's Musiklexikon (10th ed.). Sidney Bradshaw Fay (1876-) (ed.), Fueter's World History 1815-1920. Lucien Febvre (1878-1956) and Lionel Bataillon, A Geographical Introduction to History. H.J. Fleure, Races of England and Wales. Henry Ford (1863-1947), My Life and Work (autobio.). Harry Emerson Fosdick (1878-1969), Christianity and Progress. Marshall J. Gauvin (1881-1978), Did Jesus Christ Really Live?; makes him a hit on the freethought circuit; "The orthodox idea that Christ was the son of God - God himself in human form - that he was the creator of the countless millions of glowing suns and wheeling worlds that strew the infinite expanse of the universe; that the forces of nature were the servants of his will and changed their courses at his command - such an idea has been abandoned by every independent thinker in the world - by e very thinker who relies on reason and experience rather than mere faith--by every man of science who places the integrity of nature above the challenge of ancient religious tales. Not only has the divinity of Christ been given up, but his existence as a man is being more and more seriously questioned. Some of the ablest scholars of the world deny that he ever lived at all. A commanding literature dealing with the inquiry, intense in its seriousness and profound and thorough in its research, is growing up in all countries, and spreading the conviction that Christ is a myth. The question is one of tremendous importance. For the Freethinker, as well as for the Christian, it is of the weightiest significance. The Christian religion has been and is a mighty fact in the world. For good or for ill, it has absorbed for many centuries the best energies of mankind. It has stayed the march of civilization, and made martyrs of some of the noblest men and women of the race: and it is to-day the greatest enemy of knowledge, of freedom, of social and industrial improvement, and of the genuine brotherhood of mankind. The progressive forces of the world are at war with this Asiatic superstition, and this war will continue until the triumph of truth and freedom is complete. The question, 'Did Jesus Christ Really Live?' goes to the very root of the conflict between reason and faith; and upon its determination depends, to some degree, the decision as to whether religion or humanity shall rule the world." Yes, the character of Christ could have been invented! The literature of the world is filled with invented characters; and the imaginary lives of the splendid men and women of fiction will forever arrest the interest of the mind and hold the heart enthralled. But how account for Christianity if Christ did not live? Let me ask another question. How account for the Renaissance, for the Reformation, for the French Revolution, or for Socialism? Not one of these movements was created by an individual. They grew. Christianity grew. The Christian church is older than the oldest Christian writings. Christ did not produce the church. The church produced the story of Christ. "The Jesus Christ of the Gospels could not possibly have been a real person. He is a combination of impossible elements. There may have lived in Palestine, nineteen centuries ago, a man whose name was Jesus, who went about doing good, who was followed by admiring associates, and who in the end met a violent death. But of this possible person, not a line was written when he lived, and of his life and character the world of to-day knows absolutely nothing. This Jesus, if he lived, was a man; and if he was a reformer, he was but one of many that have lived and died in every age of the world. W hen the world shall have learned that the Christ of the Gospels is a myth, that Christianity is untrue, it will turn its attention from the religious fictions of the past to the vital problems of to-day, and endeavor to solve them for the improvement of the well-being of the real men and women whom we know, and whom we ought to help and love." Etienne Gilson (1884-1978), Le Thomisme. Giovanni Giolitti (1842-1928), Memorie della Mia Vita (2 vols.). Hans Gunther (1891-1968), Racial Science of the German People (Rassenkunde des deutschen Volkes); bestseller (500K copies) defining a German racial superiority pyramid with Nordics at the top, followed by Mediterranean, Alpine, East Baltic, and Dinaric, while calling Jews "a thing of ferment and disturbance, a wedge driven by Asia into the European structure", making a fan of Adolf Hitler, who adopts his advice to avoid race-mixing and practice eugenics. Burton J. Hendrick (1870-1949), The Life and Letters of Walter H. Page (Pulitzer Prize). David George Hogarth (1862-1927), Arabia. Herbert Hoover (1874-1964), American Individualism. Karen Horney (1885-1952), Feminine Psychology (14 essays) (1922-37); takes on Sigmund Freud's theory of Penis Envy, founding Feminist Psychology - she's horney even without a penis? W.H. Hudson (1841-1922), A Hind in Richmond Park. Ellsworth Huntington (1876-1947) and Stephen Sargent Visher, Climatic Changes: Their Nature and Causes; "Thus the races, though alike in their physical response to climate, may possibly be different in their mental response because they have approached America by different paths"; "The human organism inherits so delicate an adjustment to climate that, in spite of man's boasted ability to live anywhere, the strain of the frozen North eliminates the more nervous and active types of mind." Dudley Wright Knox (1877-1960), The Eclipse of American Sea Power. Kurt Koffka (1886-1941), Perception: An Introduction to the Gestalt Theory. Nikolai Kondratiev (1892-1938), The World Economy and Its Conjectures During and After the War. D.H. Lawrence (1885-1930), Fantasia of the Unconscious. Lucien Levy-Bruhl (1857-1939), La Mentalite Primitive (The Primitive Mentality). Walter Lippmann (1889-1974), Public Opinion; coins the phrase "the manufacture of consent". Hendrik Willem van Loon (1882-1944), The Story of Mankind; "The people of the early Middle Ages never saw a textbook of Roman history. They were ignorant of many things which every school-boy to-day knows before he has entered the third grade. But the Roman Empire, which is merely a name to you, was to them something very much alive." Emil Ludwig (1881-1948), Bismarck: The Story of a Fighter (3 vols.) (1922-3). Bronislaw Malinowski (1884-1942), Argonauts of the Western Pacific: An Account of Native Enterprise and Adventure in the Archipelagoes of Melanesian New Guinea; about the Trobriand People in the Kiriwina Islands NE of Papua New Guinea; founds the science of ethnography, or study of one culture via direct contact, which is combined into multi-cultural studies by library ethnologists, who are considered second class since they're just paper-pushers?; followed by "The Sexual Life of Savages in North-Western Melanesia" (1929), and "Coral Gardens and Their Magic" (1935). Edgar Lee Masters (1868-1950), Children of the Market Place: A Fictitious Autobiography; life of Stephen Douglas. Shailer Mathews (1863-1941), The Validity of American Ideals. Ludwig von Mises (1881-1973), Socialism: An Economic and Sociological Analysis; an all-out attempt to refute socialism, which contains the soundbyte: "The only certain fact about Russian affairs under the Soviet regime with regard to which all people agree is: that the standard of living of the Russian masses is much lower than that of the masses in the country which is universally considered as the paragon of capitalism, the United States of America. If we were to regard the Soviet regime as an experiment, we would have to say that the experiment has clearly demonstrated the superiority of capitalism and the inferiority of socialism." Charles Edward Montague (1867-1928), Disenchantment; criticizes the way WWI was fought. De Lacy O'Leary (1872-1957), Islam at the Cross Roads: A Brief Survey of the Present Position and Problems of the World of Islam; A Short History of the Fatimid Khalifate. Sylvia Pankhurst (1858-1928), The Truth About the Oil War; "Oil concessions are those for which the great capitalists scramble most eagerly to-day." Emily Post (1872-1960), Etiquette in Society, in Business, in Politics and at Home; giant hit, updated yearly, brings the way the upper-classes live to the lower classes, esp. immigrants; "Manners are made up of trivialities of deportment which can be easily learned if one does not happen to know them; manner is personality - the outward manifestation of one's innate character and attitude toward life"; makes her an instant star, and becomes the bible of social graces. James Harvey Robinson (1863-1936), The Humanizing of Knowledge; article in Science, July 28. Bertrand Russell (1872-1970), The Problem of China. Arthur M. Schlesinger Sr. (1888-1965), New Viewpoints in American History; pioneers social history and urban history, containing the soundbyte: "From reading history in textbooks one would think half of our population made only a negligible contribution to history", along with the essay "The Significance of Jacksonian Democracy", with the soundbyte: "While democracy was working out its destiny in the forests of the Mississippi Valley, the men left behind in the eastern cities were engaging in a struggle to establish conditions of equality and social well-being adapted to their special circumstances"; in 1924 he becomes a history prof. at Harvard U. Carl Schmitt (1888-1985), Political Theology; uses Roman Catholicism to deny free will and bolster dictatorship; "Sovereign is he who decides on the exception"; "All significant concepts of the modern theory of the state are secularized theological concepts". Boris Sidis (1867-1923), Nervous Ills: Their Cause and Cure; blames fear as the underlying cause of much mental illness. Alfred Percy Sinnett (1840-1921), The Early Days of Theosophy in Europe (posth.). Frederick Soddy (1877-1956), Cartesian Economies. Lothrop Stoddard (1883-1950), The Revolt Against Civilization: The Menace of the Under Man; "Usually highly prolific, often endowed with extaordinary physical vigor, and able to migrate easily, owing to modern facilities of transportation, the more backward people of the earth tend increasingly to seek the centres of civilization, attracted thither by the higher wages and easier conditions which there prevail. The influx of such lower elements into civilized societies is an unmitigated disaster. It upsets living standards, socially sterilizes the higher native stocks, and if (as usually happens in the long run) interbreeding occurs, the racial foundations of civilization are undermined, and the mongrelized population, unable to bear the burden, sinks to a lower plane"; The New World of Islam; the rise and fall story up to today. Bert Leston Taylor (1866-1921) and Henry B. Fuller, The So-Called Human Race (essays) (posth.). Sir John Arthur Thompson (1861-1933), Outline of Science; big hit claiming to reconcile science and religion, selling 100K copies. Ferdinand Tonnies (1855-1936), Kritik der Offentlichen Meinung (Critique of Public Opinion). Arnold Joseph Toynbee (1889-1975), The Western Question in Greece and Turkey: A Study in the Contact of Civilizations. John Venn (1834-1923) and John Archibald Venn (1883-1958), The Biographical History of Cambridge University (10 vols.) (1922-53); son takes over his dead daddy's project. Alec Waugh (1898-1981), Public School Life: Boys, Parents, Masters. Max Weber (1864-1920), Methodology of the Social Sciences: The Meaning of Ethical Neutrality in Sociology and Economics. H.G. Wells (1866-1946), A Short History of the World - just look inside the music? Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951), Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus; a model of clarity, only 75 pages long; "The sum-total of reality is the world". William Butler Yeats (1865-1939), The Trembling of the Veil (autobio.). Music: Sir Arnold Bax (1883-1953), Symphony No. 1; The Happy Forest; Mediterranean. Irving Berlin (1888-1989), April Showers. Sir Arthur Bliss (1891-1975), A Color Symphony; incl. Pyonepsion (last movement). Henri Busser (1872-1973), Les Noces Corinthiennes (opera). John Alden Carpenter (1876-1951), Krazy Kat (blues ballet); based on the comics. Leo Fall (1873-1925), Madame Pompadour (operetta) (Vienna). Fred Fisher (1875-1942), Chicago; made into a hit by Frank Sinatra in the 1940s. P. Grainger and E. Robbins, 'T Ain't Nobody's Business (If I Do) (song). Paul Hindemith (1895-1963), Sancta Susanna (one-act opera) (Frankfurt). Jacques Ibert (1890-1962), Escales. Isham Jones (1894-1956), On the Alamo (#1 in the U.S.). Heinrich Kaminsky (1886-1946), Concerto Grosso for Double Orchestra. Nick Lucas (1897-1982), Picking the Guitar; Teasing the Frets. Joseph Marx (1882-1964), Eine Symphonische Nachtmusik. Carl Nielsen, Symphony No. 5. Ottorino Respighi (1879-1936), Concerto Gregoriano. Trixie Smith (1895-1943), My Man Rocks Me With One Steady Roll; first record to use the phrase "rock and roll" outside a Gospel context, with the sexual double entendre. Igor Stravinsky (1882-1971), Mavra (comic opera) (Paris Opera). Harry Warren (1893-1981) and Edgar Leslie (1885-1976), Rose of the Rio Grande; launches the career of Harry Warren (Salvatore Antonio Guaragna) (1893-1981), who remains virtually anon. while writing 800+ songs and pub. 500+ of them, which are used in 300 films and 112 Warner Brothers Looney Tunes Cartoons, incl. "I Only Have Eyes For You", "Chattanooga Choo-Choo", "We're In the Money", "Lullaby of Broadway", "Jeepers Creepers" et al. Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872-1958), Pastoral Symphony, No. 3 (London). Movies: William A. Seiter's The Beautiful and the Damned (Dec. 10) (Warner Bros.), based on the 1922 F. Scott Fitzgerald novel stars Kenneth Harlan (1895-1967) and Marie Prevost (Marie Bickford Dunn) (1898-1937), who marry on the set for publicity, which backfires when Prevost's secret first hubby Sonny Gerke materializes, causing Jack Warner to get the secret marriage annulled so that the marriage can go through in 1924; too bad, in 1926 their contract is not renewed, driving Prevost to alcoholism, and they separate in 1927; after he career spirals downward, compounded by obesity, she is finally found dead in her house on Jan. 21, 1937 of acute alcoholism, with her barking dog feasting on body parts to survive; her estate is valued at $300, and a promissory note to Joan Crawford is found, causing the Hollywood community to create the Motion Picture Country House in San Fernando Valley, Calif. in 1942, followed by the Motion Picture House in 1948, later extended to TV stars. Fred Niblo's Blood and Sand (Aug. 5), written by June Mathis based on the 1909 Vicente Blasco-Ibanez novel stars "every woman's dream", "Latin Lover" "Dark Lover" Rudolph Valentino as illiterate Spanish peasant bullfighter Juan Gallardo, who cheats on his virtuous wife Carmen (Lila Lee) with seductive vamp widow Dona Sol (Nita Naldi); Rouben Mamoulian remakes it in sound and technicolor in 1941 starring Tyrone Power, Linda Darnell (wife), and Rita Hayworth (vamp); Naldi and Valentino co-star in two more films, "A Sainted Devil" (1924), "Cobra" (1925). E. Mason Hopper's Brothers Under the Skin (Nov. 19) (Goldwyn Pictures) stars Pat O'Malley, Helene Chadwick, Norman Kerry, and Claire Windsor, becoming the film debut (uncredited) of William "Billy" Haines (Charles William Haines) (1900-73), an open gay who in 1926 hooks up with James "Jimmie" Shields and becomes brothers under the skin, staying with him for life ("the happiest married couple in Hollywood" - Joan Crawford); with the studio covering for him, he becomes a top star from 1928-32; too bad, in 1933 he is arrested in a YMCA doing the wild thing with a sailor, causing Louis B. Mayer to give him an ultimatum to engage in a sham "lavender" marriage or be fired, and he chooses the latter, becoming a top interior designer with his gay bud Shields. Edward F. Cline's Cops (Mar.) (First Nat.), filmed during the Kafka-esque rape-murder trial of his mentor Fatty Arbuckle stars Buster Keaton, who flees hundreds LAPD cops in a Kafka-esque nightmare; the film ends with the title "The End" written on a tombstone with Keaton's pork pie hat propped on it; "A roar from the riot squad." Paul Powell's A Daughter of Luxury (Dec. 25), based on a play by Leonard Merrick stars Agnes Ayres as Mary Fenton, Tom Gallery as Blake Walford, Edith Yorke as Ellen Marsh, and ZaSu Pitts as Mary Cosgrove. Marcel L'Herbier's Don Juan and Faust (Oct. 7) stars Vanni Marcoux as Faust. Fritz Lang's Dr. Mabuse, der Spieler (May 26), based on the Norbert Jacques novel stars Rudolf Klein-Rogge as the evil Berlin doctor (a criticism of post-WWI Germany); "He's the damnation and the salvation"; spawns three sequels. Erich von Stroheim's Foolish Wives (Jan. 11) stars Stroheim as fake Count Wladislaw Sergius Karamzin, who tries to seduce Miss DuPont (Helen Hughes), wife of U.S. envoy to Monaco Andrew J. Hughes (Rudolph Christians) to get her money; billed by Universal Pictures as "the first real million dollar picture"; the uncredited debut of producer Irving Thalberg; too bad, the studio cuts the film down from 10 hours to 117 min. J. Stuart Blackton's Glorious Adventure (Apr. 23) stars Diana Manners as Lady Beatrice Fair, Gerald Lawrence as Hugh Argyle, Cecil Humphreys as Walter Roderick, and Victor McLaglen as Bulfinch. Emile Chautard's The Glory of Clementina (May 28) stars Pauline Frederick, George Cowl, Edward Martindel, Lincoln Plumer, Edward Hearn, Jean Calhoun, and Clarence Wilson, and is the film debut of Evansville, Ind.-born Louise Dresser (Louise Josephine Kerlin) (1878-1965) (friend of Buster Keaton since his childhood days, and friend of songwriter Paul Dresser, whose name she adopts) as Lena Fontaine. Tom Buckingham's and Larry Semon's Golf (Sept. 3) stars Lucille Carlisle as a blonde Flapper girl. Fred C. Newmeyer's Grandma's Boy (Sept. 3) stars Harold Lloyd as Grandma's Boy, who joins a posse after looking for a tramp accused of murder. Benjamin Christiansen's Haxan: Witchcraft Through the Ages stars the dir. as the Devil. Edward D. Venturini's The Headless Horseman (Nov. 5) (Sleepy Hollow Corp.), produced by Carl Stearns Clancy, based on the 1820 Washington Irving story "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" set in 1790 stars Will Rogers as Ichabod Crane, Lois Meredith as Katrina Van Tessel, and Ben Hendricks Jr. as Abraham Van Brunt AKA Brom Bones, becoming the first B&W panchromatic feature film; watch video. Ernst Lubitsch's The Loves of Pharaoh (Das Weib des Pharao) (Feb. 1) stars Emil Jannings as Pharaoh Amenes. Richard Oswald's Lucrezia Borgia (Oct. 20) stars Liane Haid as Lucrezia, Conrad Veidt as Cesare Borgia, and Albert Bassermann as Pope Alexander VI (Rodrigo Borgia). Irving Cummings' The Man From Hell's River (May); the debut (as a wolf) of German Shepherd wonder dog Rin Tin Tin (Rin-Tin-Tin) (Rinty) (1918-32), who was born in a trench in France during WWI and found in a bombed dog kennel by Cpl. Lee Duncan, and saved along with his sister Nannette, then shipped to Los Angeles, Calif., where Nannette dies; he is voted the most popular film star in 1926, and has four sons who become dog stars playing him; he is later buried in France and his bloodline continues in a Tex. kennel; he is stationed at Ft. Apache. Robert Flaherty's Nanook of the North: A Story of Life and Love in the Actual Arctic (June 11) stars Allakariallak as Eskimo Nanook, and Nyla and Cunayou as his wives. Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau's Nosferatu: Eine Symphonie des Grauens (Nosferatu: A Symphony of Horror) (Mar. 4) (Prana Film) (Gr. "nosophoros" = plague carrier), filmed in Bremen, Bavaria stars Max Schreck as Count Orlok, becoming the first film to feature vampires; too bad, they make the mistake of advertising it as "freely adapted from Bram Stoker's Dracula", pissing-off his widow Florence Balcombe Stoker (1858-1937), who tries to get all the prints destroyed, winning her copyright lawsuit in July 1925; luckily some prints survive and the first U.S. screenings take place on June 3, 1929 - so who's under the red light of doom next? Alfred Hitchcock's Number 13 (Mrs. Peabody) is the dir. debut of London-born Alfred Joseph Hitchcock (1899-1980); too bad, the budget falls through, and it is never finished; Hitchcock goes on to direct 50+ films over six decades, becoming the #1 film director of all time?; he becomes known for cameo appearances in his own films, innovative movement of the camera, innovative editing, icy blonde female chars., twist endings, and Freudian sexual overtones, becoming known as "the Master of Suspense". D.W. Griffith's The Orphans of the Storm, based on the French play "The Two Orphans" stars Lillian Gish and Dorothy Gish as sisters who are separated, one raised by thieves, the other by aristocrats before the French Rev. Dimitri Buchowetzki's Othello (Feb.); based on the Shakespeare play, becoming the first major film production; stars Emil Jannings as Othello, Werner Krauss as Iago, and Ica von Lenkeffy as Desdemona. Hal Roach's Our Gang debuts, a series showing cute children sans acting lessons or racism; it converts to sound in Apr. 1929; in 1938 it is acquired by MGM, which ends production in 1944 after 220 shorts featuring 41 child actors; in 1955 the 80 talkie versions are syndicated for TV under the title "The Little Rascals"; early stars incl. Ernie "Sunshine Sammy" Morrison, Allen "Farina" Hoskins, Jackie Condon, Mickey Daniels, Joe Cobb, and Pete the Pup, a pit bull terrier with a ring around his eye; in 1929 new actors are added incl. Jackie Cooper, Norman "Chubby" Chaney, Dorothy DeBorba, Matthew "Stymie" Beard, and Donald Haines; June Marlowe plays teacher Miss Crabtree; in 1931 George "Spanky" McFarland joins, becoming the top star; in 1935 Carl "Alfalfa" Switzer and his brother Harold Switzer join, along with Darla Hood and Eugene "Porky" Lee; in 1939 Robert Blake (Mickey Gubitosi), Janet Burston, and Bill "Froggy" Laughlin join; by May 2014 only Robert Blake, Sidney Kibrick, Jean Darling, Marianne Edwards, Dickie Moore, Jerry Tucker, Lassie Lou Ahern, Mildred Kornman, and Leonard Landy are still living. Dimitri Buchowetzki's Peter der Grosse (Peter the Great) (Nov. 2) stars Emil Jannings. Rex Ingram's The Prisoner of Zenda (Sept. 11), based on the 1894 Anthony Hope novel and 1896 play by Hope and Edward Rose stars Lewis Shepard Stone (1879-1953) and Alice Terry (1899-1987), who marries dir. Rex Ingram (Reginald Ingram Montgomery Hitchcock) (1892-1950) for the rest of his life. Allan Dwan's Robin Hood (Oct. 18) (Douglas Fairbanks Pictures) stars swashbuckler Douglas Fairbanks Sr. (1883-1939) as the Earl of Huntington, who fights to save good King Richard Lionheart's throne from the bad Sheriff of Nottingham; debuts on Oct. 18 at the Egyptian Theater in Los Angeles, Calif., becoming their first-ever silent film premiere; does $1M box office. Tom Forman's Shadows (Nov. 10) (Preferred Pictures Corp.) stars Walter Long as fisherman Daniel Gibbson, Harrison Ford as John Malden, Marguerite De La Motte as Sympathy Gibbs, and Lon Chaney Sr. as mysterious Chinaman Yen Sin. Sidney Franklin's Smilin' Through (Feb. 13 (First Nat. Pictures)), based on the 1919 Jane Cowl play and produced by Joseph M. Schenck stars Norma Talmadge as Kathleen/Moonyeen in her biggest box-office smash; Harrison Ford (1884-1957) stars as Kenneth/Jeremiah Wayne, and Wyndham Standing plays John Carteret; the film debut of Canadian-born Edwin Eugene "Gene" Lockhart (1891-1957); does $1M box office; remade in 1932 and 1941 by MGM. Robert G. Vignola's When Knighthood Was in Flower (Sept. 14) (Paramount) (12 reels), based on the novel by Charles Major and play by Paul Kester stars Marion Davies as Mary Tudor, Lyn Harding as Henry VIII, Teresa Maxwell-Conover as Queen Catherine, and Forrest Stanley as Charles Brandon; the $1.8M budget makes it the most expensive picture made to date; refilmed in 1953 as "The Sword and the Rose". Art: Max Beckmann (1884-1950), Before the Bell. Max Beerbohm (1872-1956), Rossetti and His Circle (drawings). Robert Delaunay (1885-1941), Portrait of Louis Aragon; Portrait of Andre Breton. Max Ernst (1891-1976), Oedipus Rex; A Friend's Reunion (Au Rendezvous des Amis). Tsuguhara Foujita (1886-1968), Morning Glories. Eric Rowland Gill (1882-1940), Christ Driving the Moneylenders Out of the Temple (sculpture) (Leeds U.); freaks the critics by depicting the figures wearing top hats and frock coats. Paul Klee (1879-1940), The Twittering Machine. David Low (1891-1963), Lloyd George and Co. (cartoons). John Marin (1870-1953), Sunset. Andre Masson (1896-1987), Pedestal Table in the Studio. Joan Miro (1893-1983), The Farm. P.W. Steer, Mrs. Raynes. Lorado Taft (1860-1936), Fountain of Time (sculpture) (Midway Plaisance, Chicago, Ill.). Josef Thorak (1889-1952), Der Sterbende Krieger (statue); memorial to the WWI dead of Stolpmuende. Plays: Leonid Nikolaevich Andreyev (1871-1919), The Rape of the Sabine Women; He Who Gets Slapped (posth.). Solomon Ansky (1863-1920), The Dyubbuk; a dead soul takes possession of a living body to right a wrong; Eugene Vakhtangov's first Habima production. Jean-Jacques Bernard (1888-1972), Martine. Ugo Betti (1892-1953), The Thoughtful King. Bertolt Brecht (1898-1956), Baal (first play); a travelling musician destroys lives with ease; Drums in the Night (Trommeln in der Nacht). Jean Cocteau (1889-1963), Oedipe-Roi (Oedipus Rex). Francois de Curel (1854-1928), L'Ivresse du Sage. James Elroy Flecker (1884-1915), The Story of Hassan of Bagdad and How He Came to Make the Golden Journey to Samarkand (posth). Hugo von Hofmannsthal (1874-1929), Das Grosse Salzburger Welttheater. A.A. Milne (1882-1956), Berlud, Unlimited (Chelsea, London); The Lucky One. Anne Nichols (1891-1966), Abie's Irish Rose (comedy) (Fulton Theatre, New York) (May 23) (2,327 perf.); an Irish Roman Catholic girl marries a Jewish man despite their families' objections; filmed in 1928 and 1946. Charles Gilman Norris (1881-1945) and Nino Marcelli, The Rout of the Philistines. Eugene O'Neill (1888-1953), The Hairy Ape. Sir Arthur Wing Pinero (1855-1934), The Enchanged Cottage (comedy). Luigi Pirandello (1867-1936), Enrico IV (Henry IV). Robert Cedric Sherriff (1896-1975), The Woods of Meadowside (debut). Austin Strong, Seventh Heaven (Booth Theatre, New York) (Oct. 22) (704 perf.); produced by John Golden; stars Helen Menken as Diane, and George Gaul as Chico, a street cleaner who saves her life; also features Frank Morgan as Brissac; filmed in 1927 as "7th Heaven", and in 1937. Ben Travers (1886-1980), The Dippers (first play); launches his career of writing farces which are performed at the Aldwych Theatre in West End, London. John Willard (1885-1942), The Cat and the Canary (New York City) (Feb. 7); black comedy; filmed in 1927. Poetry: Maurice Baring (1874-1945), The Puppet Show of Memory. Andrei Bely (1880-1934), The First Encounter. Stephen Vincent Benet (1898-1943), Young People's Pride. T.S. Eliot (1888-1965), The Waste Land (Dec.) (434 lines); about the legend of the Holy Grail and Fisher King combined with vignettes of contemporary British society mixed with Buddhism and Hinduism; divided into five sections: "The Burial of the Dead", "A Game of Chess", "The Fire Sermon", "Brief Lyrical Petition", "What the Thunder Said"; "The human engine waits/ Like a taxi throbbing waiting"; "April is the cruelest month,/ Breeding Lilacs out of the dead land.../ Stirring Dull roots with spring rain"; "I will show you fear in a handful of dust"; "Shantih shantih shantih"; "Ends the idea of poetry for ladies." (James Joyce) Paul Eluard (1895-1952), Repetitions (Répétitions); cover by Max Ernst. Thomas Hardy (1840-1928), Late Lyrics and Earlier. Hermann Hesse (1877-1962), Gedichte. A.E. Housman (1859-1936), Last Poems (Sept.); his 2nd slender vol. of poetry, cementing his top-shelf rep.; "A stranger and afraid/ In a world I never made." Claude McKay (1889-1948), Harlem Shadows. Edna St. Vincent Millay (1892-1950), A Few Figs from Thistles; incl. First Fig; "My candle burns at both ends;/ It will not last the night;/ But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends - / It gives a lovely light!"; The Harp-Weaver and Other Poems (Pulitzer Prize); beats out T.S. Eliot's "The Waste Land" for the 1923 Pulitzer for Poetry, after which she goes silly? Gabriela Mistral (1889-1957), Desolacion. Marianne Moore (1887-1972), Observations. Vladimir Nabokov (1899-1977), The Cluster. Robert Nathan (1894-1985), Youth Grows Old (debut). Amado Nervo (1870-1919), The Motionless Loved One (La Amada Inmovil) (posth.). Boris Pasternak (1890-1960), Life, My Sister. Gene Porter (1868-1924), The Fire Bird. Rainer Maria Rilke (1875-1926), Sonnets to Orpheus (Sonette au Orpheus); "The trees you planted in childhood have grown/ too heavy. You cannot bring them along./ Give yourself to the air, to what you cannot hold" - beautiful sonnets in ugly German? Carl Sandburg (1878-1967), Slabs of the Sunburnt West; "I am Chicago, I am a name given out by the breaths of/ working men, laughing men, a child, a belonging." Edith Sitwell (1887-1964), Facade. Genevieve Taggard (1894-1948), For Eager Lovers. Julian Tuwim (1894-1953), The Seventh Autumn. Paul Valery (1875-1945), Charmes. Yvor Winters (1900-68), The Magpie's Shadow. Novels: Louis Aragon (1897-1982), Les Aventures de Telemaque. Michael Arlen (1895-1956), Piracy. Enoch Arnold Bennett (1867-1931), Mr. Prohack. + Pierre Benoit (1886-1962), The Giant's Causeway (La Chaussee des Geants); The Forgotten Man (L'Oublie). Phyllis Eleanor Bentley (1894-1977), Environment; first in her series of novels about life in West Yorkshire, England. J.J. Bernard, Martine. Phyllis Bottome (1884-1963), Kingfisher. John Buchan (1875-1940), Huntingtower. Edgar Rice Burroughs (1875-1950), The Chessmen of Mars; features the chess variant called Jetan. Barbara Cartland (1901-2000), Jigsaw (first novel); bestseller, followed by a torrent of 723 books pub. by 2000, making her the #1-selling novelist on Earth and the Queen of Romance. Willa Cather (1873-1947), One Of Ours (Pulitzer Prize); a critical failure, Hemingway claiming she got her WWI scenes from movies, but it becomes her first bestseller. Robert William Chambers (1865-1933), The Flaming Jewel. G.K. Chesterton (1874-1936), The Man Who Knew Too Much and Other Stories; filmed in 1935 by Alfred Hitchcock. Agatha Christie (1890-1976), The Secret Adversary; introduces Thomas "Tommy" Tuppence and Prudence "Tuppence" Cowley, who start out as blackmailers but find out that being detectives is more profitable. Richmal Crompton (1890-1969), Just William; 11-y.-o. scruffy English schoolboy William Brown, leader of the Outlaws, rivals of the Hubert Laneites; first of a series of 38 (ends 1970). Aleister Crowley (1875-1947), The Diary of a Drug Fiend. E.R. Eddison (1882-1945), The Worm Ouroboros; the war between King Gorice of Witchland and the Lords of Demonland on planet Mercury. F. Scott Fitzgerald (1896-1940), The Beautiful and Damned about the downhill slide of a wealthy young couple (him and Zelda?); also Tales of the Jazz Age (short stories); incl. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, about a baby that is born old and grows young. Roger Martin du Gard (1881-1958), The Thibaults (Les Thibault) (8 vols.) (1922-40); giant epic of a middle-class French Roman Catholic bourgeois family from 1904 to the end of WWI, incl. brothers Jacques and Antonine Thibault, and passionate artist Daniel de Fontanin, who try to live without belief in God, winning him the 1937 Nobel Lit. Prize; makes a fan of Andre Gide and Albert Camus; influences Evelyn Waugh's "Brideshead Revisited" (1945); "A work whose learned obtuseness is, so far as I know, unequaled in fiction." (Mary McCarthy) David Garnett (1892-1981), Lady into Fox; 24-y.-o. Sylvia Tebrick, wife of Richard Tebrick turns into a fox in the woods, after which she tries to act human but ends up back in the woods, bearing five cubs then getting killed by dogs. Jean Giraudoux (1882-1944), Siegfried et le Limousin; the hostility between France and Germany dissected. Madame Sarah Grand (1854-1943), Variety. H. Rider Haggard (1856-1925), The Virgin of the Sun. Cicely Hamilton (1872-1952), Theodore Savage: A Story of the Past or the Future. Hermann Hesse (1877-1962), Siddhartha; the search for you-taught-it-to-me-too spiritual happiness by Siddhartha (Sansk. "siddha" + "artha" = achieved meaning) and his friend Govinda during the time of Siddhartha Gautama, Prince of Kapilavastu (the Buddha); first chapter is titled "Son of the Brahman"; "Knowledge can be communicated, but not wisdom. One can find it, live it, do wonders through it, but one cannot communicate and teach it." A.S.M. Hutchinson, If Winter Comes; bestseller about 34-y.-o. Mark Sabre in Penny Green in 1912, who watches a girl being abandoned by her family for unwed motherhood. Douglas Hyde (1860-1949), An Leath-rann. Johannes V. Jensen, Den Lange Rejse (The Long Journey) (trilogy). Sir Harry Johnston, Mrs. Warren's Daughter; sequel to George Bernard Shaw's 1893 play "Mrs. Warren's Profession". Mary Johnston (1870-1936), 1492. James Joyce (1882-1941), Ulysses (Feb. 2) (2/2/22) (his 40th birthday) (Paris) (265K words); it-has-to-be Jewish ad space salesman Leopold Bloom (Ulysses) (Hungarian Jewish father, Irish mother), wife Molly (Penelope), future son Stephen Dedalus; 18 episodes, each based on an academic discipline and a bodily organ; "To read it with ease, one should have a Ph.D. in comparative languages and literature; to read it with difficulty, one should know the Odyssey, The Golden Bough, Joyce's life and other works, E. K. Chambers' William Shakespeare, and much about the history of English literature, the Celtic Renaissance, Irish politics, and Roman Catholic liturgy... a vocabulary of nearly 25,000 words, Joyce transcends the bounds of Webster's International." (John Greenway); "All perfume yes and his heart was going like mad and yes I said yes I will Yes" (ending); after it uses the word "fuck" twice (once as a noun, once as a verb), the U.S. Post Office burns 500 copies upon arrival in the U.S., and govt. censorship causes Joyce to become a star; the 1935 ed. features illustrations by Henri Matisse; "History is a nightmare from which I am trying to awake" (Stephen Dedalus). Bernhard Kellermann (1879-1951), Die Heiligen (The Saints). Sophie Kerr (1880-1965), One Thing is Certain. Joseph Kessel (1898-1979), La Steppe Rouge. D.H. Lawrence (1885-1930), Aaron's Rod; Aaron Sisson. Sinclair Lewis (1885-1951), Babbitt; a businessman who conforms unthinkingly to prevailing middle-class standards; "I have never done a thing that I wanted to do in all my life"; set in the fictional town of Zenith (pop. 361K) in the fictional state of Winnemac (capital Galop de Vache) to appease the residents of Sauke Center, Minn., who got pissed-off at his novel "Main Street"; "The state of Winnemac is bounded by Michigan, Ohio, Illinois, and Indiana, and like them it is half Eastern, half Midwestern. There is a feeling of New England in its brick and sycamore villages, its stable industries, and a tradition which goes back to the Revolutionary War. Zenith, the largest city in the state, was founded in 1792. But Winnemac is Midwestern in its fields of corn and wheat, its red barns and silos, and, despite the immense antiquity of Zenith, many counties were not settled till 1860." ("Arrowsmith") William John Locke (1863-1930), The Tale of Triona. Hugh John Lofting (1886-1947), The Voyages of Doctor Dolittle (Newbery Medal); Dr. Dolittle #2; set in 1839. Rose Macaulay (1881-1958), Mystery at Geneva: An Improbable Tale of Singular Happenings. Denis Mackail (1892-1971), Bill the Bachelor. Compton Mackenzie (1883-1972), The Altar Steps. Katherine Mansfield (1888-1923), The Garden Party (short stories). Victor Margueritte (1866-1942), La Gorconne. Francois Mauriac (1885-1970), The Kiss to the Leper (Le Baiser au Lépreux; the world is so bad to a Roman Catholic? William Babington Maxwell (1866-1938), A Little More; Spinster of This Parish. William McFee (1881-1966), Harbours of Memory; Command. A.A. Milne (1882-1956), The Red House Mystery; first mystery to use light humor as an important feature? Paul Morand (1889-1976), Ouvert la Nuit. Kathleen Norris (1880-1966), Certain People of Importance. Edward Phillips Oppenheim (1866-1946), The Evil Shepherd; The Great Prince Shan. Sir Gilbert Parker (1862-1932), Carnac's Folly. John Dos Passos (1896-1970), A Pushcart at the Curb; Rosinante to the Road Again. Elliott Harold Paul (1891-1958), Indelible. Olive Higgins Prouty (1882-1974), Stella Dallas. Mary Roberts Rinehart (1876-1958), The Breaking Point. Romain Rolland (1866-1944), The Enchanted Soul (L'Ame Enchantee) (7 vols.) (1922-33); roman fleuve; vol. 1 is "Annette et Sylvie". Rafael Sabatini (1875-1950), Captain Blood; pirate Adm. Peter Blood; filmed in 1935 starring Errol Flynn. Edgar Saltus (1855-1921), The Ghost Girl (posth.). Carl Sandburg (1878-1967), Rootabaga Stories; for his kids. Henry De Vere Stacpoole (1863-1951), Men, Women, and Beasts; Vanderdecken: The Story of a Man. T.S. Stribling (1881-1965), Birthright; Harvard-educated mulatto Peter Siner returns to Hooker's Bend, Tenn., and is treated like an N-word. Gene Stratton-Porter (1863-1924), The Fire Bird. Frank Swinnerton (1884-1982), The Three Lovers. Junichiro Tanizaki (1886-1965), Aguri. Ben Travers (1886-1980), A Cuckoo in the Nest. Hugh Seymour Walpole (1884-1941), The Cathedral; The Young Enchanted. Alec Waugh (1898-1981), The Lonely Unicorn. Rebecca West (1892-1983), The Judge. Grace Miller White (1868-1957), The Marriage of Patricia Pepperday. Margery Williams (1881-1944), The Velveteen Rabbit or How Toys Become Real; illustrated by Sir William Nicholson (1872-1949); "He was fat and bunchy, as a rabbit should be; his coat was spotted brown and white, he had real thread whiskers, and his ears were lined with pink sateen"; loved to a nub, tossed out with the trash, and saved by a magic fairy, who turns him "into Real" to live in the forest with the other rabbits; "Generally, by the time you are Real, most of your hair has been loved off, and your eyes drop out and you get loose in the joints and very shabby. But these things don't matter at all, because once you are Real you can't be ugly, except to people who don't understand." Henry Williamson (1895-1977), Dandelion Days. Virginia Woolf (1882-1941), Jacob's Room. Stefan Zweig (1881-1942), Amok and Other Stories. Births: U.S. Sen. (D-S.C.) (1966-2005) Ernest Frederick "Fritz" Hollings on Jan. 1 in Charleston, S.C.; educated at the U. of S.C. Am. actor Jason (Herb) Evers (d. 2005) on Jan. 2 in New York City. Am. baseball player-mgr. (SS) Alvin Ralph "Blackie" "Swamp Fox" Dark on Jan. 7 in Comanche, Okla. French flautist Jean-Pierre Louis Rampal (d. 2000) on Jan. 7 in Marseille. Am. biochemist Har Gobind (Hargobind) Khorana (d. 2011) on Jan. 9 in Raipur, Punjab, British India; becomes a U.S. citizen in 1966; educated at the U. of Liverpool. Guinea pres. (1958-84) Ahmed Sekou Toure (Sékou Touré) (Ahmen Seku Ture) (d. 1984) on Jan. 9 in Faranah; of Mandinka (Mandingo) descent. Russian-Israeli physicist (Jewish) Yuri Abramovich Golfand (d. 1994) on Jan. 10 in Kharkiv. French novelist-phiosopher Michel Henry (d. 2002) on Jan. 10 in Haiphong, French Indochina (Vietnam). Mexican pres. (1970-6) Luis Echeverria Alvarez (Álvarez) on Jan. 17 in Mexico City. U.S. atty. gen. #65 (1965-6) Nicholas deBelleville "Nick" Katzenbach (d. 2012) on Jan. 17 in Philadelphia, Penn.; educated at Phillips Exeter Academy, Princeton U., Yale U., and Balliol College, Oxford U. Am. abstract expressionist painter (bi) Robert Mario De Niro Sr. (d. 1993) on Jan. 17 in Syracuse, N.Y.; husband (1942-) of Virginia Admiral (1915-2000); father of Robert De Niro Jr. (1943-); lover of Robert Edward Duncan (1919-88). Am. "Golden Girls" actress Betty Marion White Ludden (d. 2021) on Jan. 17 in Oak Park, Ill.; wife (1963-81) of Allen Ludden (1917-81). Am. "Bozo the Clown" actor Robert Lewis "Bob" Bell (d. 1997) on Jan. 18 in Flint, Mich. Am. "Wild Bill Hickock" actor Guy Madison (Robert Ozell Moseley) (d. 1996) on Jan. 19 in Pumpkin Center, Calif.; educated at Bakersfield College. Am. "The Bunny Hop", "The Hokey Pokey", "Theme from Peter Gunn" bandleader-trumpeter Ray Anthony (Raymond Antonini) on Jan. 20 in Bentleyville, Penn.; grows up in Cleveland, Ohio; husband (1955-61) of Mamie Van Doren (1931-). English "Sir Thomas More in A Man for All Seasons" actor David Paul Scofield (d. 2008) on Jan. 21 in Birmingham, Warwickshire; grows up in Hurstpierpoint, Sussex. Am. poet-dramatist-critic Howard Moss (d. 1987) on Jan. 22 in New York City; educated at the U. of Mich.; discoverer of Anne Sexton and Amy Clampitt; "Is Robert Lowell/ Better than Noel/ Coward/ Howard?" - W.H. Auden (1907-73) and Chester Kallman (1921-75). English Price's Law physicist Derek J. de Solla Price (d. 1983) on Jan. 22 in Leyton; educated at the U. of London. Italian population geneticist Luigi Luca Cavalli-Sforza on Jan. 25 in Genoa; educated at the U. of Pavia. Am. "Laugh-In" comedian-dir. Thomas Richard "Dick" Martin (d. 2008) on Jan. 30 in Battle Creek, Mich. Am. "Tess Millay in Red River", "Olivia Dandridge in She Wore a Yellow Ribbon" actress Joanne Dru (Joan Letitia LaCock) (d. 1996) on Jan. 31 in Logan, W. Va.; sister of Peter Marshall (1930-); wife of (1941-9) Dick Haynes, and (1949-57) John Ireland. Am. scientist (co-discoverer of streptomycin) (Jewish) Albert Schatz (d. 2005) on Feb. 2 in Norwich, Conn.; of Russian Jewish descent. Am. economist Hans F. Sennholz (d. 2007) on Feb. 3 in Brambauer, Unna, Germany; student of Ludwig von Mises; educated at NYU. English "John Steed in The Avengers" actor Daniel Patrick Macnee (d. 2015) on Feb. 6 in Paddington, London; son of horse trainer Daniel "Shrimp" Macnee and Dorothea Mary Macnee, who becomes a lesbian and divorces him. Am. "Alice Kramden in The Honeymooners" actress Audrey Meadows Six (nee Cotter) (d. 1996) on Feb. 8 in Wuchang, China; Episcopal missionary parents; sister of Jayne Meadows (1920-); wife (1961-86) of Robert Six (1907-86). Am. "Show Boat", "Kiss Me, Kate" actress-singer Kathryn Grayson (Zelma Kathryn Elisabeth Hedrick) on Feb. 9 in Winston-Salem, N.C. Am. 6'6" basketball player (black) (Tri-Cities Blackhawks, 1950-1) Henry Lincoln "Hank" Dezonie (d. 2009) on Feb. 12 in ?; educated at Clark Atlanta U. U.S. "We Were Soldiers" Army lt. gen. Harold Gregory "Hal" Moore Jr. (d. 2017) on Feb. 13 in Bardstown, Ky. Am. "The Calculus of Consent" economist Gordon Tullock (d. 2014) on Feb. 13 in Rockford, Ill.; educated at the U. of Chicago. U.S. liberal Rep. (R-Ill.) (1961-81) John Bayard Anderson (d. 2017) on Feb. 15 in Rockford, Ill.; educated at the U. of Ill., and Harvard U. Am. "On Thermonuclear War" military strategist (Jewish-turned-atheist) (founder of the Hudson Inst.) ("the Real Dr. Strangelove") Herman Kahn (d. 1983) on Feb. 15 in Bayonne, N.J.; Eastern European Jewish immigrant parents; raised in Bronx, N.Y. and Los Angeles, Calif.; educated at UCLA, and Caltech. Am. impresario Harry Charles "Enrico" Banducci (d. 2007) on Feb. 17 in Bakersfield, Calif. Am. "It's All in the Game" singer-songwriter (black) Thomas "Tommy" Edwards (d. 1969) on Feb. 17 in Richmond, Va. Am. "Sex and the Single Girl", "Cosmopolitan" mag. editor (1965-97) Helen Gurley Brown (nee Helen Marie Gurley) on Feb. 18 in Green Forest, Ark.; teacher parents. Grenadian PM #1 (1967-79) (black) Sir Eric Matthew Gairy (d. 1997) on Feb. 18 in St. Andrew's Parish (near Grenville). Israeli shipping magnate (Jewish) Sammy (Sami) Ofer (Samuel Herskovich) (d. 2011) on Feb. 22 in Galati, Romania; emigrates to Haifa in 1924; brother of Yuli Ofer (1924-2011); father of Eyal Ofer (1950-) and Idan Ofer (1955-). English pop artist Richard Hamilton on Feb. 24 in Pimlico, London. Am. "Dan Briggs in Mission: Impossible", "Adam Schiff in Law & Order" actor (Jewish) Steven Hill (Solomon Krakovsky) (Solomon Berg) (d. 2016) on Feb. 24 in Seattle, Wash.; Russian Jewish immigrant parents. Am. economist William Jack Baumol on Feb. 26 in New York City; educated at CCNY, and London School of Economics. English "Separate Tables" actress Margaret Leighton (d. 1976) on Feb. 26 in Barnt Green, Worcestershire. Israeli PM #5 (1974-7, 1992-5) (Jewish) Yitzhak Rabin (d. 1995) on Mar. 1 in Jerusalem; first native-born Israeli PM. Am. "The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie", "Marnie", "Cabaret", "Funny Lady" playwright-novelist and screenwriter-dir.-producer (Jewish) Jay (Jacqueline) Presson Allen (d. 2006) on Mar. 3 in San Angelo, Tex.; uses her first initial until a Social Security clerk flubs it into Jay? Am. "Gov. Eugene Gatling in Benson" actor James Noble on Mar. 5 in Dallas, Tex. Italian "The Gospel According to Matthew" dir.-novelist-poet (atheist) Pier Paolo Pasolini (d. 1975) on Mar. 5 in Bologna; expelled from his hometown and the Communist Party for a sex scandal, ending up in Rome, and deciding to become a dir. Am. 6'5" conservative writer-activist (Jewish) Herbert Ira London (d. 2018) on Mar. 6 in Brighton Beach, Brooklyn, N.Y.; educated at Columbia U.; student of Jacques Barzun (1907-201). Am. engineer (video game pioneer) (Jewish) ("the Father of Video Games") Ralph Henry (Rudolf Heinrich) Baer (d. 2014) on Mar. 8 in Rodalben, Palatinate, Germany; emigrates to the U.S. in 1938; inventor of the Magnavox Odyssey video game, Simon, and the light gun. Am. "Dion Patrick in The Californians", "Raise the Titanic" actor-writer-novelist-artist Adam Kennedy (d. 1997) on Mar. 10 in Otterbein, Ind.; educated at DePauw U. Malaysian PM #2 (1970-76) Abdul Razak bin Haji Dato' Hussein Al-Haj (d. 1976) on Mar. 11 in Pekan, Pahang. Am. "Don't Bother Me, I Can't Cope" playwright-actress (black) Vinnette Justine Carroll (d. 2002) on Mar. 11 in New York City; educated at NYU and Columbia U.; first African-Am. woman to direct on Broadway (1972). Am. Roman Catholic-turned-Buddhist Beat poet-writer Jack Kerouac (Jean-Louis Kérouac) (Jean-Louis Lebris de Kérouac) (d. 1969) on Mar. 12 in Lowell, Mass.; educated at Columbia U. Am. AFL-CIO pres. (1979-95) Lane Kirkland (d. 1999) on Mar. 12 in Camden, S.C. German historian Karl Dietrich Bracher on Mar. 13 in Stuttgart; educated at the U. of Tubingen, and Havard U. Am. basketball exec (Nat. Collegiate Athletic Assoc. dir. #1, 1951-88) Walter Byers (d. 2015) on Mar. 13 in ?. Am. sociologist (Jewish) Seymour Martin Lipset (d. 2006) on Mar. 18 in New York City; Russian Jewish immigrant parents; educated at CCNY; starts out Socialist, then goes centrist in 1960. Am. civil rights activist (black) Rev. Fred Shuttlesworth (Freddie Lee Robinson) (d. 2011) on Mar. 18 in Mt. Meigs, Ala.; namesake of the Birmingham Airport.

Am. "Salvatore in The War of the Worlds" actor (Jewish) Jacob "Jack" Kruschen (d. 2002) on mar. 20 in Winnipeg, Man.; grows up in New York City. Am. "The Dick Van Dyke Show" dir.-writer-comedian (Jewish) Carl Reiner (d. 2020) on Mar. 20 in Bronx, N.Y.; Austrian Jewish immigrant father, Romanian Jewish immigrant mother; father of Rob Reiner (1947-), Annie Reiner (1949-), and Lucas Reiner (1960-); grandfather of Tracy Reiner (1964-); starts out repairing sewing machines. Am. "Vixen!" porno dir.-producer-writer-actor Russell Albion "Russ" Meyer (d. 2004) on Mar. 21 in San Leandro, Calif. Am. "The Last of the Secret Agents?", "Hello Dere" actor-comedian (Jewish) Marty Allen (Morton Alpern) on Mar. 23 in Pittsburgh, Penn. Kiwi chemist Vincent Richard Gray (d. 2018) on Mar. 24 in London, England; educated at Emmanuel College, Cambridge U. Am. "Bones and body, body and bones" modeling agency founder Eileen Ford (nee Otte) on Mar. 25 in Great Neck, N.Y. English "Babe the Gallant Pig" children's writer Dick King-Smith on Mar. 27 in March Bitton, Gloucestershire. Am. abstract Color Field painter Jules Olitski (Jevel Demikovski) (d. 2007) on Mar. 27 in Snovsk, Russia; emigrates to the U.S. in 1923. English "The Night of Wenceslas" spy novelist (Jewish) Lionel Davidson (d. 2009) on Mar. 31 in Hull, Yorkshire. Am. educator (black) (first black suptd. of the Oakland United School District) Marcus Aurelius Foster (d. 1973) on Mar. 31 in Athens, Ga.; educated at the U. of Penn. Am. "Don Quixote in Man of La Mancha", "voice in Jurassic Park" actor-singer Richard Paul Kiley (d. 1999) on Mar. 31 in Chicago, Ill. Irish "Marat/Sade" actor-dir. Patrick George Magee (McGee) (d. 1982) on Mar. 31 in Armagh, Northern Ireland. Am. "The Death of a President" writer William Manchester (d. 2004) on Apr. 1 in Springfield, Mass. Tanzanian pres. #1 (1961-85) (black) Julius Kambarage Nyerere (d. 1999) on Apr. 3 in Tanganyika. Am. "The Magnificent Seven", "To Kill a Mockingbird" film composer (Jewish) Elmer Bernstein (d. 2004) on Apr. 4 in New York City; no relation to Leonard Bernstein (1918-90), but their resemblance causes Elmer to be called Bernstein West and Leonard to be called Bernstein East. English "Mr. Belvedere" actor-dir. Christopher Michael Hewett (d. 2001) on Apr. 5 in Worthing, Sussex. Am. "My Little Margie" actress-singer Gale Storm (Josephine Owaissa Cottle) (d. 2009) on Apr. 5 in Bloomington, Tex.; Owaissa is Indian for "bluebird". Am. "Air Hostess" actress Audrey Long on Apr. 12 in Orlando, Fla.; wife of Leslie Charteris (1907-93). English "Room at the Top" novelist John Gerard Braine (d. 1986) on Apr. 13 in Bingley (near Bradford), Yorkshire. Am. "Cochise in Broken Arrow" 6'3" actor Michael George Ansara (d. 2013 on Apr. 15 in Syria; emigrates to the U.S. in 1924; grows up in Calif.; educated at Los Angeles City College; husband (1955-6) of Jean Byron, and (1958-74) Barbara Eden. Am. psychologist (Jewish) Stanley Schachter (d. 1997) on Apr. 15 in Flushing, N.Y.; Romanian Jewish immigrant parents; educated at Yale U., and the U. of Mich.; student of Leon Festinger. Am. Dem. Chicago mayor #51 (first African-Am.) (1983-7) (black) Harold Lee Washington (d. 1987) on Apr. 15 in Chicago, Ill.; educated at Roosevelt U., and Northwestern U. English "The Death of Grass" sci-fi novelist John Christopher (Sam Youd) (d. 2012) on Apr. 16 in Huyton, Lancashire. Trinidadian calypso musician (black) Lord Kitchener (Kitch) (Aldwin Roberts) (d. 2000) on Apr. 18 in Arima. English WWII French Resistance hero Anthony Morris "Tony" Brooks (d. 2007) on Apr. 21 in Essex, England; raised in France and Switzerland; is staying with relatives in France in 1939 when the Germans invade, and joins the Resistance, earning a Distinguished Service Order for exceptional valor at age 20; learns in 1945 that his daddy flew secret missions in WWI. Am. "Pithecanthropus Erectus" jazz bassist-pianist-composer-bandleader (black) ("the Angry Man of Jazz") Charles Mingus Jr. (d. 1979) on Apr. 22 in Nogales, Ariz.; African-Swedish father, African-Chinese-English mother; raised in Watts, Los Angeles, Calif.; heir of Duke Ellington? Am. abstract expressionist painter Richard Clifford Diebenkorn Jr. (d. 1993) on Apr. 22 in Portland, Ore.; educated at Stanford U. Am. occultist artist Marjorie Cameron (d. 1995) on Apr. 23 in Belle Plaine, Iowa; wife of Jack Parsons (1914-52). Turkish Sufi imam Sheikh Nazim (Nazeem) Kubrisi (al-Qubrusi) on Apr. 23 in Larnaca, Cyprus. Am. "Chief Clifford in McCloud" actor J.D. (John Donovan) Cannon (d. 2005) on Apr. 24 in Salmon, Idaho. English "Lucky Jim" novelist-poet-critic (alcoholic) Sir Kingsley William Amis (d. 1995) on Apr. 26 in Clapham, South London; educated at St. John's College, Oxford U.; knighted in 1990; friend of Philip Larkin (1922-85); father of Martin Amis (1949-); starts out Communist then turns conservative after the 1956 Hungarian Rev. Am. "Oscar Madison in The Odd Couple", "Quincy, M.E.", "Juror #5 in 12 Angry Men" actor (Jewish) Jacob Joachim "Jack" Klugman (d. 2012) on Apr. 27 in Philadelphia, Penn.; educated at Carnegie Mellon U. Am. writer and USAF undersecy. (1967-9) Townsend Walter Hoopes II (d. 2004) on Apr. 28 in Duluth, Minn.; educated at Phillips Academy, and Yale U. (Skull & Bones). Scottish "The Guns of Navarrone", "Where Eagles Dare" novelist Alistair Stuart MacLean (d. 1987) on Apr. 28 in Glasgow. Am. medical researcher (Jewish) Ernest Ludwig Wydner (d. 1999) on Apr. 30 in Herford; emigrates to the U.S. in 1938; first to show with partner Evarts Ambrose Graham (1883-1957) that tobacco smoke tar causes cancer in mice (1953). Am. "All the Way Home" playwright George Ault "Tad" Mosel Jr. on May 1 in Steubenville, Ohio; educated at Columbia U. Am. "Saunders the Butler in Soap" (black) actor-dir. Roscoe Lee Browne (d. 2007) on May 2 in Woodbury, N.J.; educated at Lincoln U. Am. actor-singer-musician Lewis Burr "Lew" Anderson (d. 2006) on May 7 in Kirkman, Iowa; 3rd and final Clarabell the Clown in "The Howdy Doody Show". Am. "Carl Kolchak in Kolchak: The Night Stalker", "Mr. Parker in A Christmas Story" actor Darren McGavin (William Lyle Richardson) (d. 2006) on May 7 in San Joaquin, Calif.; husband (1968-2003) of Kathie Browne (1930-2003). Canadian billionaire real estate tycoon (Jewish) David Joshua Azrieli (d. 2014) on May 10 in Makow, Mazowiecki, Poland; emigrates to Canada in 1954; educated at Carelton U. German 1972 Summer Olympics pictocgrams font designer Otto "Otl" Aicher (d 1991) on May 13 in Ulm, Baden-Wurttemberg. Am. 5'10" "Maude Findlay in Maude", "Dorothy Zbornak in Golden Girls" actress (Jewish) Beatrice "Bea" Arthur (Bernice Frankel) (d. 2009) on May 13 in New York City. Am. Arby's co-founder Forrest Bernard "Fuzzy" Raffel (d. 2008) on May 14 in Fairmont, Marion, W.V.; brother of Leroy Raffel (1926-). Am. "Walter Findlay in Maude" actor (Jewish) Bill Macy (Wolf Martin Garber) on May 18 in Revere, Mass. Am. movie reviewer (Jewish) Judith Crist on May 22; educated at Hunter College and Columbia U. Am. "Little Things Mean a Lot" singer (Jewish) Kitty Kallen on May 25 in Philadelphia, Penn. Am. Sonic Drive-In founder Troy Nuel Smith Sr. (d. 2009) on May 26 in Oilton, Okla.; grows up in Seminole, Okla. English 6'5" "Dracula", "The Mummy", "Francisco Scaramanga in The Man with the Golden Gun", "Saruman in The Lord of the Rings" actor-musician Sir Christopher Frank Carandini Lee (d. 2015) on May 27 in Belgravia, Westminster; son of Lt. Col. Geoffrey Trollope Lee and Contessa Estelle Marie; great-grandson of Marie Carandini (1826-94); knighted in 2009; record 266 acting roles since 1948. Am. Repub. Colo. gov. #37 (1973-5) John David Vanderhoof (d. 2013) on May 27 in Rocky Ford, Colo.; educated at Glendale College. Am. psychologist James Olds (d. 1976) on May 30 in Chicago, Ill.; educated at Amherst College, and Harvard U. Am. "Mission of Gravity" hard sci-fi novelist Hal Clement (Harry Clement Stubbs) (d. 2003) (AKA George Richard) on May 30 in Somerville, Mass.; educated at Harvard U., Boston U., and Simmons College. English "Dr. Marcus Brody in Raiders of the Lost Ark" actor (bi) Denholm Mitchell Elliott (d. 1992) on May 31 in Ealing, London. Am. geochemist Clair Cameron Patterson (d. 1995) on June 2 in Mitchelville, Iowa.; educated at Grinnell College and the U. of Iowa U.S. vice-adm. (black) Samuel Lee Gravely Jr. (d. 2004) on June 4 in Richmond, Va.; first African-Am. to command a U.S. Navy warship and to rise to massuh, er, Adm. (1971). Canadian "Hee Haw" comedian Gordon Robert "Gordie" Tapp on June 4 in London, Ont. English actress Sheila Beryl Grant Attenborough, Lady Attenborough on June 5 in Liverpool; wife (1945-) of Richard Attenborough (1923-2014). Am. "The Seven Year Itch", "Breakfast at Tiffany's", "The Manchurian Candidate" playwright-producer-dir.-screenwriter (Jewish) George Axelrod (d. 2003) on June 9 in New York City; Russian Jewish father, Scottish-English mother. Am. "Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz", "A Star is Born" 4'11" singer-actress (lefty) Judy Garland (Frances Ethel Gumm) (d. 1969) on June 10 in Grand Rapids, Minn.; Hollywood's leading musical comedy star in the 1940s; wife of (1941-4) David Rose, (1945-51) Vincente Minnelli (1903-86), (1952-65) Sidney Luft (1915-2005), (1965-7) Mark Herron, and (1969) Mickey Deans; mother of Liza Minnelli (1946-) and Lorna Luft (1952-). Am. "Butterflies Are Free" playwright-screenwriter Leonard Gershe (d. 2002) on June 10 in New York City. Greek Cypriot "Zorba the Greek" dir. Michael Cacoyannis on June 11 in Limassol, Cyprus. Am. architect Kevin Roche on June 14 in Dublin, Ireland; educated at Univ. College Dublin U.S. 6'5" liberal rep. (D-Ariz.) (1961-91) (Mormon) Morris King "Mo" Udall (d. 1998) on June 15 in St. Johns, Ariz.; loses an eye at age 6; plays with the Denver Nuggets NBA team. Danish nuclear physicist Aage Niels Bohr (d. 2009) on June 19 in Copenhagen; son of Niels Bohr (1885-1962) and Margrethe Bohr. U.S. 1st Lt. (first officer over the Rhine River in WWII) Karl Heinrich Timmermann (d. 1951) on June 19 in Frankfurt, Germany. Am. "timeless American style" fashion designer (gay) William Ralph "Bill" Blass (d. 2002) on June 22 in Ft. Wayne, Ind. Am. "Harvey Cookie Cook in Stalag 17" actor-sportscaster ("Time to call 'em as I see 'em") Gil Stratton Jr. (d. 2008) on June 22 in Brooklyn, N.Y. Am. "Caged", "Detective Story", "Interrupted Melody", "Baroness Elsa Schraeder in The Sound of Music" actress Eleanor Jean Parker on June 26 in Cedarville, Ohio; grows up in East Cleveland, Ohio. Am. social psychologist Carolyn Wood Sherif (d. 1982) on ? in Loogootee, Ind.; educated at Purdue U., and Iowa State U.; wife ( Am. "Lilacs" composer (black) George Theophilus Walker on June 27 in Washington, D.C.; West Indian immigrant father, African-Am. mother; educated at Oberlin College. French fashion designer Pierre (Pietro) Cardin on July 22 in San Biagio di Callalta (near Treviso), Italy. Am. "Laugh-In" comedian Daniel Hale "Dan" Rowan (d. 1987) on July 22 in Beggs, Okla. Am. "Martin Lane in The Patty Duke Show", "Leander Pomfritt in The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis", "Nilz Baris in Star Trek" actor William Joseph Schallert (d. 2016) on July 6 in Los Angeles, Calif.; son of LA Times drama critic Edwin Francis Schallert; educated at UCLA. Am. "Please Don't Eat the Dasies", "The Song of Bernadette" writer-playwright Jean Kerr (Bridget Jean Collins) (d. 2003) on July 10 in Scranton, Penn.; wife of Walter Kerr (1913-96). German July 20 Plotter Ewald-Heinrich von Kleist-Schmenzin (d. 2013) on July 10 in Schmenzin, Pomerania; son of Ewald von Kleist-Schmenzin (1890-1945). Am. 6'1-1/2" "Sgt. Zack in The Steel Helmet", "Tom McCord in Cattle Queen of Montana" actor (redhead) Eugene Barton "Gene" Evans (d. 1998) on July 11 in Holbrook, Ariz. Am. "Booker T. Washington" biographer Louis Rudolph Harlan (d. 2010) on July 13 near West Point, Miss.; educated at Emory U., and Johns Hopkins U. British Pvt. William "Piper Bill" Millin (d. 2010) on July 14 in Regina, Sask.; Scottish father; grows up in Glasgow. Am. physicist (Jewish) Leon Max Lederman (d. 2018) on July 15 in New York City; educated at CCNY and Columbia U.; 1988 Nobel Physics Prize. Am. labor economist Jacob Mincer (d. 2006) on July 15 in Tomaszow, Poland; educated at Emory U., and Columbia U. Am. "Tell Me That You Love Me, Junie Moon" novelist Marjorie Kellogg (d. 2005) on July 17 in Santa Barbara, Calif.; educated at UCB. Japanese "Tiger Tanaka in You Only Live Twice" actorTetsuro Tamba (d. 2006) on July 17 in Tokyo. Am. "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions" philosopher (of science) Thomas Samuel Kuhn (d. 1996) on July 18 in Cincinnati, Ohio; educated at Harvard U. U.S. Sen. (D-S.D.) (1963-81) George Stanley McGovern on July 19 in Avon, S.D.; educated at Dakota Wesleyan U., and Northwestern U. Am. "Wheel of Fortune", "The Rock and Roll Waltz" jazz singer Kay Starr (Katherine Laverne Starks) on July 21 in Dougherty, Okla.; Iroquois father, Irish-Am. Indian mother. English "Mrs. Slocombe in Are You Being Served" actress Mary Isobel "Mollie" Sugden (d. 2009) on July 21 in Keighley, Yorkshire. U.S. Senator (R-Md.) (1969-87) Charles McCurdy "Mac" Mathias Jr. (d. 2010) on July 24 in Frederick, Md.; educated at Yale U. and the U. of Md. Am. physicist John Bannister Goodenough on July 25 in Jena, Germany; educated at Yale U. (Skull & Bones), and U. of Chicago; 2019 Nobel Chem. Prize. Am. "Breakfast at Tiffany's", "Pink Panther", "Days of Wine and Roses" dir. Blake Edwards (William Blake Crump) (d. 2010) on July 26 in Tulsa, Okla.; husband (1969-) of Julie Andrews (1935-). Am. "Ben Bradlee in All the President's Men", "Henry P.G. Drummond in A Big Hand for the Little Lady", "Howard Hughes in Melvin and Howard" actor (alcoholic) Jason Nelson Robards Jr. (d. 2000) on July 26 in Chicago, Ill.; son of Jason Robards Sr. (1892-1963); husband (1961-9) of Lauren Bacall (1924-2014); father of Sam Robards (1961-). Am. "All in the Family", "Sanford and Son", "The Jeffersons", Maude", "Good Times" TV producer (Jewish) Norman Milton Lear (d. 2023) on July 27 in New Haven, Conn.; educated at Emerson College. Am. baseball player-mgr. (New York Yankees, 1948-59) (Kansas City Athletics, 1960-1) (Baltimore Orioles, 1964-8) Henry Albert "Hank" Bauer (d. 2007) on July 31 in East St. Louis, Ill. Am. "We Never Went to the Moon" writer William Charles "Bill" Kaysing (d. 2005) on July 31 in Chicago, Ill.; educated at the U. of Redlands. Canadian "Dr. Jeremy Stone in The Andromeda Strain", "Owen Marshal: Counselor at Law" actor Arthur Edward Spence Hill (d. 2006) on Aug. 1 in Melfort, Sask.; educated at the U. of British Columbia. Am. Chicago blues singer-drummer (black) ("the Memphis Blues Boy") Willie Nix (d. 1991) on Aug. 6 in Memphis, Tenn. Am. child psychiatrist (Jewish) ("the Father of ADHD") Leon Eisenberg (d. 2009) on Aug. 8 in Philadelphia, Penn.; Russian Jewish immigrant parents; educated at the U. of Penn. U.S. Sen. (R-Nev.) (1974-87) and Nev. gov. #22 (1967-71) ("Ronald Reagan's best friend in politics") Paul Dominique Laxalt (d. 2018) on Aug. 2 in Reno, Nev.; educated at Santa Clara U., and U. of Denver. Am. paleontologist-zoologist Charles Repenning (d. 2005) on Aug. 4 in Oak Park, Ill.; educated at UCB. Am. golfer-weightlifter Frank Richard Stranahan on Aug. 5 in Toledo, Ohio. English no-frills airline entrepreneur Sir Freddie Laker (d. 2006) on Aug. 6 in Canterbury, Kent. Am. photographer (black) Ernest Columbus Withers Sr. (d. 2007) on Aug. 7 in Memphis, Tenn. Am. "Domino Kid", "River of No Return" actor-producer Rory Calhoun (Francis Timothy McCown) (d. 1999) on Aug. 8 in Los Angeles, Calif. Am. historian (Jewish) Gertrude Himmelfarb (Bea Kristol) on Aug. 8 in Brooklyn, N.Y.; educated at the U. of Chicago, and Girton College, Cambridge U.; wife (1942-) of Irving Kristol (1920-2009); sister of Milton Himmelfarb (1918-2006). English "The North Ship" poet-novelist Philip Arthur Larkin (d. 1985) on Aug. 9 in Coventry, Warwickshire; educated at St. John's College, Oxford U. Am. "On the Way to Cape May" singer-composer Al Alberts (Albertini) (Four Aces) on Aug. 10 in Chester, Penn. Chinese Communist official Wang Li (Guangbin) (d. 1996) on Aug. 11 in Huai'an, Jiangsu Province. Leonard Baskin (d. 2000) on Aug. 15 in New Brunswick, N.J.; educated at Yale U.; cousin of Sophie Maslow (1911-2006). Am. "Hogan's Goat" playwright William Alfred (d. 1999) on Aug. 16 in Brooklyn, N.Y.; educated at Brooklyn College, and Harvard U. French "Le Voyeur" Nouveau Roman writer-filmmaker Alain Robbe-Grillet (d. 2008) on Aug. 18 in Brest. Canadian Quebec PM #23 (1976-85) Rene Levesque (d. 1987) on Aug. 24 in Campbellton, N.B.; raised in New Carlisle, Quebec. Am. "A People's History of the United States" Communist activist historian-playwright (Jewish) Howard Zinn (d. 2010) on Aug. 24 in Brooklyn, N.Y.; Austrian-Hungarian Jewish father, Russian Siberian Jewish mother; educated at NYU, and Columbia U. Am. economist Walter Adams (d. 1998) on Aug. 27 in Vienna, Austria; emigrates to the U.S. in 1935; educated at Yale U. Am. "Ten Worst Dressed Women List" fashionista (Jewish) (gay) Richard "Mr." Blackwell (Richard Sylvan Seltzer) (d. 2008) on Aug. 29 in Bensonhurst, Brooklyn, N.Y; partner of Robert Spencer. French "Do You Hear What I Hear?", "Rain, Rain Go Away", "Goodbye, Cruel World", "Dominique" songwriter (Unitarian) Noel (Noël) Regney (Leon Schlienger) (d. 2002) on Aug. 29 in Strasbourg, Alsace, France; husband of Gloria Shayne Baker (1923-2008) and Dominique Gillain. English "Col. Charles Reynolds in It Ain't Half Hot Mum" actor Donald Hewlett on Aug. 30 in Northenden, Manchester, Lancashire. Am. mezzo-soprano opera singer Regina Resnik on Aug. 30 in New York City. Am. "Sephora in The Ten Commandments", "Lily Munster in The Munsters" actress Yvonne De Carlo (Peggy Yvonne Middleton) (d. 2007) on Sept. 1 in Vancouver, B.C., Canada. U.S. Repub. defense secy. #10 (1969-73) Melvin Robert "Bom" Laird on Sept. 1 in Omaha, Neb.; educated at Carleton College. Am. physicist (Jewish) ("the Father of Optical Tweezers") Arthur Ashkin on Sept. 2 in Brooklyn, N.Y.; of Ukrainian Jewish descent; educated at Columbia U., and Cornell U.; 2018 Nobel Physics Prize. English "Are You Being Served?" actor-writer-producer Maj. David John Croft (Sharland) on Sept. 7 in Sandbanks, Poole, Dorset. Am. "Your Show of Shows" comedian (Jewish) Isaac Sidney "Sid" Caesar (d. 2014) on Sept. 8 in Yonkers, N.Y.; Jewish immigrant parents. English "Bride of the Monster" film producer-writer Alex Gordon (d. 2003) on Sept. 8. Am. nuclear fusion political activist Lyndon Hermyle LaRouche Jr. on Sept. 8 in Rochester, N.H.; Quaker parents; descendant of Mayflower leader William Brewster the Elder (1566-1644); goes from a radical Communist to a backer of the "American System", with heroes Alexander Hamilton and Benjamin Franklin? Am. physicist Hans Georg Dehmelt on Sept. 9 in Gorlitz, Germany; educated at the U. of Gottingen; emigrates to the U.S. in 1952. Am. psychologist (Jewish) Mark Richard Rosenzweig (d. 2009) on Sept. 12 in Rochester, N.Y.; educated at Harvard U. Am. "Driftin' Blues", "Merry Christmas Baby" blues singer-pianist (black) Tony Russell "Charles" Brown (d. 1999) on Sept. 13 in Texas City, Tex. Am. "Our Gang", "The Champ", "Perry White in Superman" actor-dir.-producer John "Jackie" Cooper Jr. (d. 2011) on Sept. 15 in Los Angeles, Calif.; newphew of Norman Taurog (1899-1981). Angolan pres. #1 (195-9) and #1 poet (black) Antonio Agostinho Neto (d. 1979) on Sept. 17 in Bengo. English Hammer Film Productions writer-producer Anthony Frank "Tony" Hinds (d. 2013) on Sept. 19 in Uxbridge, Middlesex; son of William Hinds (1887-1957). Am. "The Sun Saboteurs" sci-fi writer Damon Francis Knight (d. 2002) on Sept. 19 in Baker, Ore. Czech Olympic runner Emil Zatopek (Zátopek) (d. 2000) on Sept. 19 in Koprivnice. Am. Anthora paper cup inventor (Jewish) Leslie Buck (Laszlo Buch) (Büch) (d. 2010) on Sept. 20 in Khust, Czech.; emigrates to the U.S. in 1946. Am. pianist (Jewish) William Kapell (d. 1953) on Sept. 20 in New York City; of Russian descent. Am. "Silk Stockings", "Bachelor in Paradise", "The Caretakers" actress-singer ("the Black Widow Girl") Janis "Jan" Paige (Donna Mae Tjaden) (d. 2024) on Sept. 16 in Tacoma, Wash. Am. "Yang-Mills Theory" nuclear physicist Chen-Ning Franklin Yang on Sept. 22 in in Hofei, Anwhei, China; emigrates to the U.S. in 1946; educated at the U. of Chicago; 1957 Nobel Physics Prize. Am. "Bonnie and Clyde", "The Miracle Woker", "Alice's Restaurant" dir.-producer (Jewish) Arthur Hiller Penn (d. 2010) on Sept. 27 in Philadelphia, Penn.; brother of Irving Penn (1917-2009). Am. historian William Edward Leuchtenburg on Sept. 28 in New York City; educated at Cornell U., and Columbia U. Am. economist (AIM founder) Reed John Irvine (d. 2004) on Sept. 29 in Salt Lake City, Utah. Am. "The Strange Love of Martha Ivers" actress Lizabeth Scott (Emma Matzo) on Sept. 29 in Scranton, Penn.; Slovakian immigrant parents. U.S. asst. atty. gen. (1961-4) Burke Marshall (d. 2003) on Oct. 1 in Plainfield, N.J.; educated at Phillips Exeter Academy, and Yale U. Am. "The Family Circus" cartoonist William Aloysius "Bil" Keane (d. 2011) on Oct. 5 in Philadelphia, Penn.; only one l in Bil. Am. "Route 66", "Naked City" writer-producer (Jewish) Herbert Breiter "Bert" Leonard (d. 2006) on Oct. 8 in New York City; educated at NYU. Am. "Harvey Lipschultz in Boston Public" actor (Jewish) Fyvush Finkel on Oct. 9 in Brooklyn, N.Y. U.S. ambassador to Iran (1977-9) William Healy Sullivan on Oct. 12 in R.I. Am. "Backstage" journalist Allen Zwerdling (d. 2009) on Oct. 12 in Brooklyn, N.Y.; collaborator of Ira Eaker (1922-2002). Am. 6'8" basketball player (New York Knicks #8, 1950-56) (black) Nathaniel "Sweetwater" C lifton (Clifton Nathaniel) (d. 1990) on Oct. 13 in Little Rock, Ark.; educated at Xavier U. of La. Armenian astronomer Grigor Burzadyan (d. 2014) on Oct. 15 in Baghdad, Iraq; educated at Yrevan Polytechnic Inst.; father of Vahe Burzadyan (1955-). Am. "The Christmas Song" songwriter-producer Robert Wells (d. 1998) on Oct. 15 in Raymond, Wash.; educated at USC; collaborator of Mel Torme (1925-99). Am. civil rights leader (black) Rev. Leon Howard Sullivan (d. 2001) on Oct. 16 in Charleston, W. Va. Am. muckraking columnist Jack Anderson on Oct. 19 in Long Beach, Calif. Am. glaciologist John H. Mercer (d. 1987) on Oct. 19 in Cheltenham, England; educated at Cambridge U., and McGill U. Am. 6'2" "California Charlie in Psycho" , "MacGyver's grandfather Harry Jackson" char. actor John Robert Anderson (d. 1992) on Oct. 20 in Quincy, Ill.; educated at the U. of Iowa; doesn't bear a resemblance to Abraham Lincoln, but plays him 3x? French philanthropist Liliane Henriette Charlotte Bettencourt (nee Schueller) on Oct. 21 in Paris; only child of L'Oreal founder Eugene Schueller; wife (1950-) of Andre Bettencourt (1919-2007). U.S. R.I. gov. #66 (1963-) and U.S. Sen. (R-R.I.) (1976-99) (Episcopalian) John Lester Hubbard Chafee (d. 1999) on Oct. 22 in Providence, R.I.; educated at Yale U. (Skull & Bones), and Harvard U. Am. "Private Benjamin" dir. (Jewish) Howard Zieff (d. 2009) on Oct. 21 in Chicago, Ill. Romanian king (1927-30, 1940-7) Michael I on Oct. 25 in Sinaia; son of Carol II (1893-1953). Am. baseball hall-of-fame outfielder-announcer Ralph McPherran Kiner (d. 2014) on Oct. 27 in Santa Rita, N.M.; raised in Alhambra, Calif. Venezuelan pres. (1974-9, 1989-93) Carlos Andres Perez (Andrés Pérez) Rodríguez (CAP) (d. 2010) on Oct. 27 in Rubio, Tachira; educated at the Central U. of Venezuela, and Free U. of Colombia. Am. "Dr. Matthew Matt Powers in The Doctors" actor James Turner Pritchett Jr. (d. 2011) on Oct. 27 in Lenoir, N.C. Am. "Flying Home" jazz tenor saxophonist (black) Jean-Baptiste Illinois Jacquet (d. 2004) on Oct. 31 in Broussard, La.; grows up in Houston, Tex. Cambodian king/head of state (1941-55, 1960-70, 1975-6, 1993-2004) Norodom Sihanouk (pr. see-HAN-nook) (d. 2012) on Oct. 31 in Phnom Penh; Norodom Suramarit (1896-1960); father of 14 children incl. Norodom Ranariddh (1944-)and Sihamoni (1953-); the politician who has held the greatest variety of political offices (until ?). U.S. Rep. (R-N.Y.) (1965-85) and World Bank pres. (1986-91) Barber Benjamin Conable Jr. (d. 2003) on Nov. 2 in Warsaw, N.Y.; educated at Cornell U. (Quill & Dagger). Am. "Honey in the Horn", "Cotton Candy" trumpeter Alois Maxwell "Al" Hirt (d. 1999) on Nov. 7 in New Orleans, La. Hungarian philosopher of science (Jewish) Imre Lakatos (Hungarian "locksmith") (Avrum Lipschitz) (d. 1974) on Nov. 9 in Debrecen. Am. "Slaughterhouse-Five" novelist Kurt Vonnegut Jr. (b. 1922) on Nov. 11 in Indianapolis, Ind. Am. "Zira in The Planet of the Apes" actress (progressive Dem.) Kim Hunter (nee Janet Cole) (d. 2002) on Nov. 12 in Detroit, Mich. Am. "Concentration" TV show host (Jewish) John William "Jack" Narz Jr. (d. 2008) on Nov. 13 in Louisville, Ky.; brother of Tom Kennedy (1927-); brother-in-law of Bill Cullen. Austrian "Montag in Fahrenheit 451", "Dr. Schumann in Ship of Fools" actor (pacifist) (alcoholic) Oskar Werner (Oskar Josef Bschliessmayer) (d. 1984) on Nov. 13 in Vienna. Egyptian U.N. secy.-gen. #6 (1992-6) Boutros Boutros-Ghali on Nov. 14 in Cairo; born into a Coptic Christian family (Boutros = Petros = Peter); educated at Cairo U., and U. of Paris. Am. "This Gun for Hire", "I Married a Witch" actress ("Queen of Film Noir") Veronica Lake (Constance Frances Marie Ockelman) (d. 1973) on Nov. 14 in Brooklyn, N.Y.; Danish-Irish descent father. Am. computer engineer Gene Myron Amdahl (d. 2015) on Nov. 16 in Flandreau, S.C.; educated t the S.D. State U., and U. of Wisc. Am. "Abraham Lincoln in Mr. Lincoln, "Honest Abe in The Rifleman" "Elijah in Moby Dick"", "Simon Peter in King of Kings", "Voice of Lincoln at Disneyland" actor (Freemason) Royal Edward Dano Sr. (d. 1994) on Nov. 16 in New York City; Irish immigrant mother. Am. biochemist (Jewish) Stanley Cohen on Nov. 17; educated at Oberlin College and the U. of Mich.; 1986 Nobel Med. Prize. Am. "Bang the Drum Slowly" novelist (Jewish) Mark Harris (Finkelstein) (d. 2007) on Nov. 19 in Mount Vernon, N.Y.; educated at the U. of Denver, and U. of Minn. Russian Mayan language philologist Yuri Valentinovich Knorosov (Knorozov) (d. 1999) on Nov. 19 in Kharkov, Ukraine. Indonesian air vice-marshal Abdul Halim Perdanakusuma (d. 1947) on Nov. 22 in Sampang. Am. pianist Bruce (Leonard) Hungerford (d. 1977) on Nov. 24 in Korumburra, Victoria, Australia. Portuguese "The Stone Raft", "Blindness" Communist novelist-playwright (atheist) Jose de Sousa Saramago (d. 2010) on Nov. 22 in Azinhaga, Ribatejo. Am. M16 weapons designer Eugene Morrison Stoner (d. 1997) on Nov. 22 in Gosport, Ind. Am. photosynthesis chemist James Alan Bassham (d. 2012) on Nov. 26 in Sacramento, Calif.; educated at the U. of Calif. Am. "Peanuts" cartoonist Charles Monroe "Sparky" Schulz (d. 2000) on Nov. 26 in Minneapolis, Minn.; German father, Norwegian mother; nicknamed "Sparky" after Spark Plug, the horse in the "Barney Google" comic strip. British military historian Sir Michael Eliot Howard on Nov. 29 in Ashmore, Dorset; educated at Wellington College, and Christ Church, Oxford U. Canadian bodybuilding magnate (Jewish) Josef E. "Joe" Weider on Nov. 29 in Montreal, Quebec; brother of Ben Weider (1924-2008). Am. "Lee Hobson in The Untouchables" actor Paul Picerni on Dec. 1 in Queens, N.Y. Scottish esotericist (ed. of Share Internat. mag.) Benjamin Creme (pr. krem) on Dec. 5 in Glasgow. English painter-printmaker (Jewish) Lucian Michael Freud on Dec. 8 in Berlin, Germany; grandson of Sigmund Freud (1856-1939); brother of writer Clement Raphael Freud and Stephan Gabriel Freud; moves with family to Britain in 1933; husband (1953-8) of Lady Caroline Blackwood (1931-96); father of Esther Freud (1963-); rumored to have 40 illegitimate children by 2001. Am. actress Jean Porter (AKA Than Hall) on Dec. 8 in Cisco, Tex.; wife (1948-99) of Edward Dmytryk (1908-99). Am. "My Dear Companion" folk singer-songwriter ("the Mother of Folk") (Baptist) Jean Ritchie (d. 2015) on Dec. 8 in Viper, Ky. Am. "Fred Sanford in Sanford and Son" actor-comedian (black) Redd Foxx (John Elroy Sanford) (d. 1991) on Dec. 9 in St. Louis, Mo. Am. "The Little Disturbances of Man" writer-activist (Jewish) Grace Paley (nee Goodside) (d. 2007) on Dec. 11 in Bronx, N.Y.; Ukrainian Jewish immigrant parents; educated at Hunter College, and NYU. Am. "Death Ship" sculptor-printmaker Horace Clifford "Cliff" Westermann (d. 1981) on Dec. 11 in Los Angeles, Calif. Soviet laser physicist Nikolay (Nikolai) Gennadiyevich Basov (d. 2001) on Dec. 14 in Usman, Lipetsk Oblast. Am. CBS "60 Minutes" exec producer (Jewish) Donald S. "Don" Hewitt (d. 2009) on Dec. 14 in New York City; Russian Jewish immigrant father, German Jewish descent mother; educated at NYU; coins the term "anchorman". French "La Mise en scene" nouveau roman novelist Claude Ollier (d. 2014) on Dec. 17. Am. microbiologist (Jewish) Esther Miriam Zimmer Lederberg (d. 2006) on Dec . 18 in Bronx, N.Y.; educated at Hunter College, Stanford U., and U. of Wisc.; wife (1946-68) of Joshua Lederberg (1925-2008). Am. "Jerry Mahoney, Knucklehead Smiff and Mortimer Snerd" ventriloquist (Jewish) Paul Winchell (Pinkus Wilchinski) (d. 2005) on Dec. 21 in New York City. Am. "Strangers on a Train" actress Ruth (Norma) Roman (d. 1999) on Dec. 22 in Lynn, Mass.; Lithuanian Jewish immigrant parents; fortuneteller claims that the name Norma is unlucky, causing her to change it. U.S. Dem. House Speaker #56 (1987-9) James Claude "Jim" Wright Jr. on Dec. 22 in Ft. Worth, Tex.; educated at UTA. Am. "Paths of Glory", "One-Eyed Jacks", "The Graduate" novelist-screenwriter Calder Baynard Willingham Jr. on Dec. 23 in Atlanta, Ga. Am. "Eloyise Y. Honey Bear Kelly in Mogambo", "Julie LaVerne in Show Boat", "Maria Vargas in The Barefoot Contessa" actress Ava Lavinia Gardner (Lucy Johnson) (d. 1990) on Dec. 24 in Johnston County, N.C.; tobacco farmer father of Irish and Tuscarora descent; likes to go barefoot. Lithuanian filmmaker (not Jewish) ("Godfather of American Avant-Garde Cinema") Jonas Mekas on Dec. 24 in Semeniskiai (near Birzai); collaborator of Lionel Rogosin (1924-2000). Am. "Cal Calhoun in Bourbon Street Beat" actor Andrew Duggan (d. 1988) on Dec. 28 in Franklin, Ind. Am. "Spider-Man" comic book author (Jewish) Stan Lee (Stanley Martin Lieber) (d. 2018) on Dec. 28 in New York City; Romanian Jewish immigrant parents; brother of Lawrence D. "Larry" Lieber (1931-). Am. "JR" novelist William Gaddis (d. 1998) on Dec. 29 in New York City; educated at Harvard U. Am. "Name That Tune" TV host-singer-comedian George DeWitt (Florentine) (d. 1979) on Dec. 30 in Atlantic City, N.J. Am. neurologist and cryosurgery pioneer Irving S. Cooper (d. 1985); educated at George Washington U. and the U. of Minn. Soviet engineer Georgy Pavlovich Lyshchinsky (d. 1995) on ? in ?. Am. "The News Twisters" journalist Edith Efron (d. 2001) on ? in ?; educated at Columbia U.; student of John Chamberlain. Am. "Backstage" publisher Ira Eaker (d. 2002); collaborator of Allen Zwerdling (1922-2009); educated at CCNY. British "Epitaph for George Dillon" playwright-actor Anthony Creighton (d. 2005) in Swanage. Iranian grand ayatollah (Shiite Muslim) Hossein (Hussein) Ali Montazeri Najafabi (d. 2009) on ? in Najafabad. Am. historian Lacey Baldwin Smith (d. 2013); educated at Bowdoin College, and Princeton U. Am. historian Bernard Bailyn on ? in Hartford, Conn.; educated at Williams College and Harvard U. Am. ex-Jehovah's Witness activist Raymond Franz on ? in ?. Am. anthropologist Edmund Snow "Ted" Carpenter on ? in Rochester, N.Y. Am. McDonnell Douglas CEO Sanford N. "Sandy" McDonnell on ? in Little Rock, Ark.; nephew of James Smith McDonnell (1899-1980); educated at Princeton U., U. of Colo., and Washington State U. Deaths: English explorer (Australia) rear Adm. John Moresby (b. 1830) on July 12 in Fareham, Hampshire. Am. physician Horatio Robinson Storer (b. 1830) on Sept. 18. French painter Leon Joseph Florentin Bonnat (b. 1833) on Sept. 8 in Paris. English baritone Sir Charles Santley (b. 1834). Am. writer-theologian Lyman Abbott (b. 1835) on Oct. 22. English jurist Albert Venn Dicey (b. 1835) on Apr. 7. Danish pacifist Fredrik Bajer (b. 1837) on Jan. 22; 1908 Nobel Peace Prize: "Always bear in mind that law must be substituted for power, and care taken to serve the interests of law." British historian-diplomat James Bryce, 1st viscount Bryce (b. 1838) on Jan. 22 in Sidmouth, Devon. French mathematician Camille Jordan (b. 1838) on Jan. 22 in Paris. Belgium chemist Ernest Solvay (b. 1838) on May 26 in Brussels. Am. merchant John Wanamaker (b. 1838): "The customer is always right". English chocolate manufacturer and social reformer George Cadbury (b. 1839) on Oct. 24 in Northfield Manor. Catalan-born Moulin Rouge French impresario Joseph Oller (b. 1839) in Paris. Am. Okla. Territory gov. #1 (1890-1) George Washington Steele (b. 1839) on July 12 in Marion, Ind. Irish portraitist John Butler Yeats (b. 1839) on Feb. 3 in Chestertown, N.Y. English poet-traveller Sir Wilfred Scawen Blunt (b. 1840) on Sept. 10. Italian novelist-dramatist Giovanni Verga (b. 1840) on Jan. 27 in Catania. Argentina-born English "Green Mansions" naturalist novelist William Henry Hudson (b. 1841) on Aug. 18 in London; in 1925 the Rima Memorial in the bird sanctuary of Kensington Gardens, London is built by Jacob Epstein. Spanish Catalan composer Felip Pedrell (b. 1841) on Aug. 19 in Barcelona. Am. Standard Oil Co. co-founder William Avery Rockefeller Jr. (b. 1841) on June 24 in Tarryton, N.Y.; leaves a $102M estate. French historian Ernest Lavisse (b. 1842). Am. painter Charles Henry Miller (b. 1842) on Jan. 21. German surgeon Heinrich Quincke (b. 1842) on May 19. Tasmanian-born English evangelist Elizabeth Reid, Lady Hope (b. 1842) on Mar. 8 in Sydney, Australia (cancer). Am. Tammany Hall boss Richard Croker (b. 1843) on Apr. 29 in County Dublin, Ireland; buried in Kilgobbin Cemetery in County Dublin, where his Glencairn Estate in Sandyford has an exact replica of the Epsom Downs race track incl. the left-hand downhill Tattenham Corner. Am. lawyer Richard Theodore Greener (b. 1844) on May 2 in Chicago, Ill. Scottish malaria research pioneer Sir Patrick Manson (b. 1844) on Apr. 9 in London. English scholar Sir John Edwin Sandys (b. 1844) on July 6 in Cambridge. Am. Okla. gov. #3 (1893-7) William Cary Renfrow (b. 1845) on Jan. 31 in Bentonville, Ark.; dies while sitting in the lobby of the Massey Hotel en route to visit his sick brother in Russellville. French malaria physician Charles Louis Alphonse Laveran (b. 1845) on May 18 in Paris; 1907 Nobel Medicine Prize. Italian "Funiculi Funicula" composer Luigi Denza (b. 1846) on Jan. 26 in London. Am. automobile inventor George B. Selden (b. 1846) on Jan. 17 in Rochester, N.Y. Scottish telephone inventor Alexander Graham Bell (b. 1847) on Aug. 2 in Beinn Bhreagh, Nova Scotia, Canada; upon his death all telephones in the U.S. stop ringing for 1 min.: "America is a country of inventors, and the greatest of inventors are the newspaper men." English poet Alice Meynell (b. 1847) on Nov. 27 in London. Italian PM #19 (1906, 1909-10) Baron Sidney Sonnino (b. 1847) on Nov. 24 in Rome. French syndicalist philosopher Georges Sorel (b. 1847) on Aug. 29. Monaco prince Albert I (b. 1848) on June 26 in Paris. English historian Sir George Walter Prothero (b. 1848) on July 10. German Assyriologist Friedrich Delitzsch (b. 1850) on Dec. 19 in Langenschwalbach bei Wiesbaden. French celeb Marie-Hortense Fiquet Cezanne (b. 1850) in Paris; "My wife only cares for Switzerland and lemonade" (Paul Cezanne). Am. amateur archeologist George McJunkin (b. 1851) in Folsom, N.M. English cartoonist Sir Leslie Ward (AKA Spy) (b. 1851) on May 15. Am. baseball hall-of-fame player Cap Anson (b. 1852) on Apr. 14 in Chicago, Ill; first with 3K+ career hits. Am. surgeon William Stewart Halsted (b. 1852) on Sept. 7 in Baltimore, Md. English singer-actor Rutland Barrington (b. 1853) on May 31 in South London; dies in poverty after suffering a stroke in 1919. French journalist Pierre Giffard (b. 1853) on jan. 21 in Maisons-Laffitte. Am. mathematician George Bruce Halsted (b. 1853) on Mar. 16. Am. "Old South" writer-diplomat Thomas Nelson Page (b. 1853) on Nov. 1 in Hanover County, Va. Italian pope (1914-22) Benedict XV (b. 1854) on Jan. 22 in Rome. Am. millionaire J.J. Brown (b. 1854) on Sept. 5 in Nassau, N.Y.; husband (1886-) of Molly Brown (1867-1932); dies intestate, causing a 5-year fight over his assets. English naval historian Sir Julian Stafford Corbett (b. 1854) on Sept. 21 in Stopham, Pulborough, Sussex. Japanese-born Am. chemist Jokichi Takamine (b. 1854) on July 22. South African Boer politician-gen. Christiaan De Wet (b. 1854) on Feb. 3. Hungarian conductor Arthur Nikisch (b. 1855) on Jan. 23 in Leipzig, Germany. U.S. Rep. (R-Ill.) (1897-1903) James Robert Mann (b. 1856) on Nov. 30 in Washington, D.C. Russian mathematician Andrei Markov (b. 1856) on July 22 in Petrograd. Am. populist politician Tom Watson (b. 1856) on Sept. 26 in Washington, D.C. Am. historian William Archibald Dunning (b. 1857) on Aug. 25. Italian last castrato Alessandro Moreschi (b. 1858) on Apr. 21 in Rome. Lithuanian-born Zionist founder Elieser Ben-Yehuda (b. 1858) on Dec. 16 in Jerusalem (TB); leaves an unfinished comprehensive Hebrew dictionary. German physicist Wilhelm Hallwachs (b. 1859) on June 20 in Dresden. Am. singer-actress Lillian Russell (b. 1860) on June 6. Am. baseball hall-of-fame player Big Sam Thompson (b. 1860) on Nov. 7 in Detroit, Mich.; career batting avg.: .331; career RBIs/games played ratio of .923 is highest of all time (until ?). Korean nationalist leader Son Byong-Hi (b. 1861). German gen. Erich von Falkenhayn (b. 1861) on Apr. 8 in Schloss Lindstedt (near Potsdam). Hungarian novelist Geza Gardonyi (b. 1863) on Oct. 30 in Eger. German serial murderer Carl Grossmann (b. 1863) on July 5 (suicide by hanging). British politician Lewis Vernon Harcourt, 1st Viscount Harcourt (b. 1863) on Feb. 24 in London. Am. journalist Nellie Bly (b. 1864) on Jan. 27 in New York City (pneumonia). Swedish political scientist Johan Rudolf Kjellen (b. 1864) on Nov. 14 in Uppsala. British Conservative politician and Field Marshal Sir Henry Wilson (b. 1864) on June 22 in London (assassinated by the IRA). English newspaper publisher Arthur Harmsworth, 1st Viscount Northcliffe (b. 1865) on Aug. 14. Greek PM (1915, 1921-2) Demetrios Gounaris (b. 1866) on Nov. 15 in Athens (executed). Am. inventor David T. Kenney (b. 1866) on May 24 near Beacon, N.Y. (suicide); his body is found on June 4; he recently lost his wife and a sister. German-born Am. Tootsie Roll candy inventor Leo Hirschfeld (b. 1867) on Jan. 13 in Manhattan, N.Y. (suicide); shoots himself in his room at the Monterey Hotel in Manhattan, leaving the note: "I'm sorry, but I couldn't help it". Turkish journalist-minister Ali Kemal Bey (b. 1922) on Nov. 6 in Izmit (lynched by a mob). Australian writer Henry Lawson (b. 1867) on Sept. 2 in Sydney. German industrialist-statesman Walther Rathenau (b. 1867) on Feb. 1 (assassinated). Am. sculptor Solon Hannibal Borglum (b. 1868). French serial murderer (10 widows plus one of their sons) Henri Landru (b. 1869) on Feb. 25 (guillotined); "I did it. I burned their bodies in my kitchen stove" (alleged confession note). Irish writer and IRA activist Robert Erskine Childers (b. 1870) on Nov. 24 (executed by the Irish Free State for possession of an automatic pistol given to him by Michael Collins); tells his 16-y.-o. son Erskine Hamilton Childers to seek out and shake the hand of every man who signed his death warrant, then shakes hands with each member of the firing squad before uttering the soundbyte: "Take a step or two forward, lads, it will be easier that way." English music hall star Marie Lloyd (b. 1870) on Oct. 7 in London; dies after taking sick on stage at the Empire Music Hall in Edmonton, London; her Oct. 12 funeral in Hampstead is attended by 100K. Am. naturalist Enos Mills (b. 1870) on Sept. 21 (blood poisoning from an infected tooth): "Within National Parks is room - glorious room - room in which to find ourselves, in which to think and hope, to dream and plan, to rest and resolve." Am. minister William Joseph Seymour (b. 1870) on Sept. 28 in Los Angeles, Calif. Hawaiian prince Jonah Kuhio Kalaniana'ole (b. 1871) on Jan. 15 in Waikiki, Oahu, Hawaii. Croatian inventor Eduard Penkala (b. 1871) on Feb. 5 in Zagreb. French asthmatic novelist Marcel Proust (b. 1871); leaves the final 3 vols. of his 7-vol. "Remembrance of Things Past" in ms. form - what, no Nobel? French dramatist Henri Bataille (b. 1872) on Mar. 22 in Rueil, Paris. Am. archeologist Howard Crosby Butler (b. 1872) on Aug. 13/14 in Neuilly, Paris, France. Irish Sinn Fein founder Arthur Griffith (b. 1872) on Aug. 12 in Dublin. Turkish gen. Djemal Pasha (b. 1872) on July 21 in Tbilisi, Georgia. Am. movie dir. William Desmond Taylor (b. 1872) on Feb. 1 in Los Angeles, Calif. (murdered). Irish-born British Antarctic explorer Sir Ernest Henry Shackleton (b. 1874) on Jan. 5 in South Georgia Island. English silent film actor Roy Redgrave (b. 1873) on May 25 in Sydney, N.S.W., Australia. Lebanese Christian journalist Farah Antun (b. 1874). Mexican rev. leader Ricardo Flores Magon (b. 1874) on Nov. 21. Bahamas-born Am. actor-singer-dir. Bert Williams (b. 1874) on Mar. 4 in Manhattan, N.Y.; "The funniest man I ever saw, and the saddest man I ever knew." (W.C. Fields) English composer James William Tate (b. 1875) on Feb. 5 in Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire (pneumonia). Turkish leader Enver Pasha (b. 1881) on Aug. 4 in Turkestan; KIA in a battle with the Bolsheviks. Swiss "inkblot" psychiatrist Hermann Rorschach (b. 1884). Austrian exiled emperor (1916-18) Charles I (b. 1887) on Apr. 1 in Madeira, Portugal (pneumonia); beatified on Oct. 3, 2004. Irish rev. leader (IRA founder) Michael "Mick" Collins (b. 1890) on Aug. 22 in Beal na m'Blath (Mouth of the Flowers), County Cork (assassinated) - the good die young? Danish-born Australian WWI Pvt. Jorgen Christian Jensen (b. 1891) on May 31 in Adelaide. Sicilian-born mobster Umberto Valenti (b. 1891) on Aug. 11 in New York City (murdered by Lucky Luciano outside a cafe at the corner of 2nd Ave. and E. 12th St.).

1923 - The 1-2-3 23-Skidoo Year of real or attempted beginnings, either towards peace or war, spiced up with an ancient Egyptian curse? The Allies go too far with Germany and give Adolf Hitler his putsch to power, while Italy gets its It's All Right Now Rocky Balboa? Britain enters the Stanley Baldwin Era, while the isolated U.S. enters the Time Mag. Era?

Time Mag. Mar. 2, 1923 (first issue) John Calvin Coolidge of the U.S. (1872-1933) Grace Anna Goodhue Coolidge (1879-1957) Bruce Fairchild Barton of the U.S. (1886-1957) Benito Mussolini of Italy (1883-1945) 1923 Munich Beer Hall Putsch Ludwig Maximilian Erwin von Scheubner-Richter of Germany (1884-1923) German Gen. Otto von Lossow (1868-1938) Stanley Baldwin of Britain (1867-1947) Robert DeNiro (1943-) Gustav Stresemann of Germany (1878-1929) Wilhelm Marx of Germany (1863-1946) French Gen. Maxime Weygand (1867-1965) Gen. Miguel Primo de Rivera of Spain (1870-1930) Manuel Teixeira Gomes of Portugal (1860-1941) Stanley Melborune Bruce of Australia (1883-1967) Edward Terry Sanford of the U.S. (1865-1930) Albert Jeremiah Beveridge of the U.S. (1862-1927) Friend Richardson of the U.S. (1865-1943) Nat. Tree Lighting, Dec. 24, 1923 Chaim Weizmann (1874-1952) Henry Robinson Luce (1898-1967) Briton Hadden (1898-1929) U.S. Lt. John A. Macready (1887-1979) Arda Bowser (1899-1996) Bob Douglas (1882-1979) Tarzan Cooper (1907-80) George Halas (1895-1983) Casey Stengel (1890-1975) John Joseph McGraw (1873-1934) Don Luigi Sturzo (1871-1959) Hoda Shaarawi (1879-1947) Alfred Pritchard Sloan Jr. (1875-1966) Rudolph Boysen (1895-1950) Willy Messerschmitt (1898-1978) Martin Buber (1878-1965) John Gresham Machen (1881-1937) Earl Sande (1898-1968) Bix Beiderbecke (1903-31) Frederick Lindemann, 1st Viscount Cherwell (1886-1957) Julius Streicher (1885-1946) Hugo Eckener (1868-1954) Walt Disney (1901-66) Ford Madox Ford (1873-1939) Kahlil Gibran (1883-1931) Edna St. Vincent Millay (1892-1950) Albert Schweitzer (1875-1965) John Roach Straton (1875-1929) Charles Francis Potter (1885-1962) Richard Wagner (1813-83) Jane Cowl (1884-1950) Robert Frost (1874-1963) Edward Louis Bernays (1891-1995) Arthur Honegger (1892-1955) Darius Milhaud (1892-1974) Ottorino Respighi (1879-1936) Wallace Stevens (1879-1955) Theodor H.E. Svedberg (1884-1971) J.B.S. Haldane (1892-1964) Captain Kangaroo (1927-2004) Johannes Nicolaus Brønsted (1879-1947) Martin Lowry (1874-1936) Joseph Capgras (1873-1950) Jean Piaget (1896-1980) Llewelyn Powys (1884-1939) Felix Salten (1869-1945) Italo Svevo (1861-1928) William Butler Yeats (1839-1922) Robert A. Millikan (1868-1953) Fritz Pregl (1869-1930) U.. Lt. John Arthur Macready (1887-1979) Sir Frederick Grant Banting (1891-1941) James Bertram Collip (1892-1965) Charles Herbert Best (1899-1978) John James Rickard Macleod (1876-1935) Arthur Holly Compton (1892-1962) Peter Debye (1884-1966) Frederick Griffith (1877-1941) Erich Hückel (1896-1980) Reuben Hollis Fleet (1887-1975) Pierre Janet (1859-1947) Friedrich Radszuweit (1876-1932) Harry Steenbock (1886-1967) Vladimir Zworykin (1889-1982) Benton MacKaye (1879-1975) Hermann Julius Oberth (1894-1989) Charles Kay Ogden (1889-1957) Ivor Armstrong Richards (1893-1979) Gladys Rowena Henry Dick (1881-1963) Pola Negri (1894-1987) Michael Idvorsky Pupin (1858-1935) Max Wolf (1863-1932) Carl Grünberg (1861-1940) Theodor W. Adorno (1903-69) Max Horkheimer (1895-1973) Leo Löwenthal (1900-93) Herbert Marcuse (1898-1979) Friedrich Pollock (1894-1970) Karl Korsch (1886-1961) Berenice Abbott (1898-1991) e.e. cummings (1894-1962) Owen Davis Sr. (1874-1956) Sir Norman Hartnell (1901-79) Roy Franklin Nichols (1896-1973) Georg Wilhelm Pabst (1885-1967) Robert Winship Woodruff (1889-1985) John Orr Young (1886-1976) Raymond Rubicam (1892-1978) Marcel Achard (1899-1974) Louise Bogan (1897-1970) Fiddlin' John Carson (1868-1949) Dorothy Dix (1861-1951) Jelly Roll Morton (1890-1941) Jean Toomer (1894-1967) Jobyna Ralston (1899-1967) 'Anna Christie', 1923 'The White Rose', 1923 Clifford Curzon (1907-82) Ramon Novarro (1899-1968) Raymond Radiguet (1903-23) Ma Rainey (1886-1939) Armand Salacrou (1899-1989) Bessie Smith (1894-1937) Margery Allingham (1904-66) Sir Michael Balcon (1896-1977) Elizabeth Bowen (1899-1973) Victor Saville (1895-1979) Edmund Lowe (1890-1971) Naomi Mitchison (1897-1999) John Robert Powers (1892-1977) Juan de la Cierva y Codorniu (1895-1936) Dorothy Leigh Sayers (1893-1957) Nathaniel Shilkret (1889-1982) Original Memphis Five Noël Coward (1899-1973) Noël Coward (1899-1973) and Gertrude Lawrence (1898-1952) 'London Calling!', 1923 Gertrude Lawrence (1898-1952) 'Saint Joan', 1923 Sybil Thorndike (1882-1976) as Joan of Arc, 1923-41 'Ubu Imperator' by Max Ernst (1891-1976), 1923 'Pieta/ Revolution by Night' by Max Ernst (1891-1976), 1923 'The Equivocal (Teetering) Woman' by Max Ernst (1891-1976), 1923 'The Caller' by Fred Gardner (1880-1952), 1923 Sir Stanley Spencer (1891-1959) 'The Resurrection, Cookham', by Sir Stanley Spencer (1891-1959), 1923-7 'The Blue Room' by Suzanne Valadon, 1923 'Woman in White' by Pablo Picasso (1881-1973), 1923 'The Tilled Field' by Joan Miro (1893-1983), 1923-4 Lombard Street, San Francisco, 1923 'The Covered Wagon', 1923 'The Hunchback of Notre Dame', 1923 'The Ten Commandments', 1923 'The Virginian', 1923 'The White Sister', 1923 Ronald Colman (1891-1958) 'A Woman of Paris', 1923 Harold Lloyd in 'Safety Last!', 1923 Martha Mansfield (1899-1923) Louella Parsons (1881-1972) Hollywoodland Sign 'Object to Be Destroyed' by Man Ray (1890-1976), 1923 Aeroflot Logo Forrest Edward Mars Sr. (1904-99) Franklin Clarence Mars (1883-1934) Mars candy bars Charleston Chew, 1922-3 Almond Roca, 1923 Popsicle, 1923 Frank W. Epperson (1894-1983) Sanka brand coffee, 1923 Richard Joseph Neutra (1892-1970) Rudolf Schindler (1887-1953) Lovell Health House, 1929 Tokyo Imperial Hotel, 1923 Cotton Club, 1923 County Club Plaza, Kansas City, Mo., 1923 Jesse Clyde Nichols (1880-1950) Edward Buehler Delk (1885-1956) Raymond Mathewson Hood (1881-1934) John Mead Howells (1868-1959) Chicago Tribune Bldg., 1923-5 Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959) Imperial Theatre, 1923 Percy Lee Crosby (1891-1964) 'Skippy', 1923-45

1923 Chinese Year: Pig. Trade union membership: Germany: 9.2M, Soviet Union: 4.6M, Britain: 4.4M, U.S.: 3.6M. In 1923 trade union membership: Germany: 9.2M, Soviet Union: 4.6M, Britain: 4.4M, U.S.: 3.6M. Hyperinflation rages in Germany; by fall the German mark plummets to one-trillionth of its pre-war value (4M to one U.S. dollar); on Oct. 15 the Rentenmark, based on mortgages on land is introduced, finally bringing inflation under control. On Jan. 1 USC defeats Penn State by 14-3 to win the 1923 Rose Bowl, played in the new Rose Bowl Stadium. On Jan. 9 Friends Colony, Mich.-born Quaker ex-Progressive Repub. newspaper publisher Friend William Richardson (1865-1943) becomes Calif. gov. #25 (until Jan. 4, 1927), going on to reverse the Progressive reforms of previous govs. Hiram Johnson and William Stephens, fighting the legislature after Progressives regain control in 1924 and pocket-vetoing a bill to create a prof. state bar. On Jan. 11 French and Belgian troops invade the Ruhr Valley, occupying it by Jan. 23 in order to collect reparations from Germany for WWI, causing the German people to stage a gen. strike in protest and abandon passive resistance; the U.S. Senate calls for recall of the occupation forces; France occupies Darmstadt, Karlsruhe, and Mannheim. On Jan. 14 Italian king Victor Emmanuel III authorizes a voluntary Fascist military. On Jan. 29 after Pres. Harding nominates him on Jan. 24 to the seat vacated by Mahlon Pitney upon the advice of chief justice William Howard Taft, Knoxville, Tenn.-born Edward Terry Sanford (1865-1930) is appointed as U.S. Supreme Court justice #72 (until Mar. 8, 1930), bringing the court members back up to nine. In Jan. Adolf Hitler convinces the Bavarian authorities to permit him to hold a rally in the Marsfeld in Munich, and 1K storm troopers and 4K party members attend; in Mar. he links up with Capt. Ernst Rohem's Reich War Flag, and almost stages a putsch in May, but backs down when Gen. Otto von Lossow (1868-1938), military cmdr. of Bavaria (Wehrkreis VII) flops - what a lossow? In Jan. British chancellor of the exchequer Stanley Baldwin goes to the U.S. with the British Financial Mission to fund the war debt. On Feb. 3 the Australian govt. of William M. Hughes (in power since 1915) resigns under pressure of the Country Party, and on Feb. 9 Stanley Melbourne Bruce (1883-1967) becomes PM #12 of Australia (until 1929), forming a coalition cabinet of Nationalist and Country Party members - in the white room with black curtains in the station? On Feb. 9 the Soviet Union founds Aeroflot (Russ. "air fleet"), which begins operations on July 15, becoming the world's largest airline. On Feb. 12 the Red Army under Gen. Ivan Strod defeats the White Army under Gen. Anatoly Pepelyayev at the Battle of Sasyl-Sasyg, ousting them from Amga in Mar. On Feb. 16 the sealed burial chamber of the Tomb of King Tutankhamen (King Tut), unearthed last Nov. 4 by Howard Carter and Lord Carnarvon in the Valley of the Kings in Egypt is unsealed, bringing King Tut's Curse on all 20 involved, starting on Apr. 5 with Lord Carnarvon, along with his personal secy. Capt. Richard Bethell (Nov. 15, 1929) and his father Lord Westbury (Feb. 20, 1930), Carnarvon's half-brother Aubrey Herbert (Sept. 23, 1923), and Carnarvon's friend Sir Ernest Wallis Budge (Nov. 23, 1934), but not Carter himself, who lives for 17 years and dies at the age of 65; "Everywhere the glint of gold"; six mysterious London deaths attributed to the curse were really ritual revenge murderers by "wickedest man in the world" English Satanist Aleister Crowley (1875-1947)? On Mar. 1 Greece adopts the Gregorian Calendar for civil purposes only. On Mar. 3 weekly Time mag., founded by Yale classmates (both inducted into Skull & Bones in 1920) Briton Hadden (1898-1929) and Henry Robinson Luce (1898-1967) begins pub., becoming the first and most successful news mag., giving small town hicks a source of nat. news and analysis with clever invented words and inverted sentences; Roy Edward Larsen (1899-1979) replaces Luce, becoming pres. in 1939-60 - the original Great Track of Time one week at a time with no ability to revise? On Mar. 9 after a massive stroke, Vladimir Lenin resigns as leader of the Communist Party - hard to give speeches now? On Mar. 14 Pres. Harding becomes the first U.S. pres. to file an income tax return. On Mar. 15 the comic strip Skippy by Brooklyn, N.Y.-born Percy Lee Crosby (1891-1964) debuts in Life mag., going into syndication in 1925 and earning Crosby $2,350/week, inspiring Charles Schulz's "Peanuts" comic strip and made into a 1931 Oscar-winning film; about young Skippy Skinner, who wears a huge collar and tie and floppy checked hat, and gets into mischief; in 1925 Crosby registers Skippy as a trademark, licensing it to toymakers, clothing makers et al.; newspaper syndication ends in 1945. On Mar. 16 the Egyptian Women's Union is formed by upper-class Egyptian women led by Hoda (Huda) Shaarawi (1879-1947), calling for a ban on polygamy and a man's right to summary divorce, and demanding equality for women; Huda shocks the country by publicly unveiling at a railway station in Cairo after returning from a women's conference in Italy, even though it's only practiced by upper class women anyway; too bad, the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood causes many Egyptian women to wear veils again by the early 21st cent. On Mar. 24 the Italian judicial system is reformed by the Fascists - deformed? On Mar. 31 the first dance marathon in the U.S., held in New York City ends with Alma Cummings setting a world record of 27 hours on her feet - looking for my date, kind of short, very handsome, probably has his shoes untied? On Apr. 1 compulsory military service in France is reduced to 1.5 years. On Apr. 9 Afghanistan proclaims the 1923 Afghan Constitution, giving the emir all executive powers and the right to appoint half of the legislature, which has mainly consultative functions. On Apr. 9 the U.S. Supeme (Taft) Court rules 5-3 in Adkins v. Children's Hospital that federal minimum wage legislation for women is an unconstitutional violation of liberty of contract as protected by the 5th Amendment's Due Process Clause, with Chief Justice William Taft writing the soundbyte: "Legislatures in limiting freedom of contract between employee and employer by a minimum wage proceed on the assumption that employees, in the class receiving least pay, are not upon a full level of equality of choice with their employer and in their necessitous circumstances are prone to accept pretty much anything that is offered. They are peculiarly subject to the overreaching of the harsh and greedy employer. The evils of the sweating system and of the long hours and low wages which are characteristic of it are well known. Now, I agree that it is a disputable question in the field of political economy how far a statutory requirement of maximum hours or minimum wages may be a useful remedy for these evils, and whether it may not make the case of the oppressed employee worse than it was before. But it is not the function of this court to hold congressional acts invalid simply because they are passed to carry out economic views which the court believes to be unwise or unsound"; dissenting Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes writes the soundbyte: "The earlier decisions upon the same words in the Fourteenth Amendment began within our memory and went no farther than an unpretentious assertion of the liberty to follow the ordinary callings. Later that innocuous generality was expanded into the dogma, Liberty of Contract. Contract is not specially mentioned in the text that we have to construe. It is merely an example of doing what you want to do, embodied in the word liberty. But pretty much all law consists in forbidding men to do some things that they want to do, and contract is no more exempt from law than other acts. Without enumerating all the restrictive laws that have been upheld I will mention a few that seem to me to have interfered with liberty of contract quite as seriously and directly as the one before us. Usury laws prohibit contracts by which a man receives more than so much interest for the money that he lends. Statutes of frauds restrict many contracts to certain forms. Some Sunday laws prohibit practically all contracts during one-seventh of our whole life. Insurance rates may be regulated"; Justice Louis Brandeis recuses himself; overturned by West Coast Hotel v. Parrish (1937). On Apr. 20 (Hitler's birthday) Der Stuermer (Stürmer) (The Attacker) begins pub. in Germany, ed. by loyal Hitler follower Julius Streicher (1885-1946) (until 1945), who utters the soundbyte "We will be slaves of the Jew, therefore he must go." On Apr. 21 Egypt proclaims the 1923 Egyptian Constitution, with a bicameral legislature, and power shared between King Fouad I and the cabinet, which the king appoints; on Sept. 23 the first elections are held, and the Wafdist Party scores an overwhelming V; too bad, since the king also schedules elections, and the British have him on puppet strings, he goes on to regularly defeat popular elected govts. by dismissing their cabinets and putting in his own, hamstringing the Wafdists. On Apr. 26 Prince Albert Windsor (b. 1895) (later George VI) marries Elizabeth Angela Marguerite Bowes-Lyon (1900-2002), whom his brother Prince David (later Edward VIII) calls "Cookie" because she looks like a plump Scottish cook?; she goes on to become the mother of Elizabeth II and Princess Margaret. In Apr. Brussels-born French Gen. Maxime Weygand (1867-1965) arrives in Syria as the new French high commissioner (until 1925). On May 2-3 Am. test pilots Lts. John Arthur Macready (1887-1979) and Oakley George Kelly (1891-1966) fly a single-engine Fokker T-2 nonstop from New York to San Diego (2.5K mi.) in 26 hours, 50 min., becoming the first nonstop transcontinental flight; on June 13, 1924 Macready becomes the first pilot to bail out of an airplane at night near Dayton, Ohio. On May 20 British PM (since Oct. 23, 1922) Bonar Law (b. 1858) resigns, and dies of throat cancer on Oct. 30, and on May 22 Conservative chancellor of the exchequer (since Oct. 27, 1922) Stanley Baldwin (1867-1947) (first cousin of Rudyard Kipling) (whose portrait bears a striking resemblance to actor Robert De Niro (1943-)?) becomes British PM (until Jan. 22, 1924), with Neville Chamberlain becoming chancellor of the exchequer in Aug. (until Dec. 6); on Dec. 6 the 1923 British gen. election gives Conservatives 258 seats, Labour 191, and Liberals 158, resulting in a hung Parliament, becoming the last British gen. election in which the third party wins more than 100 seats or 26% of the vote (until ?). On May 23 Sabena, the nat. airline of Belgium is founded (until Nov. 7, 2001). On May 25 the Anglo-Transjordanian Treaty separates Transjordan from the Palestine mandate and gives it independence with a permanent govt. but with foreign policy controlled by Britain; the Arab Legion (founded 1921), led by British Lt. Col. Frederick Gerard Peake (1886-1970) acts as its army and police force. In May the Catholic Popular Party in Italy is ousted by the Fascists; Popular Party founder Don Luigi Sturzo (1871-1959), leader of the left wing resists, but Pope Pius XI denounces him - thanka youa papa? On June 9 Spanish engineer On June 9 Spanish engineer Juan de la Cierva y Codorniu (1895-1936) makes the first successful flight in a rotary wing autogiro (autogyro) aircraft in Madrid, using a normal airplane propeller instead of the fancy articulated rotor blade with cyclic pitch control. On June 11 Britain's King George V awards Benito Mussolini the Order of the Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath - and tells him to take one? On June 17 after being defeated near Okhotsk on June 6 and near Ayan on June 16, Gen. Anatoly Pepelyayev surrenders the last 230 White Russian soldiers and 103 officers in Ayano-Maysky District on the Pacific Coast, ending the Russian Civil War (begun 1918), securing the vast Soviet territory for Communism with a total of 13M civilian casualties (incl. 1M refugees leaving Russian permanently), 1.2M Bolshevik, and 300K White Russian casualties - Dirty Linen's gang are now free to create the myth of the Soviet Paradise? I can't stand the suspense, shoot me? In June Pres. Harding goes on a nat. speaking tour to assure the people that he isn't a crook?; Jess Smith (b. 1872), an aide working for U.S. atty.-gen. Harry M. Daugherty, known for showing off huge sums of money that he "earned" by corruption is found shot one morning in the left temple, his head in a waste basket and a pistol in his right (wrong, since he's a leftie?) hand; the pistol disappears and the body is buried without an autopsy; on Aug. 2 (eve.) after returning from Alaska (first pres. to visit it), where he drives the first (golden) spike in a railroad in Nenana, Pres. (since Mar. 4, 1921) Warren G. Harding (b. 1865) dies unexpectedly of a heart attack ("apoplexy") in a San Francisco, Calif. hotel, becoming the 5th straight victim of the Zero-Year Pres. Curse after W.H. Harrison, Lincoln, Garfield, and McKinley; his body is returned to Washington, D.C. on a funeral train greeted by 9M; no autopsy is performed; did Harding's wife "The Duchess" have him poisoned to avoid the disgrace of an imminent impeachment? In June Ind. Repub. Sen. (1899-1911) Albert Jeremiah Beveridge (1862-1927), who bolted to the doomed Progressive Party in 1912, ruining his career gives a speech at the annual dinner of the Sons of the Revolution, decrying his former support of govt. regulation, with the soundbyte: "America would be better off as a country and Americans happier and more prosperous as a people if half of our Government boards, bureaus and commissions were abolished, hundreds of thousands of our Government officials, agents and employees were discharged, and two-thirds of our Government regulations, restrictions, and inhibitions were removed." On July 6 the Union of Soviet Socialist Repubs. is officially formed. On July 24 the Treaty of Lausanne between Turkey and Greece recognizes Turkish independence, after which Allied forces leave Istanbul in 10 weeks; all remaining Christians in Turkey are evacuated; the Turkish Pop. Directorate enables the govt. to register people and give them ancestry codes (1=Greek, 2=Armenian, 3=Jewish), which are used until ? for govt.-backed discrimination; on Sept. 4-11 the Sivas Congress in CE Turkey, called by Mustafa Kemal Pasha is held, and on Sept. 9 officially establishes the Repub. People's Party (CHP) as the founding party of modern 1-party Turkey, with a party flag consisting of six white arrows on a red background; on Oct. 29 the Repub. of Turkey is proclaimed, with Mustafa Kemal Ataturk as pres. #1 (until Nov. 10, 1938) and Ismet Inonu (who signed the treaty for Turkey) as PM #1 (until 1937), going on to play Ataturk ball and try to secularize medieval, er, Muslim Turkey; the 1923 Pop. Exchange sees 1.25M Greeks repatriated in 1923-30 with the help of the League of Nations and the Near East Relief Commission, causing the pop. of Greece to rise from 2.6M in 1907 to 6.2M in 1928; meanwhile the Greek pop. in Turkey goes from 2M in 1900 to 48K in 1965 and less than 5K by 2006. In July the Fascists begin Italianizing the South Tyrol (Upper Adige). Silent Cal presides over a contented U.S.? On Aug. 3 (Fri.) (early a.m.) after the death of Pres. Harding the previous evening, Vt.-born storekeeper's son (Amherst College grad.) (former Boston mayor and Mass. gov.) (one of three mayors to become U.S. pres.), reserved, publicly noncommittal Vt. farmboy "Silent Cal" (high nasal voice) John Calvin Coolidge (1872-1933) becomes the 30th U.S. pres. (until Mar. 4, 1929) in the 40th U.S. Pres. Inauguration at the Coolidge homestead in Plymouth Notch, Vt.; his storekeeper daddy swears him in; his old-fashioned homespun look-feel rescues the stinking presidency, even though his gung-ho capitalism and famous soundbyte "The chief business of America is business" gives a blank check to crooks?; his inaugural address starts out: "No one can contemplate current conditions without finding much that is satisfying and still more that is encouraging. Our own country is leading the world in the general readjustment to the results of the great conflict. Many of its burdens will bear heavily upon us for years, and the secondary and indirect effects we must expect to experience for some time. But we are beginning to comprehend more definitely what course should be pursued, what remedies ought to be applied, what actions should be taken for our deliverance, and are clearly manifesting a determined will faithfully and conscientiously to adopt these methods of relief. Already we have sufficiently rearranged our domestic affairs so that confidence has returned, business has revived, and we appear to be entering an era of prosperity which is gradually reaching into every part of the nation. Realizing that we can not live unto ourselves alone, we have contributed of our resources and our counsel to the relief of the suffering and the settlement of the disputes among the European nations. Because of what America is and what America has done, a firmer courage, a higher hope, inspires the heart of all humanity"; gives 520 press conferences (most by a U.S. pres. until ?); first U.S. pres. to appear on a sound film (Aug. 11, 1924); in 1926 he becomes the first U.S. pres. to have his portrait on a coin during his lifetime (until ?), the Sesquicentennial of Am. Independence Half Dollar (1M coins struck at the Philly Mint); his act is carefully shaped by PR men Bruce Fairchild Barton (1886-1967) and "the Father of PR" Edward Louis James Bernays (1891-1995), who use newsreels and radio to portray him as that's no lie this is what you get gee ain't he cute and doesn't say much; First Lady Grace Anna Goodhue Coolidge (1879-1957) (married 1905) was a teacher at the Clarke Inst. for the Deaf in Northampton, Mass. (perfect match?); he holds twice-weekly press conferences, silent or not; he keeps a mechanical horse in his White House dressing room for exercise, and gambles away a set of china from Benjamin Harrison's admin. at a White House poker game. The Corfu Incident gives Mussolini a chance to flex his muscles? On Aug. 27 the Corfu Incident sees Gen. Enrico Tellini (b. 1871) and four members of his staff assassinated on the Greek-Albanian frontier, causing the Italian govt. to send Greece an ultimatum on Aug. 29, then bombard and occupy Corfu on Aug. 31, causing Greece to appeal to the League of Nations; the Italians evacuate Corfu on Sept. 27 after pressure from Britain et al. In Aug. Gustav Stresemann (1878-1929) is elected chancellor of Germany (until Nov. 30), and orders an end to the strike, declaring martial law over the whole nation on Aug. 13-Nov. 23; on Nov. 30 Wilhelm Marx (1863-1946) succeeds Stresemann as German chancellor (until May 12, 1926). On Sept. 1 (11:58 a.m. local time) the 7.9 Great Kanto Earthquake in Japan kills 142K in Tokyo, and 8K in Yokohama; the Maya Revival Imperial Hotel, designed by Richland Center, Wisc.-born architect Frank Lloyd (nee Lincoln) Wright (1867-1959), which opened in June survives due to its shallow foundation that floats on the soft mud beneath it, with Baron Kihachiro Okura sending a telegram to Wright reading: "Hotel stands undamaged as a monument of your genius. Hundreds of homeless proviced by perfectly mainted service. Congratulations", causing a legend that it was completely undamaged, when in reality the main bldg. sunk further into the mud, which amplified the earthquake, causing it to have to be demolished decades later. On Sept. 7 the Miss America 1923 contest is held at the Million Dollar Pier in Atlantic City, N.J.; 1922 winner Mary Katherine Campbell repeats, becoming the first (until ?). On Sept. 8 the Honda Point Disaster sees seven Navy destroyers run aground in the Santa Barbara Channel in Calif., killing 23 sailors: the U.S.S. Chauncy, Delphy (flagship), Fuller, S.P. Lee, Nicholas, Woodbury, and Young; the Farragut and Somers are damaged. On Sept. 12 the Spanish garrison in Barcelona, Spain mutinies, and a separatist movement breaks out; on Sept. 13 Catalonian Capt. gen. Miguel Primo de Rivera y Orbaneja (1870-1930) stages a military coup with the approval of the king, taking Barcelona, followed by Madrid on Sept. 15, then on Sept. 15 dissolving the Cortes (until 1931) and proclaiming martial law (until 1927), becoming the dictator of Spain, suspending civil liberties and causing the exile of writers Miguel de Unamuno (in 1924), Vicente Blasco-Ibanez (in voluntary exile in France since WWI) et al.; the Confederaciones Sindical Hidrografica, a public works program runs up a 1B peseta budget deficit by 1928. On Sept. 25 Hitler addresses a meeting of the heads of all the right-wing groups in Munich, and convinces them to place themselves under his overall command - I saw that on the Twilight Zone? On Sept. 30 Adolf Hitler visits the Bavarian town of Beyreuth, and Villa Wahnfried, home of German composer Richard Wagner (1813-83), and meets his 86-y.-o. widow Cosima, along with his son Siegfried, his English-born wife Winifred, his son-in-law, arch German nationalist Houston Stewart Chamberlain (son of an English adm. from Portsmouth), and finds them all to be admiring fans, helping him believe he is the new German Messiah and not just "eine kleine Johannisnatur" (John the Baptist type). On Oct. 2 the Boulevard of the Allies between Pittsburgh and Oakland, Penn. opens. On Oct. 5 after being elected in absentia on Aug. 6, pres. (since Oct. 5, 1919) Antonio Jose de Almeida is succeeded by "Maria Adelaide" novelist Manuel Teixeira Gomes (1860-1941) (vice-pres. of the gen. assembly of the League of Nations) of the Liberal Repub. Party as pres. #7 of the First Portuguese Repub. (founded 1910), arriving in Lisbon on Oct. 3 (until Dec. 11, 1925), going on to suppress four major revolts by radicals and the military in 1924-5 while being harassed by the Nationalist Party. On Oct. 10-15 the New York Yankees (AL) defeat the New York Giants (NL) 4-2 to win the Twentieth (20th) World Series, with future "Old Perfessor" Charles Dillon "Casey" Stengel (1890-1975) hitting homers to win the two games for the Giants (incl. the first WS homer in Yankee Stadium), which doesn't stop Giants mgr. (1902-32) John Joseph McGraw (1873-1934) (AKA Little Napoleon and Muggsy) from trading him to the 2nd tier Boston Braves, causing Stengel to comment "It's lucky I didn't hit three home runs in three games, or McGraw would have traded me to the 3-I League" (Ill.-Ind.-Iowa minor league, 1901-61). On Oct. 23 the Communist-led Hamburg Uprising is quashed, with 100+ killed. On Oct. 23 Albert Tagora of Paterson, N.J. sets a record by typing 8,840 words in one hour, averaging 147 words a min. and 12.5 strokes a sec. - what a waste of a good C++ programmer? On Oct. 29 the new Repub. of Turkey is proclaimed, with Kemal Ataturk as pres.; the capital is moved from Constantinople to Ankara; Ataturk begins a modernization and secularization program - the impossible dream, secular Muslims? In Oct. German airship pioneer Dr. Hugo Eckener (1868-1954), lead of the Luftschiffbau Zeppelin flies his ZR-3 dirigible from Friedrichshafen, Germany across the Atlantic to Lakehurst, N.Y. for deliverty to the U.S. Navy, which names it USS Los Angeles, becoming the largest airship in the world; ;it is commissioned next Nov. 25; it flies 5K mi., the longest Zeppelin flight to date; it is decommissioned on June 30, 1932 at Lakehurst, N.J. On Nov.. 4 The Eveready Hour debuts on WEAF Radio in New York City, hosted by St. George, Kan.-born banjo-playing singer ("the Red-Haired Music Maker") ("the Pineapple Picador") Wendell Woods Hall (1896-1969), becoming the first major commercial radio show and first major musical variety show, sponsored by Eveready batteries et al., making 3K broadcasts by 1941 after hosting virtually every musical star of the time; in 1925 New York City-born former child prodigy Nathaniel Shilkret (1889-1982) becomes conductor, becoming dir. of light music for Victor Talking Machine Co. next year, going on to make thousands of recordings that sell 50M copies total, incl. the first electrically-recorded record, the first LP (1931), and the first with an orchestra dubbed over the singer's voice (Enrico Caruso). An early effort of the Three Stooges? On Nov. 8-9 Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) and the National Socialists attempt a coup in Munich known as the Munich Beer Hall Putsch; at 8:30 p.m. Hitler's 60 stormtroopers burst into a 3K-member crowd at the Burgerbraukeller during a speech by Gustav Ritter von Kahr, where Hitler is waiting wearing a trench coat with a revolver in his pocket; he jumps on a table, fires two shots into the ceiling, and shouts "Silence!"; he and Hermann Goering stride up to the platform, and Hitler announces "The National Revolution has begun!", and later "The new German government is Hitler, Ludendorff, Poehner! Hoch!"; everybody leaves the hall, and the putsch begins; on Nov. 9 3K men march from the beer hall to the Odeonsplatz city center, armed with rifles without firing pins, led by Hitler and Ludendorff, with Julius Streicher marching in the front row; after getting in a firefight with the Green Police, co-leader Ludwig Maximilian "Max" Erwin von Scheubner-Richter (b. 1884) is shot in the lungs, dying instantly and falling on Hitler, dislocating his right shoulder; Hitler runs for it and goes into hiding, and is arrested on Nov. 11; 16 NSDAP members and four policemen are killed; on Nov. 23 the NSDAP is banned; the SS later murders von Kahr for "treason". On Nov. 14 a new electoral law in Italy pushed through by Mussolini gives the party securing the most votes in an election (his) two-thirds of the seats in parliament. On Nov. 29 emerging silent screen superstar Martha Mansfield (nee Ehrlich) (b. 1899) leaves the set of the big budget film "The Warrens of Virginia" in San Antonio, Tex. and sits in a car, after which a match ignites her U.S. Civil War costume, burning her to death; her leading man Wilfred Lytell saves her face and neck by throwing his overcoat over her; her chauffeur suffers serious burns to his hands while trying to remove her burning clothes; she dies on Nov. 30; she is edited down from the film to promote Rosemary Hill as the female lead. In Nov. forestry pioneer Gifford Pinchot is elected gov. of Penn. (until 1935), and shows his stuff by settling a coal miner strike. On Dec. 3 the U.. Court of Appeals, District of Columbia Circuit rules in Frye v. U.S. that expert testimony incl. polygraph tests must be scientific methods that are sufficiently established and accepted, with the soundbyte: "Just when a scientific principle or discovery crosses the line between the experimental and demonstrable stages is difficult to define. Somewhere in this twilight zone the evidential force of the principle must be recognized, and while the courts will go a long way in admitting experimental testimony deduced from a well-recognized scientific principle or discovery, the thing from which the deduction is made must be sufficiently established to have gained general acceptance in the particular field in which it belongs"; superseded by Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals Inc. (1993). On Dec. 6 Pres. Coolidge gives the first U.S. pres. address on radio as he speaks to a joint session of Congress - he's not so silent when he's doing his job backed by electricity? On Dec. 6 Adolfo de la Huerta begins a revolt (ends 1924) against Mexican pres. Alvaro Obregon and his pres. candidate Plutarco Calles; the U.S. govt. backs Obregon - I'm going to be your road manager, what am I going to do, drive? On Dec. 16 the Venizelists score a big V in Greek elections, and on Dec. 18 George II leaves Greece under pressure of the military. On Dec. 18 the Tangier Protocol (Convention regarding the Organisation of the Statute of the Tangier Zone) is signed by Britain, France, and Spain, creating an internat. zone in the port of Tangier, Morocco that is permanently neutralized and demilitarized (ends 1956). On Dec. 24 after First Lady Grace Coolidge persuades her husband to implement a plan of students from Washington, D.C. to put up a lighted Nat. Christmas Tree on the Ellipse near the White House, he throws the switch for the unveiling ceremony, which becomes an annual tradition called the Nat. Tree Lighting; Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt becomes the first to make formal remarks during the ceremony; in 1954 the event marks the start of the mo.-long Pageant of Peace, with the Pathway to Peace composed of smaller trees representing the U.S. states, District of Columbia, and five territories; the ceremony is not held in 1942-4 due to WWII; the sources of the Nat. Christmas Tree vary each year, with cut evergreen trees used in 1923 and 1954-72, and living trees in 1924-53, and 1973-present. In Dec. 1923-May 1924 Evansville, Ind.-born fundamentalist Baptist pastor (1918-29)John Roach Straton (1875-1929) (rhymes with Dayton) of Calvary Baptist Church in New York City engage in a series of debates with libera Unitarian minister (1920-7) Charles Francis Potter (1885-1962) of West Side Unitarian Church over the Bible, Creation, Jesus Christ, his virgin birth, and his Second Coming, gaining nat. publicity; Straton later pub. a book containing only his own speeches; in 1925 Potter is an advisor to Clarence Darrow in the Scopes Trial, and in 1919 founds the First Humanist Society of New York, whose board incl. Julian Dewey, Albert Einstein, Julian Huxley, and Thomas Mann, and in 1933 co-signs the Humanist Manifesto, uttering the soundbytes: "Humanism is not the abolition of religion but the beginning of real religion. It will release tremendous reserves of hitherto thwarted power. Man has waited too long for God to do what man ought to do himself and is fully capable of doing" and "Education is thus a most powerful ally of humanism, and every public school is a school of humanism. What can be theistic Sunday school, meeting for an hour once a week, teaching only a fraction of the children, do to stem the tide of a five-day program of humanistic teachings?" Ahmed Zogu emerges as the strongman of Albania. Italy and Yugoslavia hold negotations over Fiume (end 1924). Britain finally recognizes the absolute independence of Nepal. The Irish civil war ends, and the rebels sign a peace treaty; the Sinn Fein is split. A coup backed by Gen. Yu-Hsiang Feng replaces Chinese pres. Li Yuan-hung with rich marshal Tsao Kun of Chihli (until 1924). Abyssinia (Ethiopia) is admitted to the League of Nations. Romania adopts a new 1923 Romanian Constitution, politically emancipating the Jews; meanwhile the Soviets continue to claim Bessarabia, and the govt. fails to implement promised land redistribution, causing internal turmoil. Lithuania seizes Memel from German East Prussia. Iceland passes the Cultivation of Soil Act, granting subsidies to buy modern equipment, revitalizing agriculture. Crown Prince Wilhelm returns to Germany from exile in the Netherlands. Chaim Weizmann (1874-1952) becomes pres. of the Zionist World Org. Martinez Bartolo becomes U.S. puppet pres. of Nicaragua (until 1925). There is another London dock strike. The U.S. Supreme Court invalidates all state minimum wage laws, which had covered women and minors in 15 states, Puerto Rico, and the District of Columbia; it takes until 1933 for the federal govt. to try enacting such laws - a perfect setup for the Great Depression? In the U.S. 125K clergymen stage a Drive Week, successfully inducing the U.S. to enter the World Court as a first step to joining the League of Nations - if it had, WWII might have been prevented? The Ku Klux Klan (KKK) holds a tri-state conclave in Kokomo, Ind., with an attendance of 200K; martial law is established in Okla. to protect people and property from the KKK. N.Y. Gov. Alfred E. Smith signs a repeal of the New York Prohibition Enforcement Act, drawing the ire of the feds, and insuring his future loss of the U.S. pres. election? Nev. and Mont. becomes the first U.S. states to introduce old age pensions. The paramilitary Republikanischer Schutzbund (Repub. Defense League) is established in Austria by the Social Dem. Workers' Party (SDAPO) to fight the left, ending up in a turf war with the right-wing paramilitary Heimwehr (Home Defense Force), which is also established. Bryce Canyon Nat. Monument in SW Utah is established; in 1928 it becomes a nat. park. The Lutheran World Congress meets in Eisenach, Germany. Europeans begin celebrating Mother's Day. The first birth control clinic opens in New York City. Damascus U. (originally Syrian U. until 1958) is founded in Damascus, Syria from the merger of the School of Medicine (founded 1903) and the Inst. of Law (founded 1913), becoming the #1 univ. of the Arab world until the reigns of Hafez al-Assad and Bashar al-Assad. The U. of Helsinki, Finland becomes bilingual Swedish-Finnish. The Ross Inst. of Tropical Medicine is founded in London. New York's Bear Mt. State Park becomes the first park on the 2,178-mi. Appalachian Nat. Scenic Trail from Maine go Ga., the 1921 brainchild of conservationist Emile Benton MacKaye (1879-1975) (pr. mak-EYE); it is completed in Aug. 1937 at Sugarloaf Mt. in Maine. 299-acre Hovenweep Nat. Monument in SW Colo. and SE Utah is established to protect prehistoric Indian relics, incl. Keely Canyon and Hackberry Canyon in Colo., and Cajon Canyon and Ruin Canyon in Utah, that latter containing 20-ft.-high 66-ft.-long Hovenweep Castle. 67-acre Mound City Group Nat. Monument in C Ohio (3 mi. N of Chillicothe) is established, containing 24 prehistoric Indian burial mounds. 40-acre Pipe Spring Nat. Monument in Ariz. is established on the Kaibab Indian Rez. to preserve an old Mormon fort (founded 1869). The First Internat. Exhibition of Household Appliances AKA Salon des Arts Menagers (Ménagers) (Salon of Domestic Science) is held in Paris, reaching peak attendance in 1950, discontinued in 1983. German-born British rabbi Hermann Gollancz (1852-1930), the first Jew to receive a Lit.D. degree from University College in London, becoming known for his philanthropic activities for other Jews becomes the first British rabbi to be knighted - come on join together with the band? Interpol (Internat. Criminal Police Org.) is founded in Lyon, France. Romanian-born German physicist Hermann Julius Oberth (1894-1989) coins the term "space station" in his dissertation "By Rocket into Planetary Space", which is rejected, causing him to utter the soundbyte: "Our educational system is like an automobile which has strong rear lights, brightly illuminating the past, but looking forward, things are barely discernible." Dutch-born "Ladies' Home Journal" ed. (1889-1919) Edward William Bok (1863-1930) establishes the Am. Peace Award, a $100K prize for the most practical plan for securing world peace; first winner (Feb. 1924) is Am. educator Charles Herbert Levermore (1856-1927). 76-y.-o. Annie Besant becomes gen. secy. of the Nat. Convention of India. After financing the Erste Marxistiche Arbeitswoche (First Marxist Work Week) in Ilmenau, Germany, wealthy Marxist Felix Jose Weil (1898-1975) et al. found the Inst. for Social Research in Frankfurt am Main, Germany as an adjunct of the the U. of Frankfurt, becoming the first Marxist-oriented research center affiliated with a major German U., later becoming known as the Frankfurt School; it was inspired by German philosopher Carl Gruenberg (Grünberg) (1861-1940); members (mostly Jews) incl. Theodor W. Adorno (Theodor Ludwig Wiesengrund) (1903-69), Max Horkheimer (1895-1973), Leo Loewenthal (Leo Löwenthal) (1900-93), Herbert Marcuse (1898-1979), and Friedrich Pollock (1894-1970); South Africa-born Manchester Guardian journalist William Bolitho (Ryall) (1890-1930) becomes special European correspondent for the New York World, where he titillates readers with his literary pretensions and clever quotes, e.g., "We will never have Fascism in England; no Englishman will dress up, even for a revolution." The Dada movement fizzles. White jazzman "Bix" Beiderbecke (1903-31) starts a jazz band in Chicago, Ill. Am. stage actress Jane Cowl (1884-1950) becomes a star playing Shakespeare's Juliet. The Generation of '27 group of Spanish poets is founded in Seville on the 300th anniv. of the death of Baroque poet Luis de Gongora (1561-1627) to experiment with avant-garde art forms. Norman Bishop Hartnell (1901-79) founds a fsshion shop at 10 Bruton St. in Mayfair, London, going on to turn London into a fashion center; in 1934 he moves to the swankier 26 Bruton St., with clientele incl. Marlene Dietrich, Merle Oberon, Elizabeth Taylor, and British royals, designing the Queen Mum's White Wardrobe for her 1938 state visit to France with George VI, and Elizabeth II's wedding and coronation gowns. After his Laugh-O-Gram venture in Kansas City ends in bankruptcy, Chicago Academy of Fine Arts grad. (former Red Cross Model T ambulance driver in WWI) Walter Elias "Walt" Disney (1901-66) founds Disney Studios in Hollywood, Calif. with his first major contract, Alice in Cartoonland, combining a living actress with animated cartoon figures, becoming the first of the "Alice Comedies" (ends 1927). After returning from a long gig in Vancouver, New Orleans jazz pioneer Jelly Roll Morton (1890-1941) settles in Chicago, Ill., and begins recording with a group called the Red Hot Peppers, releasing his first records before getting a contract in 1926 with the Victor Talking Machine Co. that allows him to release recordings which become classics. After moving to Chicago last year, Louis Armstrong records his first solo. Ma Rainey (Gertrude Malissa Nix Pridgett) (1886-1939) signs with Paramount Records, recording 100 songs by 1928 incl. "C.C. Rider", "Jelly Bean Blues", "Ma Rainey's Black Bottom", and "Bo Weavil Blues", becoming known as "the Mother of the Blues". Am. actor John Robert Powers (1892-1977) sets up the first internat. modeling agency in the U.S. in where else New York City, going on to sign many Hollywood stars as Powers Girls, incl. Betty Bloomer (later wife of Pres. Gerald Ford). Whoa-oh I don't want to be lonely anymore? 27-y.-o. comedian George Burns (b. 1896) teams up with 28-y.-o. Gracie Allen (b. 1895); their first routine is titled "Dizzy". Polish femme fatale vamp actress Pola Negri (1894-1987) moves to Hollywood, going on to please audiences with her exotic style while privately pleasuring Charles Chaplin, Rudolph Valentino and other actors, getting rich and living in a palace in Los Angeles modeled after the White House; too bad, the advent of talkies exposes her thick Polish accent, and the 1934 Hays Code bans her main moves of "scenes of passion" and "excessive and lustful kissing", killing her career; "They went from Pola to Polaroid" (Negri). Alfred Pritchard Sloan Jr. (1875-1966) takes over ailing General Motors (GM), going on to turn it around. Frankfurt am Main-born aircraft designer Wilhelm Emil "Willy" Messerschmitt (1898-1978) founds an aircraft factory in Augsburg, Germany, going on to produce the Messerchmitt M17 and Messerschmitt M18 sports aircraft until 1927, when the Bavarian govt. forces a merger between Bayerische Flugzeugwerke AG and Otto Flugmaschinenfabrik and makes him chief engineer, starting out on the wrong foot with the Messerschmtt M20 light transport in 1928, which gets into serious crashes that kill a close friend of Lufthansa head Erhard Milch and causes the co. to go bankrupt in 1931, only to be resurrected by the Nazis in 1933. Robert Winship Woodruff (1889-1985) becomes pres. of the Coca-Cola Co. (until 1954), going on to build it into an internat. colossus. Almond Roca (Sp. "roca" = rock) chocolate-covered almond butter crunch hard toffee coated with ground almonds is invented by Harry Brown and J.C. Haley, 1914 founders of Brown & Haley Co. in Tacoma, Wash.; in 1927 they introduce trademark pink tin can containers, with each piece wrapped in gold-colored aluminum foil; a small portion of the original 1923 batch of toffee is carried over to each new batch. Forrest Edward Mars Sr. (1904-99), son of Franklin Clarence "Frank C." Mars (1883-1934) of Minneapolis, Minn., who has been a mediocrity at candy making since 1911 invents the Milky Way brand candy bar, using Hershey's milk chocolate, which becomes the #1 candy bar in the U.S.; in 1929 they move to Chicago, Ill., creating the Snickers bar in 1930, the Mars bar in 1932, the 3 Musketeers bar in 1932, M&M's in 1941, and Twix in 1967; in 1931 Frank C. Mars builds 2.8K-acre Milky Way Farm in Giles County, Tenn., where he lives for life in chocolate heaven; Mars Inc. grows to $33B yearly sales by 2015 while becoming known for co. secrecy. Popsicle (originally Epsicle) brand "frozen ice on a stick" is first sold at Neptune Beach Amusement Park in Alameda, Calif. by Popsicle inventor (1905) Frances William "Frank" Epperson (1894-1983) of Oakland, Calif., applying for a patent in 1924; in 1925 he sells the rights to the Joe Lowe Co. of New York City; in Apr. 1939 Popsicle Pete makes his debut on the radio show "Buck Rogers in the 25th Century"; in 1989 Good Humor acquires the brand. The town of Lankershim, Calif. changes its name to North Hollywood; the $21K 45-ft.-tall 350-ft.-long all-caps Hollywoodland Sign on Mt. Lee overlooking Los Angeles, Calif. is built to promote real estate development in Beachwood Canyon, with letters 45 ft. tall and 30 ft. wide, lighted by 4K light bulbs; in 1949 the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce has the sign rebuilt with the last four letters and lightbulbs removed; it is restored in 1978. Joyland Park at 33rd St. and Wabash Ave. in S Chicago, Ill. is founded, becoming the first African-Am. amusement park. The U. of Ghent (founded 1816) in East Flanders, Belgium requires courses to be taught in both Flemish and French; in 1930 they make it exclusively Flemish. The London Radio Times begins pub. on Sept. 28, listing weekly BBC radio (later TV) programs. English pianist Clifford Curzon (1907-82) debuts, going on to become the #1 Mozartian of his time; too bad, he's such a perfectionist he allows few recordings to be pub.. Advice columnist Dorothy Dix (1861-1951) signs with the Public Ledger Syndicate of Philly, and her column reaches up to 273 papers and 60M readers by 1940; after she makes up her own questions to allow her to show off interesting answers, the term "Dorothy Dixer" is coined, and becomes common in Australian politics in the 1950s. The Cotton Club night club in Harlem, N.Y. at 142nd St. and Lenox Ave. opens (until 1935) as a whites-only establishment featuring mainly black entertainers, incl. Louis Armstrong, Count Basie, Cab Calloway, Duke Ellington, Billie Holiday, Lena Horne, Fats Waller, Ethel Waters, the Nicholas Brothers, and Stepin Fetchit; Sun. nights are Celebrity Night, with guests incl. Fanny Brice, Eddie Cantor, Jimmy Durante, Judy Garland, George Gershwin, Moss Hart, Langston Hughes, Al Jolson, NYC Mayor Jimmy Walker et al.; in 1936-40 it reopenus in the midtown Theater District. Jewish-Am. actress Fanny Brice (Fania Borach) (1891-1951) has a nose job to look more goy, causing a firestorm of controversy. Freeport, Ill.-born Jewish journalist Louella "Lolly" Parsons (Louella Rose Oettinger) (1881-72) begins writing a movie gossip column for the Hearst newspapers (until 1964), becoming #1 until Hedda Hopper goes into the gossip biz in 1937. Springfield, Ohio-born Berenice Alice Abbott (1898-1991) becomes the darkroom asst. of Man Ray in Montparnasse, Paris, going on to move to New York City in 1929 and photograph the heck out of it for posterity. Gay German publisher Friedrich Radszuweit (1876-1932) founds the Bund fur Menschenrecht E.V. (Bfm), which works for gay rights and legalization of homosexuality, going on to found Die Freunden, the first lesbian mag. Vienna-born Modernist architect Richard Joseph Neutra (1892-1970) emigrates to the U.S., working for Frank Lloyd Wright before hooking up with fellow Viennese immigrant (Vienna U. of Tech. chum) Rudolf Michael Schindler (Schlesinger) (1887-1953) in Calif. and going on to design numerous Internat. Style bldgs. incl. the Lovell Health House in Los Angeles (1929), becoming the first steel frame house in the U.S., pioneering gunite (sprayed-on concrete). Consolidated Aircraft Corp. is founded in Buffalo, N.Y. by Montesano, Wash.-born Reuben Hollis Fleet (1887-1975) (founder of the first airmail service between New York City and Washington, D.C. in 1918) from the liquidation of Gallaudet Aicraft Co. and designs from Gen. Motors' defunct Dayton-Wright Co., going on to manufacture flying boats, incl. the PBY Catalina and B-24 Liberator. Sanka brand decaffeinated coffee is first marketed in the U.S., becoming known for its bright orange label. The E-W Lombard St. in San Francisco, Calif. has eight switchbacks installed on its crookedest part, 400m-long Russian Hill between Hyde and Leavenworth Sts., paved with red bricks, with 1-way downhill-only traffic (speed limit 5 mph), becoming known as "the crookedest street in the world", although Vermont St. near San Fran Gen. Hospital is crookeder? Young & Rubicam is founded in Philly by John Orr Young (1886-1976) and Raymond Rubicam (1892-1978), moving to New York City in 1926 to secure a contract with Jell-O Co., locating at 285 Madison Ave. and becoming the world's largest advertising agency. Sports: On Feb. 13 taking his cue from the Commonwealth Five, the New York Renaissance (Rens) (Big Five), the first black-owned prof. African-Am. basketball team is founded in Harlem, N.Y. by Saint Kitts, West Indies-born Robert L. "Bob" Douglas (1882-1979), who becomes known as "the Father of Black Professional Basketball"; on Nov. 3 they play their first game, against an all-white team; on Dec. 20, 1925 they defeat the Original Celtics for the world prof. basketball title; in 1929 6'4" center Charles "Tarzan" Cooper (1907-80) joins (until 1941), becoming basketball's first Wilt Chamberlain, with Original Celtics center Joe Lapchick calling him the greatest center who ever played; in 1932-33 they go 120-8, incl. a record 88 consecutive wins; in 1939 they defeat the Oshkosh All-Stars by 34-25 in Chicago, Ill. to win the world prof. basketball title; on Feb. 5, 1972 Douglas becomes the first African-Am. elected to the Basketball Hall of Fame. On Mar. 29-31 the 1923 Stanley Cup Finals in Denman Arena in Vancouver see the Ottawa Senators of the NHL defeat the Edmonton Eskimos of the WCHL 2-0, becoming the last Final until 1983 with a team from Edmonton. On Apr. 18 74.2K fans pack Yankee Stadium for the first glimpse of their new $2.5M park in the Bronx, the first triple-decker, and the first baseball park to be called a stadium; Babe Ruth hits a 3-run homer in a 4-1 win over the Red Sox; the Yankees go on to win the World Series. On Apr. 28 the first English F.A. (Football Assoc. Challenge) Cup Final is played in the new Wembley Stadium in London, and is won by the Bolton Wanderers; the FA Cup becomes known as the chance for the "little minnows" to upset the big fish. On May 30 the 1923 (11th) Indianapolis 500 is won by Tommy Milton (2nd time), who becomes the first repeat winner after he is relieved by 1919 winner Howdy Wilcox on laps 103-51 to have his hands bandaged due to blisters; on lap 22 Tom Alley crashes on the backstretch, going through the wall and killing 38-y.-o. spectator Bert Shoup. On June 2 Harold Abrahams watches Eric Liddell get tripped at the 200m race in the France v. Scotland games then get up and win, freaking him out :) On July 4 "Manassa Mauler" William Harrison "Jack" Dempsey (1896-1983) wins a 15-round decision over scientific boxer Thomas J. "Tommy" Gibbons (1891-1960) in a world heavyweight championship fight in Shelby, Mont.; on Sept. 14 Dempsey defeats Argentine boxer Luis Angel Firpo (1894-1960) to retain the title even though Firpo knocks him down 11x, incl. out of the ring once. The Philadelphia Athletics lose 20 baseball games in a row. Passaic H.S. in N.J. sets a nat. h.s. basketball record with 159 consecutive Vs. George Stanley "Papa Bear" Halas Sr. (1895-1983) of the Chicago Bears strips the ball from Jim Thorpe and returns it 98 yards, setting an NFL record that stands until 1925. Arda Crawford "Ard" Bowser (1899-1996) of the Cleveland Indians (later Bulldogs) becomes the first NFL player to use a kicking tee, besting Jim Thorpe of the Oorang Indians in a contest. William M. Johnston wins the men's tennis singles title at Wimbledon; the U.S. tennis team defeats Australia to win the Davis Cup; the U.S. Lawn Tennis Assoc. men's singles title is won by Bill Tilden, and the women's singles title by "Little Miss Poker Face" Helen Wills Moody (Helen Newington Wills Roark) (1905-98), who goes on to win 31 Grand Slam tournament titles incl. 19 singles titles. Max R. Marston wins the U.S. Golf Assoc. amateur title, and Bobby Jones wins the Open. Paavo Nurmi runs a 4-min. mile. Enrique Tiriboschi of Argentina becomes the first swimmer to cross the English Channel from France to England (16 hours 33 min.). Zev (1920-43) wins the Kentucky Derby, jockeyed by Earl Sande (1898-1968), who also jockeys the winning horse in 1925 and 1930; on Oct. 20 Zev beats Epsom Derby winner Papyrus by five lengths at Belmont Park in Long Island, N.Y., becoming the first time that a Kentucky Derby winner defeats an English Derby winner. Meadowbrook (U.S.) defeats the British Army team in the Internat. Polo Tournament. The 24 Hours of Le Mans is founded in Le Mans, France, going on to become the world's active sports car endurance race, becoming known as "the Grnad Prix of Endurance and Efficiency"; one leg of the Triple Crown of Motorsport incl. the Indy 500 and the Monaco Grand Prix. A new rule in basketball requires the player who was fouled to make his own free throws instead of a designated free-thrower. Architecture: On Dec. 25 the Imperial Theatre at 249 W. 45th St. in Manhattan, N.Y. (cap. 1,417) opens with the musical "Mary Jane McKane" by Oscar Hammerstein II (1895-1960) and Vincent Youmans (1898-1946). The Beirut Hippodrome in Lebanon is built. Am. architects Raymond Mathewson Hood (1881-1934) and John Mead Howells (1868-1959) win a $50K contest to design the 462 ft. 36-floor Gothic Chicago Tribune Bldg. (Tribune Tower) at 435 North Michigan Ave. in Chicago, Ill. (finished in 1925). Country Club Plaza, the first suburban shopping center in the U.S. accomodating automobiles opens in Kansas City, Mo., developed by Jesse Clyde "J.C." Nichols (1880-1950), who foresaw a nation on wheels, and designed by architect Edward Buehler Delk (1885-1956) - goodbye round plate, hello square plate? This year the French Mandate for Syria and Lebanon is ratified, after which in 1943 Syria and Lebanon become independent, and French troops leave them in 1946; meanwhile Tadmor (Arab. "destruction") (Palmyra) Prison 120 mi. NE of Damascus is created from a French military barracks, becoming known for brutality, torture, and summary executions; on June 27, 1980 the Tadmor Massacre sees 1K prisoners murdered by the Defense Brigades of Gen. Rifaat al-Assad after the Muslim Brotherhood almost assassinates his brother Hafez al-Assad; the prison is closed in 2001, then reopened on June 15, 2011 to house anti-govt. demonstrators; in May 2015 it is captured and blown up on May 30 by ISIS. Wembley Stadium in Wembley, NW London opens on Apr. 24 after 300 days of construction. Nobel Prizes: Peace: no award; Lit.: William Butler Yeats (1839-1922) (Ireland); Physics: Robert Andrews Millikan (1868-1953) (U.S.) [measurement of electron charge]; Chem.: Fritz Pregl (1869-1930) (Austria); Medicine: Sir Frederick Grant Banting (1891-1941), James Bertram Collip (1892-1965) (Canada), Charles Herbert Best (1899-1978) (Canada), and John James Rickard Macleod (1876-1935) (U.K.) [insulin]. Inventions: Edwin Howard Armstrong invents the suitcase receiver, the world's first portable radio. Am. horticulturist (Anaheim, Calif. parks supt.) Rudolph Boysen (1895-1950) develops the huge Boysenberry on Knotts Berry Farms on Beach Blvd. in Buena Park, Calif. (located near the future Disneyland) by crossing blackberries, raspberries, and loganberries. Leaded gasoline goes on sale in the U.S.; the first lead poisoning deaths occur in Du Pont's Deepwater, N.J. plant. Juan de la Cierva of Spain invents the Autogiro. Echo Sounding is first used to measure ocean depths based on the speed of sound in saltwater (4,950 ft. per sec.). Firestone introduces the automobile balloon tire. The Frank H. Fleer Co. (founded 1885) markets the first trading cards, a set of 120 featuring Babe Ruth, Gloria Swanson, and Mary Pickford. Louis Lumiere devises a process for stereoscopic photography. J. Risler improves tubular discharge fluorescent lamps by applying powder to the glass. Neon advertising signs are first used by a Packard dealership in Los Angeles, Calif. - inspired by stars hanging onto signs? Purolator Co. develops an automotive oil filter - they all soon plug up and are a joke, but they're a good revenue source and can be used as an excuse to void warranties? Arthur Scherbius invents the Enigma Machine, which is later used to encrypt German communications. Swedish chemist Theodor H.E. "The" Svedberg (1884-1971) develops the use of the 1M g Ultracentrifuge in distinguishing proteins from each other, winning the 1926 Nobel Chem. Prize. The first mill using hot continuous wide strip rolling of steel, developed by John B. Tytus begins operation. TV has its birth pangs in the Twenties? Russian-born Am. RCA-Westinghouse engineer Vladimir Zworykin (1889-1982) patents the Iconoscope (Gr. "ikon" + "skopion" = image + look at) TV camera tube; all he needs now is a TV receiver tube - is it zworykin? Science: On Oct. 21 the first Planetarium opens in Munich, Germany at the Deutsches Museum, built by Carl Zeiss Co. based on a 1910 proposal by German astronomer Maximilian Franz Joseph Cornelius "Max" Wolf (1863-1932). French psychiatrist Jean Marie Joseph Capgras (1873-1950) first describes Capgras Delusion (Syndrome), where a person (usually a woman) comes to believe that a familiar person has been replaced by a double - the secret of Facebook? The tobacco mosaic virus is isolated. Commercial hybrid seed corn is developed. The first new comet in 29 years, d'Arrest's Comet is first observed (period 6.6 years). L.A. Bauer analyzes the Earth's magnetic field. Danish physical chemist Johannes Nicolaus Bronsted (Brønsted) (1879-1947) and English physical chemist Thomas Martin Lowry (1874-1936) independently pub. the Bronsted-Lowry Theory of Acids and Bases, defining an acid as a compound tending to give up a proton, and a base as one tending to take one up. Arthur Holly Compton (1892-1962) of the U. of Chicago discovers the Compton Effect, a change in X-ray wavelength when scattered by matter, indicating that the rays are corpuscular in nature, bolstering the proton theory. Dutch physical chemist Peter Debye (1884-1966) and German physical chemist Erich Armand Arthur Joseph Huckel (Hückel) (1896-1980) of Germany extend the Arrhenius Theory of Ionization of salt in solution to the crystalline solid state, producing the Debye-Huckel Theory of electrolyte ionization to aid in the calculation of activity coefficients. Husband-wife Am. physicians (with names like that they better be married?) George Frederick Dick (1881-1967) and Gladys Rowena Henry Dick (1881-1963) isolate the cause of scarlet fever to a toxin produced by a strain of Streptococcus bacteria, going on to create an anti-toxin for immunization - too late for poor Beth March? English bacteriologist Frederick Griffith (1877-1941) observes that DNA carries genes that are responsible for pathogenicity; in Jan. 1928 he reports Griffith's Experiment, demonstration that Streptococcus pneumoniae can transform from one strain into another, becoming the first demonstration of bacterial transformation where a bacterium distinctly changes in form and function, attributing it to a "transforming principle/factor", which is later found to be DNA; he also discovers that hereditary material from dead bacteria can be incorporated into live bacteria. British scientist Frederick Lindemann, 1st Viscount Cherwell (1886-1957) investigates the size of meteors and the temp. of the upper atmosphere. German engineer Max Schuler (1882-1972) first describes Schuler Tuning, the need to tune a gyrocompass to the orbital period of a satellite orbiting just above the surface of the Earth (84.4 min.). Am. biochemist Harry Steenbock (1886-1967) discovers that UV irradiation increases the Vitamin D content of foods, esp. milk (how convenient he lives in Wisc.?), and patents the invention, virtually eliminating rickets in the U.S. by the time it expires in 1945. ? discovers that tumor cells use a lot more glucose than normal cells - starve a cold feed a cancer? Nonfiction: Lascelles Abercrombie (1881-1938), Principles of English Prosody. E.N. da C. Andrade, The Structure of the Atom. William Archer (1856-1924), The Old Drama and the New: An Essay in Re-Valuation. Vladimir Arsenyev (1872-1930), Dersu the Hunter (Dersu Uzala) (autobio.). Hermann Bahr (1863-1934), Self-Portrait (autobio.). George Louis Beer (1872-1920), African Questions at the Paris Peace Conference; (posth.); ed. Louis Herbert Gray. Samuel Flagg Bemis (1891-1973), Jay's Treaty: A Study in Commerce and Diplomacy; 2nd ed. 1962. Max Beerbohm (1872-1956), A Peep Into the Past. Bernard Bosanquet (1848-1923), Three Chapters on the Nature of Mind. Gamaliel Bradford (1863-1932), Damaged Souls. Fernand Braudel (1902-85), The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in the Age of Philip II (3 vols.) (1923–49, 1949–66); goes way beyond the title, from the world of Odysseus to the modern day, moving out from the Mediterranean to the New World and other destinations of Mediterranean traders, adding in material on zoology, material life, numismatics, economics, demography, politics, and diplomacy. Carl Campbell Brigham (1890-1943), A Study of American Intelligence; promotes the intellectual superiority of the "Nordic Race" and denounces black-white racemixing; he later denounces it - but don't listen to him talking in his sleep? Charles Dunbar Broad (1887-1971), Scientific Thought. Oscar Browning (1837-1923), Memories of Later Years (autobio.). Martin Buber (1878-1965), I and Thou (Ich und Du); tr. into English in 1937; the Jewish conception of God as "Thou" not "It" sans the Catholic Trinity and that you-know-what from Nazareth?; "One who truly meets the world goes out also to God." J.B. Bury (1861-1927), Edwyn Bevan (1870-1943), E.A. Barber, and W.W. Tarn, The Hellenistic Age. Ernst Cassirer (1874-1945), The Philosophy of Symbolic Forms (4 vols.) (1923-9); English trans. 1953-7; based on the Warburg Library in Hamburg; argues that man is a "symbolic animal", making even irrationalism an integral part of human civilization, with the soundbyte: "Reason is a very inadequate term with which to comprehend the forms of man's cultural life in all their richess and variety. But all these forms are symbolic forms. Hence, instead of defining man as an animal rationale, we should define him as an animal symbolicum." Sir Edmund Kerchever Chambers (1866-1954), The Elizabethan Stage (4 vols.); become std. ref. work; "one of those books which perhaps no living person is in a position to criticise adequately." - W.W. Greg. Winston Churchill (1874-1965), The World Crisis: 1911-1918 (5 vols.) (1923-31); defends his Gallipoli strategy; "The Great War differed from all ancient wars in the immense power of the combatants and their fearful agencies of destruction, and from all modern wars in the utter ruthlessness with which it was fought." Le Corbusier (1887-1965), Towards a New Architecture (first book); his biggest hit; manifesto of the Internat. School of Architecture; "A house is a machine to live in"; "A grand epoch has just begun. There exists a new spirit. There already exist a crowd of works in the new spirit, they are found especially in industrial production. Architecture is suffocating in its current uses. 'Styles' are a lie. Style is a unity of principles which animates all the work of a period and which result in a characteristic spirit... Our epoch determines each day its style... Our eyes, unfortunately don't know how to see it yet." e.e. cummings (1894-1962), The Enormous Room (The Green-Eyed Stories) (autobio.); his 3 mo. in a French military detention camp in WWI on a false charge of treason; not that that stops him from remaining in Paris after the war. Norman Douglas (1868-1952), Together; his travels in Austria. Edward Mead Earle (1894-1954), Turkey, the Great Powers, and the Bagdad Railway: A Study in Imperialism; winner of first George Louis Beer Prize. Havelock Ellis (1859-1939), The Dance of Life. Guglielmo Ferrero (1871-1942), Da Fiume a Roma; anti-Fascist work by Italian historian. Charles Hoy Fort (1874-1932), New Lands. Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), The Ego and the Id (Das Ich und das Es). Leo Frobenius (1873-1938), Dokumente zur Kulturphysiognomik: Vom Kulturreich des Festlandes. John Frederick Charles Fuller (1878-1966), The Reformation of War. Marshall J. Gauvin (1881-1978), The Struggle Between Religion and Science. Emma Goldman (1869-1940), My Disillusionment in Russia (1923-4). George Peabody Gooch (1873-1968), History of Modern Europe, 1878-1919. J.B.S. Haldane (1892-1964), Daedalus, or Science and the Future; predicts test tube babies - did he predict Captain Kangaroo and Bunny Rabbit? Frank Harris (1854-1931), My Life and Loves (autobio.). Francis John Haverfield (1860-1919), The Roman Occupation of Britain (posth.). Aldous Huxley (1894-1963), On the Margin. Julian Huxley (1887-1975), Essays of a Biologist. Ze'ev Jabotinsky (1880-1940), The Iron Wall: We and the Arabs; argues that a Jewish state of Israel must be established and defended by force not negotiations - was he right, or was he right? Henry James (1879-1947), Richard Olney and His Public Service. Pierre Janet (1859-1947), La Medecine Psychologique; defines the Nine Tendencies of increasingly complex org. levels, incl. the the Four Lower Tendencies (incl. Reflexive, Elementary Intellectual), the Two Middle Tendencies (Language, Social Sorld), and the Three Higher Tendencies (Rational-Ergotic World of Work, Experimental, Progressive). Neurosis is thus a failure to integrate, causing a regression to earlier tendencies, and subconscousness is "an act which has kept an inferior form amidst acts of a higher level." Karl Korsch (1886-1961), pub. Marxism and Philosophy. John Maynard Keynes (1883-1946), A Tract on Monetary Reform; countries should target stability of domestic prices with flexible exchange rates? D.H. Lawrence (1885-1930), Studies in Classic American Literature; helps revive Herman Melville more. Gilbert Newton Lewis (1875-1946) and Irving Langmuir (1885-1957), Thermodynamics and the Free Energy of Chemical Substances; founds modern chemical thermodynamics? Gyorgy Lukacs (1885-1971), History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics; the influence of Hegel on Marx, attempting a philosophical justification for Bolshevism, becoming the inspiration for the Frankfurt School and helping found launching Western Marxism along with Karl Korsch, which downgrades economic analysis in favor of the abstract and philosophical areas of Marxism, emphasizing the study of culture, concentrating on building a superstructure. John Gresham Machen (1881-1937), Christianity and Liberalism; conservative leader of the fundamentalist Princeton Theologians disses Protestant liberals as pagans who deny Christianity by denying its core doctrines such as the Virgin Birth, and when they win over most of the Princeton Theological Seminary he leads a walkout, founding Westminster Theological Seminary in Glenside, Penn. in 1929, and the Orthodox Presbyterian Church in 1936; Machen's inaugural address on Sept. 25, 1929 incl. the soundbyte: "We believe, first, that the Christian religion, as set forth in the Confession of Faith of the Presbyterian Church, is true; we believe, second, that the Christian religion welcomes and is capable of scholarly defense; and we believe, third, that the Christian religion should be proclaimed without fear or favor, and in clear opposition to whatever opposes it, whether from within or without the church, as the only way of salvation for lost mankind. On that platform, brethren, we stand. Pray that we may be enabled by God's grace to stand firm. Pray that the students who go forth from Westminster Theological Seminary may know Christ as their own Savior and may proclaim to others the gospel of his love." Salvador de Madariaga, The Genius of Spain. Gen. Mangin, Des Hommes et des Faits (Of Men and Facts) (autobio.); his heroic capture of the village of Onhaye in Aug. 1914. Alfred Marshall (1842-1924), Money, Credit and Commerce. Brander Matthews, Playwrights on Playmaking. Fritz Mauthner (1849-1923), Atheism and Its History in the Western World. Eric Mendelsohn (1887-1953), The International Conformity of the New Architecture - or Dynamics and Function. Alexandre Millerand (1859-1943), Le Retour de l'Asace a la France. Robert A. Millikan (1868-1953), Science and Life. Sir Alfred Milner (1854-1925), Questions of the Hour. Henry Morgenthau (1856-1946), All in a Lifetime (autobio.). Pablo Neruda (1904-73), Crepuscalario (debut). Roy Franklin Nichols (1896-1973), The Democratic Machine, 1850-1854 (first book). Hermann Julius Oberth (1894-1989), By Rocket Into Planetary Space; expanded in 1929 into Ways to Spaceflight; modern astronautics is born? Charles Kay Ogden (1889-1957) and Ivor Armstrong Richards (1893-1979), The Meaning of Meaning: A Study of the Influence of Language upon Thought and of the Science of Symbolism; founds English lit. criticism as a univ. study, going through 8 eds. by 1946. Jose Ortega y Gasset (1883-1955), El Tema de Nuestro Tiempo (The Theme of Our Time). Charles Henry Parkhurst (1842-1933), My Forty Years in New York. Charles Sanders Peirce (1839-1914), Chance, Love, and Logic (posth.). William Lyon Phelps (1865-1943), As I Like It; Human Nature in the Bible. Jean Piaget (1896-1980), The Language and Thought of the Child. Llewelyn Powys (1884-1939), Ebony and Ivory (autobio.); Thirteen Worthies (essays). Michael Idvorsky Pupin (1858-1935), From Immigrant to Inventor (autobio.) (Pulitzer Prize). Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch (1863-1944) (ed.), Oxford Book of English Prose. Romain Rolland (1866-1944), Mahatma Gandhi. Sir Ronald Ross (1857-1932), Memoirs. Bertrand Russell (1872-1970) and Dora Russell (1894-1986), The Prospects of Industrial Civilization. Bertrand Russell (1872-1970), The ABC of Atoms. Carl Schmitt (1888-1985), The Crisis of Parliamentary Democracy; liberalism and democracy are incompatible? Albert Schweitzer (1875-1965), The Philosophy of Civilization; "The Decay and Restoration of Civilization" (vol. 1)", "Civilization and Ethics" (vol. 2); advocates "reverence for life", or the will to love as the remedy to decay of civilization. Nathan Soderblom (1866-1931), Christian Fellowship. Nellie Stewart (1858-1931), My Life's Story (autobio.). Bert Leston Taylor (1866-1921), A Line o' Gowf or Two (essays) (posth.); intro. by Chick Evans Jr. Sir Frederick Treves (1853-1923), The Elephant Man and Other Reminiscences (autobio.). Alec Waugh (1898-1981), Myself When Young: Confessions (autobio.). Sidney Webb (1859-1947) and Beatrice Webb (1858-1943), The Decay of Capitalist Civilization. Clark Wissler (1870-1947), Man and Culture. Art: Max Beckmann (1884-1950), The Trapeze. Marc Chagall (1887-1985), Love Idyll. Cyrus Edwin Dallin (1861-1944), The Last Arrow (sculpture). Daoul Dufy, On the Banks of the River Marne. Max Ernst (1891-1976), At the First Clear Word; Of This Men Shall Know Nothing; Ubu Imperator; Castor and Pollution; Woman, Old Man and Flower (1923-4); The Equivocal (Teetering) Woman; Pieta/ Revolution by Night. Naum Gabo (1890-1977), Column (sculpture). Fred Gardner (1880-1952), The Caller. Augustus John (1878-1961), Thomas Hardy. Vassily Kandinsky (1866-1944), Circles in the Circle. Wyndham Lewis (1882-1957), Portrait of Edith Sitwell; first in a series (1923-36). Joan Miro (1893-1983), The Tilled Field (1923-4); his first Surrealist masterpiece; The Hunter (Catalan Landscape) (1923-4). Paul Nash (1889-1946), The Coast. Pablo Picasso (1881-1973), Lady with Blue Veil; Woman in White; Women; Melancholy. Man Ray (1890-1976), Object to be Destroyed; a metronome with a photo of an eye attached to the arm; Rayograph; places objects directly on sensitized paper and exposes them to light, producing abstract figures. Stanley Spencer (1891-1959), The Resurrection, Cookham (1923-7). Lorado Taft (1860-1936), The Recording Angel (sculpture); Fountain of Creation (sculpture) (unfinished) (U. of Ill. Library; planned to complement "Fountain of Time". Maurice Utrillo (1883-1955), Ivry Town Hall. Suzanne Valadon (1865-1938), The Blue Room. Maurice de Vlaminck (1876-1958), Village in Northern France. Music: Eugene d'Albert (1864-1932), Mareika von Nymwegen (opera). Bela Bartok (1881-1945), Dance Suite. Sir Arthur Bliss (1891-1975), Bliss: One Step; Twone, the House of Felicity. Ernest Bloch (1880-1959), Quintet for Strings and Pianoforte. Fiddlin' John Carson (1868-1949), The Little Old Log Cabin in the Lane (debut) (Okeh Records); followed by 150 more by 1931, performing with his daughter Rosa Lee Carson (AKA Moonshine Kate) and the Virginia Reelers. Henry Dixon Cowell (1897-1965), Aeolian Harp. Manuel de Falla (1876-1946), El Retablo de Maese Pedro (Master Peter's Puppet Show) (opera). Harry Lawrence Freeman (1869-1954), Vendetta (opera) (Lafayette Theater, Harlem) (Nov. 12). Rudolf Friml (1879-1972), The Donkey Serenade; composed for the Ziegfeld Follies of 1923. Jean Gilbert, Katya the Dancer (operetta). Howard Hanson (1896-1981), Symphony No. 1 ("Nordic") (May 30). Ray Henderson (1896-1970), That Old Gang of Mine; Annabelle. Paul Hindemith (1895-1963), Das Marienleben (song cycle). Gustav Holst (1874-1934), The Perfect Fool (opera) (London). Arthur Honegger (1892-1955), Pacific 231; imitates a steam locomotive; big hit. Isham Jones (1894-1956), Swinging Down the Lane (#1 in the U.S.). Bert Kalmar (1884-1947) and Harry Ruby (1895-1974), Who's Sorry Now?; their first hit as a team. Ernst Krenek (1900-91), Der Sprung uber den Schatten (comic opera) (Frankfurt). Andre Messager (1853-1929), L'Amour Masque (opera). Darius Milhaud (1892-1974), The Creation of the World (La Creation du Monde) (jazz ballet). The Original Memphis Five, Tin Roof Blues (Oct. 4), I've Got a Song for Sale (That My Sweetie Turned Down) (Oct. 4), and Somebody Stole My Gal; formed 1917; AKA Ladd's Black Aces, the Cotton Pickers; incl. Phil Napoleon (Filippo Napoli) (1901-90) (trumpet), Frank Signorelli (1901-75) (piano), Jimmy Lytell (James Sarrapede) (1904-72) (clarinet), and Irving Milfred "Miff" Mole (1898-1961) (trombone), along with occasional members Jimmy Durante (piano), and Tommy and Jimmy Dorsey. Cole Porter (1891-1964), Greenwich Follies. Francis Poulenc (1899-1963), Les Biches (The House Party) (ballet). Maurice Ravel (1875-1937), L'Enfant et les Sortileges (opera) (Monte Carlo). Ottorino Respighi (1879-1936), Belfagor (comic opera) (Milan); Pini di Roma (Pines of Rome) (symphonic poem) (Augusteo, Rome) (Dec. 14); 2nd in the Roman Trilogy (Fontane di Roma, Feste Romane); big hit in the U.S. E.N. von Reznicek, Holofernes (Berlin). Albert Roussel (1869-1937), Padmavati (opera-ballet) (Paris Opera). Othmar Schoeck (1886-1957), Elegie (song cycle). Arnold Schoenberg (1874-1951), Five Pieces (for piano); Serenade. Roger Sessions (1896-1985), The Black Maskers (orchestral suite). Jean Sibelius (1865-1957), Symphony No. 6 in D minor, Op. 104. Bessie Smith (1894-1937), Downhearted Blues (by Alberta Hunter and Lovie Austin) (debut) (#1 in the U.S.); becomes a big hit, selling 780K in 6 mo. and 2M total, causing her to become known as "the Empress of the Blues", the #1 females blues singer of the 1920s-1930s; Baby Won't You Please Come Home (#6 in the U.S.) Igor Stravinsky (1882-1971), Les Noces (paris). Art Tatum (1910-53), Tea for Two. Siegfried Wagner (1869-1930), Der Schmied von Marienburg (opera). William Turner Walton (1902-83), Suite No. 1 ("Facade"); to accompany recitations of poems by friend Edith Sitwell; String Quartet (Salzburg). Vincent Youmans (1898-1946), Wildflower (New York). Movies: Ewald Andre Dupont's The Ancient Law (Das Alte Gesetz) (Oct. 29), written by Paul Reno based on the memoirs of Heinrich Laube stars Hermann Vallentin. John Griffith Wray's Anna Christie (Nov. 25) (First Nat. Pictures), the first film version of the 1921 Eugene O'Neill play stars Blanche Sweet as ex-ho Anna Christie, who struggles to turn her life around with beau Matt Burke (William Russell). Dimitri Buchowetzki's Carousel (Oct. 1) stars Walter Janssen as Robert Benton, and Aud Egede-Nissen as Blanche Benton. Cecil M. Hepworth's Comin' Thro' the Rye (Nov.) is a flop, and Hepworth comes through the rye into bankruptcy by next year. James Cruze's The Covered Wagon (Mar. 16) (Parmount) based on the novel by Emerson Hough about pioneers traveling from Kan. to Ore. and battling the elements and pesky Injuns stars J. Warren Kerrigan as Will Banion, and Lois Wilson as his wife Molly; Alan Hale Sr. plays the villain Sam Woodhull; Ernest Torrence plays William Jackson; Ethel Wales plays Mrs. Wingate; "From now on whenever the audience sees me they'll look around for a covered wagon" (Wilson); does $3.5M box office on a $782K budget; the first epic film not dir. by D.W. Griffith?; "The cowards never started. The weak died on the way." Jacques Feyder's Crainquebille (AKA "Bill") is based on the Anatole France satire about a street merchant being unjustly imprisoned and then becoming a street tramp. Otto Gebuhr's Fridericus Rex stars Otto Gebuhr as Frederick II the Great of Prussia. Wallace Worsley's The Hunchback of Notre Dame (Sept. 23) (Universal Pictures), based on the 1831 Victor Hugo novel stars Patsy Ruth Miller as Esmeralda, Norman Kerry as Capt. Phoebus, Winifred Byrson as Fleur de Lys, Nigel De Brulier as Claude Frollo, Tully Marshall as Louis XI, and Ernest Torrence as King of the Beggars Clopin Trouillefou, making a star of "Man of a Thousand Faces" Leonidas Frank "Lon" Chaney Sr. (1883-1930) as Quasimodo; launches Universal's School of Horror; does $3M box office on a $1.25M budget; watch film. Charles Chaplin's The Pilgrim (Feb. 23) stars Charlie Chaplin as an escaped convict pretending to be a small town pastor. Ernst Lubitsch's Rosita (Sept. 23), based on a play by Philippe Dumanoir stars Mary Pickford as a Spanish street singer who is chased by the lecherous king; too bad, her fans don't accept her in a slut role, so she stops working with Lubitsch. Abel Gance's La Roue (The Wheel) runs 9 hours, and features revolutionary lightning techniques, and rapid scene changes and cuts. Norman Taurog's Runnin' Wild (New York City) (Oct. 28-June 28, 1924), a comedy based on the 1922 A.H. Gibbs jazz song Runnin' Wild stars Lige Conley as Hector, and Lillian Hackett, launching the Charleston dance craze in the U.S., which peaks in 1926-7 after the 1925 release of The Charleston by James Price "Jimmy" Johnson (1894-1955) (which becomes the Roaring Twenties theme song), and Yes Sir, That's My Baby by the Coon-Sanders Nighthawk Orchestra of Kansas City, fronted by C.A. Coon; in 1925 the Charleston Chew chocolate-coated flavored nougat candy bar is introduced by the Fox-Cross Candy Co., founded by Shakespearean actor Donley Cross and Charlie Fox. Hal Roach's Safety Last! (Apr. 1) stars Harold Lloyd, who hangs from skyscrapers and clock hands above moving traffic. Rex Ingram's Scaramouche (Feb.), based on the 1921 novel by Rafael Sabatini stars Rudolph Valentino's Mexican-born rival for the title of Latin Lover Ramon Novarro (Jose Ramon Gil Samaniego (1899-1968) as Andre-Louis Moreau, a fugitive during the French Rev. who hides out in a commedia dell'arte troupe while romancing Aline de Kercadiou (Alice Terry); does $1M box office, making Novarro a star - can you dance the fandango? G.W. Pabst's Der Schatz (Feb. 26) is the dir. debut of Austrian dir. Georg Wilhelm Pabst (1885-1967), who goes on to become #1 in Germany. J. Gordon Edwards' The Silent Command (Aug. 19), based on a story by Rufus King is the film debut of Edmund Dantes Lowe (1890-1971) as Capt. Decatur. Cecil B. De Mille's The Ten Commandments (Nov. 23) (Paramount), written by Jeanie MacPherson and filmed in 2-strip Technicolor in the freezing Guadalupe-Nipomo Dunes on the coast of C Calif. stars Theodore Roberts as Moses, and Charles de Rochefort as Rameses the Magnificent, and features the parting of the Red Sea; the expensive set is lost to the sand until 2014, when the 15-ft. sphinx is rediscovered; first of a Bible trilogy incl. "The King of Kings" (1927), "The Sign of the Cross" (1932); does $4.2M box office on a $1.5M budget, launching the Hollywood Biblical Epic genre. Tom Forman's The Virginian (Sept. 30) (B.P. Schulberg) (Preferred Pictures), based on the 1902 Owen Wister novel and the 1904 play stars Kenneth Harlan as the Virginian, and Russell Simpson as Trampas; in 1929 it is refilmed as a talkie starring Gary Cooper and Walter Huston. Chester M. Franklin's Where the North Begins (July 1) is written by Lee Duncan, owner of Rin Tin Tin, who stars along with Claire Adams, becoming a giant hit and rescuing Warner Bros. from bankruptcy; Rin Tin Tin goes on to appear in 24 more films, many written by up-and-coming screenwriter Darryl F. Zanuck, who rises to producer. D.W. Griffith's The White Rose (May 21) (United Artists) stars Mae Marsh, Carol Dempster, Lucille La Verne, and Ivor Novello, becoming the breakthrough role for Neil Hamilton as John White. Henry King's The White Sister (Sept. 5) (Metro Pictures), based on the 1909 novel by Francis Marion Crawford stars Lillian Gish as Angela Chiaromonte, making a star of English actor Ronald Charles Colman (1891-1958) as Capt. Giovanni Severini, who goes on to thrive in the talkie era with his cool cultivated voice. Fred C. Newmeyer's Why Worry? (Sept. 2) stars Harold Lloyd as rich hypochondriac businessman Harold Van Pelham, who sails to the tropics for his health, and is the film debut of Mary Pickford clone Jobyna Ralston (1899-1967) as his nurse, who goes on to star with him in six more films. Charlie Chaplin's A Woman of Paris: A Drama of Fate (Sept. 26) stars Edna Purviance as Marie St. Clair, and Carl Miller as her beau Jean Millet, who stands her up at a railway station, causing her to hook up with wealthy well-dressed Paris sugar daddy Pierre Revel (Adolphe Menjou), after which he tries to get her back and finally commits suicide, causing her to repent and leave Revel; Menjou's cool duds cause him to be voted Best Dressed Man in America 9x; "What ever happened to Marie St. Clair?"; the only film dir. by Chaplin in which he doesn't act. Graham Cutts' Woman to Woman, co-written by film school grad. Alfred Hitchcock stars Clive Brook and Betty Compson, and is also the debut of English producers Michael Elias Balcon (1896-1977) (maternal grandfather of Daniel Day-Lewis), and Victor Saville (1895-1979), who remakes it as a talkie in 1929, dir. by himself. Plays: Marcel Achard (1899-1974), Voulez-Vous Jouer Avec Moi? (Would You Like to Play With Me?); a circus and its clowns. Leonid Nikolaevich Andreyev (1871-1919), Anathema (posth.). Philip Barry (1896-1949), You and I. John Colton and Clemence Randolph, Rain (New York); based on the W. Somerset Maugham short story "Miss Thompson", starring Jeanne Eagels as Sadie Thompson. Noel Coward (1899-1973), London Calling! (musical) (Duke of York's Theatre, West End, London) (Sept. 4) (367 perf.); title based on the call sign of the new radio station 2LO London, becoming his first revue and first success; produced by Andre Charlot; uses a 3-D stereoscopic shadowgraph in the opening act, patented by Laurens Hammond, requiring the audience to wear color-tinted glasses; choreography by Fred and Adele Astaire; features the song Parisian Pierrot, sung by Gertrude Lawrence (Gertrude Alice Dagmar Klasen) (1898-1952), who goes on to star in more of his musicals. Owen Davis Sr. (1874-1956), Icebound (Sam H. Harris Theatre, New York City) (Feb. 10) (145 perf.) (Pulitzer Prize); Ben Jordan (Robert Ames) burns a barn in Veazie, Maine and flees prosecution, then learns that his mother has died, leaving everything to her ward Jane Crosby (Phyllis Povah), but only if she marries Ben and straightens him out; too bad, after she helps him go straight he goes after another babe, causing her to give up the dough, after which he flops and goes back to her; filmed in 1924; "The story of narrow, icebound life and a man who strove to breakthrough"; The Nervous Wreck (Sam H. Harris Theatre, New York) (Oct. 9) (279 perf.); from a story by E.J. Rath; stars Edward Arnold as Bob Wells, Joseph Brennan as Jud Morgan, and Hobart Cavanaugh as Mort; filmed in 1926, and in 1944 as "Up in Arms"; made into the 1930 musical film "Whoopee!" starring Eddie Cantor. Avery Hopwood (1882-1928), The Alarm Clock. Fannie Hurst (1889-1968), Humoresque; stars Laurette Taylor. Georg Kaiser (1878-1945), Side by Side (Nebeneinander) (Nov. 3) (Berlin); leaves expressionism to tell about a pawnbroker caught up in German hyperinflation, which ends two weeks after the play opens; he was himself imprisoned in 1923 for stealing a loaf of bread. Frederick Lonsdale (1881-1954), Aren't We All? (comedy). Walter L. Rosemont and Ballard MacDonald (1882-1935), Battling Butler (Selwyn Theatre, New York) (Oct. 8) (Times Square Theatre, New York) (Apr. 21, 1924) (313 perf.); produced by George Choos; dir. by Guy F. Bragdon; stars Charles Ruggles as Alfred Butler, who masquerades as a champion boxer to get a mountain girl; filmed in 1926 starring Buster Keaton and Sally O'Neil. W. Somerset Maugham (1874-1965), Our Betters (Sept.) (London); written in 1915; about the affairs of his wife Syrie, and Am. store magnate Gordon Selfridge, who offered to pay her £5K a year; gets past the censors but causes a big scandal, and opens up English theater to the more degenerate stuff of Noel Coward? A.A. Milne (1882-1956), Success/Give Me Yesterday; The Artist: A Duologue. Ferenc Molnar (1878-1952), The Swan (comedy); stars Basil Rathbone and Eva LeGallienne. Sean O'Casey (1880-1964), The Shadow of a Gunman (Abbey Theatre, Dublin); they reject five plays before producing this one. Luigi Pirandello (1867-1936), The Man with the Flower in His Mouth. Elmer Rice (1892-1967), The Adding Machine; the life and death of bookkeeper Mr. Zero; first Am. Expressionist play. Jules Romains (1885-1972), Knock, ou Le Triomphe de la Medecine (Médecine). Armand Salacrou (1899-1989), Magasin d'Accessories (first play). George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950), Saint Joan (Garrick Theatre, New York) (Dec. 28) (New Theatre, West End, London) (Mar. 26, 1924); the life of Joan of Arc (1412-31); his only tragedy?; debuts three years after her canonization (May 16, 1920); "A tragedy without villains" (Michael Holroyd); stars Agnes Sybil Thorndike (1882-1976), for whom the role was designed, and she performs in the role repeatedly until 1941; musical score by John Foulds; filmed in 1927 starring Sybil Thorndike, and in 1957 starring Jean Seberg; "There are no villains in the piece. Crime, like disease, is not interesting: it is something to be done away with by general consent, and that is all about it. It is what men do at their best, with good intentions, and what normal men and women find that they must and will do in spite of their intentions, that really concern us" (preface); "O God that madest this beautiful earth, when will it be ready to accept thy saints? How long, O Lord, how long?" (last line) Robert Cedric Sherriff (1896-1975), Profit and Loss. Sutton Vane, Outward Bound (London); a group of passengers in an ocean liner realize that they are dead and don't know whether they're headed for heaven or hell. Poetry: Richard Aldington (1892-1962), Exile and Other Poems. Djuna Barnes (1892-1982), A Book; incl. A Night Among the Horses. Hilaire Belloc (1870-1953), Collected Poems. Stephen Vincent Benet (1898-1943), Jean Huguenot; The Ballad of William Sycamore; King David. Louise Bogan (1897-1970), Body of This Death (debut). Jorge Luis Borges (1899-1986), Fervor de Buenos Aires. e.e. cummings (1894-1962), Tulips and Chimneys (debut); editor Thomas Seltzer changes "&" to "and" in the title; incl. "All in green went my love riding", "Thy fingers make early flowers of", "Buffalo Bill's", and "Puella Mea". William Henry Davies, Collected Poems: Second Series. Henry Austin Dobson (1840-1921), Complete Poetical Works (posth.). John Drinkwater (1882-1937), Poems. Robert Frost (1874-1963), New Hampshire: A Poem With Notes and Grace Notes (Pulitzer Prize); incl. Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening; "The woods are lovely, dark and deep./ But I have promises to keep,/ And miles to go before I sleep,/ And miles to go before I sleep." Robert Ranke Graves (1895-1985), Whipperginny; The Feather Bed. Ramon Guthrie (1896-1973), Trobar Clus (debut). Vachel Lindsay (1879-1931), Collected Poems. Katherine Mansfield (1888-1923), Poems (posth.). John Masefield (1878-1967), Collected Poems; bestseller (80K copies). Andre Maurois (1885-1967), Ariel or the Life of Shelley. Gabriela Mistral (1889-1957), Lecturas para Mujeres. Vladimir Nabokov (1899-1977), The Empyrean Path. James Oppenheim (1882-1932), Golden Bird. Pablo Neruda (1904-73), Crepusculary. Kostes Palamas (1859-1943), Royal Blossom. Rainer Maria Rilke (1875-1926), Duino Elegies. Edwin Arlington Robinson (1869-1935), Roman Bartholomew. Wallace Stevens (1879-1955), Harmonium (debut); incl. Anecdote of the Jar, Disillusionment of Ten O'Clock, The Emperor of Ice-Cream, Sunday Morning, The Snow Man, Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird. Gene Stratton-Porter (1863-1924), Jesus of the Emerald. Arthur Symons (1865-1945), Love's Cruelty. Genevieve Taggard (1894-1948), Hawaiian Hilltop. William Carlos Williams (1883-1963), Spring and All (Paris) (fall); named one of the 88 Books That Shaped America by the Library of Congress in 2012; too bad, T.S. Eliot's "The Waste Land" kills his sales; incl. Spring and All; "By the road to the contagious hospital"; To Elsie; The Red Wheelbarrow; "So much depends upon a red wheel barrow glazed with rain water beside the white chickens"; Go Go; U.S. ed. of "Spring and All". Elinor Wylie (1885-1928), Black Armour. Novels: Shmuel Yosef Agnon (1888-1970), At the Handles of the Lock (short stories). Margery Allingham (1904-66), Blackkerchief Dick (first novel). Sherwood Anderson (1876-1941), Many Marriages (Feb.); attacked for obscenity, causing his sales figures to begin tanking; Horses and Men: Tales, long and short, from our American life (short stories). Michael Arlen (1895-1956), These Charming People (short stories). Gertrude Atherton, Black Oxen; bestseller. Enoch Arnold Bennett (1867-1931), Riceyman Steps; a miserly 2nd-hand bookseller starves himself to death. Phyllis Eleanor Bentley (1894-1977), Cat in the Manger. Elizabeth Bowen (1899-1973), Encounters (first novel). Vera Brittain (1893-1970), The Dark Tide. Bryher (1894-1983), Two Selves. James Branch Cabell (1879-1958), The High Place. Willa Cather (1873-1947), A Lost Lady. Robert William Chambers (1865-1933), The Talkers. Agatha Christie (1890-1976), The Murder on the Links; Hercule Poirot #2. Jean Cocteau (1889-1963), Thomas the Imposter (Thomas l'Imposteur); about 16-y.-o. Guillaume Thomas de Fontenoy, who masquerades as the nephew of popular Gen. de Fontenay and helps widowed Princess de Bormes evacuate wounded soldiers from the front and nurse them in her villa in Paris by forging passes; filmed in 1964. Colette (1873-1954), Le Ble en Herbe. Padraic Colum (1881-1972), Castle Conquer. Joseph Conrad (1857-1924), The Rover. Richmal Crompton (1890-1969), The Innermost Room. Olav Duun (1876-1939), Juvifolke. Johan Falkberget (1879-1967), The Fourth Night Watch; mining life in early 19th cent. Norway. Hans Fallada (1893-1947), Anton und Gerda. Lion Feuchtwanger (1884-1958), The Ugly Duchess; 14th cent. Tyrolean life. Ronald Firbank (1886-1926), The Flower Beneath the Foot. Ford Madox Ford (1873-1939), The Marsden Case. Dmitri Furmanov (1891-1926), Chapayev; diary of a commissar who uses the services of illiterate guerrilla leader Chapayev in the Russian civil war. Kahlil Gibran (1883-1931), The Prophet: bestselling book of the 20th cent. other than the Bible; based on the teachings of Baha'i prophet Abdu'l-Baha; chapters incl. "On Love", "On Giving", "On Freedom", and "On Time"; big hit with the 1960s culture and New Age Movment; "When love beckons to you, follow him,/ Though his ways are hard and steep,/ And when his wings enfold you yield to him,/ Though the sword hidden among his pinions may wound you./ ... All these things shall love do unto you that you may know the secrets of your heart, and in that knowledge become a fragment of Life's heart." H. Rider Haggard (1856-1925), Wisdom's Daughter. Knut Hamsun (1859-1952), The Last Chapter. Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961), Three Stories and Ten Poems (Aug. 13) (first book); pub. by fellow Paris expatriate Robert McAlmon. Louis Hemon (1880-1913), La Belle que Voila (posth.). Fannie Hurst (1889-1968), Lummox. Aldous Huxley (1894-1963), Antic Hay; skepticism's effect on life. Sheila Kaye-Smith (1887-1956), The End of the House of Alard; bestseller. Bernhard Kellermann (1879-1951), Swedish Clover Experience. Joseph Kessel (1898-1979), L'Equipage. D.H. Lawrence (1885-1930), The Ladybird; Kangaroo. William John Locke (1863-1930), The Lengthened Shadow; Moordius & Co.. Hugh John Lofting (1886-1947), Doctor Doolitte's Post Office; Dr. Dolittle #3. Pierre Lotti (1850-1923), Un Jeune Officier Pauvre (posth.). Denis Mackail (1892-1971), According to Gibson; Summertime. Rose Macaulay (1881-1958), Told by an Idiot. Katherine Mansfield (1888-23), The Doves' Nest (short stories). Edgar Lee Masters (1868-1950), Skeeters Kirby; sequel to "Mitch Miller" (1920). The Nuptial Flight. Francois Mauriac (1885-1970), The River of Fire (Le Fleuve du Feu); about an unhappy marriage; Genitrix; the dangers of too much maternal love; his rep. as a top French novelist is established. Naomi Mitchison (1897-1999), The Conquered (first novel); set during Caesar's Gallic Wars. Paul Morand (1888-1976), Ferme la Nuit. Robert Nathan (1894-1985), The Puppet Master. Vladimir Nabokov (1899-1977), Mashenka (Mary) (first novel). Charles Gilman Norris (1881-1945), Bread. Edward Phillips Oppenheim (1866-1946), The Mystery Road; The Seven Conundrums (short stories); Michael's Evil Deeds (short stories); The Inevitable Millionaires (short stories). John Dos Passos (1896-1970), Streets of Night. Elliot Harold Paul (1896-1958), Impromptu. Raymond Radiguet (1903-23), The Devil in the Flesh (Le Diable au Corps); a modern Daphnis and Chloe; a young married woman has an affair with a 16-y.-o. boy while her hubby is fighting at the front; semi-autobio.?; makes him a star just as he dies of typhoid. Joseph Roth (1894-1939), The Spider's Web (first novel). Rafael Sabatini (1875-1950), Fortune's Fool. Saki (1870-1916), The Toys of Peace (short stories) (posth.). Felix Salten (Siegmund Salzmann) (1869-1945), Bambi; "Came into the world in the middle of a thicket inside of this little, hidden forest"; banned by the Nazis in 1936 because the author is Jewish; trans. into English by Whittaker Chambers. Dorothy Leigh Sayers (1893-1957), Whose Body?; the first of 11 Lord Peter Wimsey novels (a mixture of Fred Astaire and Bertie Wooster?); "My detective story begins brightly, with a fat lady found dead in her bath with nothing on but her pince-nez. Now why did she wear pince-nez in her bath? If you can guess, you will be in a position to lay hands upon the murderer." Henry De Vere Stacpoole (1863-1951), The Garden of God; #2 in the Blue Lagoon Trilogy (1906, 1925). Gene Stratton-Porter (1863-1924), The White Flag. T.S. Stribling (1881-1965), Fombombo; set in Venezuela. Italo Svevo (1861-1928), La Conscienza di Zeno (Zeno's Conscience); memoir of Zeno Cosini, who sees a pshrink to help him stop smoking; championed by James Joyce, who uses Svevo as a model for Leopold Bloom in "Ulysses". Frank Swinnerton (1884-1982), Young Felix. Booth Tarkington (1869-1946), The Midlander; retitled "National Avenue" in 1927. Felix Timmermans, The Parson of the Flowering Vineyard. Jean Toomer (1894-1967), Cane; Harlem Renaissance hit about African-Ams.; Blood Burning Moon; about mistreatment of blacks in the U.S. South. Ben Travers (1886-1980), Rookery Nook. Hugh Seymour Walpole (1884-1941), Jeremy and Hamlet. Franz Werfel (1890-1945), Verdi. Margaret Wilson, The Able McLaughlins (Pulitzer Prize). P.G. Wodehouse (1881-1975), The Inimitable Jeeves. Harold Bell Wright (1872-1944), The Mine with the Iron Door. Births: Am. "Whodunnit", "Plaza Suite" actress Barbara Angie Rose Baxley (d. 1990) on Jan. 1 in Porterville, Calif. Am. jazz vibraphonist (black) Milton "Bags" Johnson (d. 1999) (Modern Jazz Quartet) on Jan. 1 in Detroit, Mich. Canadian spy Lt. Roger Sabourin (d. 1944) on Jan. 1 in Montral, Quebec. Am. football hall-of-fame coach (Kansas City Chiefs) (1960-74) Henry Louis "Hank" Stram (d. 2005) on Jan. 3 in Chicago, Ill. Romanian psychologist-chemist Corneliu E. Giurgea (d. 1995) on Jan. 6 in Bucharest. Am. "Corp. Randolph Agarn in F-Troop" actor (Jewish) Lawrence Samuel "Larry" Storch on Jan. 8 in New York City; goes to school with Don Adams; serves in the U.S. Navy in WWII on USS Proteus with Tony Curtis. Am. "ELIZA" computer scientist (Jewish) Joseph Weizenbaum (d. 2008) on Jan. 8 in Berlin, Germany; emigrates to the U.S. in 1935. German "Fascism In Its Epoch historian-philosopher Ernst Nolte on Jan. 11 in Witten, Westphalia; educated at the U. of Freiburg; student of Martin Heidegger. Am. racing car designer Carroll Hall Shelby (d. 2012) on Jan. 11 in Leesburg, Tex. Polish "The Drama of the Gifted Child" psychologist (Jewish) Alice Miller (nee Rostovski) (d. 2010) on Jan. 12 in Lwow; educated at the U. of Basel. Am. dancer-choreographer (gay) (co-founder of the Joffrey Ballet) Gerald Arpino (d. 2008) on Jan. 14 in Staten Island, N.Y.; collaborator of Robert Joffrey (1930-88). Chinese Taiwan pres. (1988-2000) Lee Teng-hui on Jan. 15 in Sanshi; educated at Nat. Taiwan U., Iowa State U., and Cornell U. Am. "The Hard Hours" poet (Jewish) and U.S. poet laureate #27 (1982-4) Anthony Evan Hecht (d. 2004) on Jan. 16 in New York City; German Jewish parents; educated at Kenyon College (student of John Crowe Ransom), Columbia U., and U. of Iowa; Italian computer scientist Corrado Boehm (Böhm) (d. 2017) on Jan. 17 in Milan; educated at ETH Zurich. British "Dead Men Don't Ski" mystery writer Patricia Moyes (Pakenham-Walsh) (d. 2000) on Jan. 19 in Dublin, Ireland. Am. "Edith Baines-Bunker in All in the Family" actress (Christian Scientist) Jean Stapleton (Jeanne Murray) (d. 2013) on Jan. 19 in New York City. Am. composer Leslie Bassett on Jan. 22 in Hanford, Calif. Am. "A Canticle for Leibowitz" sci-fi novelist (Roman Catholic) Walter Michael Miller Jr. (d. 1996) on Jan. 23 in New Smyrna Beach, Fla. Angolan FNLA leader (1962-99) (black) Holden Alvaro Roberto (d. 2007) on Jan. 12 in Sao Salvador; grows up ni Leopoldville, Belgian Congo. Indian writer Santha Rama Rau on Jan. 24 in Madras; son of Sir Benegal Rama Rau (1889-1957); educated at Wellesley College (first Indian student); wife (1951-66) of Faubion Bowers (1917-99). Swedish dopamine scientist Arvid Carlsson on Jan. 25 in Uppsala; educated at Lund U.; 2000 Nobel Med. Prize. Am. "John Dillinger's moll Helen Rogers", "Maxine Manning in Riffraff", "Marion Kerby in Topper", "David Hasselhoff's mother Irene Buchannon in Baywatch" actress-singer (Baptist) Anne Jeffreys (nee Carmichael) (d. 2017) on Jan. 26 in Goldsboro, N.C.; wife (1951-2006) of Robert Sterling (1917-2006); last person to dance with Fred Astaire onscreen. Am. "The Pushcart War" children's writer Jean Merrill on Jan. 27 in Rochester, N.Y.; educated at Wellesley College. Am. "Marty", "Altered States", "Paint Your Wagon" dramatist-screenwriter-novelist (Jewish) Sidney Aaron "Paddy" Chayefsky (Chayefski) (d. 1981) on Jan. 29 in Bronx, N.Y.; Ukrainian Jewish parents; educated at CCNY and Fordham U. Soviet "The Diamond Arm" comedy film dir. Leonid Iovich Gaidai (Gayday) (d. 1993) on Jan. 23 in Svobodriy, Amur Oblast. Am. "The Naked and the Dead" novelist (Jewish) Norman Kingsley Mailer (d. 2007) on Jan. 31 in Long Branch, N.J.; educated at Harvard U., and the Sorbonne; mother tells him in the early 1930s that Hitler "is going to kill half the Jews", causing a lifelong obsession with him. Am. "Europe and the People Without History" anthropologist (Jewish) (Marxist) Eric Robert Wolf (d. 1999) on Feb. 1 in Vienna; Freemason father, feminist physician mother; emigrates to Czech. in 1933, England in ?, and the U.S. in 1940; educated at Queens College, and Columbia U. Am. poet James Dickey (d. 1997) on Feb. 2 in Atlanta, Ga. Am. baseball hall-of-fame player-coach-mgr. (St. Louis Cardinals, 1945-56, 1961-3) Albert Fred "Red" Schoendienst (d. 2018) on Feb. 2 in Germantown, Ill. Am. gossip columnist ("the Grand Dame of Dish") Mary Elizabeth "Liz" Smith (d. 2017) on Feb. 2 in Ft. Worth, Tex. Am. heart surgeon Norman Edward Shumway (d. 2006) on Feb. 9 in Kalamazoo, Mich.; educated at Vanderbilt U. Irish "Confessions of an Irish Rebel", "Borstal Boy" poet-playwright-novelist and IRA activist Brendan Francis Behan (d. 1964) on Feb. 9 in Dubin. Italian opera bass Cesare Siepi (d. 2010) on Feb. 10 in Milan. English atheist-turned-deist philosopher Antony Garrard Newton Flew on Feb. 11 in London; Methodist minister father; educated at St. John's College, Oxford U; student of Gilbert Ryle. Am. poet Alan Dugan (d. 2003) on Feb. 12 in Brooklyn, N.Y.; grows up in Jamaica, Queens. Italian "The Taming of the Shrew", "Romeo and Juliet" film dir. (Roman Catholic) Franco (Gianfranco Corsi) Zeffirelli (d. 2019) on Feb. 12 in Florence; educated at the U. of Florence. Am. Dem. Chicago, Ill. mayor #39 (1976-9) Michael Anthony Bilandic (d. 2002) on Feb. 13 in Chicago, Ill.; Croatian immigrant parents; educated at St. Mary's U. of Minn., and DePaul U. Am. test pilot Brig. Gen. Charles Elwood "Chuck" Yeager (d. 2020) in Myra, W. Va. on Feb. 13; flies his first plane in Jan. 1942. Soviet human rights activist (Jewish) Yelena Georgevna Bonner (d. 2011) on Feb. 15 in Merv, Turkmenistan; wife (1972-) of Andrei Sakharov (1921-89). English "The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross" philologist-writer John Marco Allegro (d. 1988) on Feb. 17 in London; educated at the U. of Manchester. North Korean politician defector Hwang Jang-yop (d. 2010) on Feb. 17 in Kangdong. Am. "Cpl. Henshawin The Phil Silvers Show","Sam the Butcher in The Brady Bunch", "Barney Hefner in All in the Family" actor Allan Melvin (d. 2008) on Feb. 18 in Kansas City, Mo.; educated at Columbia U. Guyanese PM #1 (1964-80) and pres. #3 (1980-5) (black) Linden Forbes Sampson Burnham (d. 1985) on Feb. 20 in Kitty, Georgetown; educated at the Univ. of London. Am. "Perry Mason Theme", "The Bullwinkle Show Theme", "Star Trek" composer-conductor Frederick "Fred" Steiner (d. 2011) on Feb. 24 in New York City; Hungarian immigrant father. Am. Mr. Coffee co-creator (Jewish) Samuel Lewis Glazer (d. 2012) on Feb. 24 in Cleveland, Ohio. Am. 6'6" jazz-bebop tenor saxophonist (black) "Long Tall" "Sophisticated Giant" Dexter Gordon (d. 1990) on Feb. 27 in Los Angeles, Calif. Am. "Lt. Snyder in The Sting", "Mike Gavin in Rescue Me" actor Charles Durning on Feb. 28 in Highland Falls, N.Y. Am. country musician (alcoholic) Audrey Mae Williams (nee Sheppard) (d. 1975) on Feb. 28 in Pike County, Ala.; 1st wife (1944-52) of Hank Williams Sr. (1923-53); mother of Hank Williams Jr. (1949-). Am. "Red Rocking Chair", "John Henry" bluegrass-folk-blues-gospel singer-musician (blind) Artel Lane "Doc" Watson on Mar. 2 in Deep Gap, N.C.; father of Merle Watson (1949-85). Am. "Liza Minnelli's father in Arthur", "Amos Hart in Chicago" actor (Roman Catholic) Barney Martin (d. 2005) on Mar. 3 in Queens, N.Y. Am. bluegrass-country-blues singer-songwriter Arthel Lane "Doc" Watson (d. 2012) on Mar. 3 in Deep Gap, N.C.; husband (1947-) of Rosa Lee Carlton, daughter of Gaither Carlton (1901-72); father of Merle Watson (1949-85) and Nancy Ellen Watson (1951-). English amateur astronomer Sir Alfred Patrick Caldwell-Moore on Mar. 4 in Pinner; knighted in 2001. Italian 6'2" 250 lb. "A Fistful of Dollars" actor Mario Brega (d. 1994) on Mar. 5 in Rome; starts out as a butcher. Am. Baltimore/Indianapolis Colts owner (1972-97) (Jewish) Robert Irsay (Israel) (d. 1997) on Mar. 5.; father of Jim Irsay (1959-). Am. "The Tonight Show" (1962-92), "Star Search" (1983-95), Am. Family Publishing Sweepstakes, Budweiser commercials entertainer-announcer ("Heeere's Johnny") Col. Edward Leo Peter "Ed" McMahon Jr. (d. 2009) on Mar. 6 in Detroit, Mich.; "the most famous second banana in America". Am. conservative politician James Lane Buckley on Mar. 9 in New York City; son of William F. Buckley Sr. (1881-1958); brother of William F. Buckley Jr. (1925-). Am. physicist (Jewish) Walter Kohn on Mar. 9 in Vienna, Austria; emigrates to the U.S. in 1945; 1998 Nobel Chem. Prize. Am. "The Secrets of the Federal Reserve" writer Eustace Clarence Mullins Jr. (d. 2010) on Mar. 9 in Roanoke, Va.; educated at Washington and Lee U., NYU, and U. of N.D. Am. nuclear physicist Val Logsdon Fitch (d. 2015) on Mar. 10 in Merriman, Neb.; educated at McGill U., and Columbia U. English "Charlie Hungerford in Bergerac" actor Terence Joseph Alexander (d. 2009) on Mar. 11 in Islington, London. Am. hall-of-fame tennis player Althea Louise Brough Clapp on Mar. 11 in Oklahoma City, Okla.; grows up in Beverly Hills, Calif. Belgian U.N. asst. secy.-gen. Robert Muller (d. 2010) on Mar. 11 in Weismes. Norwegian Olympic speed skater Hjalmar Johan "Hjallis" "King Glad" Andersen (d. 2013) on Mar. 12 in Rodoy. Am. Mercury-Gemini-Apollo Navy astronaut Walter Marty "Wally" Schirra (d. 2007) on Mar. 12 in Hackensack, N.J.; descendant of Italian-speaking Swiss from Valle Onsernone in Canton Ticino. Am. photographer (of the abnormal) (Jewish) Diane Arbus (nee Nemerov) (d. 1971) (pr. dee-ann) on Mar. 14 in New York City; daughter of Russek's Fifth Ave. Dept. Store owners David Nemerov and Gertrude Russek Nemerov; sister of poet Howard Nemerov (1920-91); wife (1941-69) of fashion photographer and "Dr. Sidney Freeman in M*A*S*H" actor Allan Arbus (1918-2013). Am. "Spiritual Healing" New Thought minister-writer Stuart Grayson (d. 2001) on Mar. 15. Am. "I Could Go On Singing" bandleader-composer Mort Lindsey on Mar. 21 in Newark, N.J. Syrian Arab nationalist poet-diplomat Nizar Tawfiq Qabbani (d. 1998) on Mar. 21 in Damascus. French pantomimist (mime) Marcel Marceau on Mar. 22 in Strasbourg; "I do not get my ideas from people on the street. If you look at faces on the street, what do you see? Nothing, just boredom." Am. "Arthur Ward in The F.B.I." actor Philip Abbott (d. 1998) on Mar. 23 in Lincoln, Neb. Am. auto racer Johnny Beauchamp (d. 1981) on Mar. 23 in Harlan, Iowa. Am. meteorologist Joanne Simpson (nee Gerould) (d. 2010) on Mar. 23 in Boston, Mass.; educated at the U. of Chicago, becoming the first woman to receive a Ph.D. in meteorology. Am. "Amity Island Mayor Larry Vaughn in Jaws" actor Murray Hamilton (d. 1986) on Mar. 24 in Washington, N.C. English "The Beautiful Visit" novelist-actress Elizabeth Jane Howard on Mar. 26 in London; wife of Kingsley Amis (1922-95). Am. "At the End of the Open Road" poet Louis Aston Marantz Simpson on Mar. 27 in Jamaica; Scottish descent father, Russian mother; emigrates to the U.S. in 1940; educated at Columbia U. Am. radio-TV host and musician Robert William "Bob" Haymes (Stanton) (d. 1989) on Mar. 29 in White Plains, N.Y.; brother of Dick Haymes (1918-80). Am. "Alice Mitchell in Dennis the Menace" actress Gloria Henry (McEniry) on Apr. 2 in New Orleans, La. Am. physicist John Hamilton Reynolds (d. 2000) on Apr. 3 in Cambridge, Mass.; educated at Harvard U. and the U. of Chicago; not to be confused with poet John Hamilton Reynolds (1796-1852). Am. "Frank Pentangeli in The Godfather Part II", "A Hatful of Rain" actor-playwright Michael Vincenzo Gazzo (d. 1995) on Apr. 5 in Hillside, N.J. South Vienamese pres. (1965-75) Lt. Gen. (Roman Catholic convert) Nguyen Van Thieu (d. 2001) on Apr. 5 in Phan Rang-Thap Cham, Ningh Thuan Province; son of a small coastal landowner descended from the Tran Dinh Dynasty. Irish "Capt. Daniel Gregg in The Ghost and Mrs. Muir" actor Edward Mulhare (d. 1997) on Apr. 8 in Cork. Am. historian (Jewish) Adam Bruno Ulam (d. 2000) on Apr. 8 in Lwow (Lviv), Ukraine; emigrates to the U.S. in 1939; educated at Brown U. Am. "Origins of the Fifth Amendment" historian Leonard Williams Levy (d. 2006) on Apr. 9 in Toronto, Ont.; educated at Columbia U.; student of Henry Steele Commager (1902-98). Am. singer-dancer Ann Miller (Johnnie Lucille Ann Collier) (d. 2004) on Apr. 12 in Chireno (near Houston), Tex.; atty. father John Alfred Collier represents Bonnie and Clyde, Machine Gun Kelly, and Baby Face Nelson; Cherokee maternal grandmother; inventor of pantyhose? Am. "Maxwell Smart in Get Smart" comedian (Roman Catholic) Don Adams (Donald James Yarmy) (d. 2005) on Apr. 13 in Manhattan, N.Y.; Hungarian Jewish immigrant father, Roman Catholic Dutch-Irish mother; starts out atheist then converts to Roman Catholic. Iranian PM #69 (1964-5) Hassan Ali Mansur (d. 1965) on Apr. 13 in Tehran; educated at the U. of Tehran. Am. "Harry Shapiro in Stalag 17", "Eric von Zipper in Beach Party", "Cpl. Rocco Barbella in The Phil Silvers Show" comedic actor (Jewish) Harvey Lembeck (d. 1982) on Apr. 15 in Brooklyn, N.Y.; father of Michael Lembeck (1948-) and Helaine Lembeck. English "if...." "Master of Caius College in Chariots of Fire" actor-dir.-critic Lindsay Gordon Anderson (d. 1994) on Apr. 17 Bangalore, British India; Scottish parents; educated at Wadham College, Oxford U.; friend of Gavin Lambert. Am. "Stage Door Canteen", "Home in Indiana" actor Herbert Alzonzo "Lon" "Bud" McCallister Jr. (d. 2005) on Apr. 17 in Los Angeles, Calif.; doomed by ever-boyish looks? British "If...", "Master of Caius in Chariots of Fire" Free Cinema/New Wave actor-dir. Lindsay (Gordon) Anderson (d. 1994) on Apr. 17 in Bangalore, India. Afghan Muslim religious leader Mawlana Muhammad Atta-ullah Faizani (d. 1979) on Apr. 17 in Herat. Am. broadcast journalist (failed novelist?) Harry Reasoner (d. 1991) on Apr. 17 in Dakota City, Iowa. Am. Roman Catholic Franciscan nun Mother Mary Angelica of the Annunciation (Rita Antoinette Rizzo) (d. 2016) on Apr. 20 in Canton, Ohio; founder of Eternal Word TV Network (EWTN) and WEWN radio network. English "Horace Rumpole of the Bailey" dramatist-barrister Sir John Clifford Mortimer on Apr. 21 in Hampstead, London; educated at Harrow School, and Brasenose College, Oxford U. Am. "The Slave Dancer" novelist Paula Fox on Apr. 22 in New York City; daughter of Paul Hervey Fox and Elsie Fox (nee De Sola) (1900-92), who puts her up for adoption; grandmother of Courtney Love (1964-); educated at Columbia U. Am. model Bettie Mae Page (d. 2008) on Apr. 22 in Nashville, Tenn. Am. "Charlie's Angels", "The Love Boat", "Dynasty", "Beverly Hills, 90210" TV producer (Jewish) Aaron Spelling (d. 2006) on Apr. 22 in Dallas, Tex.; Polish Jewish immigrant parents; his father's name Spurling was changed by an Ellis Island official; educated at Southern Methodist U.; husband (1953-64) of Carolyn Jones (1930-83) and (1968-) Candy Spelling (1945-); father of Tori Spelling (1973-) and Randy Spelling (1978-). Am. Dem. Tex. gov. #41 (1973-9) Dolph Briscoe Jr. (d. 2010) on Apr. 23 in Uvalde, Tex.; educted at the U. of Tex. Canadian ballerina (Jewish) Melissa "Millie" Hayden (Mildred Herman) (d. 2006) on Apr. 25 in Toronto, Ont.; Jewish Russian immigrant parents. Am. "Blues Power", "Born Under a Bad Sign" 6'4" blues musician (black) ("The Velvet Bulldozer") Albert Nelson King (d. 1992) on Apr. 25 in Indianola, Miss.; starts out as a cotton picker and bulldozer operator; one of the Three Kings of the Blues Guitar (B.B. King, Freddie King). Am. "A Course in Miracles" psychologist William Thetford (d. 1988) on Apr. 25 in Chicago, Ill.; educateed at DePauw U., and the U. of Chicago; collaborator of Helen Schucman (1909-81). Am. headmistress Jean Struven Harris (d. 2012) on Apr. 27 in Cleveland, Ohio; educated at Smith College; murderer of Dr. Herman Tarnower. Italian theoretical physicist Bruno Zumino (d. 2014) on Apr. 28 in Rome; educated at the U. of Rome. Am. jazz bassist (black) Percy Heath (d. 2005) (Modern Jazz Quartet) on Apr. 30 in Wilmington, N.C.; grows up in Philly. Am. "Grandpa in The Munsters" actor (Jewish) Al Lewis (Albert Meister) (d. 2006) on Apr. 30 in New York City; Polish Jewish immigrant parents; candidate for mayor of New York City in 1988. Am. "Catch-22" novelist (Jewish) Joseph Heller (d. 1999) on May 1 in Brooklyn, N.Y. Irish pres. #6 (1976-90) Patrick John "Paddy" Hillery (d. 2008) on May 2 in Spanish Point, Miltown Malbay, County Clare; educated at Univ. College, Dublin. Am. sex reassignment surgery physician (Jewish) Stanley H. Biber (d. 2006) on May 4 ni Des Moines, Iowa; educated at the U. of Iowa. Am. "Sophie MacDonald in The Razor's Edge", "Eve Harrington in All About Eve","Nefertiti in The Ten Commandments" actress Anne Baxter (d. 1985) on May 7 in Michigan City, Ind.; maternal granddaughter of Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959). Am. "Parmen in Star Trek: TOS episode Plato's Stepchildren" actor Liam Sullivan (d. 1998) on May 18 in Jacksonville, Ill. Am. photographer Richard Avedon (d. 2004) on May 15 in New York City; husband (1944-9) of Doe Avedon (1925-2011). English Persian scholar Peter Avery (d. 2008) on May 15 in Derby. Am. economist (Jewish) Merton Howard Miller (d. 2000) on May 16 in Boston, Mass.; educated at Johns Hopkins U. Australian Communist feminist poet-novelist-playwright Dorothy Coade Hewett (d. 2002) on May 21 in Perth. Am. "2nd Lt. Gil Hanley in Combat!" actor (Jewish) Rick Jason (Richard Jacobson) (d. 2000) on May 21 in New York City. Am. U. of Notre Dame football coach (1964-74) Ara Raoul Parseghian on May 21 in Akron, Ohio. Spanish pianist Alicia de Larrocha y de la Calle on May 23 in Barcelona. Am. "The Mambo Kings" drummer-bandleader ("King of Latin Music") Ernesto Antonio "Tito" Puente Jr. (d. 2000) on May 23 in Spanish Harlem, New York City; Puerto Rican parents. Am. "Marshal Matt Dillon on Gunsmoke" 6'7" actor James King Arness (Aurness) (d. 2011) on May 26 in Minneapolis, Minn.; Norwegian descent father, German descent mother; brother of actor Peter Graves (1926-2010). English "Leopold Mozart in Amadeus", "King George IV in Shaka Zulu" actor Roy Dotrice on May 26 in Guernsey, Channel Islands; husband (1947-) of Kay Dotrice (1929-2007). Am. Repub. diplomat and U.S. secy. of state #56 (1973-7) (Jewish) Henry (Heinz) Alfred Wolfgang Kissinger on May 27 in Fuerth, Bavaria, Germany; family's real name is Lob, renamed in 1817 after Bad Kissingen; emigrates to the U.S. in 1938; educated at CCNY, Clemson College, and Harvard U.; 1973 Nobel Peace Prize: "Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac"; "It is a mistake to assume everything said in a press conference is fully considered"; "There cannot be a crisis next week - my schedule is full." Austrian photographer (not Jewish) Ingeborg "Inge" Morath (d. 2002) on May 27 in Graz; wife (1962-) of Arthur Miller (1915-2005); mother of Rebecca Miller (1962-). Am. "The Tennessee Waltz" country singer-songwriter Henry Ellis "Redd" Stewart (d. 2003) on May 27 in Ashland City, Tenn. Austrian "2001: A Space Odyssey", "The Shining" composer (Jewish) Gyorgy Sandor Ligeti (d. 2006) on May 28 in Tirnaveni, Transylvania, Romania; emigrates to Austria in 1956. French "Les Fruits de l'Hiver" novelist Bernard Clavel on May 29 in Lons-le-Saunier. Am. "Anthology of American Folk Music" Beat filmmaker Harry Everett Smith (d. 1991) on May 29 in Portland, Ore. Am. Minimalist painter-sculptor Ellsworth Kelly on May 31 in Newburgh, N.Y. Monaco prince (1949-2005) Rainier III (Louis Henri Maxence Bertrand Grimaldi) (d. 2005) on May 31; of French, Mexican, Spanish, German, Scottish, English, Dutch and Italian ancestry; husband (1956-) of Grace Kelly (1929-82). Am. economist Lloyd Stowell Shapley (2016) on June 2 in Cambridge, Mass.; educated at Phillips Exeter Academy, Harvard U., and Princeton U. Am. "Lion At My Heart" novelist Haralampos "Harry" Mark Petrakis on June 5 in St. Louis, Mo. Australian fountain architect Robert Raymond "Bob" Woodward (d. 2010) on June 5 in Wentsorthville, Sydney; educated at Sydney Technical College. Am. actress Peggy Stewart (Margaret O'Rourke) on June 5 in West Palm Beach, Fla.; wife (1940-4) of Don "Red Barry (1912-80), and (1953-2000) Buck Young (1920-2000). British media mogul and Labour MP (1964-70) (Jewish) Ian Robert Maxwell (Jan Ludvik Hyman Binyamin Hoch) (d. 1991) on June 10 in Slatinske Doly, Ruthenia, Czech. (modern-Ukraine); emigrates to Britain in 1940. becomes British citizen on June 19, 1946. Am. CIA agent (originator of the President's Intelligence Checklist in 1961) Richard "Dick" Lehman (d. 2007) on June 12 in St. Louis, Mo.; educated at Harvard U., and U. of Va. Am. "The War of the Worlds", "Bat Masterson", "Burke's Law" actor Gene Barry (Eugene Klass) on June 14 in New York City; names himself after John Barrymore. Zimbabwe African National Union leader Herbert Wiltshire Pfumaindini Chitepo (d. 1975) on June 15 in Watsomba, Southern Rhodesia. Am. Roman Catholic bishop of Philadelphia (1988-2003) Cardinal (1991-) Anthony Joseph Bevilacqua (d. 2012) on June 17 in Brooklyn, N.Y.; Italian immigrant parents; educated at Cathedral College. Paraguayan pres. #47 (1989-93) Gen. Andres Rodriguez Pedotti (d. 1997) on June 19 in Borja, Guaira. French poet and art historian Yves Jean Bonnefoy (d. 2016) on June 24 in Tours, Indre-et-Loire; educated at the U. of Poitier, and U. of Sorbonne. Am. comedian (Jewish) Jack Carter (Chakrin) on June 24 in Brooklyn, N.Y. Am. blues musician James Lewis Carter "T-Model" Ford (d. 2013) on Jun 24 in Forest, Mass. Australian painter Margaret Hannah Olley (d. 2011) on June 24 in Lismore, N.S.W. Am. abstract expressionist and color field artist Samuel Lewis "Sam" Francis on June 25 in San Mateo, Calif. Am. "Mrs. Pollifax" spy novelist Dorothy Gilman (Butters) on June 25 in New Brunswick, N.J.; educated at the U. of Penn. English "Accident" novelist Sir Nicholas Mosley, 3rd Baron Ravensdale, 7th Baronet on June 25 in London; eldest son of Sir Oswald Mosley (1893-1980); educated at Eton College, and Balliol College, Oxford U. Am. "Freud: A Life for Our Time" historian (Jewish) Peter Gay (Peter Joachim Fröhlich) (d. 2015) on June 20 in Berlin, Germany; emigrates to the U.S. in 1941; educated at the U. of Denver, and Columbia U. Polish poet-writer ("the Mozart of Poetry") Wislawa Szymborska (Szymborska-Wlodek) (d. 2012) on July 2 in Bnin (Kornik); grows up in Krakow. Am. Battle of Iwo Jima Navy corpsman (Roman Catholic) John Henry "Jack" "Doc" Bradley (d. 1994) on July 10 in Antigo, Wisc. Am. "Spencer's Mountain", "The Waltons", "Falcon Crest" writer Earl Henry Hamner Jr. (d. 2016) on July 10 in Schuyler, Va. Am. "Please Don't Eat the Daisies" writer-playwright Jean Kerr (Bridget Jean Collins) (d. 2003) on July 10 in Scranton, Penn. Malaysian PM #4 (1981-2003) (Muslim) Mahathir bin Mohamad on July 10 in Alor Setar, Kedah; father of Marina binti Mahathir. Argentine coronary bypass surgery pioneer Rene Geronimo Favaloro (d. 2000) on July 12 in La Plata. Am. "Champagne Lady in Lawrence Welk" (1960-) Norma Zimmer (nee Larson) on July 13 in Larsen, Idaho; hired after Alice Guy is fired for showing too much leg in her gown. Am. "Jim Hardie in Tales of Wells Fargo", "Ben Calhoun in The Iron Horse" actor Dayle Lymoine "Dale" Robertson (d. 2013) on July 14 in Harrah, Okla. Am. jazz drummer (black) Joseph Rudolph "Philly Joe" Jones (d. 1985) (Miles Davis Quintet) on July 15 in Philadelphia, Penn.; not to be confused with jazz drummer Jo Jones (1911-85). Am. "Eyes" poet-playwright (black) Mari Evans on July 16 in Toledo, Ohio. English Mini Cooper motorcar designer John Newton Cooper (d. 2000) on July 17 in Surbiton, Surrey. Am. family psychiatrist Jay Douglas Haley (d. 2007) on July 19 in Midwest, Wyo.; grows up in Berkeley, Calif.; educated at UCLA, UCB, and Stanford U. U.S. Sen. (R-Kan.) (1969-96) and U.S. Rep. (R-Kan.) (1961-9) Robert Joseph "Bob" Dole (b. 1923) on July 22 in Russell, Kan.; educated at the U. of Kan., U. of Ariz., and Washborn U.; husband of (1948-72) Phyllis Holden, and (1975-) Elizabeth Hanford Dole (1936-). Canadian chemist Rudolph Arthur "Rudy" Marcus on July 23 in Montreal; educated at McGill U.; 1992 Nobel Chem. Prize. Am. historian (of Russia) (Jewish) Richard Edgar Pipes on July 23 in Cieszyn, Poland; Polish Jewish immigrant parents named Piepes; emigrates to the U.S. in 1940; educated at Muskingum College, Cornell U., and Harvard U.; father of Daniel Pipes (1949-). Am. "The Space Merchants" sci-fi novelist Cyril Michael Kornbluth (d. 1958) on July 23 in New York City. Am. "Sophia Petrillo in The Golden Girls" actress (Jewish) Estelle Getty (Estelle Scher-Gettleman) (d. 2008) on July 25 in New York City. Polish PM #8 (1981-5) and pres. #1 (1989-90) Gen. Wojciech Witold Jaruzelski on July 26 in Jurow. Am. Atlantic Records founder Ahmet Ertegun (d. 2006) on July 31 in Istanbul, Turkey; son of a Turkish ambassador; emigrates to the U.S. in 1935. Am. chemist (Kevlar inventor) Stephanie Louise Kwolek on July 31 in New Kensington, Penn.; educated at Carnegie Mellon U. Saudi Arabian king #6 (2005-15) Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud (d. 2015) on Aug. 1 in Riyadh; half-brother of King Fahd (1923-2005); mayor of Mecca (1961-); nat. guard cmdr. (1962-2005). Am. lightweight boxing champ (1945-51) (black) Isiah "Ike" Williams (d. 1994) on Aug. 2 in Brunswick, Ga. Am. "Lina Lamont in Singin' in the Rain", "Margaret Williams in Make Room for Daddy" actress Jean Hagen (d. 1977) on Aug. 3 in Chicago, Ill. Am. fashion designer (Jewish) Anne Klein (Hanna Golofski) (d. 1974) on Aug. 3 in New York City. Egyptian Coptic pope #117 (1971-) Shenouda (Shinoda) III (Nazeer Gayed) (d. 2012) on Aug. 3 in Asyut. U.S. atty.-gen. #68 (1972-3) Richard Gordon Kleindienst (d. 2000) on Aug. 5 in Winslow, Ariz.; educated at Harvard U. Japanese "Ryoma Goes His Way" historical novelist Ryotaro Shiba (nee Teiichi Fukuda) (d. 1996) on Aug. 7 in Osaka. Am. "Those Redheads from Seattle" actress ("Queen of Technicolor") Rhonda Fleming (Marilyn Louis) on Aug. 10 in Hollywood, Calif. Am. physician-biologist Edward A. Boyse (d. 2007) on Aug. 11 in Worthing, England; educated at the U. of London. Am. "Esmeralda in Bewitched" actress Alice Margaret Ghostley (d. 2007) on Aug. 14 in Eve, Mo. Am. "Sally Rogers in The Dick Van Dyke Show" actress "Baby" Rose Marie (Mazetta) on Aug. 15 in New York City. Am. Pop Art painter-sculptor-saxophonist-actor (Jewish) (gay) Larry Rivers (Yitzroch Loiza Grossberg) (d. 2002) on Aug. 17 in Bronx, N.Y.; lover of Frank O'Hara (1926-66). Canadian "The Hockey News" founder-publisher Ken McKenzie (d. 2003) on Aug. 19 in Winnipeg, Man. Am. "Welcome to My World" country singer-songwriter James Travis "Gentleman Jim" Reeves (d. 1964) on Aug. 20 in Galloway, Tex.; drops out of the U. of Tex. to play for the St. Louis Cardinals farm team as a pitcher in 1944 before severing his sciatic nerve. Israeli PM #8 (1995-6) and pres. #9 (2007-14) (Jewish) Shimon Peres (d. 2016) on Aug. 21 in Wiszniew, Poland (Vishnyeva, Belarus); "History is made of biographies of men and women who failed to forecast the future." Am. hall-of-fame sportscaster Christopher Eugene "Chris" Schenkel (d. 2005) on Aug. 21 in Bippus, Ind.; educated at Purdue U. English computer scientist (inventor of relational databases) Edgar Frank "Ted" Codd (d. 2003) on Aug. 23 in Portland Isle; educated at Exeter College, Oxford U., and the U. of Mich.; coiner of the term "relational database". Am. psychologist Arthur Robert Jensen (d. 2012) on Aug. 24 in San Diego, Calif.; educated at Columbia U., San Diego State U., and UCB. Am. "No Time for Sergeants" novelist Mac Hyman (d. 1963) on Aug. 25 in Cordele, Ga.; educated at Duke U. English "The Mousetrap", "Gandhi", "Jurassic Park" actor-dir.-producer Sir (Lord) Richard Samuel Attenborough, Baron Attenborough on Aug. 29 in Cambridge; brother of naturalist David Attenborough (1926-); husband (1945-) of Sheila Sim (1922-). Am. tennis player (Jewish) Elias Victor "Vic" Seixas Jr. on Aug. 30 in Philadelphia, Penn.; of Portuguese Jewish descent; educated at the U. of N.C. Am. heavyweight boxing champ ("the Broxton Bomber") Rocky Marciano (Rocco Francis Marchegiano) (d. 1969) on Sept. 1 in Broxton, Mass. - doesn't look a thing like Paul Newman because he played Rocky Graziano? Canadian billionaire newspaper-TV mogul Kenneth Roy "Ken" Thomson, 2nd Baron Thomson of Fleet (d. 2006) on Sept. 1 in Toronto, Ont.; son of Roy Thomson, 1st baron Thomson of Fleet (1894-1976); educated at Upper Canada College, and St. John's College, Cambridge U. Am. "Encyclopedia of Philosophy" philosopher (Jewish) (humanist) Paul Edwards (Eisenstein) (d. 2004) on Sept. 2 in Vienna, Austria; educated at the U. of Melbourne, and Columbia U. French catastrophe theory mathematician Rene (René) Frederic Thom (d. 2002) on Sept. 2 in Montbeliard. Am. Taco Bell founder Glen William Bell Jr. (d. 2010) on Sept. 3 in Lynwood, Calif. Am. "Beetle Bailey" cartoonist Addison Mort Walker on Sept. 3 in El Dorado, Kan. Yugoslavian king #3 (1934-41) Peter II Karageorgevich (Petar Karadordevic) (d. 1970) on Sept. 6 in Belgrade; eldest son of Alexander I (1888-1934) and Princess Maria of Romania (1900-61). English-Am. "The Royal Wedding" Rat Pack actor Peter Lawford (Peter Sydney Vaughn Aylen) (d. 1984) on Sept. 7 in London; husband (1954-66) of Pat Kennedy (1924-2006) and (1971-5) Mary Rowan (1949-) (daughter of Dan Rowan); father of Christopher Kennedy Lawford (1955-); makes acting debut at age 8 in "Poor Old Bill"; becomes U.S. citizen in 1960. French screenwriter Leonardo Benvenuti (d. 2000) on Sept. 8 in Florence. Am. tennis player Getrude "Gorgeous" "Gussy" "Gussie" Augusta Moran (d. 2013) on Sept. 8 in Santa Monica, Calif. Am. prion physician Daniel Carleton Gadjusek (d. 2008) on Sept. 9 in Yonkers, N.Y.; of Slovak descent; educated at Harvard U. Am. "JFK in PT 109", "Uncle Ben in Spider-Man" actor Clifford Parker "Cliff" Robertson III (d. 2011) on Sept. 9 in La Jolla, Calif. Israeli peace activist (Gush Shalom founder) (Jewish) (atheist) Uri Avneri (Avnery) (Helmut Ostermann) (d. 2018) on Sept. 10 in Beckum, Germany; emigrates to Israel in 1933. Am. actress Betsy Drake on Sept. 11 in Paris, France; granddaughter of Drake Hotel (Chicago) owner Tracy Drake (1864-1939), who goes broke in the 1929 crash; 3rd wife of Cary Grant (1949-62). Soviet hero Zoya Anatolyevna Kosmodemyanskaya (d. 1942) on Sept. 13 in Osino-Gay, Tambov Oblast. Singapore PM (1959-90) Lee Kuan Yew (Kwan-Yew) on Sept. 16; 3rd gen. Chinese immigrant parents. Am. vacuum cleaner mogul David Irving Oreck on Sept. 17 in Duluth, Minn. Am. "Your Cheatin' Heart", "Cold, Cold Heart", "Jambalaya" country singer-composer (alcoholic) Hiram King "Hank" Williams (d. 1953) (The Drifting Cowboys) on Sept. 17 in Garland, Mount Olive, Ala.; husband (1944-52) of Audrey Mae Sheppard Williams (1923-75) and (1952-) Billie Jean Jones (1933-); father of Hank Williams Jr. (1949-) and Jett Williams (1953-). Am. Dallas Cowboys founder Clint William Murchison Jr. (d. 1987) on Sept. 12 in Dallas, Tex.; son of Clint Murchison Sr. (1895-1969). Am. jazz musician-composer (black) Samuel Carthone "Sam" Rivers on Sept. 25 in El Reno, Okla. Am. poet-writer-singer (Jewish) Naphtali "Tuli" Kupferberg (d. 2010) (The Fugs) on Sept. 28 in New York City; educated at Brooklyn College. Am. "Congressman Glen Morley in The Farmer's Daughter", "Prosecutor Gilmer in To Kill a Mockingbird", "Commodore Matt Decker in Star Trek", "Seth Hazlitt in Murder, She Wrote" actor William Windom (d. 2012) on Sept. 28 in New York City; great-grandson of U.S. treasury secy. William Windom (1827-91). Am. football coach (Houston Oilers, 1974-80) (New Orleans Saints, 1981-5) Oail Andrew "Bum" Phillips (d. 2013) on Sept. 29 in Orange, Tex.; father of Wade Phillips (1947-). Am. "Dead Reckoning" actress Lizabeth Scott (Emma Matzo) on Sept. 29 in Scranton, Penn. Am. jazz bassist (black) Oscar Pettiford (d. 1960) on Sept. 30 in Okmulgee, Okla.; half-black half-Cherokee father, Choctaw mother; discovers Cannonball Adderly. Am. physicist (Jewish?) Harold Warren "Hal" Lewis (d. 2011) on Oct. 1 in ?; Russian immigrant father; educated at NYU, and UCB; student of J. Robert Oppenheimer. Am. "Moses in The Ten Commandments", "Judah Ben-Hur", "Col. George Taylor in Planet of the Apes" actor and Nat. Rifle Assoc. pres. (1998-2003) Charlton Heston (John Charles Carter) (d. 2008) on Oct. 4 in Evanston, Ill. Am. Toys "R" Us founder Charles P. Lazarus on Oct. 4 in Washington, D.C. Am. poet (Jewish) Priscilla Denise Levertov on Oct. 24 in Ilford, Essex, England; Russian Hasidic Jewish immigrant father who converted to Anglicanism; wife (1947-) of Boston Five Vietnam War activist Mitchell Goodman (1923-97); emigrates to the U.S. in 1948. Am. peace activist (Jesuit) Philip Berrigan (d. 2002) on Oct. 5 in Two Harbors, Minn.; brother of Daniel Berrigan (1921-). Welsh "Desiree Amfeldt in A Little Night Music", "Winifred Banks in Mary Poppins" actress-singer Glynis Johns on Oct. 5 in Pretoria, South Africa. English "Tony Benskin in Doctor in the House" actor (colorblind) Sir Donald Alfred Sinden (d. 2014) on Oct. 9 in St. Budeaux, Plymouth, Devon; knighted in 1997. Italian "Our Ancestors", "Cosmicomics", "Invisible Cities" #1 novelist Italo Calvino (d. 1985) on Oct. 15 in Santiago de Las Vegas, Cuba. Am. "A Letter to Three Wives" actress Monetta Floyse "Linda" Darnell (d. 1965) on Oct. 16 in Dallas, Tex. German "Strangers in the Night", "Spanish Eyes", "Danke Schoen" bandleader-composer Berthold "Bert" "Fips" Kaempfert (Kämpfert) (d. 1980) on Oct. 16 in Hamburg. Am. composer (gay) Ned Rorem on Oct. 23 in Richmond, Ind.; educated at Juilliard School. Am. "Gunnery Sgt. Vincent Carter in Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C.", "Ralph in Marty", "Cadet Eric Rattison in Tom Corbett, Space Cadet" actor Frank Spencer Sutton (d. 1974) on Oct. 23 in Clarksville, Tenn.; works up to sgt. in the U.S. Army during WWII; educated at Columbia U. British political broadcaster Sir Robin Day (d. 2000) on Oct. 24 in Gloucester. Am. "With Eyes at the Back of Our Heads" leftist feminist poet (Jewish) Priscilla Denise Levertov (d. 1997) on Oct. 24 in Ilford, Essex, England; Russian Hassidic Jew-turned-Anglican father, Welsh mother; emigrates to the U.S. in 1948; becomes a U.S. citizen in 1955; converts to Christianity in 1984, and to Roman Catholicism in 1989. Am. "Shot Heard 'Round the World" baseball outfielder ("the Staten Island Scot") ("the Flying Scot") (New York Giants, 1946-53) Robert Brown "Bobby" Thomson (d. 2010) on Oct. 25 in Glasgow, Scotland. Am. 5'8" Miss America 1943 Jean Bartel (nee Bartlemeh) (d. 2011) on Oct. 26 in Los Angeles, Calif. English "Biological Bases of Human Social Behaviour" zoologist (humanist) Robert Aubrey Hinde on Oct. 26 in Norwich; educated at St. John's College, Cambridge U., and Balliol College, Oxford U. Am. pop artist (Jewish) Roy Fox Lichtenstein (d. 1997) on Oct. 27 in Manhattan, N.Y. - art as a comic book? Kiwi geologist David Kear (d. 2019) on Oct. 29 in London, England; educated at Imperial College London, and U. of London. Am. "The Ends of Power", "The Incredible Mr. Limpet" writer Joseph "Joe" DiMona (d. 1999) on Oct. 29 in Camden, N.J. Austrian chemist-novelist-playwright (inventor of the birth control pill Enovid) Carl Djerassi on Oct. 29 in Vienna. Am. "Arnie", "Tevye in Fiddler on the Roof", "voice of Charley Tuna in Starkist Tuna ads and the Jolly Green Giant" actor (Jewish) Herschel Bernardi (d. 1986) on Oct. 30 in New York City; blacklisted in the 1950s. English historian (Marxist) Dorothy Katharine Gane Thompson (nee Towers) (d. 2011) on Oct. 30 in Greenwich, London; educated at Girton College, Cambridge U.; wife (1948-) of E.P. Thompson (1924-93); mother of Kate Thompson (1956-). Dutch Heineiken Co. CEO (1971-89) Alfred Henry "Freddy" Heineken (d. 2002) on Nov. 4 in Amsterdam; grandson of Gerard Adriaan Heineken (1841-93). Am. "The Year of the French" novelist Thomas Flanagan (d. 2002) on Nov. 5 in Greenwich, Conn.; educated at Amherst College. Am. King's Hawaiian Bakery founder Robert Taira (d. 2003) on Nov. 5 in Hilo, Hawaii. Am. scientist (integrated chip developer) Jack St. Clair Kilby (d. 2005) on Nov. 8 in Jefferson City, Mo.; educated at the U. of Ill. Am. "The Morning of the Poem" poet (gay) James Marcus Schuyler (d. 1991) on Nov. 9 in Chicago, Ill. Spanish soprano Victoria de los Angeles (Victoria Lopez Garcia) (d. 2005) on Nov. 11 in Barcelona. Mexican "First Bond girl in Casino Royale", "Mara in Tarzan and the Mermaids" actress Linda Christian (Blanca Rosa Welter) (d. 2011) on Nov. 13 in Tampico; wife (1949-56) of Tyrone Power (1914-58). Canadian "Love Story" dir. (Jewish) Arthur Hiller (d. 2016) on Nov. 13 in Edmonton, Alberta; Jewish Polish immigrant paents; educated at the U. of Toronto. Am. historian (of religion) Edwin Scott Gaustad (d. 2011) on Nov. 14 in Rowley, Iowa; educated at Baylor U. and Brown U. French "Boeing-Boeing" playwright Marc Camoletti (d. 2003) on Nov. 16 in Geneva, Switzerland. U.S. Sen. (R-Alaska) (1968-2009) Theodore Fulton "Ted" Stevens Sr. (d. 2010) on Nov. 18 in Indianapolis, Ind.; known for wearing an Incredible Hulk necktie. Am. social psychologist (Jewish) Robert Boleslaw Zajonc (d. 2008) (pr. ZAY-unts) on Nov. 23 in Lodz, Poland; emigrates to England in 1944, and the U.S. in 1945; educated at the U. of Mich. Am. jazz baritone saxophonist (heroin addict) Serge Chaloff (d. 1957) on Nov. 24 in Boston, Mass. Finnish Social Dem. pres. #9 (1982-94) and PM #32 (1968-70, 1979-82) Mauno Henrik Koivisto (d.. 2017) on Nov. 25 in Turku. Am. "It's a Wonderful Life", "The Bad and the Beautiful" actress Gloria Grahame (Hallward) (d. 1981) on Nov. 28 in Los Angeles, Calif.; wife (1948-52) of Nicholas Ray (1911-79) and his son (1960-74) Anthony Ray. Am. "Eliot Randolph in Eight is Enough", "Frank in The Return of the Living Dead", "Mr. Teague in Poltergeist" actor (Jewish) James Karen (Jacob Karnofsky) on Nov. 28 in Wilkes-Barre, Penn. Am. physician (inventor of the cochlear implant) William Fouts House (d. 2012) on Dec. 1 in Kansas City, Mo.; grows up in Whittier, Calif.; educated at Whittier College, USC, and UCB. Greek-Am. opera singer Maria Anna Sofia Callas (Calogeropoulos) (Meneghini) (d. 1977) on Dec. 2 in New York City; debuts in Athens at age 17. Am. "Since You Went Away" actress Janelle Johnson (d. 1995) on Dec. 2 in Austin, Tex.; wife (1943-64) of George Dolenz (1908-63); mother of Micky Dolenz (1945-); mother-in-law of Samantha Juste (1944-). Russian economist ("Godfather of Glasnost") Alexander Nikolaevich Yakovlev (d. 2005) on Dec. 2 near Yaroslavl. Am. "Ted Baxter in The Mary Tyler Moore Show" actor Ted Knight (Tadeusz Wladyslaw Konopka) (d. 1986) on Dec. 7 in Terryville, Conn.; of Polish descent. Am. "Kid Twist in The Sting", "Martin Morgenstern in Mary Tyler Moore and Rhoda" actor (Jewish) Harold Gould (Harold Vernon Goldstein) (d. 2010) on Dec. 10 in Schenectady, N.Y.; educated at Cornell U. Am. "The Price is Right" TV host (1972-2007) Robert William "Bob" Barker (d. 2023)on Dec. 12 in Darrington, Wash.; grows up on Rosebud Indian Reservation in S.D.; trains in judo with Chuck Norris and earns a black belt. Am. "Tark in episode "Wolf in the Fold" of Star Trek: TOS" actor Joseph Bernard (d. 2006) on Dec. 12 in Brooklyn, N.Y.; grandfather of Molly Bernard (1988-). Am. physicist Philip Warren Anderson on Dec. 13 in Indianapolis, Ind.; educated at Harvard U.; 1977 Nobel Physics Prize. Am. lightweight boxing champ (1951-2) (black) James Walter "Jimmy" Carter (d. 1994) on Dec. 15 in Aiken, S.C.; grows up in New York City. English "E.T." physicist Freeman John Dyson (d. 2020) on Dec. 15 in Crowthorne, Berkshire; son of Sir George Dyson (1883-1964); educated at Winchester College, Trinity College, Cambridge U., and Cornell U.; husband (1950-8) of Verena Huber-Dyson (1923-2016); father of Esther Dyson (1951-) and George Dyson (1953-). Israeli Uzi gun designer (Jewish) Uziel "Uzi" Gal (Gotthard Glas) (d. 2002) on Dec. 15 in Weimar, Germany; emigrates to England in 1933, and Palestine in 1936. Am. "The Launching of Modern American Science" historian Robert Vance Bruce (d. 2008) on Dec. 19 in Malden, Mass.; educated at the U. of N.H., and Boston U. South African "July's People" playwright-novelist (Jewish) Nadine Gordimer on Dec. 20 in Springs, Gauteng, Johannesburg; Lithuanian father, English mother. Am. "Adolf Hitler/Lorenzo St. DuBois in The Producers" actor-comedian (Jewish) Dick Shawn (Richard Schulefand) (d. 1987) on Dec. 21 in Lackawanna, N.Y. Am. Vietnam War hero vice Adm. James Bond Stockdale (d. 2005) on Dec. 23 in Abingdon, Ill. French spy (Jewish) Sonia Olschanesky (Sonya Olschanezky) (d. 1944) on Dec. 25 in Chemnitz, Saxony, Germany; Russian Jewish parents; emigrates to France at age 7. Am. osteopathic physician, neurosurgeon, wrestler, and celeb murderer Samuel Holmes "Sam" "the Killer" Sheppard (d. 1970) on Dec. 29 in Cleveland, Ohio; educated at Hanover College. Am. Kelly Criterion Bell Labs information scientist John Larry Kelly Jr. (d. 1965) on ? in Corsicana, Tex. English "The Little Fishes" novelist Arthur Wise (d. 1982) (AKA John McArthur) on ? in York. Am. harness racer William Robert Haughton (d. 1986) on ? in Gloversville, N.Y. Trinidadian calypso songwriter (black) Lord Kitchener (Aldwyn Roberts) (d. 2000) on ? in Arima. Saudi Arabian king #5 (1982-2005) Fahd (d. 2005) on ? in ?; half-brother of King Abdullah (1923-). Iraqi feminist leader (Communist) Naziha Jawdet Ashgah al-Dulaimi (d. 2007) on ? in Baghdad. Am. geologist Richard Doell (d. 2008) on ? in Oakland, Calif.; grows up in Carpinteria, calif.; educated at UCB. Am. "War in the Shadows" military historian Robert Brown Asprey (d. 2009) on ? in Sioux City, Iowa; brother of Larned B. Asprey (1919-2005) and Winifred Aspreay (1917-2007); educated at the U. of Iowa, New College, Oxford U., U. of Vienna, and U. of Nice. Pakistani Tablighi Jamaat leader (Sunni Muslim) Muhammad Abdulwahhab on ? in Delhi, India. Am. writer Ian Graeme Barbour on ? in Beijing, China; educated at Swarthmore College, the U. of Chicago, and Yale U. Am. Vietnam War activist (Jewish) Mitchell Goodman (d. 1997) on ? in Brooklyn, N.Y.; educated at Harvard U.; husband (1947-75) of Denise Levertov (1923-97). Am. "The Listener" sci-fi writer James Edwin Gunn on ? in Kansas City, Mo. Am. photographer Herman Leonard on ? in Allentown, Penn.; known for photos of jazz artists. Am. Dallas-Ft. Worth Airport and Nat. Air & Space Museum. architect Gyo Obata on ? in ?; son of Chiura Obata (1885-1975). Am. Ovonics inventor (Jewish) Stanford R. Ovshinsky on ? in Lithuania; grows up in Akron, Ohio. Am. "The Mindbody Prescription" physician John E. Sarno on ? in ?; educated at Columbia U. Deaths: Englist jurist and Positivist philosopher Frederic Harrison (b. 1831) on Jan. 14. French Eiffel Tower architect Alexandre Gustave Eiffel (b. 1832) on Dec. 27 in Paris. Am. Aunt Jemima model Nancy Green (b. 1834) on Sept. 23 in Chicago, Calif. (car crash). English Venn Diagram logician John Venn (b. 1834) on Apr. 4 in Cambridge. Italian archeologist-historian Gian Francesco Gamurrini (b. 1835) on Mar. 17 in Arezzo. Am. artist Elihu Vedder (b. 1836) on Jan. 29. English historian Oscar Browning (b. 1837) on Oct. 6 in Rome, Italy. French composer-organist Theodore Dubois (b. 1837) on June 11. English "Robert's Rules of Order" writer Henry Martyn Robert (b. 1837) on May 11 in Hornell, N.Y. Am.-born English actress-singer-mgr. Kate Santley (b. 1837). Dutch physicist Johannes Diderik van der Waals (b. 1837) on Mar. 8 in Amsterdam; 1910 Nobel Physics Prize - developed the theory of der dam yawning diddering chemical walls (bonds)? Am. physicist Edward Morley (b. 1838) on Feb. 24. English Liberal statesman Lord John Morley (b. 1838) on Sept. 23. Am. fundamentalist leader and oil tycoon Lyman Stewart (b. 1840). Scottish "Dewar flask" chemist-physicist Sir James Dewar (b. 1842) on Mar. 27 in London - for holding dew during de war? French statesman Alexandre Felix Joseph Ribot (b. 1842) on Jan. 13. French actress "Divine" Sarah Bernhardt (b. 1844) on Mar. 26 in Paris; in later years wore a wooden leg on stage, slept in a coffin, owned her own railroad car, and played Juliet at age 70. Japanese gen. Count Kuroki Tamemoto (b. 1844) on Feb. 3 in Tokyo. English astronomer Sir William Christie (b. 1845) on Jan. 22. German caricaturist Adolf Oberlander (b. 1845) on May 29 in Munich. German physicist Wilhelm Konrad Roentgen (b. 1845) on Feb. 10 in Munich; 1901 Nobel Physics Prize. Am. Adm. Charles D. Sigsbee (b. 1845) on July 13 in New York City. Scottish Biblical scholar Rev. John Sutherland Black (b. 1846) on Febg. 22 in London, England. Am. painter Charles Ethan Porter (b. 1847) on Mar. 6. French gen. Michel Joseph Maunoury (b. 1847). English Hegelian philosopher Bernard Bosanquet (b. 1848) on Feb. 8 in London. Swedish meteorologist Nils Gustaf Ekholm (b. 1848) on Apr. 5. Dutch writer Marcellus Emants (b. 1848) on Oct. 14 in Baden, Switzerland. French-Italian economist-sociologist Vilfredo Pareto (b. 1848) on Aug. 19 in Geneva. Brazilian abolitionist leader Ruy Barbosa (b. 1849) on Mar. 1 in Petropolis, Rio de Janeiro. Afghanistan emir (1879) Muhammad Yaq'ub Khan (b. 1849) on Nov. 15. Austrian Luger designer Georg Johann Luger (b. 1849) on Dec. 22 in Berlin, Germany. Czech philosopher Fritz Mauthner (b. 1849) on June 29 in Meersburg. Hungarian-born Zionist leader Max Simon Nordau (b. 1849) on Jan. 23 in Paris, France. French novelist Pierre Loti (b. 1850) on June 10 in Hendaye. Czech activist Charlotte Garrigue Masaryk (b. 1850) on May 13 near Prague. German astronomer Carl Ernst Albrecht Hartwig (b. 1851) on May 3. Am. motion picture producer Siegmund Lubin (b. 1851) on Sept. 11 in Ventnor, N.J. French statesman Theophile Delcasse (b. 1852) on Feb. 22. English sportsman Frederick Oliver Robinson, 4th earl de Grey, 3rd earl of Ripon, 2nd marquess of Ripon, 3rd viscount Goderich, 5th baron Grantham (b. 1852); dies on a grouse hunt after bagging 52 birds, for a life total of 556K; all his titles become extinct with his death - oh baby shut your mouth? French Gen. Andre Sordet (b. 1852) in July. English Elephant Man physician Sir Frederick Treves (b. 1853) on Dec. 7 in Switzerland (peritonitis). Am. architect William Holabird (b. 1854) on July 19 in Evanston, Ill. Am. Tex. gov. #24 (1907-11) Thomas Mitchell Campbell (b. 1856) on Apr. 1 in Galveston, Tex. Am. Little Bighorn Crow scout Curley (b. 1856) in Mont. (pneumonia); received a U.S. Army pension since 1920. Am. "Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm" writer Kate Douglas Wiggin (b. 1856) on Aug. 24 in Harrow, Middlesex, England. Am. Barnard's Star astronomer Edward Emerson Barnard (b. 1857) on Feb. 6. Scottish-born British Hispanic scholar James Fitzmaurice-Kelly (b. 1857). Am. novelist Emerson Hough (b. 1857) on Apr. 30 in Evanston, Ill. Yugoslavian Repub. founder and PM #1 (1918-20) Stojan Protic (b. 1857) on Oct. 28. English actor-dir. Sir Charles Hawtrey (b. 1858) on July 30 in London. English-born Am. writer George Wharton James (b. 1858). Canadian-born British PM (1922-3) Andrew Bonar Law (b. 1858) on Oct. 30 in London (throat cancer). Irish writer Edward Martyn (b. 1859) on Dec. 5 in Tulira; his will directs his body to be donated to medical science then buried in an unmarked pauper's grave. Am. historian William Roscoe Thayer (b. 1859) on Sept. 7 in Cambridge, Mass. German chemist Hans Goldschmit (b. 1861) on May 21 in Baden Baden. English writer Maurice Hewlett (b. 1861). French politician-writer Maurice Barres (b. 1862) on Dec. 4: "The reader is co-author in every book"; "The individual is nothing, society is everything." Polish-born Am. poet Morris Rosenfeld (b. 1862) on June 22 in New York City. Dutch novelist Louis Couperus (b. 1863) on July 16. Spanish painter Joaquin Sorolla y Bastida (b. 1863) on Aug. 10. U.S. pres. #29 (1921-3) William Gamaliel Harding (b. 1865) on Aug. 2 in San Francisco, Calif. German-born Am. electrical engineer Charles Proteus Steinmetz (b. 1865) on Oct. 26. German theologian Ernst Troeltsch (b. 1865) on Feb. 1 in Berlin. English King Tut's Tomb co-discoverer George Herbert, 5th Earl Carnarvon (b. 1866) on Apr. 5 in the Winter Palace Hotel, Cairo, Egypt (erysipelas?) - King Tut's Curse? Ukrainian-born Am. psychiatrist Boris Sidis (b. 1867) on Oct. 24 in Portsmouth, N.H. Greek king (1913-17, 1920-2) Constantine I (b. 1868) on Jan. 11 in Palermo, Italy (in exile). German playwright Dietrich Eckart (b. 1868) on Dec. 25. French gen. Francois Leon Jouinot-Gambetta (b. 1870) on Nov. 9 in Antibes. Am. baseball hall-of-fame player William "Wee Willie" Keeler (b. 1872) on Jan. 1 in Brooklyn, N.Y.; batting avg. of .345 in 2,124 games: "Hit 'em where they ain't." Mexican scorpion king Pancho (Francisco) Villa (b. 1877) on July 20 in Parral, Chihuahua; assassinated in his 1919 Dodge roadster; last words: "Don't let it end like this. Tell them I said something." Russian-born Am. filmmaker Louis Burstein (b. 1878) on Mar. 26 in Beverly Hills, Calif. (train accident). Bulgarian PM (1919-23) Alexander Stamboliyski (b. 1879) on June 14 in Slavovitsa. French novelist-poet Baron Jacques d'Adelsward-Fersen (b. 1880) on Nov. 5 in Capri (suicide). Czech novelist Jaroslav Hasek (b. 1883) on Jan. 3 in Lipnice nad Sazavou. German diplomat Max Erwin von Scheubner-Richter (b. 1884) on Nov. 9 in Munich (KIA). Am. actor-dir. Allen Holubar (b. 1888) on Nov. 20 in Los Angeles, Calif. (pneumonia after gallstone surgery). Kiwi-born British short story writer Katherine Mansfield (b. 1888) on Jan. 9 in Fontainebleau-Avon, France (TB); dies in George Gurdjieff's Inst. for the Harmonious Development of Man in Prieure des Basses Loges, causing him to become known as "the man who killed Katherine Mansfield". Am. writer Charles Hawes (b. 1889). Am. silent film actor-dir. Wallace Reid (b. 1891) on Jan. 18; dies in a padded cell, addicted to morphine, causing his widow Florence to blame it on his "Bohemian friends", announcing her next film "Human Wreckage" (secretly backed by Will Hayes) to warn of the dangers of drug addiction, further stinking Hollyweird's image up. Am. auto racer Howdy Wilcox (b. 1889) on Sept. 4 in Tyrone, Penn. (auto accident at Altoona Speedway). Egyptian composer Sayyid Darwish (b. 1892) on Sept. 15. Am. silent film actress Martha Mansfield (b. 1899) on Nov. 30 in San Antonio, Tex. (burned to death in a car). French novelist Raymond Radiguet (b. 1903) on Dec. 12 (typhoid fever) - the good die young?

1924 - The Noel Coward Round-the-World Flight Chariots of Fire It Had to Be You Year? Brilliant moral degenerate Noel Coward takes over the English stage, and has no trouble exporting himself to Broadway and all over the shell-shocked Western world? The first year that sports becomes as important as politics, and a few women make sputtering efforts to gain political positions? A year when the death penalty is still alive and kicking, despite a kick in the pants by Clarence Darrow? A great year for law-and-order governments mistakenly free from fear of another world war and using the rise of Western degeneracy as an excuse to tighten their grip, getting so powerful that within 10 years they will start getting ideas about spitting on Superman's cape?

1924 Paris Olympics Paavo Nurmi of Finland (1897-1973) Harold Abrahams of England (1899-1978) Harold Abrahams of England (1899-1978) Sam Musabini of Britain (1867-1927) Eric Liddell of Scotland (1902-45) Eric Liddell Scotland (1902-45) Charles 'Charlie' Paddock of the U.S. (1900-43) Charles 'Charlie' Paddock of the U.S. (1900-43) Jackson Scholz of the U.S. (1897-1986) Dr. Benjamin Spock (1903-98) Johnny Weissmuller of the U.S. (1904-84) Duke Kahanamoku of the U.S. (1890-1968) Helen Wills Moody (1905-98) Calvin Coolidge and the Osage Indians, 1924 Pauline Marie Pfeiffer (1895-1951) Ramsay MacDonald of Britain (1866-1937) Richard Burdon Haldane, 1st Viscount Haldane of Britain (1856-1928) Edouard Herriot of France (1872-1957) Pierre Gaston Doumergue of France (1863-1937) James Barry Munnik Hertzog of South Africa (1866-1942) Edwin C. Denby of the U.S. (1870-1929) Tuan Ch'i-jui of China (1864-1936) Joseph Stalin of the Soviet Union (1879-1953) Grivori Zinoviev of the Soviet Union (1883-1936) Lev Borisovich Kamenev of the Soviet Union (1883-1936) Nikolai Vasilyevich Krylenko of the Soviet Union (1885-1938) Leon Trotsky of Russia (1879-1940) Gen. Rafael Lopez Gutierrez of Honduras (1854-1924) Tiburcio Carias Andino of Honduras (1876-1960) Vicente Tosta of Honduras (1886-1930) Saad Zaghlul of Egypt (1859-1927) Gen. Luis Altamirano of Chile (1867-1938) Col. Marmaduque Grove of Chile (1878-1954) Emilio Bello of Chile (1868-1941) Patriarch Gregory VII (1850-1924) Homer Peter Snyder of the U.S. (1863-1937) KKK in 1924 Sir Hersch Lauterpacht (1897-1960) Henry Herbert Goddard (1866-1957) George Herbert Leigh Mallory (1886-1924) Andrew Comyn 'Sandy' Irvine (1902-24) Nathan Leopold Jr. (1904-71) and Richard Loeb (1905-36) Clarence Darrow (1857-1938) Giacomo Matteotti (1885-1924) USS Los Angeles, 1924 John William Davis of the U.S. (1873-1955) Charles Waylan Bryan of the U.S. (1867-1945) Fan Stilian Noli of Albania (1882-1965) Avni Rustemi (1894-1924) Thorvald Stauning of Denmark (1873-1942) Nina Bang of Denmark (1866-1928) Yakov Sverdlov of Russia (1885-1919) Mikhail Borodin of Russia (1884-1951) Nellie Tayloe Ross of the U.S. (1876-1977) Ricardo Jimenez Oreamuno of Costa Rica (1859-1945) Gee Jon (1895-1924) Sir Lee Oliver Fitzmaurice Stack of Britain (1868-1924) Dion O'Banion (1892-1924) Pa Ferguson of the U.S. (1871-1944) Ma Ferguson of the U.S. (1875-1961) Charles Jewtraw of the U.S. (1900-96) Thorleif Haug of Norway (1894-1934) U.S. Maj. Frederick L. Martin (1882-1944) U.S. Lt. Lowell H. Smith (1892-1945) and Leslie P. Arnold Thomas John Watson Sr. (1874-1956) John Bassett Moore (1860-1947) Bill Tilghman (1856-1924) Eddie Bohn (1902-90) Pig 'N Whistle , 1924 Lincoln Ellsworth (1880-1951) 'Ace of Spies' Sidney Reilly (1874-1925) Fritz Haarmann (1879-1925) Hans Berger (1873-1941) John Rogers Commons (1862-1945) Thomas Mann (1875-1955) Dorothy Day (1897-1980) Jacob Robert Kantor (1888-1984) Peter Maurin (1877-1949) Knud Rasmussen (1879-1933) Otto Rank (1884-1939) Caesar Cardini (1896-1956) Wladyslaw Reymont (1868-1925) Max Scheler (1874-1928) Karl Manne Georg Siegbahn (1886-1978) Willem Einthoven (1860-1927) Sir Edward Victor Appleton (1892-1965) Satyendra Nath Bose (1894-1974) Edwin Powell Hubble (1889-1953) Evarts Ambrose Graham (1883-1957) Karl Manne Georg Siegbahn (1886-1978) Raymond Dart with Taung Baby, 1924 Joseph Auslander (1897-1965) Andre Breton (1896-1966) Louis Bromfield (1896-1956) Sir Herbert Butterfield (1900-79) James Gould Cozzens (1903-78) Maj. Clifford Hugh Douglas (1879-1952) Charles Gates Dawes of the U.S. (1865-1951) Cesare Mori of Italy (1871-1942) Will Durant (1885-1981) Konstantin Fedin (1892-1977) Jacob Israel de Haan (1881-1924) Margaret Irwin (1889-1967) Margaret Kennedy (1896-1937) Serge Koussevitzky (1874-1951) George Jean Nathan (1882-1958) H.L. Mencken (1880-1956) The American Mercury, 1924-81 Le Corbusier (1887-1965) Josephine Baker (1906-75) Ruth Malcomson (1906-88) Baird Thomas Spalding (1873-1953) Efrem Zimbalist Sr. (1889-1985) George O'Brien (1900-85) William Randolph Hearst (1863-1951) Hy Peskin (1915-2000) DuBose Heyward (1885-1940) Dorothy Heyward (1890-1961) Ring Lardner Jr. (1915-2000) Charles Howard McIlwain (1871-1968) Alfred Mond, 1st Baron Melchett of Britain (1868-1930) Nellie Kershaw (1891-1924) Frederic Logan Paxson (1877-1948) Alexander Serafimovich (1863-1949) Ada 'Bricktop' Smith (1894-1984) Walter Winchell (1897-1972) Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951) Moritz Schlick (1882-1936) Rudolf Carnap (1891-1970) Kurt Gödel (1906-78) Otto Neurath (1882-1945) Hans Hahn (1879-1934) Herbert Feigl (1902-88) Friedrich Waismann (1896-1959) Alexandra David-Néel (1868-1969) Alexandra David-Néel (1868-1969) Margaret Leech Pulitzer (1893-1974) Max Reinhardt (1873-1943) Louis de Broglie (1892-1987) Clinton Joseph Davisson (1881-1958) and Lester Halbert Germer (1896-1971) Herbert Eugene Ives (1882-1953) Walter Herschel Beech (1891-1950) Clyde Vernon Cessna (1879-1954) Collett E. Woolman (1889-1966) Delta Air Lines Logo Vitezslav Nezval (1900-58) Samantha Bumgarner (1878-1960) Vernon Dalhart (1883-1948) Henry Gerbert (1892-1972) Andre Gide (1869-1951) Paul Eliot Green (1894-1981) Frantisek Halas (1901-49) L.P. Hartley (1895-1972) Samuel Bronfman (1889-1971) Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco (1895-1968) Mark Antony De Wolfe Howe Jr. (1864-1960) Henri de Montherlant (1896-1972) Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, 1924- MCA Records Jules C. Stein (1896-1981) Lew Wasserman (1913-2002) René Crevel (1900-35) George Gershwin (1898-1937) Ira Gershwin (1896-1983) Maxwell Anderson (1888-1959) Laurence Stallings (1894-1968) 'What Price Glory?', 1924 Louis B. Mayer (1884-1957) Marcus Loew (1870-1927) Samuel Goldwyn (1879-1974) MGM Pictures, 1924 Columbia Pictures, 1924 Thomas Harper Ince (1880-1924) Laurence Stallings (1894-1968) Georges Thill (1897-1984) John Gilbert (1895-1936) Lilian Harvey (1906-68) Thit Jensen (1876-1957) Georgia O'Keeffe (1887-1986) Bruce Marshall (1899-1987) Victor McLaglen (1886-1959) Ole Rolvaag (1876-1931) Alfred Stieglitz (1864-1946) Josef Lhévinne (1874-1944) Alexander Brailowsky (1896-1976) 'The Hands of Orlac', 1924 'The Thief of Baghdad', 1924 'The Thief of Baghdad', 1924 British Lt. Col. Mad Jack Churchill (1906-96) Ding Darling (1876-1962) Brian Aherne (1902-86) Brian Aherne (1902-86) Greta Garbo (1905-90) Lita Grey (1908-) Bela Lugosi (1882-1956) 'Greed', 1924 ZaSu Pitts (1894-1963) Harold Lincoln Gray (1894-1968) Little Orphan Annie, 1924-2010 Betty Bronson (1906-71) as Peter Pan, 1924 Sir Michel Balcon (1896-1977) National Barn Dance, 1924-59 National Barn Dance, 1924-59 National Barn Dance, 1924-59 Edgar L. Bill Gene Autry (1907-98) Red Foley (1910-68) The Overstake Sisters Eddie Dean (1907-99) Lulu Belle (1913-99) and Scotty (1908-81) Pat Buttram (1915-94) George Gobel (1919-91) The Williams Brothers The DeZurik Sisters Boston Bruins Logo Boston Garden, 1928 The Hoosier Hot Shots Smiley Burnett (1911-67) Eddie Peabody (1902-70) The Blue Four 'Stormtroops Advancing Under Gas' by Otto Dix (1891-1969), 1924 'Harlequins Carnival' by Joan Miro (1893-1983), 1924-5 'Le Violon de Ingres' by Man Ray (1890-1976), 1924 'Gaberndorf II' by Lyonel Feininger (1871-1956), 1924 Getrude Vanderbilt Whitney (1875-1942) 'The Scout', Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney (1875-1942), 1924 Adi Dassler (1900-78) Rudolf Dassler (1898-1974) Oskar Ursinus (1877-1952) Leica Camera, 1924 Bit-O-Honey, 1924 Queen Mary's Doll House, 1924 Sunnyside Gardens, 1924 Wilhelm-Marx-Haus, 1924 'Big Bush Nude' by Othon Friesz, 1924 Hart Memorial Trophy Frank Nighbor (1893-1966) MG Logo Ellery J. Chun (1909-2000) George Brangier Aloha Shirts Dum Dums, 1924 The Fortune Theatre, 1924 Martin Beck Theatre, 1924 Soldier Field, 1924 Montreal Forum, 1924 Herbert Fleishhacker (1872-1957) Fleishhacker Pool, 1925 Marion Sims Wyeth (1889-1982) Joseph Urban (1872-1933) Mar-a-Lago, 1924-7 Marjorie Merriweather Post (1887-1973) Edward Francis Hutton (1875-1962)

1924 Chinese Year: Rat. Mass immigration to the U.S. stops this year until 1965, allowing the immigrants to assimilate into the melting pot and learn the culture and language, making a unified nation that practically rules the world after WWII; too bad, after Ted Kennedy swindles Congress to open immigration to the non-white pop. of the world, the fix is in to flood the U.S. with people who have no intention of assimilating, neutralizing opposition by calling them racists or by claiming that their ancestors were immigrants, hence the U.S. is a "nation of immigrants", and they have no right to close the gates behind them or to demand assimilation. The U.S. begins iodizing salt to reduce the incidence of goiter, also raising IQs during gestation. On Jan. 1 10-1 Washington and 5-1-2 Navy tie 14-14 in the 1924 Rose Bowl. On Jan. 3 Yucatan gov. (since 1922) Felipe Carrillo Puerto (b. 1874) is assassinated, along with three brothers and eight friends, after which the town of Felipe Carrillo Puerto in Quintana Roo is named after him; meanwhile Alma Reed, who had been planning a Jan. 14 wedding with him in San Fran is out of luck. On Jan. 6 the French Roman Catholic Church is allowed to reoccupy its property under a system of diocesan assocs. In early Jan. a coup in Greece causes king (since 1922) George II to abdicate, and on Jan. 11 Eleutherios Venizelos arrives in Athens from the U.S. and becomes PM again, but tries to get the king reinstated and resigns on Feb. 3, claiming ill health; on Apr. 13 a plebiscite overwhelmingly votes for a Greek repub., which is proclaimed on May 1, with Adm. Paul Koundouriotis (1855-1935) as provisional pres. (until 1929); too bad, the govt. is unstable, and there are six govts. by June of 1925. Communism teaches the Rabbit Lesson? On Jan. 21 (6:50 p.m.) Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov Lenin (b. 1870) dies at age 54 from a 4th stroke (brought on by syphilis?) (his brain had shrunk to 25% normal size?); a triumvirate (troika) of Caligula-reincarnation (gen.-secy. of the CPSU since 1922) Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin (Russ. "iron") (Djugashvili) (1879-1953) of Georgia, Grigori Zinoviev (Hirsch Apfelbaum) (1883-1936) of Ukraine, and Lev Borisovich Kamenev (1883-1936) of Moscow is formed to govern the wild wild Soviet Union, and begins army purges; on Jan. 24 Petrograd (St. Petersburg until 1914) is renamed Leningrad (until 1991); Lenin's birthplace of Simbirsk in SW Russia on the Volga River is renamed Ulyanovsk; on Jan. 27 atheist pharaoh Lenin's well-preserved body is laid in the Lenin Mausoleum in Red Square (the roof makes a great place for an official reviewing stand?); the clock is stopped at guess what, and visitors are not allowed to insult him by putting their hands in their pockets; a statue of him is erected in a park opposite Finland Station in Leningrad, where he first arrived from exile, followed by zillions of others all over the country; his widow Nadezhda Krupskaya is immediately rendered powerless, Stalin calling her a "syphilitic whore", and after she doesn't like the way his body is displayed, she utters the soundbyte "Comrade Lenin may be in need of a new widow", but she is never arrested since she's a sacred red herring; Bolshoi Dom (Big House) in Leningrad near the E end of the Neva River Embankment, where Lenin's brother was once tried for attempting to assassinate Alexander III becomes HQ of the Soviet secret police, and later the HQ for the Red Terror; Stalin's war commissioner Nikolai Vasilyevich Krylenko (1885-1938) sets up the All-Union Chess Section to train Communist youth in chess; meanwhile Zinoviev, Kamenev, and Leon Trotsky (Lev Davidovich Bronstein) (1879-1940) form a conspiracy against Stalin in the neverending reality check story Red Workers' Paradise. On Jan. 22 British PM (since May 22, 1923) Stanley Baldwin resigns after he appeals to the nation to let him renege on his pledge to Bonar Law not to levy protective tarrifs, resulting in a Labor and Liberal majority in the elections, and on Jan. 22 Labour Party leader James Ramsay MacDonald (1866-1937) becomes PM of Britain (until Nov. 4), forming Britain's first Labour govt., which soon jumps the gun and recognizes the False Labour Paradise of the Soviet Union; former Liberal lord chancellor (1912-5) Richard Burdon Haldane, 1st Viscount Haldane (1856-1928) (who was forced to resign after being falsely accused of German sympathies, and switched parties) becomes the "Labour Lord Chancellor", being portrayed in Punch as drinking a mug of beer and smoking a pipe like any working man in a pub.; too bad, in Oct. four days before the 1924 British gen. election the Zinoviev Letter, in which Grigory Zinoviev, hed of the Comintern in Moscow allegedly instructs Britons to provoke a Commie rev. is pub. by the London Foreign Office, bringing down the Labour Party before the paint is dry on Downing St.; it is later claimed to be a dirty trick forgery by Odessa-born "Ace of Spies" Sidney George Reilly (Sigmund Georgevich Rosenblum) (1874-1925); in Nov. the Conservatives handily win the gen. election with 413 seats vs. 150 for Labour and only 40 for the Liberals, and on Nov. 4 Stanley Baldwin becomes PM again (until June 4, 1929); Winston Churchill (1874-1965) smartly switches from the Liberals to the Conservatives, and is rewarded by being made chancellor of the exchequer on Nov. 6 (until June 4, 1929) - just in time for the Stock Market Crash of 1929, because it's all a conspiracy? On Jan. 25-Feb. 5 the I (1st) (First) Winter Olympic Games (originally called "Internat. Winter Sports Week") are held in Chamonix, France, at the foot of Mount Blanc, with 293 participants from 16 nations in eight sports and 16 events; Winter Games are held the same year as the Summer Games until 1992; the first gold medal goes to Charles Jewtraw (1900-96) of the U.S. in 500m speedskating; 11-y.-o. Sonja Henie of Norway comes in last in the ladies' figure skating competition, but takes gold in the next three Winter Olympics; after the judges goof, Anders Haugen (1888-1984) of the U.S. (who really came in 4th) is awarded the bronze medal in ski jumping, becoming the final medal awarded, and it takes 50 years to discover that the real winner should have been Thorleif Haug (1894-1934) of Norway, who won all three Nordic skiing events; in 2006 the IOC retroactively awards medals to the curling teams. On Jan. 26 Wafdist leader Saad Zaghlul (1859-1927) becomes PM #17 of Egypt (until Nov. 24). On Jan. 27 the Treaty of Rome between Italy and Yugoslavia (Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes) is signed in Rome, awarding Fiume and the surrounding district to Italy, while recognizing Yugoslav sovereignty over the small part of Baross in Fiume Harbor, and declaring the Fiume railway station as an internat. frontier station; Italy controls Fiume until 1945. In Jan. after the French govt. refuses to raise taxes and relies on loans from the Bank of France, causing a flight of capital, the franc falls dramatically, creating an economic crisis; on Feb. 8 Pres. Raymond Poincare is given extraordinary powers to handle the crisis, and the franc regains stability on Mar. 10, although the crisis continues until 1926. In Jan. after his son John Hadley Nicanor "Bumby" Hemingway (1923-) is born, Ernest Hemingway and his wife Elizabeth return to Paris, where he hooks up with wealthy Am. expatriate Pauline Marie Pfeiffer (1895-1951) in early 1925, causing his wife to divorce him in Jan. 1927, then in 1933 marry Am. expatriate Paul Scott Mowrer (1887-1971), who in 1929 becomes the first recipient of a Pulitzer Prize awarded for foreign correspondence; meanwhile Hemingway marries Pauline on May 10, 1927 (until Nov. 4, 1940). The U.S. Marines ensur